Yu. S. Osipov


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Minimal Submanifolds of Spheres and Cones 2019 M. I. Zelikin
Yu. S. Osipov
+ Fields of Smooth Compact Minimal Surfaces 2019 Yu. S. Osipov
M. I. Zelikin
+ Tracking the Solution to a Nonlinear Distributed Differential Equation by Feedback Laws 2018 Yu. S. Osipov
В. И. Максимов
+ Infinite-horizon boundary control of distributed systems 2016 В. И. Максимов
Yu. S. Osipov
+ Ludvig Dmitrievich Faddeev (on his 80th birthday) 2014 I. Ya. Aref’eva
Victor Matveevich Buchstaber
Евгений Павлович Велихов
Алексей Борисович Жижченко
В. Е. Захаров
И. А. Ибрагимов
S. V. Kislyakov
Валерий Васильевич Козлов
P. P. Kulish
L.N. Lipatov
+ His mathematical century (to the memory of Sergei Mikhailovich Nikol'skii) 2013 О. В. Бесов
С. В. Бочкарев
Е. А. Волков
В. А. Ильин
Борис Сергеевич Кашин
Валерий Васильевич Козлов
Sergeĭ Konyagin
N N Kudryavtsev
Yu. S. Osipov
S. I. Pokhozhaev
+ PDF Chat Some algorithms for the dynamic reconstruction of inputs 2011 Yu. S. Osipov
A. V. Kryazhimskii
В. И. Максимов
+ PDF Chat On dynamical regularization under random noise 2010 A. V. Kryazhimskii
Yu. S. Osipov
+ Nikolai Nikolaevich Krasovskii 2010 В. И. Бердышев
S. V. Emel'Yanov
Alexander B. Kurzhanski
E. F. Mishchenko
Yu. S. Osipov
+ Nikolai Alekseevich Izobov (A tribute in honor of his 70th birthday) 2010 A. V. Arutyunov
Yu. N. Bibikov
S. V. Emel'Yanov
И. В. Гайшун
В. А. Ильин
И. Т. Кигурадзе
S. K. Korovin
L. D. Kudryavtsev
А. Б. Куржанский
Е. К. Макаров
+ Aleksandr Borisovich Kurzhanski (A tribute in honor of his seventieth birthday) 2009 F. L. Chernousko
S. V. Emel'Yanov
И. В. Гайшун
М. И. Гусев
В. А. Ильин
N. A. Izobov
S. K. Korovin
Валерий Васильевич Козлов
N. N. Krasovskiĭ
G. I. Marchuk
+ Nikolai Nikolaevich Krasovskii (A tribute in honor of his eighty-fifth birthday) 2009 Дмитрий Викторович Аносов
F. L. Chernousko
S. V. Emel'Yanov
Р. В. Гамкрелидзе
В. А. Ильин
S. K. Korovin
А. Б. Куржанский
G. I. Marchuk
V. M. Matrosov
E. F. Mishchenko
+ N.N. Krasovskii’s extremal shift method and problems of boundary control 2009 Yu. S. Osipov
A. V. Kryazhimskii
В. И. Максимов
+ Problems of dynamic inversion 2006 Yu. S. Osipov
A. V. Kryazhimskii
+ Control problems under insufficient information 2006 Yu. S. Osipov
+ Inverse problem of dynamics for systems described by parabolic inequality 2006 Yu. S. Osipov
+ Mathematical Events of the Twentieth Century 2006 † A. A. Bolibruch
Yu. S. Osipov
Ya. G. Sinaĭ
Vladimir I. Arnold
A. A. Bolibruch
A. M. Vershik
Yu. I. Manin
Yu. S. Osipov
Ya. G. Sinaĭ
V. М. Tikhomirov
+ None 2002 A. V. Kryazhimskii
Yu. S. Osipov
+ Problems of dynamical reconstruction and robust boundary control: the case of the Dirichlet boundary conditions 2001 Yu. S. Osipov
Luciano Pandolfi
В. И. Максимов
+ Dynamic inverse problems for parabolic systems 2000 Yu. S. Osipov
A. V. Kryazhimskii
В. И. Максимов
+ On the reconstruction of extremal disturbances in parabolic equations 1997 A.V. Kryazhimskiy
В. И. Максимов
Yu. S. Osipov
