Peter T. Kim


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Nonparametric matrix regression function estimation over symmetric positive definite matrices 2020 Kwan‐Young Bak
Kwangrae Kim
Peter T. Kim
Ja‐Yong Koo
Changyi Park
Hongtu Zhu
+ PDF Chat Probing the geometry of data with diffusion Fréchet functions 2018 Diego Hernán Díaz Martínez
Christine H. Lee
Peter T. Kim
Washington Mio
+ PDF Chat Supersmooth testing on the sphere over analytic classes 2016 Peter T. Kim
Ja‐Yong Koo
Thanh Mai Pham Ngoc
+ Probing the Geometry of Data with Diffusion Fréchet Functions 2016 Diego Hernán Díaz Martínez
Christine H. Lee
Peter T. Kim
Washington Mio
+ PDF Chat Geodesic Clustering for Covariance Matrices 2015 Haesung Lee
Hyunjung Ahn
Kwangrae Kim
Peter T. Kim
Ja‐Yong Koo
+ Frenet-Serret and the Estimation of Curvature and Torsion 2012 Kwangrae Kim
Peter T. Kim
Ja‐Yong Koo
M.R. Pierrynowski
+ Möbius deconvolution on the hyperbolic plane with application to impedance density estimation 2010 Stephan Huckemann
Peter T. Kim
Ja‐Yong Koo
Axel Munk
+ PDF Chat Algebraic Methods in Statistics and Probability II 2010 Peter Bubenik
Gunnar Carlsson
Peter T. Kim
Zhi‐Ming Luo
+ PDF Chat Statistical topology via Morse theory persistence and nonparametric estimation 2010 Peter Bubenik
Gunnar Carlsson
Peter T. Kim
Zhi‐Ming Luo
+ PDF Chat Statistical topology via Morse theory, persistence and nonparametric estimation 2009 Peter Bubenik
Gunnar Carlsson
Peter T. Kim
Zhi‐Ming Luo
+ Weyl eigenvalue asymptotics and sharp adaptation on vector bundles 2009 Peter T. Kim
Ja‐Yong Koo
Zhi‐Ming Luo
+ Asymptotic Minimax Bounds for Stochastic Deconvolution Over Groups 2008 Ja‐Yong Koo
Peter T. Kim
+ PDF Chat A statistical approach to persistent homology 2007 Peter Bubenik
Peter T. Kim
+ Sharp adaptation for spherical inverse problems with applications to medical imaging 2006 Ja‐Yong Koo
Peter T. Kim
+ Statistical Inverse Problems on Manifolds 2005 Peter T. Kim
Ja‐Yong Koo
+ Concomitant information in bioassay and semi-parametric estimation 2004 Peter T. Kim
Christine H. Lee
+ Sharp minimaxity and spherical deconvolution for super-smooth error distributions 2003 Peter T. Kim
Ja‐Yong Koo
Heon Jin Park
+ Closed Model Categories for Presheaves of Simplicial Groupoids and Presheaves of 2-Groupoids 2003 Zhiming Luo
Peter Bubenik
Peter T. Kim
+ Consistent and Efficient Density Estimation 2003 Harrie Hendriks
Peter T. Kim
+ Optimal Spherical Deconvolution 2002 Peter T. Kim
Ja‐Yong Koo
+ On the Characteristic Function of the Matrix von Mises—Fisher Distribution with Application to SO(N)—Deconvolution 2000 Peter T. Kim
+ Spherical Deconvolution 1998 Dennis M. Healy
Harrie Hendriks
Peter T. Kim
+ PDF Chat Deconvolution density estimation on SO(N) 1998 Peter T. Kim
+ PDF Chat An empirical Bayes approach to directional data and efficient computation on the sphere 1996 Dennis M. Healy
Peter T. Kim
+ Decision theoretic analysis of spherical regression 1991 Peter T. Kim
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Nonparametric Estimation of a Probability Density on a Riemannian Manifold Using Fourier Expansions 1990 Harrie Hendriks
+ Regularized Deconvolution on the Circle and the Sphere 1991 A. C. M. van Rooij
F.H. Ruymgaart
+ Spherical Deconvolution 1998 Dennis M. Healy
Harrie Hendriks
Peter T. Kim
+ Statistical Inverse Estimation in Hilbert Scales 1996 B.A. Mair
F.H. Ruymgaart
+ PDF Chat On the Optimal Rates of Convergence for Nonparametric Deconvolution Problems 1991 Jianqing Fan
+ Representations of Compact Lie Groups 1985 Theodor Bröcker
Tammo tom Dieck
+ PDF Chat An empirical Bayes approach to directional data and efficient computation on the sphere 1996 Dennis M. Healy
Peter T. Kim
+ Optimal Spherical Deconvolution 2002 Peter T. Kim
Ja‐Yong Koo
+ Special Functions. A Group Theoretic Approach 1969 E. P. Wigner
James D. Talman
L. C. Biedenharn
+ PDF Chat Shannon sampling and function reconstruction from point values 2004 Steve Smale
Ding‐Xuan Zhou
+ PDF Chat Multivariate Bayesian function estimation 2005 Jean‐François Angers
Peter T. Kim
+ Directional mixture models and optimal estimation of the mixing density 2000 Peter Kim
Ja‐Yong Koo
+ PDF Chat Convergence Rates of General Regularization Methods for Statistical Inverse Problems and Applications 2007 Nicolai Bissantz
Thorsten Hohage
Axel Munk
F.H. Ruymgaart
+ Statistical Inverse Problems on Manifolds 2005 Peter T. Kim
Ja‐Yong Koo
+ Spline Interpolation and Smoothing on the Sphere 1981 Grace Wahba
+ PDF Chat Global behavior of deconvolution kernel estimates 1991 Jianqing Fan
+ The von Mises–Fisher Matrix Distribution in Orientation Statistics 1977 C. G. Khatri
Kanti V. Mardia
+ PDF Chat Invariant Tests for Uniformity on Compact Riemannian Manifolds Based on Sobolev Norms 1975 Evarist Gine M.
