Tran Nhan Tam Quyen


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Correction to: Convergence Analysis of a Crank–Nicolson Galerkin Method for an Inverse Source Problem for Parabolic Equations with Boundary Observations 2020 Ðinh Nho Hào
Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
Nguyen Thanh Son
+ PDF Chat Convergence Analysis of a Crank–Nicolson Galerkin Method for an Inverse Source Problem for Parabolic Equations with Boundary Observations 2020 Ðinh Nho Hào
Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
Nguyen Thanh Son
+ Determining two coefficients in diffuse optical tomography with incomplete and noisy Cauchy data 2020 Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
+ Multiple coefficient identification in electrical impedance tomography with energy functional method 2019 Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
+ Determining two coefficients in diffuse optical tomography with incomplete and noisy Cauchy data 2019 Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
+ Convergence analysis and a posteriori error estimates of reduced order solutions for optimal control problem of parameterized Maxwell system 2019 Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
+ Optimal Control of Parameterized Maxwell's System: Reduced Basis, Convergence Analysis, and A Posteriori Error Estimates 2019 Harbir Antil
Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
+ PDF Chat Finite element approximation of source term identification with TV-regularization 2019 Michael Hinze
Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
+ PDF Chat Finite element analysis for identifying the reaction coefficient in PDE from boundary observations 2019 Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
+ Convergence analysis of a Crank-Nicolson Galerkin method for an inverse source problem for parabolic equations with boundary observations 2019 Ðinh Nho Hào
Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
Nguyen Thanh Son
+ PDF Chat A Regularization Approach for an Inverse Source Problem in Elliptic Systems from Single Cauchy Data 2019 Michael Hinze
Bernd Hofmann
Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
+ Finite element analysis for identifying the reaction coefficient in PDE from boundary observations. 2019 Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
+ PDF Chat A reaction coefficient identification problem for fractional diffusion 2019 Enrique Otárola
Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
+ Optimal Control of Parameterized Maxwell's System: Reduced Basis, Convergence Analysis, and A Posteriori Error Estimates 2019 Harbir Antil
Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
+ Convergence analysis of a Crank-Nicolson Galerkin method for an inverse source problem for parabolic equations with boundary observations 2019 Ðinh Nho Hào
Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
Nguyen Thanh Son
+ Finite element analysis for identifying the reaction coefficient in PDE from boundary observations 2019 Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
+ Determining two coefficients in diffuse optical tomography with incomplete and noisy Cauchy data 2019 Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
+ PDF Chat Variational method for multiple parameter identification in elliptic PDEs 2018 Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
+ PDF Chat Identifying conductivity in electrical impedance tomography with total variation regularization 2017 Michael Hinze
Barbara Kaltenbacher
Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
+ Variational method for multiple parameter identification in elliptic PDEs 2017 Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
+ A regularization approach for an inverse source problem in elliptic systems from single Cauchy data 2017 Michael Hinze
Bernd Hofmann
Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
+ A regularization approach for an inverse source problem in elliptic systems from single Cauchy data 2017 Michael Hinze
Bernd Hofmann
Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
+ Variational method for multiple parameter identification in elliptic PDEs 2017 Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
+ Identifying conductivity in electrical impedance tomography with total variation regularization 2016 Michael Hinze
Barbara Kaltenbacher
Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
+ PDF Chat Matrix coefficient identification in an elliptic equation with the convex energy functional method 2016 Michael Hinze
Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
+ Identifying conductivity in electrical impedance tomography with total variation regularization 2016 Michael Hinze
Barbara Kaltenbacher
Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
+ Matrix Coefficient Identification in an Elliptic Equation 2015 Michael Hinze
Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
+ Matrix Coefficient Identification in an Elliptic Equation with the Convex Energy Functional Method 2015 Michael Hinze
Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
+ Finite element methods for coefficient identification in an elliptic equation 2013 Ðinh Nho Hào
Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
+ Convergence rates for total variation regularization of coefficient identification problems in elliptic equations II 2011 Ðinh Nho Hào
Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
+ Convergence rates for Tikhonov regularization of a two-coefficient identification problem in an elliptic boundary value problem 2011 Ðinh Nho Hào
Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
+ Convergence rates for total variation regularization of coefficient identification problems in elliptic equations I 2011 Ðinh Nho Hào
Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
