Tristan Roy


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Global dynamics above the ground state energy for the energy-critical Klein-Gordon equation 2024 Tristan Roy
+ The blow-up rate for a loglog non-scaling invariant semilinear wave equation 2023 Tristan Roy
Hatem Zaag
+ The blow-up rate for a loglog non-scaling invariant semilinear wave equation 2023 Tristan Roy
Hatem Zaag
+ PDF Chat Scattering above energy norm of a focusing size-dependent log energy-supercritical Schrödinger equation with radial data below ground state 2022 Tristan Roy
+ PDF Chat Local well-posedness and parabolic smoothing of solutions of fully nonlinear third-order equations on the torus 2022 Tristan Roy
+ PDF Chat Global Existence of Solutions of a Loglog Energy-Supercritical Klein–Gordon Equation 2022 Tristan Roy
+ Global Dynamics Above The Ground State Energy For The Energy-Critical Klein-Gordon Equation 2022 Tristan Roy
+ Local well-posedness and parabolic smoothing of solutions of fully nonlinear third-order equations on the torus 2021 Tristan Roy
+ Global existence of solutions of a loglog energy-supercritical Klein-Gordon equation 2021 Tristan Roy
+ PDF Chat On Jensen-type Inequalities for Nonsmooth Radial Scattering Solutions of a Loglog Energy-Supercritical Schrödinger Equation 2018 Tristan Roy
+ Corrigendum to “Scattering above energy norm of solutions of a loglog energy-supercritical Schrödinger equation with radial data” 2018 Tristan Roy
+ On Jensen-type inequalities for unbounded radial scattering solutions of a loglog energy-supercritical Schrodinger equation 2017 Tristan Roy
+ PDF Chat A weak form of the soliton resolution conjecture for high-dimensional fourth-order Schrödinger equations 2017 Tristan Roy
+ Scattering above energy norm of solutions of a focusing logloglog energy-supercritical Schrodinger equation with radial data below ground state 2017 Tristan Roy
+ Blow-up of the critical Sobolev norm for nonscattering radial solutions of supercritical wave equations on R^3 2017 Thomas Duyckaerts
Tristan Roy
+ Scattering above energy norm of a focusing size-dependent log energy-supercritical Schrodinger equation with radial data below ground state 2017 Tristan Roy
+ On Jensen-type inequalities for nonsmooth radial scattering solutions of a loglog energy-supercritical Schrodinger equation 2017 Tristan Roy
+ PDF Global dynamics above the ground state for the energy-critical Schrödinger equation with radial data 2016 Kenji Nakanishi
Tristan Roy
+ On the interpolation with the potential bound for global solutions of the defocusing cubic wave equation on <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">T</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> 2016 Tristan Roy
+ PDF Chat Scattering of rough solutions of the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations in 3D 2016 Soonsik Kwon
Tristan Roy
+ A weak form of the soliton resolution conjecture for high-dimensional fourth-order Schrodinger equations 2015 Tristan Roy
+ Blow-up of the critical Sobolev norm for nonscattering radial solutions of supercritical wave equations on $\mathbb{R}^{3}$ 2015 Thomas Duyckaerts
Tristan Roy
+ Global dynamics above the ground state for the energy-critical Schrodinger equation with radial data 2015 Kenji Nakanishi
Tristan Roy
+ A weak form of the soliton resolution conjecture for high-dimensional fourth-order Schrodinger equations 2015 Tristan Roy
+ On the interpolation with the potential bound for global solutions of the defocusing cubic wave equation on T2 2014 Tristan Roy
+ On the interpolation with the potential bound for global solutions of the defocusing cubic wave equation on T2 2014 Tristan Roy
+ On control of Sobolev norms for some semilinear wave equations with localized data 2013 Tristan Roy
+ On control of Sobolev norms for some semilinear wave equations with localized data (Harmonic Analysis and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations) 2013 Tristan Roy
+ On Control Of Sobolev Norms Of Solutions Of Some Semilinear Wave Equations With Localized Data 2012 Tristan Roy
+ PDF A remark on barely<i>ážą</i><sup><i>s</i><sub>p</sub></sup>-supercritical wave equations 2012 Tristan Roy
+ On Control Of Sobolev Norms For Some Semilinear Wave Equations With Localized Data 2012 Tristan Roy
+ Bilinear local smoothing estimate for Airy equation 2012 Soonsik Kwon
Tristan Roy
