Jeffrey Hoffstein


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ The shifted convolution L-function for Maass forms 2024 Dorian Goldfeld
Gerhardt Hinkle
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ The shifted convolution $L$-function for Maass forms 2023 Dorian Goldfeld
Gerhardt Hinkle
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ PDF Chat Non‐vanishing of symmetric cube L$L$‐functions 2022 Jeffrey Hoffstein
Junehyuk Jung
Min Lee
+ First moments of Rankin–Selberg convolutions of automorphic forms on $${{\,\mathrm{GL}\,}}(2)$$ 2021 Jeffrey Hoffstein
Min Lee
Maria Năstăsescu
+ Non-vanishing of symmetric cube $L$-functions 2021 Jeffrey Hoffstein
Junehyuk Jung
Min Lee
+ First moments of Rankin-Selberg convolution of Automorphic Forms on $GL(2)$. 2020 Jeffrey Hoffstein
Min Lee
Maria Năstăsescu
+ Second moments of Rankin-Selberg convolution and shifted Dirichlet series 2020 Jeffrey Hoffstein
Min Lee
+ First moments of Rankin-Selberg convolution of Automorphic Forms on $GL(2)$ 2020 Jeffrey Hoffstein
Min Lee
Maria Năstăsescu
+ Additive twists and a conjecture by Mazur, Rubin and Stein 2019 Nikolaos Diamantis
Jeffrey Hoffstein
Eren Mehmet Kıral
Min Lee
+ Shifted convolutions and a conjecture by Mazur, Rubin and Stein 2018 Nikolaos Diamantis
Jeffrey Hoffstein
Mehmet Kıral
Min Lee
+ Multiple Dirichlet series and shifted convolutions 2015 Jeffrey Hoffstein
Thomas A. Hulse
André Reznikov
+ PDF Fourier coefficients of sextic theta series 2015 Reinier Bröker
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ Discrete Logarithms and Diffie–Hellman 2014 Jeffrey Hoffstein
Jill Pipher
Joseph H. Silverman
+ Shifted Multiple Dirichlet Series 2014 Jeffrey Hoffstein
Min Lee
+ PDF Practical Signatures from the Partial Fourier Recovery Problem 2014 Jeffrey Hoffstein
Jill Pipher
John M. Schanck
Joseph H. Silverman
William Whyte
+ Fourier coefficients of sextic theta series 2013 Reinier Bröker
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ Second Moments and simultaneous non-vanishing of GL(2) automorphic L-series 2013 Jeffrey Hoffstein
Min Lee
+ Practical Signatures from the Partial Fourier Recovery Problem. 2013 Jeffrey Hoffstein
Jill Pipher
John M. Schanck
Joseph H. Silverman
William Foote Whyte
+ Fourier coefficients of sextic theta series 2013 Reinier Bröker
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ Multiple Dirichlet Series and Shifted Convolutions 2011 Jeffrey Hoffstein
Thomas A. Hulse
André Reznikov
+ Double Dirichlet Series and Theta Functions 2011 Gautam Chinta
Solomon Friedberg
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ PDF Coefficients of the n-Fold Theta Function and Weyl Group Multiple Dirichlet Series 2011 Ben Brubaker
Daniel Bump
Solomon Friedberg
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ Multiple Dirichlet Series and Shifted Convolutions 2011 Jeffrey Hoffstein
Thomas A. Hulse
André Reznikov
+ The first non-vanishing quadratic twist of an automorphic L-series 2010 Jeffrey Hoffstein
Alex Kontorovich
+ The first non-vanishing quadratic twist of an automorphic L-series 2010 Jeffrey Hoffstein
Alex Kontorovich
+ Determining modular forms on $${SL_2(\mathbb{Z})}$$ by central values of convolution L-functions 2009 Satadal Ganguly
Jeffrey Hoffstein
Jyoti Sengupta
+ Discrete Logarithms and Diffie Hellman 2008 Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ PDF Weyl group multiple Dirichlet series III: Eisenstein series and twisted unstable A<sub>r</sub> 2007 Ben Brubaker
Daniel Bump
Solomon Friedberg
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ Weyl group multiple Dirichlet series I 2006 Ben Brubaker
Daniel Bump
Gautam Chinta
Solomon Friedberg
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ Multiple Dirichlet Series, Automorphic Forms, and Analytic Number Theory 2006 Solomon Friedberg
Daniel Bump
Dorian Goldfeld
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ Multiple Dirichlet series and automorphic forms 2006 Gautam Chinta
Solomon Friedberg
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ Asymptotics for sums of twisted L-functions and applications 2005 Gautam Chinta
Solomon Friedberg
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ Cubic twists of GL(2) automorphic L-functions 2004 Ben Brubaker
Solomon Friedberg
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ None 2004 Ben Brubaker
Alina Bucur
Gautam Chinta
Sharon Frechette
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ PDF Multiple Dirichlet Series and Moments of Zeta and L-Functions 2003 Adrian Diaconu
Dorian Goldfeld