+ Sergei Borisovich Stechkin 1996 О. В. Бесов
Виктор Матвеевич Бухштабер
Н. И. Черных
A A Gonchar
Sergeĭ Konyagin
L. D. Kudryavtsev
Sergei M Nikol'skii
S P Novikov
Yu. S. Osipov
A. Yu. Popov
+ Dynamical inverse problems for systems with distributed parameters 1996 Yu. S. Osipov
A. V. Kryazhimskii
В. И. Максимов
+ Lyudvig Dmitrievich Faddeev (on his sixtieth birthday) 1995 Yu. S. Osipov
A A Gonchar
S P Novikov
Vladimir I. Arnold
G. I. Marchuk
P. P. Kulish
Vasilii S Vladimirov
E. F. Mishchenko
+ On the Reconstruction of a Parameter of an Elliptic System 1992 Yu. S. Osipov
+ On the Reconstruction of a Parameter for a Hyperbolic System 1991 Yu. S. Osipov
+ Best approximation of the differentiation operator in the class of nonanticipatory operators 1985 A. V. Kryazhimskii
Yu. S. Osipov
+ The Kepler problem and geodesic flows in spaces of constant curvature 1977 Yu. S. Osipov
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Observers for Distributed-Parameter Systems 1989 Alexander B. Kurzhanski
A.Yu. Khapalov
+ Boundary control of parabolic systems: Regularity of optimal solutions 1977 Irena Lasiecka
+ Problems of dynamical reconstruction and robust boundary control: the case of the Dirichlet boundary conditions 2001 Yu. S. Osipov
Luciano Pandolfi
В. И. Максимов
+ Control problems under insufficient information 2006 Yu. S. Osipov
+ Operateurs Maximaux Monotones - Et Semi-Groupes De Contractions Dans Les Espaces De Hilbert 1973 Haı̈m Brezis
+ Best approximation of linear operators 1967 С. Б. Стечкин
+ Differential and Algebraic Riccati Equations with Application to Boundary/Point Control Problems: Continuous Theory and Approximation Theory 1991 Irena Lasiecka
Roberto Triggiani
+ Reconstruction of controls in exponentially stable linear systems subjected to small perturbations 2007 В. И. Максимов
+ Algebraic and Hamiltonian methods in the theory of non-Abelian anomalies 1984 Lyudvig Dmitrievich Faddeev
Samson L. Shatashvili
+ Scattering theory and automorphic functions 1975 B. S. Pavlov
L. D. Faddeev
+ Unified theory for abstract parabolic boundary problems?a semigroup approach 1980 Irena Lasiecka
+ Quantization of Lie Groups and Lie Algebras 1988 L. D. Faddeev
Nicolai Reshetikhin
Leon A. Takhtajan
+ Theory of fields of extremals for multiple integrals 2011 M. I. Zelikin
+ The Feynman integral for singular Lagrangians 1969 Lyudvig Dmitrievich Faddeev
+ Minimal Varieties in Riemannian Manifolds 1968 James Simons
+ PDF Chat One problem of the optimal control of a system with aftereffect in conditions of conflict 2008 N. N. Krasovskiĭ
A. N. Kotel’nikova
+ Quelques méthodes de résolution des problèmes aux limites non linéaires 1969 Jacques Louis Lions
+ PDF Chat Constrained Optimization and Lagrange Multiplier Methods 1982 Dimitri P. Bertsekas
+ Classical and quantum L-matrices 2008 Людвиг Дмитриевич Фаддеев
+ PDF Chat Dichotomies in Stability Theory 1978 W. A. Coppel
+ Quantum Symmetry in Conformal Field Theory by Hamiltonian Methods 1992 L. D. Faddeev
