Tomaž Košir


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Discrete Imprecise Copulas 2024 Tomaž Košir
Elisa Perrone
+ PDF Chat Discrete Imprecise Copulas 2024 Tomaž Košir
Elisa Perrone
+ Extending multivariate sub-quasi-copulas 2024 Damjana Kokol Bukovšek
Tomaž Košir
Blaž Mojškerc
Matjaž Omladič
+ PDF Chat A Proof of the Box Conjecture for Commuting Pairs of Matrices 2024 J. Irving
Tomaž Košir
Mitja Mastnak
+ PDF Chat Numerical methods for rectangular multiparameter eigenvalue problems, with applications to finding optimal ARMA and LTI models 2023 Michiel E. Hochstenbach
Tomaž Košir
Bor Plestenjak
+ Extending multivariate sub-quasi-copulas 2023 Damjana Kokol Bukovšek
Tomaž Košir
Blaž Mojškerc
Matjaž Omladič
+ On the singular two-parameter eigenvalue problem II 2022 Tomaž Košir
Bor Plestenjak
+ Extreme generators of shock induced copulas 2022 Damjana Kokol Bukovšek
Tomaž Košir
Blaž Mojškerc
Matjaž Omladič
+ Numerical methods for rectangular multiparameter eigenvalue problems, with applications to finding optimal ARMA and LTI models 2022 Michiel E. Hochstenbach
Tomaž Košir
Bor Plestenjak
+ Singular components of shock model copulas 2021 Tomaž Košir
Matjaž Omladič
+ PDF Chat Spearman’s footrule and Gini’s gamma: Local bounds for bivariate copulas and the exact region with respect to Blomqvist’s beta 2021 Damjana Kokol Bukovšek
Tomaž Košir
Blaž Mojškerc
Matjaž Omladič
+ On the singular two-parameter eigenvalue problem II 2021 Tomaž Košir
Bor Plestenjak
+ Relation between non-exchangeability and measures of concordance of copulas 2020 Damjana Kokol Bukovšek
Tomaž Košir
Blaž Mojškerc
Matjaž Omladič
+ Relation between non-exchangeability and measures of concordance of copulas 2019 Damjana Kokol Bukovšek
Tomaž Košir
Blaž Mojškerc
Matjaž Omladič
+ PDF Chat Asymmetric linkages: Maxmin vs. reflected maxmin copulas 2019 Damjana Kokol Bukovšek
Tomaž Košir
Blaž Mojškerc
Matjaž Omladič
+ Non-exchangeability of copulas arising from shock models 2019 Damjana Kokol Bukovšek
Tomaž Košir
Blaž Mojškerc
Matjaž Omladič
+ Reflected maxmin copulas and modeling quadrant subindependence 2019 Tomaž Košir
Matjaž Omladič
+ Relation between Blomqvist's beta and other measures of concordance of copulas 2019 Damjana Kokol Bukovšek
Tomaž Košir
Blaž Mojškerc
Matjaž Omladič
+ Relation between non-exchangeability and measures of concordance of copulas 2019 Damjana Kokol Bukovšek
Tomaž Košir
Blaž Mojškerc
Matjaž Omladič
+ Asymmetry of copulas arising from shock models 2018 Damjana Kokol Bukovšek
Tomaž Košir
Blaž Mojškerc
Matjaž Omladič
+ Asymmetric linkages: maxmin vs. reflected maxmin copulas 2018 Damjana Kokol Bukovšek
Tomaž Košir
Blaž Mojškerc
Matjaž Omladič
+ Reflected maxmin copulas and modelling quadrant subindependence 2018 Tomaž Košir
Matjaž Omladič
+ Asymmetric linkages: maxmin vs. reflected maxmin copulas 2018 Damjana Kokol Bukovšek
Tomaž Košir
Blaž Mojškerc
Matjaž Omladič
+ Simultaneously self-adjoint sets of 3 X 3 matrices 2015 Anita Buckley
Tomaž Košir
+ Finite groups with submultiplicative spectra 2011 L. Grünenfelder
Tomaž Košir
Matjaž Omladič
Heydar Radjavi
+ PDF Chat Plane Curves as Pfaffians 2011 Anita Buckley
Tomaž Košir
Roman Drnovšek
Damjana Kokol Bukovšek
Tomaž Košir
Matjaž Omladič