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ Double Dirichlet series and the n -th order twists of Hecke L -series 2003 Solomon Friedberg
Jeffrey Hoffstein
Daniel Lieman
+ Random small Hamming weight products with applications to cryptography 2003 Jeffrey Hoffstein
Joseph H. Silverman
+ The Distribution of the Quadratic Symbol in Function Fields and a Faster Mathematical Stream Cipher 2001 Jeffrey Hoffstein
Daniel Lieman
+ Multiple Dirichlet series and moments of zeta and L-functions 2001 Adrian Diaconu
Dorian Goldfeld
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ Automorphic Forms and Sums of Squares over Function Fields 1999 Jeffrey Hoffstein
Kathy D. Merrill
Lynne H. Walling
+ PDF Omega results for automorphic 𝐿-functions 1999 Jeffrey Hoffstein
Paul Lockhart
+ Average values of cubic 𝐿-series 1999 David W. Farmer
Jeffrey Hoffstein
Daniel Lieman
+ PDF Nonvanishing of $L$-Series and the combinatorial sieve 1997 Jeffrey Hoffstein
Wenzhi Luo
+ The symmetric cube 1996 Daniel Bump
David Ginzburg
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ PDF On some applications of automorphic forms to number theory 1996 Daniel Bump
Solomon Friedberg
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ Nonvanishing Theorems for Automorphic L-Functions on GL(2) 1995 Solomon Friedberg
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ None 1995 Jeffrey Hoffstein
Dinakar Ramakrishnan
+ Coefficients of Maass Forms and the Siegel Zero 1994 Jeffrey Hoffstein
Paul Lockhart
+ Appendix: An Effective Zero-Free Region 1994 Dorian Goldfeld
Jeffrey Hoffstein
Daniel Lieman
+ PDF Eisenstein series and theta functions on the metaplectic group 1993 Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ On the number of Fourier coefficients that determine a modular form 1993 Dorian Goldfeld
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ Theta functions on then-fold metaplectic cover of SL(2)?the function field case 1992 Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ Average values of L-series in function fields. 1992 Jeffrey Hoffstein
Michael K. Rosen
+ p-adic Whittaker functions on the metaplectic group 1991 Daniel Bump
Solomon Friedberg
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ Nonvanishing theorems for L-functions of modular forms and their derivatives 1990 Daniel Bump
Solomon Friedberg
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ PDF The Kubota symbol for <i>Sp</i>(4, <i>Q</i>(<i>i</i>)) 1990 Daniel Bump
Solomon Friedberg
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ Eisenstein Series on the Metaplectic Group and Nonvanishing Theorems for Automorphic L-Functions and their Derivatives 1990 Daniel Bump
Solomon Friedberg
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ L-series of automorphic forms on GL(3,R) 1989 Jeffrey Hoffstein
M. Ram Murty
+ On Artin’s conjecture and the class number of certain CM fields, I 1989 Jeffrey Hoffstein
Naomi Jochnowitz
+ On Artin’s conjecture and the class number of certain CM fields, II 1989 Jeffrey Hoffstein
Naomi Jochnowitz
+ Some conjectured relationships between theta functions and eisenstein series on the metaplectic group 1989 Daniel Bump
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ PDF A nonvanishing theorem for derivatives of automorphic 𝐿-functions with applications to elliptic curves 1989 Daniel Bump
Solomon Friedberg
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ On Shimura’s correspondence 1987 Daniel Bump
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ Some Euler products associated with cubic metaplectic forms on GL(3) 1986 Daniel Bump
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ Cubic metaplectic forms onGL (3) 1986 Daniel Bump
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ Eisenstein series of 1/2-integral weight and the mean value of real DirichletL-series 1985 Dorian Goldfeld
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ Real zeros of Eisenstein series 1982 Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ On Automorphic Functions of Half-Integral Weight with Applications to Elliptic Curves 1982 Dorian Goldfeld
Jeffrey Hoffstein
S. J. Patterson
+ PDF On the Siegel-Tatuzawa theorem 1980 Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ Some analytic bounds for zeta functions and class numbers 1979 Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ Some results related to minimal discriminants 1979 Jeffrey Hoffstein
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Metaplectic forms 1984 David Kazhdan
S. J. Patterson
+ PDF Eisenstein series and theta functions on the metaplectic group 1993 Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ A cubic analogue of the theta series. II. 1977 S. J. Patterson
