V. Arroyave


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat First Measurement of $a^0_2(1320)$ Polarized Photoproduction Cross Section 2025 GlueX Collaboration
F. Afzal
C. S. Akondi
M. Albrecht
M. J. Amaryan
S. Arrigo
V. Arroyave
A. Asaturyan
A. Austregesilo
Z. Baldwin
+ PDF Chat An Upper Limit on the Photoproduction Cross Section of the Spin-Exotic $\pi_1(1600)$ 2024 F. Afzal
C. S. Akondi
M. Albrecht
M. J. Amaryan
S. Arrigo
V. Arroyave
A. Asaturyan
A. Austregesilo
Z. Baldwin
F. Barbosa
+ PDF Chat Measurement of Spin-Density Matrix Elements in $\Delta^{++}(1232)$ photoproduction 2024 F. Afzal
C. S. Akondi
M. Albrecht
M. Amaryan
S. Arrigo
V. Arroyave
A. Asaturyan
A. Austregesilo
Z. Baldwin
F. Barbosa
+ PDF Chat Measurement of the <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:mi>J</mml:mi></mml:math> / <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:mi>ψ</mml:mi></mml:math> photoproduction cross section over the full near-threshold kinematic region 2023 S. Adhikari
F. Afzal
C. S. Akondi
M. Albrecht
M. J. Amaryan
V. Arroyave
A. Asaturyan
A. Austregesilo
Z. Baldwin
Fernando Barbosa
+ Measurement of the J/$ψ$ photoproduction cross section over the full near-threshold kinematic region 2023 S. Adhikari
Farheen Afzal
C. S. Akondi
M. Albrecht
M. Amaryan
V. Arroyave
A. Asaturyan
A. Austregesilo
Z. Baldwin
F. Barbosa
+ Measurement of Spin-Density Matrix Elements in $ρ(770)$ Production with a Linearly Polarized Photon Beam at $E_γ= 8.2\,-\,8.8\,\text{GeV}$ 2023 S. Adhikari
F. Afzal
C. S. Akondi
M. Albrecht
M. J. Amaryan
V. Arroyave
A. Asaturyan
A. Austregesilo
Z. Baldwin
F. Barbosa
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat The GlueX beamline and detector 2020 S. Adhikari
C. S. Akondi
H. Al Ghoul
A. B. M. Shawkat Ali
M. J. Amaryan
E.G. Anassontzis
A. Austregesilo
Fernando Barbosa
J. Barlow
A. V. Barnes
+ The Central Drift Chamber for GlueX 2020 N. S. Jarvis
C. A. Meyer
B. Zihlmann
Michael Staib
A. Austregesilo
Fernando Barbosa
C. Dickover
V. Razmyslovich
S. Taylor
Y. Van Haarlem
+ PDF Chat The GlueX Start Counter Detector 2019 E. Pooser
Fernando Barbosa
W. Boeglin
Charles Hutton
M. M. Ito
M. Kamel
P. Khetarpal
Anthony Llodra
N. Sandoval
S. Taylor
+ PDF Chat Construction and performance of the barrel electromagnetic calorimeter for the GlueX experiment 2018 T. D. Beattie
A. M. Foda
C.L. Henschel
S. Katsaganis
S.T. Krueger
G. J. Lolos
Z. Papandreou
E.L. Plummer
I. A. Semenova
A. Yu. Semenov
+ PDF Chat Polarization observables in vector meson photoproduction 1996 M. A. Pichowsky
Çetin Şavklı
Frank Tabakin
+ PDF Chat Two-gluon form factor of the nucleon and<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>J</mml:mi><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:mi>ψ</mml:mi></mml:math>photoproduction 2002 L. Frankfurt
M. Strikman
+ PDF Chat Constraints on vector meson photoproduction spin observables 1999 W. M. Kloet
Frank Tabakin
+ PDF Chat Observation of<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>J</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">/</mml:mo><mml:mi>ψ</mml:mi><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math>Resonances Consistent with Pentaquark States in<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msubsup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">Λ</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>b</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>0</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:… 2015 R. Aaij
B. Adeva
M. Adinolfi
A. A. Affolder
Z. Ajaltouni
S. Akar
J. Albrecht
F. Alessio
M. Alexander
S. Ali
+ PDF Chat Timelike Compton scattering: exclusive photoproduction of lepton pairs 2002 E.R. Berger
Markus Diehl
B. Pire
+ PDF Chat Studying the<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>P</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>c</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mn>4450</mml:mn><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:math>resonance in<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>J</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">/</mml:mo><mml:mi>ψ</mml:mi></mml:math>photoproduction off … 2016 A. N. Hiller Blin
C. Fernández-Ramırez
A. Jackura
V. Mathieu
Viktor Mokeev
A. Pilloni
A.P. Szczepaniak
+ PDF Chat Accessing the real part of the forward<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>J</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">/</mml:mo><mml:mi>ψ</mml:mi><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:math>scattering amplitude from<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>J</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">/</mml:mo><mml:mi>ψ</mml:mi></mml:math>photoproduction on protons around threshold 2016 Oleksii Gryniuk
Marc Vanderhaeghen
+ PDF Chat Design and construction of a high-energy photon polarimeter 2017 M. Dugger
B. G. Ritchie
N. A. Sparks
K. Moriya
Ross Tucker
R.J. Lee
Brianna Thorpe
Todd Hodges
F.J. Barbosa
N. Sandoval
+ PDF Chat Soft-photon corrections to the Bethe-Heitler process in the <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>γ</mml:mi><mml:mi>p</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">→</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mi>l</mml:mi><mml:mo>+</mml:mo></mml:msup><mml:msup><mml:mi>l</mml:mi><mml:mo>−</mml:mo></mml:msup><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:math> reaction 2018 Matthias Heller
Oleksandr Tomalak
Marc Vanderhaeghen
+ PDF Chat Vector meson photoproduction with a linearly polarized beam 2018 V. Mathieu
Jannes Nys
C. Fernández-Ramırez
A. Jackura
A. Pilloni
N. Sherrill
