Edward W. Frees


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Nonparametric Estimation of Copula Regression Models With Discrete Outcomes 2019 Lu Yang
Edward W. Frees
Zhengjun Zhang
+ Joint Models of Insurance Lapsation and Claims 2018 Edward W. Frees
Catalina Bolancé
Montserrat Guillén
Emiliano A. Valdez
+ Copula Modeling of Multivariate Longitudinal Data with Dropout 2018 Edward W. Frees
Catalina Bolancé
Montserrat Guillén
Emiliano A. Valdez
+ Loss Data Analytics 2018 Edward W. Frees
+ Copula Modeling of Multivariate Longitudinal Data with Dropout 2018 Edward W. Frees
Catalina Bolancé
Montserrat Guillén
Emiliano A. Valdez
+ Loss Data Analytics 2018 Edward W. Frees
+ Regression Models for Data Analysis 2014 Edward W. Frees
+ Longitudinal and Panel Data Models 2014 Edward W. Frees
+ Summarizing Insurance Scores Using a Gini Index 2011 Edward W. Frees
Glenn Meyers
A. David Cummings
+ A generalized beta copula with applications in modeling multivariate long-tailed data 2011 Xipei Yang
Edward W. Frees
Zhengjun Zhang
+ Dependent Multi-Peril Ratemaking Models 2010 Edward W. Frees
Glenn Meyers
A. David Cummings
+ Multiple Linear Regression – I 2009 Edward W. Frees
+ Interpreting Regression Results 2009 Edward W. Frees
+ Multiple Linear Regression – II 2009 Edward W. Frees
+ Fat-Tailed Regression Models 2009 Edward W. Frees
+ Survival Models 2009 Edward W. Frees
+ A multilevel analysis of intercompany claim counts 2009 Katrien Antonio
Edward W. Frees
Emiliano A. Valdez
+ PDF Chat Hierarchical Insurance Claims Modeling 2008 Edward W. Frees
Emiliano A. Valdez
+ Heavy-tailed longitudinal data modeling using copulas 2007 Jiafeng Sun
Edward W. Frees
Marjorie A. Rosenberg
+ Multilevel Modeling with Correlated Effects 2007 Jee‐Seon Kim
Edward W. Frees
+ Omitted Variables in Multilevel Models 2006 Jee‐Seon Kim
Edward W. Frees
+ “Toward a Unified Approach to Fitting Loss Models”, Stuart Klugman and Jacques Rioux, January 2006 2006 Jiafeng Sun
Edward W. Frees
Marjorie A. Rosenberg
+ Multilevel Model Prediction 2006 Edward W. Frees
Jee‐Seon Kim
+ Copula credibility for aggregate loss models 2005 Edward W. Frees
Ping Wang
+ Credibility Using Copulas 2005 Edward W. Frees
Ping Wang
+ Regression Models for Data Analysis 2004 Edward W. Frees
+ Empirical Standard Errors for Longitudinal Data Mixed Linear Models 2004 Edward W. Frees
Chunfang Jin
+ Credibility ratemaking using collateral information 2004 Yu Luo
Virginia R. Young
Edward W. Frees
+ Prediction and Bayesian Inference 2004 Edward W. Frees
+ Likelihood-Based Inference 2004 Edward W. Frees
+ Categorical Dependent Variables and Survival Models 2004 Edward W. Frees
+ Binary Dependent Variables 2004 Edward W. Frees
+ Dynamic Models 2004 Edward W. Frees
+ Multilevel Models 2004 Edward W. Frees
+ Stochastic Regressors 2004 Edward W. Frees
+ Models with Random Effects 2004 Edward W. Frees
+ Normal Distribution 2004 Edward W. Frees
+ Elements of Matrix Algebra 2004 Edward W. Frees
+ Generalized Linear Models 2004 Edward W. Frees
+ Modeling Issues 2004 Edward W. Frees
+ Fixed-Effects Models 2004 Edward W. Frees
+ Omitted variables in longitudinal data models 2001 Edward W. Frees
+ A longitudinal data analysis interpretation of credibility models 1999 Edward W. Frees
Virginia R. Young
Yu Luo
+ Influence Diagnostics for Linear Longitudinal Models 1997 Mousumi Banerjee
Edward W. Frees