Heydar Radjavi
+ PDF Chat Semitransitive subsemigroups of the singular part of the finite symmetric inverse semigroup 2011 Karin Cvetko-Vah
Damjana Kokol Bukovšek
Tomaž Košir
Ganna Kudryavtseva
+ Finite Groups with Submultiplicative Spectra 2011 L. Grünenfelder
Tomaž Košir
Matjaž Omladič
Heydar Radjavi
+ Semitransitive subsemigroups of the singular part of the finite symmetric inverse semigroup 2009 Karin Cvetko-Vah
Damjana Kokol Bukovšek
Tomaž Košir
Ganna Kudryavtseva
+ PDF Chat On pairs of commuting nilpotent matrices 2009 Tomaž Košir
Polona Oblak
+ PDF Chat Semitransitive subsemigroups of the symmetric inverse semigroups 2008 Karin Cvetko-Vah
Damjana Kokol Bukovšek
Tomaž Košir
Ganna Kudryavtseva
Yaroslav Lavrenyuk
Andriy Oliynyk
+ Plane curves as Pfaffians 2008 Anita Buckley
Tomaž Košir
+ Reducibility and triangularizability of semitransitive spaces of operators 2008 Janez Bernik
Roman Drnovšek
Damjana Kokol Bukovšek
Tomaž Košir
Matjaž Omladič
+ Semitransitive and transitive subsemigroups of the inverse symmetric semigroups 2007 Karin Cvetko-Vah
Damjana Kokol Bukovšek
Tomaž Košir
Ganna Kudryavtseva
Yaroslav Lavrenyuk
Andriy Oliynyk
+ PDF Chat Determinantal representations of smooth cubic surfaces 2007 Anita Buckley
Tomaž Košir
+ PDF Chat Approximate permutability of traces on semigroups of matrices 2007 Janez Bernik
Roman Drnovšek
Tomaž Košir
Leo Livshits
Mitja Mastnak
Matjaž Omladič
Heydar Radjavi
+ On pairs of commuting nilpotent matrices 2007 Tomaž Košir
Polona Oblak
+ PDF Chat Products of commuting nilpotent operators 2007 Damjana Kokol Bukovšek
Tomaž Košir
Nika Novak
Polona Oblak
Roman Drnovšek
Don Hadwin
Ali Jafarian
Damjana Kokol Bukovšek
Tomaž Košir
Marjeta Kramar Fijavž
Thomas J. Laffey
Leo Livshits
Mitja Mastnak
+ Determinantal representations of smooth cubic surfaces 2006 Anita Buckley
Tomaž Košir
+ PDF Chat Common fixed points and common eigenvectors for sets of matrices 2005 Janez Bernik
Roman Drnovšek
Tomaž Košir
Thomas J. Laffey
G. MacDonald §
R. Meshulam §§
Matjaž Omladič
Hsu P
+ PDF Chat A Groebner basis for the <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mo>×</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:math> determinantal ideal mod <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si2.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mi>t</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:math> 2005 Tomaž Košir
B. A. Sethuraman
+ Determinantal varieties over truncated polynomial rings 2004 Tomaž Košir
B. A. Sethuraman
+ Root Vectors for Geometrically Simple Multiparameter Eigenvalues 2004 Tomaž Košir
+ Irreducible operator semigroups such that AB and BA are proportional 2004 Roman Drnovšek
Tomaž Košir
+ PDF Chat Root vectors for geometrically simple two-parameter eigenvalues 2004 Paul Binding
Tomaž Košir
+ A Jacobi--Davidson Type Method for the Two-Parameter Eigenvalue Problem 2004 Michiel E. Hochstenbach
Tomaž Košir
Bor Plestenjak
+ PDF Chat The Cayley–Hamilton theorem and inverse problems for multiparameter systems 2003 Tomaž Košir
+ Irreducible semigroups of matrices with eigenvalue one 2003 Janez Bernik
Roman Drnovšek
Tomaž Košir
Matjaž Omladič
Heydar Radjavi
+ PDF Chat Maximal Jordan algebras of matrices with bounded number of eigenvalues 2002 L. Grünenfelder