+ PDF Bilinear local smoothing estimate for Airy equation 2012 Soonsik Kwon
Tristan Roy
+ On Control Of Sobolev Norms For Some Semilinear Wave Equations With Localized Data 2012 Tristan Roy
+ PDF Global well-posedness of the Maxwell-Klein-Gordon equation below the energy norm 2011 M. Keel
Tristan Roy
Terence Tao
+ PDF Bootstrapped Morawetz estimates and resonant decomposition for low regularity global solutions of cubic NLS on $R^2$ 2010 J. Colliander
Tristan Roy
+ Bilinear local smoothing estimate and its application to the critical gKdV equation 2010 Soonsik Kwon
Tristan Roy
+ Scattering above energy norm of solutions of a loglog energy-supercritical Schrödinger equation with radial data 2010 Tristan Roy
+ Scattering of rough solutions of the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations in 3D 2010 Soonsik Kwon
Tristan Roy
+ Generation Of Decay Estimates And Application To Scattering Of Rough Solutions Of 3D NLKG 2010 Soonsik Kwon
Tristan Roy
+ Scattering of rough solutions of the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations in 3D 2010 Soonsik Kwon
Tristan Roy
+ Bilinear local smoothing estimate for Airy equation 2010 Soonsik Kwon
Tristan Roy
+ PDF Global existence of smooth solutions of a 3D log-log energy-supercritical wave equation 2009 Tristan Roy
+ Introduction to scattering for radial 3D NLKG below energy norm 2009 Tristan Roy
+ Scattering above energy norm of solutions of a loglog energy-supercritical Schrodinger equation with radial data 2009 Tristan Roy
+ One Remark on Barely \dot{H}^{s_{p}} Supercritical Wave Equations 2009 Tristan Roy
+ Global well-posedness of the Maxwell-Klein-Gordon equation below the energy norm 2009 M. Keel
Tristan Roy
Terence Tao
+ PDF Adapted linear-nonlinear decomposition and global well-posedness for solutions to the defocusing cubic wave equation on $\mathbb{R}^{3}$ 2009 Tristan Roy
+ Scattering above energy norm of solutions of a loglog energy-supercritical Schrodinger equation with radial data 2009 Tristan Roy
+ Introduction to scattering for radial 3D NLKG below energy norm 2008 Tristan Roy
+ Bootstrapped Morawetz Estimates And Resonant Decomposition For Low Regularity Global Solutions Of Cubic NLS On R^{2} 2008 Jim Colliander
Tristan Roy
+ Global Existence Of Smooth Solutions Of A 3D Loglog Energy-Supercritical Wave Equation 2008 Tristan Roy
+ Introduction to scattering for radial 3D NLKG below energy norm 2008 Tristan Roy
+ Global well-posedness for the radial defocusing cubic wave equation on $R^3$ and for rough data 2007 Tristan Roy
+ Adapted Linear-Nonlinear Decomposition And Global Well-posedness For Solutions To The Defocusing Cubic Wave Equation On $\mathbb{R}^{3}$ 2007 Tristan Roy
+ Global well-posedness for solutions of low regularity to the defocusing cubic wave equation on $\mathbb{R}^{3}$ 2007 Tristan Roy
+ Global well-posedness for the radial defocusing cubic wave equation on $\mathbb{R}^{3}$ and for rough data 2007 Tristan Roy
+ Adapted Linear-Nonlinear Decomposition And Global Well-posedness For Solutions To The Defocusing Cubic Wave Equation On $\mathbb{R}^{3}$ 2007 Tristan Roy
+ Mesh adaptation by Optimal Control of a continuous model 2006 François Courty
Tristan Roy
Bruno Koobus
Alain Dervieux
+ Quantisation of soliton solution of a generalised discrete non-linear equation 1979 K R Chaudhuri
A. Chaudhuri
Tristan Roy
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Endpoint Strichartz estimates 1998 M. Keel
Terence Tao
+ On Existence and Scattering with Minimal Regularity for Semilinear Wave Equations 1995 Hans Lindblad
Christopher D. Sogge
+ Generalized Strichartz Inequalities for the Wave Equation 1995 J. Ginibre
G. Velo
+ PDF Almost Conservation Laws and Global Rough Solutions to a Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation 2002 J. Colliander
M. Keel
Gigliola Staffilani
Hideo Takaoka
Terence Tao
+ High frequency approximation of solutions to critical nonlinear wave equations 1999 Hajer Bahouri
Patrick GĂ©rard
+ Dispersion of small amplitude solutions of the generalized Korteweg-de Vries equation 1991 Francis Michael Christ
Michael I. Weinstein
+ Time decay for the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation 1968 Cathleen S. Morawetz
+ Well‐posedness and scattering results for the generalized korteweg‐de vries equation via the contraction principle 1993 Carlos E. Kenig
