Wilhelm Kaup


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Nilpotent algebras and affinely homogeneous surfaces 2011 Gregor Fels
Wilhelm Kaup
+ Isolated Hypersurface Singularities and Special Polynomial Realizations of Affine Quadrics 2011 Gregor Fels
A. P. Isaev
Wilhelm Kaup
N. G. Kruzhilin
+ PDF Chat Local tube realizations of CR-manifolds and maximal abelian subalgebras 2011 Gregor Fels
Wilhelm Kaup
+ Nilpotent algebras and affinely homogeneous surfaces 2011 Gregor Fels
Wilhelm Kaup
+ Nilpotent algebras and affinely homogeneous surfaces 2011 Gregor Fels
Wilhelm Kaup
+ Holomorphe Abbildungen In Hyperbolische Räume 2011 Wilhelm Kaup
+ PDF Chat Regularization of Local CR-Automorphisms of Real-Analytic CR-Manifolds 2010 A. P. Isaev
Wilhelm Kaup
+ PDF Chat CR-quadrics with a symmetry property 2010 Wilhelm Kaup
+ Isolated hypersurface singularities and polynomial realizations of affine quadrics 2010 Gregor Fels
Alexander Isaev
Wilhelm Kaup
N. G. Kruzhilin
+ PDF Chat On the CR-structure of certain linear group orbits in infinite dimensions 2009 Wilhelm Kaup
+ Classification of commutative algebras and tube realizations of hyperquadrics 2009 Gregor Fels
Wilhelm Kaup
+ CR-quadrics with a symmetry property 2009 Wilhelm Kaup
+ Regularization of Local CR-Automorphisms of Real-Analytic CR-Manifolds 2009 Alexander Isaev
Wilhelm Kaup
+ PDF Chat Holomorphic retractions and boundary Berezin transforms 2009 Jonathan Arazy
Miroslav Engliš
Wilhelm Kaup
+ PDF Chat Classification of Levi degenerate homogeneous CR-manifolds in dimension 5 2008 Gregor Fels
Wilhelm Kaup
+ Local tube realizations of CR-manifolds and maximal abelian subalgebras 2008 Gregor Fels
Wilhelm Kaup
+ CR-manifolds of dimension 5: A Lie algebra approach 2007 Gregor Fels
Wilhelm Kaup
+ PDF Chat On local CR-transformations of Levi-degenerate group orbits in compact Hermitian symmetric spaces 2006 Wilhelm Kaup
Dmitri Zaitsev
+ Homogeneous Levi degenerate CR-manifolds in dimension 5 2006 Gregor Fels
Wilhelm Kaup
+ Classification of Levi degenerate homogeneous CR-manifolds in dimension 5 2006 Gregor Fels
Wilhelm Kaup
+ On the local equivalence of homogeneous CR-manifolds 2005 Wilhelm Kaup
+ On the holomorphic structure of G-orbits in compact hermitian symmetric spaces 2005 Wilhelm Kaup
+ CR-manifolds of dimension 5: A Lie algebra approach 2005 Gregor Fels
Wilhelm Kaup
+ Bounded symmetric domains and polynomial convexity 2004 Wilhelm Kaup
+ Non-embeddable CR-manifolds of higher codimension 2004 Wilhelm Kaup
Dmitri Zaitsev
+ On local CR-transformations of Levi-degenerate group orbits in compact Hermitian symmetric spaces 2004 Wilhelm Kaup
Dmitri Zaitsev
+ On the CR-structure of compact group orbits associated with bounded symmetric domains 2003 Wilhelm Kaup
Dmitri Zaitsev
+ Bounded symmetric domains and derived geometric structures 2002 Wilhelm Kaup
+ On continuous Peirce decompositions, Schur multipliers and the perturbation of triple functional calculus 2001 Jonathan Arazy
Wilhelm Kaup
+ On Grassmannians associated with JB*-triples 2001 Wilhelm Kaup
+ Boundary structure of bounded symmetric domains 2000 Wilhelm Kaup
John Sauter
+ On Symmetric Cauchy–Riemann Manifolds 2000 Wilhelm Kaup
Dmitri Zaitsev
+ On Symmetric CauchyRiemann Manifolds 2000 Wilhelm Kaup
Dmitri Zaitsev
+ On a Schwarz Lemma for Bounded Symmetric Domains 1999 Wilhelm Kaup
+ On symmetric Cauchy-Riemann manifolds 1999 Wilhelm Kaup
Dmitri Zaitsev
+ On real cartan factors 1997 Wilhelm Kaup
+ On JB*-triples defined by fibre bundles 1995 Wilhelm Kaup
+ On real forms of JB*-triples 1995 José M. Isidro
Wilhelm Kaup
Ángel Rodrı́guez Palacios
+ Jordan Algebras 1994 Wilhelm Kaup
Kevin McCrimmon
Holger P. Petersson