+ PDF On some applications of automorphic forms to number theory 1996 Daniel Bump
Solomon Friedberg
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ Eisenstein series of 1/2-integral weight and the mean value of real DirichletL-series 1985 Dorian Goldfeld
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ On Modular Forms of Half Integral Weight 1973 Goro Shimura
+ Analytic Number Theory 2004 Henryk Iwaniec
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Introduction to Complex Analysis in Several Variables 2005 Volker Scheidemann
+ Table of Integrals, Series, and Products 1980 7
+ On automorphic functions and the reciprocity law in a number field 1969 Tomio Kubota
+ Solution of the congruence subgroup problem for SL n (n ≄ 3) and Sp2n (n ≄ 2) 1967 Hyman Bass
John Milnor
Jean-Pierre Serre
+ Sur les coefficients de Fourier des formes modulaires de poids demi-entier 1981 J. L. Waldspurger
+ Eisenstein Series on the Metaplectic Group and Nonvanishing Theorems for Automorphic L-Functions and their Derivatives 1990 Daniel Bump
Solomon Friedberg
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ None 2004 Valentin Blomer
+ Nonvanishing Theorems for Automorphic L-Functions on GL(2) 1995 Solomon Friedberg
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ On the Holomorphy of Certain Dirichlet Series 1975 Goro Shimura
+ PDF Sur les sous-groupes arithmétiques des groupes semi-simples déployés 1969 Hideya Matsumoto
+ Heegner points and derivatives ofL-series 1986 Benedict H. Gross
Don Zagier
+ On Automorphic Functions of Half-Integral Weight with Applications to Elliptic Curves 1982 Dorian Goldfeld
Jeffrey Hoffstein
S. J. Patterson
+ PDF Double Dirichlet series over function fields 2004 Benji Fisher
Solomon Friedberg
+ Some effective cases of the Brauer-Siegel Theorem 1974 H. StÀrk
+ Multiple Dirichlet series and shifted convolutions 2015 Jeffrey Hoffstein
Thomas A. Hulse
André Reznikov
+ PDF Automorphic Forms on GL (2) 1970 H. Jacquet
R. P. Langlands
+ PDF A nonvanishing theorem for derivatives of automorphic 𝐿-functions with applications to elliptic curves 1989 Daniel Bump
Solomon Friedberg
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ PDF A relation between automorphic representations of ${\rm GL}(2)$ and ${\rm GL}(3)$ 1978 Stephen Gelbart
Hervé Jacquet
+ PDF A mean value estimate for real character sums 1995 D. R. Heath‐Brown
+ The Theory of the Riemann Zeta-Function 1987 E. C. Titchmarsh
D. R. Heath‐Brown
+ PDF Lower bounds for discriminants of number fields, II 1977 Andrew Odlyzko
+ PDF A conjectural extension of Hecke’s converse theorem 2017 Sandro Bettin
Jonathan Bober
Andrew R. Booker
Brian Conrey
Min Lee
Giuseppe Molteni
Thomas Oliver
David J. Platt
Raphael S. Steiner
+ Nonvanishing ofL-functions for GL (2) 1989 David E. Rohrlich
+ Twists of newforms and pseudo-eigenvalues ofW-operators 1978 A. O. L. Atkin
W Li
+ On Shimura’s correspondence 1987 Daniel Bump
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ Double Dirichlet series and the n -th order twists of Hecke L -series 2003 Solomon Friedberg
Jeffrey Hoffstein
Daniel Lieman
+ Rankin-Selberg Convolutions 1983 H. Jacquet
I. I. Piatetskii-Shapiro
J. A. Shalika
+ PDF Distinguishing Hecke eigenvalues of primitive cusp forms 2004 Jyoti Sengupta
+ PDF On the order of vanishing of modular $L$-functions at the critical point 1990 Henryk Iwaniec
+ Average values of L-series in function fields. 1992 Jeffrey Hoffstein
Michael K. Rosen
+ The Rankin–Selberg Method: A Survey 1989 Daniel Bump
+ None 2005 Gautam Chinta
Adrian Diaconu
+ Some analytic estimates of class numbers and discriminants 1975 Andrew Odlyzko
+ On the Fourier Coefficients of Biquadratic Theta Series 1992 Carsten Eckhardt
S. J. Patterson
+ Special L-values of Rankin-Selberg convolutions 1999 Wenzhi Luo
+ PDF Fonctions de Whittaker associées aux groupes de Chevalley 1967 Hervé Jacquet
+ PDF On the Fourier coefficients of automorphic forms at various cusps and some applications to Rankin's convolution 1976 Tetsuya Asai
+ PDF Multiple Dirichlet Series and Moments of Zeta and L-Functions 2003 Adrian Diaconu
Dorian Goldfeld
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ PDF Chat Analytic Continuation of Representations and Estimates of Automorphic Forms 1999 Joseph Bernstein
André Reznikov
+ The Conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer 2016 J. Coates
Andrew Wiles
+ Estimates for Rankin–Selberg L-Functions and Quantum Unique Ergodicity 2001 Peter Sarnak
+ Functoriality for the exterior square of đș𝐿₄ and the symmetric fourth of đș𝐿₂ 2002 Henry Kim