+ Scattering theory for the Korteweg-De Vries (KdV) equation and its Hamiltonian interpretation 1986 V. S. Buslaev
Lyudvig Dmitrievich Faddeev
Leon A. Takhtajan
+ Quasi-integrals of even-dimensional linear differential systems with skew-symmetric coefficient matrices 2008 N. A. Izobov
С. Е. Карпович
L. G. Krasnevskii
А. В. Липницкий
+ PDF Chat On absolute convergence of Fourier series 1967 Masako Izumi
Shin-ichi Izumi
+ PDF Chat Modular double of a Quantum Group 2016 L. D. Faddeev
+ Hamiltonian structures for integrable models of field theory 1983 Nicolai Reshetikhin
Lyudvig Dmitrievich Faddeev
+ Quantum anomalies and cocycles on gauge groups 1985 A. G. Reiman
M. A. Semenov-Tyan-Shanskii
L. D. Faddeev
+ On one algorithm of input action reconstruction for linear systems 2009 В. И. Максимов
+ PDF Chat (T * G) t : A toy model for conformal field theory 1991 Anton Alekseev
L. D. Faddeev
+ Current-Like Variables in Massive and Massless Integrable Models 1994 Lyudvig Dmitrievich Faddeev
+ An Introduction to Semilinear Evolution Equations 1998 Thierry Cazenave
Alain Haraux
Yvan Martel
+ Poisson structure for the KdV equation 1985 L. D. Faddeev
Leon A. Takhtajan
+ Comparison of the exact quantum and quasiclassical results for a nonlinear Schr�dinger equation 1976 P. P. Kulish
S. V. Manakov
Lyudvig Dmitrievich Faddeev
+ On the approximation of periodic functions by de la Vallée Poussin sums 1978 S. B. Stečkin
+ The asymptotic distribution of prime numbers on the average 1996 С. Б. Стечкин
A. Yu. Popov
+ Optimization Techniques for State-Constrained Control and Obstacle Problems 2006 Alexander B. Kurzhanski
Ian M. Mitchell
Pravin Varaiya
+ PDF Chat Hirota equation as an example of an integrable symplectic map 1994 L. D. Faddeev
A. Yu. Volkov
+ Realization of the Schwinger term in the Gauss law and the possibility of correct quantization of a theory with anomalies 1986 Lyudvig Dmitrievich Faddeev
Samson L. Shatashvili
+ Dynamic Optimization for Reachability Problems 2001 Alexander B. Kurzhanski
Pravin Varaiya
+ Some extremal properties of trigonometric sums 1994 С. Б. Стечкин
+ The energy problem in Einstein's theory of gravitation (Dedicated to the memory of V. A. Fock) 1982 Lyudvig Dmitrievich Faddeev
+ Differential equations in control synthesis problems: I. Ordinary systems 2005 А. Б. Куржанский
+ Coppel–Conti Sets of Linear Differential Systems 2003 N. A. Izobov
R. A. Prokhorova
+ PDF Chat An 𝑙₁ extremal problem for polynomials 1971 E. Beller
Donald J. Newman
+ Conditional exponential stability of a differential system with linear dichotomous Coppel-Conti approximation 2008 N. A. Izobov
+ PDF Chat On the existence of linear Pfaff systems with lower characteristic sets of positive Lebesgue m-measure 2009 N. A. Izobov
S. G. Krasovskii
A. S. Platonov
+ PDF Chat Inverse problem of quantum scattering theory. II. 1976 L. D. Faddeev
+ Regularization of kepler's problem and the averaging method on a manifold 1970 John W. Moser
+ Bases mathématiques du calcul des probabilités 1964 J. Neveu