+ Influence Diagnostics for Linear Longitudinal Models 1997 Mousumi Banerjee
Edward W. Frees
+ Semiparametric estimation of warranty costs 1995 Edward W. Frees
+ Estimating Densities of Functions of Observations 1994 Edward W. Frees
+ Trimmed slope estimates for simple linear regression 1991 Edward W. Frees
+ Estimation following a Sequentially Designed Experiment 1990 Edward W. Frees
David Ruppert
+ Estimation Following a Sequentially Designed Experiment 1990 Edward W. Frees
David Ruppert
+ Insurance Pricing Using Time Series Regression 1990 Edward W. Frees
Raja P. Velu
+ Infinite Order U-statistics 1989 Edward W. Frees
+ Approximating Expected Warranty Costs 1988 Edward W. Frees
Seong‐Hyun Nam
+ PDF Chat Correction: Nonparametric Renewal Function Estimation 1988 Edward W. Frees
+ Estimating the Cost of a Warranty 1988 Edward W. Frees
+ Nonparametric Estimation of the Probability of Discovering a New Species 1987 Murray K. Clayton
Edward W. Frees
+ Nonparametric Estimation of the Probability of Discovering a New Species 1987 Murray K. Clayton
Edward W. Frees
+ PDF Chat Nonparametric Renewal Function Estimation 1986 Edward W. Frees
+ PDF Chat Nonparametric Estimation of Probability of Ruin 1986 Edward W. Frees
+ Warranty analysis and renewal function estimation 1986 Edward W. Frees
+ PDF Chat Nonparametric Estimation of the Probability of Ruin 1986 Edward W. Frees
+ Optimizing costs of age replacement policies 1986 Edward W. Frees
+ PDF Chat Sequential Nonparametric Age Replacement Policies 1985 Edward W. Frees
David Ruppert
+ Wear convergence of stochastic approximation processes with random indices 1985 Edward W. Frees
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A longitudinal data analysis interpretation of credibility models 1999 Edward W. Frees
Virginia R. Young
Yu Luo
+ Transformation and Weighting in Regression 1988 Raymond J. Carroll
David Ruppert
+ PDF Chat Specification Tests in Econometrics 1978 Jerry A. Hausman
+ Using SAS PROC MIXED to Fit Multilevel Models, Hierarchical Models, and Individual Growth Models 1998 J. David Singer
+ Analysis of Longitudinal Data with Unmeasured Confounders 1991 Mari Palta
Tzy‐Jyun Yao
+ A Heteroskedasticity-Consistent Covariance Matrix Estimator and a Direct Test for Heteroskedasticity 1980 Halbert White
+ Linear Models for the Analysis of Longitudinal Studies 1985 James H. Ware
+ Omitted variables in longitudinal data models 2001 Edward W. Frees
+ Best Linear Unbiased Prediction in the Generalized Linear Regression Model 1962 Arthur S. Goldberger
+ PDF Chat That BLUP is a Good Thing: The Estimation of Random Effects 1991 G. K. Robinson
+ Unbalanced Repeated-Measures Models with Structured Covariance Matrices 1986 Robert I. Jennrich
Mark Schluchter
+ Small Sample Inference for Fixed Effects from Restricted Maximum Likelihood 1997 Michael G. Kenward
James Roger
+ Computing Gaussian Likelihoods and Their Derivatives for General Linear Mixed Models 1994 Russ Wolfinger
Randy Tobias
John Sall
+ Testing for omitted variables and non‐linearity in regression models for longitudinal data 1994 Mari Palta
Tzy‐Jyun Yao
Raja P. Velu
+ Bayesian inference for variance components using only error contrasts 1974 David A. Harville
+ The Lagrange Multiplier Test and its Applications to Model Specification in Econometrics 1980 Trevor Breusch
A. R. Pagan
+ Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) Estimation of Variance Components in the Mixed Model 1976 R. R. Corbeil
