Jolanta Pielaszkiewicz


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Approximate normality in testing an exchangeable covariance structure under large- and high-dimensional settings 2022 Daniel Klein
Jolanta Pielaszkiewicz
Katarzyna Filipiak
+ Multivariate Moments in Multivariate Analysis 2021 Jolanta Pielaszkiewicz
Dietrich von Rosen
+ The Likelihood Ratio Test of Equality of Mean Vectors with a Doubly Exchangeable Covariance Matrix 2021 Carlos A. Coelho
Jolanta Pielaszkiewicz
+ A Collection of Moments of the Wishart Distribution 2020 Thomas Holgersson
Jolanta Pielaszkiewicz
+ PDF Chat Mixtures of traces of Wishart and inverse Wishart matrices 2019 Jolanta Pielaszkiewicz
Thomas Holgersson
+ Testing Independence via Spectral Moments 2017 Jolanta Pielaszkiewicz
Dietrich von Rosen
Martin Singull
+ On , where 2016 Jolanta Pielaszkiewicz
Dietrich von Rosen
Martin Singull
+ PDF Chat Contributions to High–Dimensional Analysis under Kolmogorov Condition 2015 Jolanta Pielaszkiewicz
+ Recursive formula for E(∏i Tr{(WΣ-1)mi}), where W~Wp(∑; n) in finite and asymptotic regime 2015 Jolanta Pielaszkiewicz
Dietrich von Rosen
Martin Singull
+ Closed Form of the Asymptotic Spectral Distribution of Random Matrices Using Free Independence 2015 Jolanta Pielaszkiewicz
Martin Singull
+ On p/n-asymptoticsapplied to traces of 1st and 2nd order powers of Wishart matrices with application to goodness-of-fit testing 2015 Jolanta Pielaszkiewicz
Dietrich von Rosen
Martin Singull
+ PDF Chat Cumulant-moment relation in free probability theory 2014 Jolanta Pielaszkiewicz
Dietrich von Rosen
Martin Singull
+ On Free Moments and Free Cumulants 2014 Jolanta Pielaszkiewicz
Dietrich von Rosen
Martin Singull
+ PDF Chat R--transform associated with asymptotic negative spectral moments of Jacobi ensemble 2013 Jolanta Pielaszkiewicz
+ On the asymptotic spectral distribution of random matrices : closed form solutions using free independence 2013 Jolanta Pielaszkiewicz
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Limit laws for Random matrices and free products 1991 Dan Voiculescu
+ All Invariant Moments of the Wishart Distribution 2004 Gérard Letac
Hélène Massam
+ Advanced Multivariate Statistics with Matrices 2005 Tõnu Kollo
Dietrich von Rosen
+ On the Empirical Distribution of Eigenvalues of a Class of Large Dimensional Random Matrices 1995 Jack W. Silverstein
Zhidong Bai
+ Lectures on the Combinatorics of Free Probability 2006 Alexandru Nica
Roland Speicher
+ Random Matrix Methods for Wireless Communications 2011 Romain Couillet
Mérouane Debbah
+ Aspects of Multivariate Statistical Theory 1982 Robb J. Muirhead
+ PDF Chat Deterministic equivalents for certain functionals of large random matrices 2007 Walid Hachem
Philippe Loubaton
Jamal Najım
+ On the trace of a wishart 1998 Deborah H. Glueck
Keith E. Muller
+ Random Matrix Theory and Wireless Communications 2004 Antonia M. Tulino
Sergio Verdú
+ Multiplicative functions on the lattice of non-crossing partitions and free convolution 1994 Roland Speicher
+ Random matrices with complex Gaussian entries 2003 Uffe Haagerup
Steen Thorbjørnsen
+ The noncentral Wishart as an exponential family, and its moments 2008 Gérard Letac
Hélène Massam
+ On a symbolic representation of non-central Wishart random matrices with applications 2013 Elvira Di Nardo
+ PDF Chat An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis 2004 3
+ On , where 2016 Jolanta Pielaszkiewicz
Dietrich von Rosen
