Generating author description...
Action | Title | Year | Authors |
+ PDF Chat | Factorization of Singular Matrices | 1992 |
A. R. Sourour Kunikyo Tang |
+ PDF Chat | Factorization of singular matrices | 1992 |
A. R. Sourour Kunikyo Tang |
Coauthor | Papers Together |
A. R. Sourour | 2 |
Action | Title | Year | Authors | # of times referenced |
+ | The operator factorization problems | 1989 |
Pei Yuan Wu |
2 |
+ | A factorization theorem for matrices | 1986 |
A. R. Sourour |
2 |
+ | Sums and products of quasi-nilpotent operators | 1984 |
C. K. Fong A. R. Sourour |
2 |
+ PDF Chat | Products of Hermitian Matrices and Symmetries | 1969 |
Heydar Radjavi |
2 |
+ | Products of nilpotent matrices | 1987 |
Pei Yuan Wu |
2 |
+ | Products of positive semidefinite matrices | 1988 |
Pei Yuan Wu |
2 |
+ PDF Chat | Products of hermitian matrices and symmetries | 1969 |
Heydar Radjavi |
1 |
+ | Products of Matrices | 1991 |
Thomas J. Laffey |
1 |
+ PDF Chat | Nilpotent factorization of matrices | 1992 |
A. R. Sourour |
1 |