Mansoura Oumennana


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Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
Zakaria Dahbi 2
M. Mansour 2
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Quantum Discord: A Measure of the Quantumness of Correlations 2001 H Ollivier
Wojciech H. Zurek
+ PDF Chat Low-temperature thermodynamics with quantum coherence 2015 Varun Narasimhachar
Gilad Gour
+ PDF Chat Non-Markovian dynamics of quantum discord 2010 F. F. Fanchini
T. Werlang
Carlos Alexandre Brasil
L. G. E. Arruda
A. O. Caldeira
+ PDF Chat Effects of anisotropic spin-exchange interactions in spin ladders 2002 R. Citro
E. Orignac
+ PDF Chat Decoherence, the measurement problem, and interpretations of quantum mechanics 2005 Maximilian Schlosshauer
+ PDF Chat Quantum technology: the second quantum revolution 2003 Jonathan P. Dowling
G. J. Milburn
+ PDF Chat Classical, quantum and total correlations 2001 Leah Henderson
Vlatko Vedral
+ PDF Chat Quantum correlations and coherence in spin-1 Heisenberg chains 2016 A. L. Malvezzi
Göktuğ Karpat
Barış Çakmak
F. F. Fanchini
Tiago Debarba
Reinaldo O. Vianna
+ PDF Chat Coherence orders, decoherence, and quantum metrology 2018 Diego Paiva Pires
Isabela A. Silva
Eduardo R. deAzevedo
Diogo O. Soares-Pinto
Jefferson G. Filgueiras
+ PDF Chat Many-body localization and delocalization in large quantum chains 2018 Elmer V. H. Doggen
Frank Schindler
K. S. Tikhonov
A. D. Mirlin
Titus Neupert
D. G. Polyakov
I. V. Gornyi
+ PDF Chat Quantum Teleportation of a Polarization State with a Complete Bell State Measurement 2001 Yoon-Ho Kim
S. P. Kulik
Yanhua Shih
+ PDF Chat Quantifying Coherence 2014 Tillmann Baumgratz
M. Cramer
Martin B. Plenio
+ PDF Chat Quantum decoherence 2019 Maximilian Schlosshauer
+ PDF Chat Thermal Entanglement and Correlated Coherence in Two Coupled Double Quantum Dots Systems 2020 Cleverson Filgueiras
Onofre Rojas
Moisés Rojas
+ PDF Chat Measures and applications of quantum correlations 2016 Gerardo Adesso
Thomas R. Bromley
Marco Cianciaruso
+ PDF Chat Quantum battery based on quantum discord at room temperature 2022 Clebson Cruz
Maron F. Anka
M.S. Reis
Romain Bachelard
Alan C. Santos
+ PDF Chat Optimal control in disordered quantum systems 2022 Luuk Coopmans
Steve Campbell
Gabriele De Chiara
Anthony Kiely
+ PDF Chat Effect of Induced Transition on the Quantum Entanglement and Coherence in Two‐Coupled Double Quantum Dot System 2023 Zakaria Dahbi
Maron F. Anka
Mostafa Mansour
Moisés Rojas
Clebson Cruz
+ PDF Chat Thermal entanglement and quantum coherence of a single electron in a double quantum dot with Rashba interaction 2023 Merynilda Ferreira
Onofre Rojas
Moisés Rojas