+ Weakly Continuous JB*-triples 1994 Wilhelm Kaup
László L. Stachó
+ Hermitian Jordan Triple Systems and the Automorphisms of Bounded Symmetric Domains 1994 Wilhelm Kaup
+ Determining boundary sets of bounded symmetric domains 1993 J. M. Isidro
Wilhelm Kaup
+ Weak continuity of holomorphic automorphisms in JB*-triples 1992 José M. Isidro
Wilhelm Kaup
+ Symmetry and local conjugacy on complex manifolds 1990 Wilhelm Kaup
Jean-Pierre Vigué
+ PDF Chat Contractive projections on Jordan $C^*$-algebras and generalizations. 1984 Wilhelm Kaup
+ A Riemann mapping theorem for bounded symmetric domains in complex Banach spaces 1983 Wilhelm Kaup
+ Über die Klassifikation der symmetrischen hermiteschen Mannigfaltigkeiten unendlicher Dimension. II 1983 Wilhelm Kaup
+ �ber die Klassifikation der symmetrischen hermiteschen Mannigfaltigkeiten unendlicher Dimension. I 1981 Wilhelm Kaup
+ Jordan algebras and holomorphy 1981 Wilhelm Kaup
+ A holomorphic characterization of JordanC *-algebras 1978 Róbert Braun
Wilhelm Kaup
Harald Upmeier
+ On the automorphisms of circular and Reinhardt domains in complex banach spaces 1978 Róbert Braun
Wilhelm Kaup
Harald Upmeier
+ An infinitesimal version of Cartan's uniqueness theorem 1977 Wilhelm Kaup
Harald Upmeier
+ Linear algebraic groups in infinite dimensions 1977 Lawrence A. Harris
Wilhelm Kaup
+ Jordan algebras and symmetric siegel domains in Banach spaces 1977 Wilhelm Kaup
Harald Upmeier
+ Algebraic characterization of symmetric complex Banach manifolds 1977 Wilhelm Kaup
+ PDF Chat Banach Spaces with Biholomorphically Equivalent Unit Balls are Isomorphic 1976 Wilhelm Kaup
Harald Upmeier
+ PDF Chat Banach spaces with biholomorphically equivalent unit balls are isomorphic 1976 Wilhelm Kaup
Harald Upmeier
+ �ber die Automorphismen Gra�mannscher Mannigfaltigkeiten unendlicher Dimension 1975 Wilhelm Kaup
+ On the automorphisms of certain symmetric complex manifolds of infinite dimension 1975 Wilhelm Kaup
+ Einige Bemerkungen �ber polynomiale Vektorfelder, Jordanalgebren und die Automorphismen von Siegelschen Gebieten 1973 Wilhelm Kaup
+ �ber das Randverhalten von holomorphen Automorphismen beschr�nkter Gebiete 1970 Wilhelm Kaup
+ On the Automorphisms and Equivalences of Generalized Siegel Domains 1970 Wilhelm Kaup
Takushiro Ochiai
+ PDF Chat Hyperbolische komplexe Raüme 1968 Wilhelm Kaup
+ Holomorphe vektorfelder und transformationsgruppen komplexer Räume 1963 Wilhelm Kaup
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A Riemann mapping theorem for bounded symmetric domains in complex Banach spaces 1983 Wilhelm Kaup
+ Real Submanifolds in Complex Space and Their Mappings 1998 Baouendi M. Salah
Rothschild Linda Preiss
Peter Ebenfelt
+ PDF Chat Bounded symmetric homogeneous domains in infinite dimensional spaces 1974 Lawrence A. Harris
+ An elementary approach to bounded symmetric domains 1969 Max Koecher
+ Algebraic characterization of symmetric complex Banach manifolds 1977 Wilhelm Kaup
+ Über die Klassifikation der symmetrischen hermiteschen Mannigfaltigkeiten unendlicher Dimension. II 1983 Wilhelm Kaup
+ Differential Geometry and Symmetric Spaces 2001 Sigurđur Helgason
+ Linear algebraic groups in infinite dimensions 1977 Lawrence A. Harris
Wilhelm Kaup
+ A global formulation of the Lie theory of transformation groups 1957 Richard S. Palais
+ PDF Chat On the pseudo-conformal geometry of hypersurfaces of the space of $n$ complex variables 1962 Noboru Tanaka
+ �ber die Klassifikation der symmetrischen hermiteschen Mannigfaltigkeiten unendlicher Dimension. I 1981 Wilhelm Kaup
+ PDF Chat Uniformly Levi degenerate CR manifolds: The 5-dimensional case 2001 Peter Ebenfelt
+ CR Manifolds and the Tangential Cauchy–Riemann Complex 2017 Albert Boggess
