Ayaz Hyder


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Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Synchrony, Waves, and Spatial Hierarchies in the Spread of Influenza 2006 Cécile Viboud
Ottar N. Bjørnstad
David L. Smith
Lone Simonsen
Mark A. Miller
Bryan T. Grenfell
+ Nowcasting the Number of New Symptomatic Cases During Infectious Disease Outbreaks Using Constrained P-spline Smoothing 2019 Jan van de Kassteele
Paul H.C. Eilers
Jacco Wallinga
+ PDF Chat Nowcasting and forecasting the potential domestic and international spread of the 2019-nCoV outbreak originating in Wuhan, China: a modelling study 2020 Joseph T. Wu
Kathy Leung
GM Leung
+ PDF Chat Nowcasting by Bayesian Smoothing: A flexible, generalizable model for real-time epidemic tracking 2020 Sarah F. McGough
Michael A. Johansson
Marc Lipsitch
Nicolas A. Menzies
+ PDF Chat Programming With Models: Writing Statistical Algorithms for General Model Structures With NIMBLE 2016 Perry de Valpine
Daniel Turek
Christopher J. Paciorek
Clifford Anderson-Bergman
Duncan Temple Lang
Rastislav Bodík
+ PDF Chat The emergence of SARS-CoV-2 in Europe and North America 2020 Michael Worobey
Jonathan E. Pekar
Brendan B. Larsen
Martha I. Nelson
Verity Hill
Jeffrey B. Joy
Andrew Rambaut
Marc A. Suchard
Joel O. Wertheim
Philippe Lemey
+ PDF Chat Using influenza-like illness data to reconstruct an influenza outbreak 2007 Philip C. Cooley
L. Ganapathi
George S. Ghneim
Scott D. Holmberg
William Wheaton
Craig R. Hollingsworth
+ Inferring causal impact using Bayesian structural time-series models 2015 Kay H. Brodersen
Fabian Gallusser
Jim Koehler
Nicolas Rémy
Steven L. Scott
+ Adjustments for reporting delays and the prediction of occurred but not reported events 1994 Jerald F. Lawless
+ PDF Chat Spatial Dynamics of Pandemic Influenza in a Massive Artificial Society 2007 Phillip D. Stroud
Sara Y. Del Valle
Stephen J. Sydoriak
Jane M. Riese
Susan M. Mniszewski
+ PDF Chat Strategies for containing an emerging influenza pandemic in Southeast Asia 2005 Neil M. Ferguson
Derek A. T. Cummings
Simon Cauchemez
Christophe Fraser
Steven Riley
Aronrag Meeyai
Sopon Iamsirithaworn
Donald S. Burke
+ PDF Chat Bayesian spatiotemporal modeling with sliding windows to correct reporting delays for real-time dengue surveillance in Thailand 2020 Chawarat Rotejanaprasert
Nattwut Ekapirat
Darin Areechokchai
Richard J. Maude
+ Inference Based on Retrospective Ascertainment: An Analysis of the Data on Transfusion-Related AIDS 1989 John D. Kalbfleisch
Jerald F. Lawless
+ PDF Chat Mitigation Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Italy: An Individual Based Model Considering Different Scenarios 2008 Marta Luisa Ciofi degli Atti
Stefano Merler
Caterina Rizzo
Marco Ajelli
Marco Massari
Piero Manfredi
Cesare Furlanello
Gianpaolo Scalia Tomba
Mimmo Iannelli
+ PDF Chat Combining Search, Social Media, and Traditional Data Sources to Improve Influenza Surveillance 2015 Mauricio Santillana
André T. Nguyen
Mark Dredze
Michael J. Paul
Elaine O. Nsoesie
John S. Brownstein
+ PDF Chat Geodemographics profiling of influenza A and B virus infections in community neighborhoods in Japan 2011 Yoshinari Kimura
Reiko Saito
Yoshiki Tsujimoto
Yasuhiko Ono
Tomoki Nakaya
Yugo Shobugawa
Asami Sasaki
Taeko Oguma
Hiroshi Suzuki
+ PDF Chat Real-Time Epidemic Monitoring and Forecasting of H1N1-2009 Using Influenza-Like Illness from General Practice and Family Doctor Clinics in Singapore 2010 Jimmy Boon Som Ong
Mark Chen
Alex R. Cook
Huey Chyi Lee
Vernon J. Lee
Raymond Tzer Pin Lin
Paul Anantharajah Tambyah
Lee Gan Goh
+ PDF Chat Perspectives on the basic reproductive ratio 2005 Jane M. Heffernan
Robert J. Smith
Lindi M. Wahl
+ PDF Chat Estimate of Novel Influenza A/H1N1 cases in Mexico at the early stage of the pandemic with a spatially structured epidemic model 2009 Vittoria Colizza
Alessandro Vespignani
Nicola Perra
Chiara Poletto
Bruno Gonçalves
Hao Hu
Duygu Balcan
Daniela Paolotti
Wouter Van den Broeck
Michele Tizzoni
+ Large-Scale Spatial-Transmission Models of Infectious Disease 2007 Steven Riley
+ Statistical methods for short‐term projections of AIDS incidence 1989 Ron Brookmeyer
Anne M. Damiano
+ PDF Chat Modelling an influenza pandemic: A guide for the perplexed 2009 David N. Fisman
+ Spatial–temporal transmission of influenza and its health risks in an urbanized area 2010 Liang Mao
Ling Bian
+ Multiscale mobility networks and the spatial spreading of infectious diseases 2009 Duygu Balcan
Vittoria Colizza
Bruno Gonçalves