S. R. Searle
+ PDF Chat Pseudo Maximum Likelihood Methods: Theory 1984 Christian Gouriéroux
Alain Monfort
Alain Trognon
+ Models with Variable Coefficients: Integration and Extension 1978 Mundlak
+ PDF Chat A Comparison of Variance Component Estimators 1976 R. R. Corbeil
S. R. Searle
+ Maximum Likelihood Approaches to Variance Component Estimation and to Related Problems 1977 David A. Harville
+ Empirical Bayes credibility 1980 Ragnar Norberg
+ PDF Chat Specification Tests Based on Artificial Regressions 1990 Russell Davidson
James G. MacKinnon
+ PDF Chat Credibility Models with Time-Varying Trend Components 1991 Johannes Ledolter
Stuart A. Klugman
Chang‐Soo Lee
+ Longitudinal data analysis using generalized linear models 1986 Kung‐Yee Liang
Scott L. Zeger
+ Influence Diagnostics for Linear Longitudinal Models 1997 Mousumi Banerjee
Edward W. Frees
+ Minimum Variance Quadratic Unbiased Estimation (MIVQUE) of Variance Components 1978 William H. Swallow
S. R. Searle
+ Longitudinal Data Analysis for Discrete and Continuous Outcomes 1986 Scott L. Zeger
Kung‐Yee Liang
+ A generalized multivariate analysis of variance model useful especially for growth curve problems 1964 Richard F. Potthoff
Sasanka Roy
+ PDF Chat Extension of the Gauss-Markov Theorem to Include the Estimation of Random Effects 1976 David A. Harville
+ Random-Effects Models for Longitudinal Data 1982 Nan M. Laird
James H. Ware
+ Error Components and Seemingly Unrelated Regressions 1977 Robert B. Avery
+ Applied Bayesian Modelling 2003 Peter Congdon
+ Random Effects Probit and Logistic Regression Models for Three-Level Data 1997 Robert D. Gibbons
Donald Hedeker
+ Robust Large-Sample Tests for Homogeneity of Variances 1973 M. W. J. Layard
+ Credibility ratemaking using collateral information 2004 Yu Luo
Virginia R. Young
Edward W. Frees
+ Modeling the Drop-Out Mechanism in Repeated-Measures Studies 1995 Roderick J. A. Little
+ Generalized Linear Models with Random Effects; a Gibbs Sampling Approach 1991 Scott L. Zeger
Mohammad Rezaul Karim
+ PDF Chat Small Area Estimation: An Appraisal 1994 Malay Ghosh
J. N. K. Rao
+ PDF Chat An introduction to hierarchical linear modelling 1999 Lisa Sullivan
Kimberly A. Dukes
Elena Losina
+ Bias Correction in Generalized Linear Mixed Models with Multiple Components of Dispersion 1996 Xihong Lin
Norman E. Breslow
+ Asymptotic Properties of Maximum Likelihood Estimators and Likelihood Ratio Tests under Nonstandard Conditions 1987 Steven G. Self
Kung‐Yee Liang
+ PDF Chat Prediction of Future Observations in Growth Curve Models 1987 C. Radhakrishna Rao
+ PDF Chat Bayesian Inference for Causal Effects: The Role of Randomization 1978 Donald B. Rubin
+ Estimation and Prediction in a Multivariate Random Effects Generalized Linear Model 1984 Gregory C. Reinsel
+ Reml and best linear unbiased prediction in state space models 1994 John Tsimikas
Johnnes Ledolter
+ The Use of Error Components Models in Combining Cross Section with Time Series Data 1969 T. D. Wallace
Ashiq Hussain
+ Multivariate Repeated-Measurement or Growth Curve Models with Multivariate Random-Effects Covariance Structure 1982 G. C. Reinsel
+ Models for Longitudinal Data: A Generalized Estimating Equation Approach 1988 Scott L. Zeger
Kung‐Yee Liang
Paul S. Albert
+ Analysis of Repeated Categorical Measurements with Conditional Likelihood Methods 1989 Mark R. Conaway