Martin Singull
+ Moments of the trace of a noncentral wishart matrix 1980 A. M. Mathai
+ An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis 1986 Robb J. Muirhead
T. W. Anderson
+ Some limit theorems for the eigenvalues of a sample covariance matrix 1982 Dag Jonsson
+ PDF Chat Statistical Analysis Based on a Certain Multivariate Complex Gaussian Distribution (An Introduction) 1963 N. R. Goodman
+ Symmetries of some reduced free product C*-algebras 1985 Dan Voiculescu
+ Some combinatorial aspects of the spectra of normally distributed random matrices 1992 Philip J. Hanlon
Richard P. Stanley
John R. Stembridge
+ PDF Chat The Euler characteristic of the moduli space of curves 1986 John Harer
Don Zagier
+ Aspects of Multivariate Statistical Theory 1984 Leon Jay Gleser
Robb J. Muirhead
+ PDF Chat A note on testing the covariance matrix for large dimension 2005 Mélanie Birke
Holger Dette
+ Free Probability and Random Matrices 2017 James A. Mingo
Roland Speicher
+ Likelihood Ratio Tests for High‐Dimensional Normal Distributions 2015 Tiefeng Jiang
Yongcheng Qi
+ Large Sample Covariance Matrices and High-Dimensional Data Analysis 2015 Jianfeng Yao
Shurong Zheng
Zhidong Bai
+ PDF Chat Likelihood ratio tests for covariance matrices of high-dimensional normal distributions 2012 Dandan Jiang
Tiefeng Jiang
Fan Yang
+ Further identities for the Wishart distribution with applications in regression 1981 L. R. Haff
+ Some tests for the equality of covariance matrices 2001 James R. Schott
+ On testing for an identity covariance matrix when the dimensionality equals or exceeds the sample size 2011 Thomas J. Fisher
+ On Powers of Some Power Series 2010 Milan Janjić
+ Shrinkage estimators for large covariance matrices in multivariate real and complex normal distributions under an invariant quadratic loss 2009 Yoshihiko Konno
+ The Cauchy Transform 2006 Joseph A. Cima
Alec Matheson
William T. Ross
+ PDF Chat On the Complex Wishart Distribution 1965 Muni S. Srivastava
+ On Certain Free Product Factors via an Extended Matrix Model 1993 Kenneth J. Dykema
+ PDF Chat On the mean and variance of the generalized inverse of a singular Wishart matrix 2011 R. Dennis Cook
Liliana Forzani
+ Handbook of Beta Distribution and Its Applications 2004 Arjun K. Gupta
Saralees Nadarajah
+ PDF Chat The complex Wishart distribution and the symmetric group 2003 Piotr Graczyk
Gérard Letac
Hélène Massam
+ The semicircle law, free random variables, and entropy 2000 Fumio Hiai
Dėnes Petz
+ PDF Chat Expectation of Elementary Symmetric Functions of a Wishart Matrix 1973 John G. Saw
+ PDF Chat CLT for linear spectral statistics of large-dimensional sample covariance matrices 2004 Zhidong Bai
Jack W. Silverstein
+ A new test for sphericity of the covariance matrix for high dimensional data 2010 Thomas J. Fisher
Xiaoqian Sun
Colin Gallagher
+ Estimation in High-Dimensional Analysis and Multivariate Linear Models 2011 Tõnu Kollo
Tatjana von Rosen
Dietrich von Rosen
+ Some hypothesis tests for the covariance matrix when the dimension is large compared to the sample size 2001 Olivier Ledoit
Michael Wolf
+ Theory of essentially multivariate statistical analysis 1999 V. Serdobolskii
+ Testing for complete independence in high dimensions 2005 James R. Schott
+ Matricvariate and matrix multivariate T distributions and associated distributions 2011 José A. Dı́az-Garcı́a
Ramón Gutiérrez Jáimez
+ PDF Chat Estimating Covariance Matrices 1991 Wei‐Liem Loh