Tomaž Košir
Matjaž Omladič
Heydar Radjavi
+ On stability of invariant subspaces of commuting matrices 2002 Tomaž Košir
Bor Plestenjak
+ Determinantal Varieties Over Truncated Polynomial Rings 2002 Tomaž Košir
B. A. Sethuraman
+ On commuting compact self-adjoint operators on a Pontryagin space 2001 Tirthankar Bhattacharyya
Tomaž Košir
+ None 1999 L. Grünenfelder
Tomaž Košir
Matjaž Omladič
Heydar Radjavi
+ PDF Chat Geometric aspects of multiparameter spectral theory 1998 L. Grünenfelder
Tomaž Košir
+ Maximal semigroups dominated by 0–1 matrices 1997 Tomaž Košir
Matjaž Omladič
Heydar Radjavi
+ PDF Chat Permutability of characters on algebras 1997 L. Grünenfelder
Robert M. Guralnick
Tomaž Košir
Heydar Radjavi
+ Koszul cohomology for finite families of comodule maps and applications 1997 L. Grünenfelder
Tomaž Košir
+ On a representation of commuting maps by tensor products 1997 L. Grünenfelder
Tomaž Košir
+ Kronecker bases for linear matrix equations, with application to two-parameter eigenvalue problems 1996 Tomaž Košir
+ PDF Chat Second Root Vectors for Multiparameter Eigenvalue Problems of Fredholm Type 1996 Paul Binding
Tomaž Košir
+ PDF Chat An algebraic approach to multiparameter spectral theory 1996 L. Grünenfelder
Tomaž Košir
+ PDF Chat Coalgebras and Spectral Theory in One and Several Parameters 1996 L. Grünenfelder
Tomaž Košir
+ On the structure of commutative matrices 1993 Tomaž Košir
+ Common Jordan chains of matrices 1988 Tomaž Košir
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ An Introduction to Copulas 1999 Roger B. Nelsen
+ Non-exchangeability of copulas arising from shock models 2019 Damjana Kokol Bukovšek
Tomaž Košir
Blaž Mojškerc
Matjaž Omladič
+ Two-Parameter Eigenvalue Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations 1991 M. Faierman
+ Assessing and Modeling Asymmetry in Bivariate Continuous Data 2013 Christian Genest
Johanna Nešlehová
+ Dependence Modeling with Copulas 2014 Harry Joe
+ Semilinear copulas 2007 Fabrizio Durante
Anna Kolesárová
Radko Mesiar
Carlo Sempi
+ Shock models with dependence and asymmetric linkages 2016 Fabrizio Durante
Matjaž Omladič
Lovrenc Oražem
Nina Ružić Gorenjec
+ Complete description of determinantal representations of smooth irreducible curves 1989 Victor Vinnikov
+ PDF Chat Multiparameter spectral theory 1968 F. V. Atkinson
+ Fonctions de répartition à N dimensions et leurs marges 1959 Michael Sklar
+ Multiparameter spectral theory in Hilbert space 1978 B. D. Sleeman
+ On Semitransitive Collections of Operators 2005 Janez Bernik
L. Grünenfelder
Mitja Mastnak
Heydar Radjavi
Vladimir G. Troitsky
+ Invariant Subspaces of Matrices with Applications 2006 Israel Gohberg
Peter Lancaster
Leiba Rodman
+ Strictly semi-transitive operator algebras 2003 Haskell P. Rosenthal
Vladimir G. Troitsky
+ Marshall–Olkin type copulas generated by a global shock 2015 Fabrizio Durante
Stéphane Girard
Gildas Mazo
+ A Multivariate Exponential Distribution 1967 Albert W. Marshall
Ingram Olkin
+ PDF Chat Multiparameter root vectors 1989 Paul Binding
+ PDF Chat Final solution to the problem of relating a true copula to an imprecise copula 2019 Matjaž Omladič
Nik Stopar
+ PDF Chat Elliptic multiparameter eigenvalue problems 1987 Paul Binding