+ Group representations in probability and statistics 1988 Persi Diaconis
+ Groups and Geometric Analysis 2000 Sigurđur Helgason
+ PDF Chat A Lower Bound on the Error in Nonparametric Regression Type Problems 1988 Yannis G. Yatracos
+ Riemannian Manifolds: An Introduction to Curvature 1997 John M. Lee
+ PDF Chat Optimal Rates of Convergence for Nonparametric Estimators 1980 Charles J. Stone
+ Kernel density estimation with spherical data 1987 Peter Hall
G. S. Watson
Javier Cabrera
+ Harmonic Analysis on Classical Groups 1991 Gong Sheng
Li Shi Xiong
Zheng Xue An
+ Characterizing Fourier Series Representation of Probability Distributions on Compact Lie Groups 1988 James Lo
Sze-Kui Ng
+ Sharp minimaxity and spherical deconvolution for super-smooth error distributions 2003 Peter T. Kim
Ja‐Yong Koo
Heon Jin Park
+ A Unified View of the Theory of Directional Statistics, 1975-1988 1989 Peter E. Jupp
K. V. Mardia
+ Stability of persistence diagrams 2005 David Cohen‐Steiner
Herbert Edelsbrunner
John Harer
+ PDF Chat Computing Persistent Homology 2004 Afra Zomorodian
Gunnar Carlsson
+ PDF Chat A statistical approach to persistent homology 2007 Peter Bubenik
Peter T. Kim
+ PDF Chat Optimal Rates of Convergence for Nonparametric Statistical Inverse Problems 1993 Ja‐Yong Koo
+ Special Functions and the Theory of Group Representations 1968 N. I︠a︡. Vilenkin
+ Asymptotic Minimax Bounds for Stochastic Deconvolution Over Groups 2008 Ja‐Yong Koo
Peter T. Kim
+ Kernel estimators of density function of directional data 1988 Zhidong Bai
C. Radhakrishna Rao
L.C. Zhao
+ PDF Chat Exponential Models for Directional Data 1979 Rudolf Beran
+ Weyl eigenvalue asymptotics and sharp adaptation on vector bundles 2009 Peter T. Kim
Ja‐Yong Koo
Zhi‐Ming Luo
+ PDF Chat Oracle inequalities for inverse problems 2002 Laurent Cavalier
G. K. Golubev
D. Picard
A. B. Tsybakov
+ PDF Chat Stability of Persistence Diagrams 2006 David Cohen‐Steiner
Herbert Edelsbrunner
John Harer
+ An Asymptotically Minimax Regression Estimator in the Uniform Norm up to Exact Constant 1994 A. P. Korostelev
+ Density Deconvolution in the Circular Structural Model 2002 Alexander Goldenshluger
+ PDF Chat Random Rotations: Characters and Random Walks on SO(N) 1994 Jeffrey S. Rosenthal
+ Harmonic Analysis on Symmetric Spaces and Applications I 1985 Audrey Terras
+ PDF Chat Sharp adaptation for inverse problems with random noise 2002 Laurent Cavalier
Alexandre B. Tsybakov
+ Kernel density estimation on Riemannian manifolds 2005 Bruno Pelletier
+ PDF Chat Some Properties of the Eigenfunctions of The Laplace-Operator on Riemannian Manifolds 1949 S. Minakshisundaram
Åke Pleijel
+ Minimax theory of image reconstruction 1993 A. P. Korostelev
A. B. Tsybakov
+ Random Walks on Graphs: A Survey 2001 László Lovász
+ PDF Chat Approximation dans les espaces m�triques et th�orie de l'estimation 1983 Lucien Birg�
+ Sharp Optimality in Density Deconvolution with Dominating Bias. I 2008 Cristina Butucea
Alexandre B. Tsybakov