Adam P. Szczepaniak
Geoffrey Fox
+ PDF Chat Holographic <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>J</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">/</mml:mo><mml:mi>ψ</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math> production near threshold and the proton mass problem 2018 Yoshitaka Hatta
Di-Lun Yang
+ PDF Chat Gluon gravitational form factors of the nucleon and the pion from lattice QCD 2019 Phiala E. Shanahan
William Detmold
+ PDF Chat Observation of a Narrow Pentaquark State, <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>P</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>c</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mn>4312</mml:mn><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>+</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:math> , and of the Two-Peak Structure of the <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/… 2019 R. Aaij
C. Abellán Beteta
B. Adeva
M. Adinolfi
C. A. Aidala
Z. Ajaltouni
S. Akar
P. Albicocco
J. Albrecht
F. Alessio
+ PDF Chat Near threshold <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>J</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">/</mml:mo><mml:mi>ψ</mml:mi></mml:math> and <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">ϒ</mml:mi></mml:math> photoproduction at JLab and RHIC 2019 Yoshitaka Hatta
Abha Rajan
Di-Lun Yang
+ PDF Chat First Measurement of Near-Threshold <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>J</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">/</mml:mo><mml:mi>ψ</mml:mi></mml:math> Exclusive Photoproduction off the Proton 2019 A. Ali
M. J. Amaryan
E.G. Anassontzis
A. Austregesilo
M. Baalouch
Fernando Barbosa
J. Barlow
A. V. Barnes
E. Barriga
T. D. Beattie
+ PDF Chat Spin-density matrix elements for vector meson photoproduction at GlueX 2020 A. Austregesilo
+ PDF Chat Diffractive photoproduction of <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>J</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">/</mml:mo><mml:mi>ψ</mml:mi></mml:math> and <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">ϒ</mml:mi></mml:math> using holographic QCD: Gravitational form factors and GPD of gluons in the proton 2020 Kiminad A. Mamo
Ismaïl Zahed
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>J</mml:mi><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:mi>ψ</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mspace width="4pt" /><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:math> scattering length from GlueX threshold measurements 2020 I. I. Strakovsky
D. Epifanov
L. Pentchev
+ PDF Chat Parametrization and applications of the low- <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:msup><mml:mi>Q</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:math> nucleon vector form factors 2020 Kaushik Borah
Richard J. Hill
Gabriel Lee
Oleksandr Tomalak
+ PDF Chat Mass structure of hadrons and light-front sum rules in the <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mmultiscripts><mml:mrow><mml:mi>t</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mprescripts /><mml:none /><mml:mrow><mml:mo>′</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mmultiscripts></mml:mrow></mml:math> Hooft model 2021 Xiangdong Ji
Yizhuang Liu
Ismaïl Zahed
+ PDF Chat Deciphering the mechanism of near-threshold $$J/\psi $$ photoproduction 2020 Meng-Lin Du
V. Baru
Feng-Kun Guo
C. Hanhart
Ulf-G. Meißner
A. V. Nefediev
I. I. Strakovsky
+ PDF Chat Extraction of the proton mass radius from the vector meson photoproductions near thresholds 2021 Rong Wang
Wei Kou
Ya-Ping Xie
Xurong Chen
+ PDF Chat Nucleon mass radii and distribution: Holographic QCD, lattice QCD, and GlueX data 2021 Kiminad A. Mamo
Ismaïl Zahed
+ PDF Chat QCD analysis of near-threshold photon-proton production of heavy quarkonium 2021 Yuxun Guo
Xiangdong Ji
Yizhuang Liu
+ ϕ-meson lepto-production near threshold and the strangeness D-term 2021 Yoshitaka Hatta
M. Strikman
+ PDF Chat Electroproduction of heavy vector mesons using holographic QCD: From near threshold to high energy regimes 2021 Kiminad A. Mamo
Ismaïl Zahed
+ PDF Chat Transition distribution amplitudes and hard exclusive reactions with baryon number transfer 2021 B. Pire
K. Semenov-Tian-Shansky
L. Szymanowski
+ Gluon gravitational form factors at large momentum transfer 2021 Xuan-Bo Tong
Jian-Ping Ma
Feng Yuan
+ PDF Chat Near threshold heavy quarkonium photoproduction at large momentum transfer 2022 Peng Sun
Xuan-Bo Tong
Feng Yuan
+ PDF Chat Photoproduction of hidden charm pentaquark states<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msubsup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>P</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>c</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>+</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msubsup><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mn>4380</mml:mn><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:math>and<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msubsup><mml:mrow… 2015 Qian Wang
Xiao-Hai Liu
Q. Zhao
+ PDF Chat Determining the gluonic gravitational form factors of the proton 2023 B. Duran
Z.-E. Meziani
S. Joosten
M. Jones
S. Prasad
C. Peng
W. Armstrong
H. Atac
E. Chudakov
H. Bhatt
+ PDF Chat Formation of hidden-charm pentaquarks in photon-nucleon collisions 2015 V. Kubarovsky
M. B. Voloshin
+ Photoproduction of exotic baryon resonances 2015 Marek Karliner
Jonathan L. Rosner
+ PDF Chat Exclusive photoproduction of a heavy vector meson in QCD 2004 Dmitry Yu. Ivanov
Andreas Schäfer
L. Szymanowski
G. Krasnikov