+ Jordan algebras and symmetric siegel domains in Banach spaces 1977 Wilhelm Kaup
Harald Upmeier
+ On the automorphisms of certain symmetric complex manifolds of infinite dimension 1975 Wilhelm Kaup
+ On the CR-structure of compact group orbits associated with bounded symmetric domains 2003 Wilhelm Kaup
Dmitri Zaitsev
+ On the Automorphisms and Equivalences of Generalized Siegel Domains 1970 Wilhelm Kaup
Takushiro Ochiai
+ PDF Chat Weak*-continuity of Jordan triple products and its applications. 1986 T. Barton
Richard M. Timoney
+ PDF Chat On local CR-transformations of Levi-degenerate group orbits in compact Hermitian symmetric spaces 2006 Wilhelm Kaup
Dmitri Zaitsev
+ PDF Chat Le groupe des automorphismes analytiques d'un domaine borné d'un espace de Banach complexe. Application aux domaines bornés symétriques 1976 Jean-Pierre Vigué
+ On the holomorphic structure of G-orbits in compact hermitian symmetric spaces 2005 Wilhelm Kaup
+ PDF Chat Local tube realizations of CR-manifolds and maximal abelian subalgebras 2011 Gregor Fels
Wilhelm Kaup
+ On the Analyticity of CR Mappings 1985 M. S. Baouendi
H. Jacobowitz
François Trèves
+ Numerical Ranges of Operators on Normed Spaces and of Elements of Normed Algebras 1971 F. F. Bonsall
John F. R. Duncan
+ Local characterization of holomorphic automorphisms of Siegel domains 1984 Alexander Tumanov
G. M. Khenkin
+ �ber die Automorphismengruppen von Banach-Mannigfaltigkeiten mit invarianter Metrik 1976 Harald Upmeier
+ Differential Geometry, Lie Groups, and Symmetric Spaces 2001 Sigurđur Helgason
+ PDF Chat Banach spaces with biholomorphically equivalent unit balls are isomorphic 1976 Wilhelm Kaup
Harald Upmeier
+ Sur les groupes de transformations analytiques 1935 Henri Cartan
+ The Gelfand-Naimark theorem for JB∗-triples 1986 Yaakov Friedman
Bernard Russo
+ Classification of commutative algebras and tube realizations of hyperquadrics 2009 Gregor Fels
Wilhelm Kaup
+ A Matrix Poincaré formula for holomorphic automorphisms of quadrics of higher codimension. Real Associative Quadrics 1998 Vladimir V. Ežov
Gerd Schmalz
+ CR-manifolds of dimension 5: A Lie algebra approach 2007 Gregor Fels
Wilhelm Kaup
+ A holomorphic characterization of JordanC *-algebras 1978 Róbert Braun
Wilhelm Kaup
Harald Upmeier
+ Analysis on Symmetric Cones 1994 Jacques Faraut
Adam Korányi
+ PDF Chat Moduli of Isolated Hypersurface Singularities 2004 Michael G. Eastwood
+ Introduction to Complex Analysis in Several Variables 2005 Volker Scheidemann
+ Sur les domaines bornés homogènes de l’espace den variables complexes 1935 Élie Cartan
+ PDF Chat Normal forms and biholomorphic equivalence of real hypersurfaces in C^3 1998 Peter Ebenfelt
+ BOUNDED DERIVATIONS OF <i>JB</i><sup>*</sup> - TRIPLES 1990 T. Barton
Yaakov Friedman
+ Automorphisms of Tube Domains and Spherical Hypersurfaces 1985 Jiri Dadok
Paul Yang
+ Spherical hypersurfaces in complex manifolds 1976 D. Burns
Steven Shnider
+ PDF Chat Equivalences of Real Submanifolds in Complex Space 2001 M. S. Baouendi
Linda Preiss Rothschild
Dmitri Zaitsev
+ Structure and Representations of Jordan Algebras 1968 Nathan Jacobson
+ Complex Analysis in the Future Tube 1994 Армен Глебович Сергеев
V. S. Vladimirov
+ PDF Chat Real hypersurfaces in complex manifolds 1974 Shiing-Shen Chern
Jürgen Moser
+ Gruppen und Lie-Algebren von rationalen Funktionen 1969 Max Koecher
+ An infinitesimal version of Cartan's uniqueness theorem 1977 Wilhelm Kaup
Harald Upmeier
+ PDF Chat A new example of a uniformly Levi degenerate hypersurface in C3 2007 Hervé Gaussier
Joël Merker
+ PDF Chat Le problème des modules pour les sous-espaces analytiques compacts d'un espace analytique donné 1966 Adrien Douady