Gustavo Ponce
Luis Vega
+ Decay and scattering of solutions of a nonlinear relativistic wave equation 1972 Cathleen S. Morawetz
Walter A. Strauss
+ The cauchy problem for the critical nonlinear Schrödinger equation in Hs 1990 Thierry Cazenave
Fred B. Weissler
+ PDF Adapted linear-nonlinear decomposition and global well-posedness for solutions to the defocusing cubic wave equation on $\mathbb{R}^{3}$ 2009 Tristan Roy
+ Global well-posedness for the radial defocusing cubic wave equation on $R^3$ and for rough data 2007 Tristan Roy
+ PDF Global existence of smooth solutions of a 3D log-log energy-supercritical wave equation 2009 Tristan Roy
+ Global well-posedness for semi-linear wave equations 2000 Carlos E. Kenig
Gustavo Ponce
Luis Vega
+ Regularity and Asymptotic Behavior of the Wave Equation with a Critical Nonlinearity 1990 Manoussos G. Grillakis
+ Globally regular solutions to the $u^5$ Klein-Gordon equation 1988 Michaël Struwe
+ PDF Global wellposedness of defocusing critical nonlinear Schrödinger equation in the radial case 1999 Jean Bourgain
+ Regularity Results for Nonlinear Wave Equations 1993 Jalal Shatah
Michaël Struwe
+ Scattering above energy norm of solutions of a loglog energy-supercritical Schrödinger equation with radial data 2010 Tristan Roy
+ Nonlinear Wave Equations 1990 Walter A. Strauss
+ Tools for PDE 2007 Michael E. Taylor
+ PDF Global well-posedness and scattering for the energy-critical Schrödinger equation in ℝ<sup>3</sup> 2008 J. Colliander
M. Keel
Gigliola Staffilani
Hideo Takaoka
Terence Tao
+ PDF On the optimal local regularity for the Yang-Mills equations in ℝâșÂč 1999 SergiĂč Klainerman
Daniel Tataru
+ PDF Some results on scattering for log-subcritical and log-supercritical nonlinear wave equations 2013 Hsi-Wei Shih
+ On global well-posedness for defocusing cubic wave equation 2006 Hajer Bahouri
J.-Y. Chemin
+ PDF Chat Global well-posedness, scattering and blow-up for the energy-critical, focusing, non-linear Schrödinger equation in the radial case 2006 Carlos E. Kenig
Frank Merle
+ PDF Remarks on the energy scattering for nonlinear Klein-Gordon and Schrödinger equations 2001 Kenji Nakanishi
+ Global well-posedness and scattering for the higher-dimensional energy-critical nonlinear Schrödinger equation for radial data. 2005 Terence Tao
+ Regularity for the wave equation with a critical nonlinearity 1992 Manoussos G. Grillakis
+ Global and Unique Weak Solutions of Nonlinear Wave Equations 1994 Lev Kapitanski
+ Introduction to scattering for radial 3D NLKG below energy norm 2009 Tristan Roy
+ Global dynamics above the ground state energy for the focusing nonlinear Klein–Gordon equation 2010 Kenji Nakanishi
Wilhelm Schlag
+ Nonlinear Dispersive Equations 2006 Terence Tao
+ Fourier Analysis and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations 2011 Hajer Bahouri
Jean-Yves Chemin
Raphaël Danchin
+ Lectures on Nonlinear Wave Equations 2005 Christopher D. Sogge
+ Generalized Strichartz Inequalities for the Wave Equation 1995 J. Ginibre
G. Velo
+ PDF On global solutions to a defocusing semi-linear wave equation 2003 Isabelle Gallagher
Fabrice Planchon
+ Corrigendum to “Scattering above energy norm of solutions of a loglog energy-supercritical Schrödinger equation with radial data” 2018 Tristan Roy
+ On nonlinear schrödinger equations 2000 Manoussos G. Grillakis
+ PDF Chat Nondispersive radial solutions to energy supercritical non-linear wave equations, with applications 2011 Carlos E. Kenig
Frank Merle
+ Invariant Manifolds and Dispersive Hamiltonian Evolution Equations 2011 Kenji Nakanishi
Wilhelm Schlag
+ Nonlinear small data scattering for the wave and Klein-Gordon equation 1984 Hartmut Pecher
+ Some Maximal Inequalities 1971 Charles Fefferman
E. M. Stein
+ PDF The Cauchy Problem for Nonlinear Klein–Gordon Equations in the Sobolev Spaces 2001 Makoto Nakamura
Tohru Ozawa
+ PDF Chat Global dynamics above the ground state energy for the cubic NLS equation in 3D 2011 Kenji Nakanishi
Wilhelm Schlag
+ Energy Scattering for Nonlinear Klein–Gordon and Schrödinger Equations in Spatial Dimensions 1 and 2 1999 Kenji Nakanishi
+ Hs-global well-posedness for semilinear wave equations 2003 Changxing Miao
Bo Zhang
+ Dynamic of Threshold Solutions for Energy-Critical NlS 2009 Thomas Duyckaerts
Frank Merle
+ PDF Best constant in Sobolev inequality 1976 Giorgio Talenti