K. Seddighi
+ PDF Chat Sklar's theorem in an imprecise setting 2014 Ignacio Montes
Enrique Miranda
Renato Pelessoni
Paolo Vicig
+ How non-symmetric can a copula be? 2006 Erich Peter Klement
Radko Mesiar
+ PDF Chat On the singular two-parameter eigenvalue problem 2009 Andrej Muhič
Bor Plestenjak
+ Universal integrals based on copulas 2014 Erich Peter Klement
Radko Mesiar
Fabio Spizzichino
Andrea Stupňanová
+ PDF Chat Archimedean-based Marshall-Olkin Distributions and Related Dependence Structures 2017 Sabrina Mulinacci
+ A new class of bivariate copulas 2003 José Antonio Rodrı́guez-Lallena
+ Reducibility and triangularizability of semitransitive spaces of operators 2008 Janez Bernik
Roman Drnovšek
Damjana Kokol Bukovšek
Tomaž Košir
Matjaž Omladič
+ Self-adjoint determinantal representations of real plane curves 1993 Victor Vinnikov
+ Integrals based on monotone set functions 2015 Erich Peter Klement
Jun Li
Radko Mesiar
Endre Pap
José Juan Quesada-Molina
Joseé Antonio Rodriíguez-Lallena
Manuel Úbeda-Flores
+ Multivariate imprecise Sklar type theorems 2020 Matjaž Omladič
Nik Stopar
+ PDF Chat Semiquadratic copulas based on horizontal and vertical interpolation 2014 Tarad Jwaid
Bernard De Baets
H. De Meyer
+ Determinantal hypersurfaces 1999 Arnaud Beauville
+ Basic Algebraic Geometry 2 1994 Igor R. Shafarevich
+ Constructing copulas from shock models with imprecise distributions 2019 Matjaž Omladič
Damjan Škulj
+ PDF Chat Coalgebras and Spectral Theory in One and Several Parameters 1996 L. Grünenfelder
Tomaž Košir
+ PDF Chat Second Root Vectors for Multiparameter Eigenvalue Problems of Fredholm Type 1996 Paul Binding
Tomaž Košir
+ Perturbation of bivariate copulas 2014 Radko Mesiar
Magda Komorníková
Jozef Komorník
+ PDF Chat Decision making with imprecise probabilities and utilities by means of statistical preference and stochastic dominance 2013 Ignacio Montes
Enrique Miranda
Susana Montes
+ The hopf algebra of linearly recursive sequences 1980 Brian L. Peterson
Earl J. Taft
+ PDF Chat An algebraic approach to multiparameter spectral theory 1996 L. Grünenfelder
Tomaž Košir
+ Kronecker bases for linear matrix equations, with application to two-parameter eigenvalue problems 1996 Tomaž Košir
+ Ordinal Measures of Association 1958 William Kruskal
+ A Comparison of Bounds on Sets of Joint Distribution Functions Derived from Various Measures of Association 2004 Roger B. Nelsen
Manuel Úbeda-Flores
+ Linearly recursive sequences and operator polynomials 1993 L. Grünenfelder
Matjaž Omladič
+ Characterizations of degree one bivariate measures of concordance 2009 Heather Edwards
M. D. Taylor
+ Semitransitive spaces of operators 2008 Heydar Radjavi
Vladimir G. Troitsky
+ <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mi>L</mml:mi><mml:mo>∞</mml:mo></mml:msup></mml:math>-measure of non-exchangeability for bivariate extreme value and Archimax copulas 2010 Fabrizio Durante
Radko Mesiar
+ A multivariate version of Gini's rank association coefficient 2007 Javad Behboodian
Ali Dolati
Manuel Úbeda-Flores
+ Cohen-Macaulay Rings 1998 Winfried Bruns
H. Jürgen Herzog
+ Commuting Pairs in the Centralizers of 2-Regular Matrices 1999 Michael Neubauer
B. A. Sethuraman