Hao Hu
José J. Ramasco
Alessandro Vespignani
+ PDF Chat Predictive Validation of an Influenza Spread Model 2013 Ayaz Hyder
David L. Buckeridge
Brian Leung
+ Social and economic impact of school closure resulting from pandemic influenza A/H1N1 2011 Wan‐Chin Chen
Angela S. Huang
Jen-Hsiang Chuang
Chen-Chung Chiu
Hsu‐Sung Kuo
+ PDF Chat Virtual epidemic in a virtual city: simulating the spread of influenza in a US metropolitan area 2008 Bruce Y. Lee
Virginia L. Bedford
Mark S. Roberts
Kathleen M. Carley
+ PDF Chat Models cannot predict future outbreaks: A/H1N1 virus, the paradigm 2010 Antoine Nougairède
Rémi N. Charrel
Didier Raoult
+ The Effective Reproduction Number as a Prelude to Statistical Estimation of Time-Dependent Epidemic Trends 2009 Hiroshi Nishiura
Gerardo Chowell
+ PDF Chat The Modeling of Global Epidemics: Stochastic Dynamics and Predictability 2006 Vittoria Colizza
Alain Barrat
Marc Barthélemy
Alessandro Vespignani
+ PDF Chat Socio-Economic Disparities in the Burden of Seasonal Influenza: The Effect of Social and Material Deprivation on Rates of Influenza Infection 2011 Katia Charland
John S. Brownstein
Aman Verma
Stephanie Brien
David L. Buckeridge
+ PDF Chat The Transmissibility and Control of Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) Virus 2009 Yang Yang
Jonathan D. Sugimoto
M. Elizabeth Halloran
Nicole E. Basta
Dennis L. Chao
Laura Matrajt
Gail E. Potter
Eben Kenah
Ira M. Longini
+ PDF Chat Immuno-epidemiology of a population structured by immune status: a mathematical study of waning immunity and immune system boosting 2015 Maria Vittoria Barbarossa
Gergely Röst
+ The annual impact of seasonal influenza in the US: Measuring disease burden and costs 2007 Noelle‐Angelique Molinari
Ismael R. Ortega‐Sanchez
Mark L. Messonnier
W. Thompson
Pascale Wortley
Eric Weintraub
Carolyn B. Bridges
+ PDF Chat Mitigation Strategies for Pandemic Influenza A: Balancing Conflicting Policy Objectives 2011 T. Déirdre Hollingsworth
Don Klinkenberg
Hans Heesterbeek
Roy M. Anderson
+ A note on generation times in epidemic models 2006 Åke Svensson
+ PDF Chat Modelling disease outbreaks in realistic urban social networks 2004 Stephen Eubank
Hasan Güçlü
V. S. Anil Kumar
Madhav Marathe
Aravind Srinivasan
Zoltán Toroczkai
Nan Wang
+ PDF Chat Real-time epidemic forecasting for pandemic influenza 2006 Ian Hall
Raymond Gani
Helen E. Hughes
Stephen Leach
+ PDF Chat Strategies for mitigating an influenza pandemic 2006 Neil M. Ferguson
Derek A. T. Cummings
Christophe Fraser
James Cajka
Philip C. Cooley
Donald S. Burke
+ Epidemic modeling in metapopulation systems with heterogeneous coupling pattern: Theory and simulations 2007 Vittoria Colizza
Alessandro Vespignani
+ PDF Chat Seasonal Synchronization of Influenza in the United States Older Adult Population 2010 Julia Wenger
Elena N. Naumova
+ PDF Chat Networks and epidemic models 2005 Matt J. Keeling
Ken Eames
+ Modeling the Spread of Annual Influenza Epidemics in the U.S.: The Potential Role of Air Travel 2004 Rebecca F. Grais
J. Hugh Ellis
Andrew J. Kress
Gregory E. Glass
+ Estimation of the reproductive number and the serial interval in early phase of the 2009 influenza A/H1N1 pandemic in the USA 2009 Laura F. White
Jacco Wallinga
Lyn Finelli
Carrie Reed
Steven Riley
Marc Lipsitch
Michele Pagano
+ PDF Chat Potential for a global dynamic of Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Antoine Flahault
Elisabeta Vergu
Piérre-Yves Boëlle
+ PDF Chat Predicting the Epidemic Sizes of Influenza A/H1N1, A/H3N2, and B: A Statistical Method 2011 Edward Goldstein
Sarah Cobey
Saki Takahashi
Joel C. Miller
Marc Lipsitch
+ PDF Chat Transmission Dynamics of the Etiological Agent of SARS in Hong Kong: Impact of Public Health Interventions 2003 Steven Riley
Christophe Fraser
Christl A. Donnelly
Azra C. Ghani
Laith J. Abu‐Raddad
Anthony J. Hedley
GM Leung
TH Lam
TQ Thach
+ PDF Chat Studies Needed to Address Public Health Challenges of the 2009 H1N1 Influenza Pandemic: Insights from Modeling 2010 Maria D. Van Kerkhove
Tommi Asikainen
Niels G. Becker
Steven Bjorge
J C Desenclos
Thaís dos Santos
Christophe Fraser
GM Leung
Marc Lipsitch
Ira M. Longini
+ Economic and social impact of influenza mitigation strategies by demographic class 2010 Chris Barrett
Keith Bisset
Jonathan P. Leidig
Achla Marathe
Madhav Marathe
+ A spatial analysis of the determinants of pneumonia and influenza hospitalizations in Ontario (1992–2001) 2007 Eric Crighton
Susan J. Elliott
Rahim Moineddin
Pavlos Kanaroglou
Ross Upshur