+ Convergence rates for Tikhonov regularization of coefficient identification problems in Laplace-type equations 2010 Ðinh Nho Hào
Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Regularization of Inverse Problems 1996 Heinz W. Engl
Martin Hanke
Andreas B. Neubauer
+ Iterative Methods for Optimization 1999 C. T. Kelley
+ Elliptic Differential Equations and Obstacle Problems 1987 Giovanni Maria Troianiello
+ PDF Chat A variational method for parameter identification 1988 Robert V. Kohn
Bruce D. Lowe
+ Nonlinear Least Squares for Inverse Problems: Theoretical Foundations and Step-by-Step Guide for Applications 2009 Guy Chavent
+ PDF Chat A Variational Discretization Concept in Control Constrained Optimization: The Linear-Quadratic Case 2005 Michael Hinze
+ PDF Chat Identifying conductivity in electrical impedance tomography with total variation regularization 2017 Michael Hinze
Barbara Kaltenbacher
Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
+ Determining conductivity by boundary measurements 1984 Robert V. Kohn
Michael Vogelius
+ PDF Chat Error estimates for the numerical identification of a variable coefficient 1983 Richard S. Falk
+ Convergence rates for Tikhonov regularization of coefficient identification problems in Laplace-type equations 2010 Ðinh Nho Hào
Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
+ Convergence rates for Tikhonov regularisation of non-linear ill-posed problems 1989 Heinz W. Engl
Karl Kunisch
Andreas B. Neubauer
+ An Augmented Lagrangian Method for Identifying Discontinuous Parameters in Elliptic Systems 1999 Zhiming Chen
Jun Zou
+ Inverse Problem Theory and Methods for Model Parameter Estimation 2005 Albert Tarantola
+ Level set and total variation regularization for elliptic inverse problems with discontinuous coefficients 2003 Tony F. Chan
Xue–Cheng Tai
+ PDF Chat Variational method for multiple parameter identification in elliptic PDEs 2018 Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
+ Convergence rates for Tikhonov regularization of a two-coefficient identification problem in an elliptic boundary value problem 2011 Ðinh Nho Hào
Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
+ Convergence rates for total variation regularization of coefficient identification problems in elliptic equations I 2011 Ðinh Nho Hào
Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
+ Numerical methods for elliptic inverse problems 1998 Jun Zou
+ The Boundary Value Problems of Mathematical Physics 1985 O. A. Ladyzhenskaya
+ PDF Chat Regularization of linear least squares problems by total bounded variation 1997 Guy Chavent
Karl Kunisch
+ An Inverse Problem for the Steady State Diffusion Equation 1981 Gerard R. Richter
+ Relaxation of a variational method for impedance computed tomography 1987 Robert V. Kohn
Michael Vogelius
+ Error estimates for non-quadratic regularization and the relation to enhancement 2006 Elena Resmerita
Otmar Scherzer
+ Convergence rates for total variation regularization of coefficient identification problems in elliptic equations II 2011 Ðinh Nho Hào
Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
+ Uniqueness for an Elliptic Inverse Problem 1999 Ian Knowles
+ Elliptic Problems in Nonsmooth Domains 2011 Pierre Grisvard
+ PDF Chat An Efficient Linear Solver for Nonlinear Parameter Identification Problems 2001 Yee Lo Keung
Jun Zou
+ Inverse Source Problems 1990 Victor Isakov
+ PDF Chat Calderón’s inverse conductivity problem in the plane 2006 Kari Astala
Lassi Païvärinta
+ PDF Chat The Output Least Squares Identifiability of the Diffusion Coefficient from an H<sup>1</sup>–Observation in a 2–D Elliptic Equation 2002 Guy Chavent
Karl Kunisch
+ PDF Chat Identification of Discontinuous Coefficients in Elliptic Problems Using Total Variation Regularization 2003 Tony F. Chan
Xue–Cheng Tai
+ Identifiability and stability of a two-parameter estimation problem<sup>1</sup> 1991 Johann Baumeister
Karl Kunisch
+ Convergence and error analysis of a numerical method for the identification of matrix parameters in elliptic PDEs 2012 Klaus Deckelnick
Michael Hinze
+ PDF Chat An identification problem for an elliptic equation in two variables 1986 Giovanni Alessandrini
+ PDF Chat A Regularization Approach for an Inverse Source Problem in Elliptic Systems from Single Cauchy Data 2019 Michael Hinze
Bernd Hofmann
Tran Nhan Tam Quyen
+ Parameter identification for elliptic problems 2001 Ian Knowles
+ A variational method for numerical differentiation 1995 Ian Knowles
Robert W. Wallace
+ A variational algorithm for electrical impedance tomography 1998 Ian Knowles
+ PDF Chat Numerical Reconstruction of Heat Fluxes 2005 Jianli Xie
Jun Zou
+ Uniqueness in the Inverse Conductivity Problem for Conductivities with 3/2 Derivatives in L p , p &gt; 2 n 2003 R. M. Brown
Rodolfo H. Torres
+ Electrical impedance tomography and Calderón's problem 2009 Günther Uhlmann
+ Electrical impedance tomography 2002 Liliana Borcea
+ Numerical implementation of a variational method for electrical impedance tomography 1990 Robert V. Kohn
A. McKenney
+ Tikhonov regularization of nonlinear III-posed problems in hilbert scales 1992 Andreas B. Neubauer
+ The relaxation method of finding the common point of convex sets and its application to the solution of problems in convex programming 1967 L.M. Bregman
+ Identification of the Coefficient in Elliptic Equations 1993 Robert Acar
+ A saddle point variational formulation for projection-regularized parameter identification 2002 Barbara Kaltenbacher
Joachim Schöberl
+ PDF Chat Analysis of an Adaptive Finite Element Method for Recovering the Robin Coefficient 2015 Yifeng Xu
Jun Zou
+ Electrical Impedance Tomography 1999 Margaret Cheney
David Isaacson
J.C. Newell
+ Convergence rates of convex variational regularization 2004 Martin Burger
Stanley Osher