Mathieu Sablik


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Characterization of the set of zero-noise limits measures of perturbed cellular automata 2024 Hugo Marsan
Mathieu Sablik
+ Soficity of free extensions of effective subshifts 2024 Sebastián Barbieri
Mathieu Sablik
Ville Salo
+ PDF Chat Strong stochastic stability of cellular automata 2024 Hugo Marsan
Mathieu Sablik
+ PDF Chat Arithmetical Hierarchy of the Besicovitch-Stability of Noisy Tilings 2023 Léo Gayral
Mathieu Sablik
+ PDF Chat Characterisation of the Set of Ground States of Uniformly Chaotic Finite-Range Lattice Models 2023 Léo Gayral
Mathieu Sablik
Siamak Taati
+ PDF Chat On the Besicovitch-stability of noisy random tilings 2023 Léo Gayral
Mathieu Sablik
+ PDF Chat Parametrization by horizontal constraints in the study of algorithmic properties of $ \mathbb{Z}^2 $-subshifts of finite type 2023 Solène J. Esnay
Mathieu Sablik
+ Characterisation of the Set of Ground States of Uniformly Chaotic Finite-Range Lattice Models 2023 Léo Gayral
Mathieu Sablik
Siamak Taati
+ Soficity of free extensions of effective subshifts 2023 Sebastián Barbieri
Mathieu Sablik
Ville Salo
+ On the algorithmic descriptive complexity of attractors in topological dynamics 2023 Cristóbal Rojas
Mathieu Sablik
+ PDF Chat Arithmetical Hierarchy of the Besicovitch-Stability of Noisy Tilings 2022 Léo Gayral
Mathieu Sablik
+ Parametrization by Horizontal Constraints in the Study of Algorithmic Properties of Z^2-Subshift of Finite Type 2022 Solène Esnay
Mathieu Sablik
+ Parametrization by Horizontal Constraints in the Study of Algorithmic Properties of $\mathbb{Z}^2$-Subshift of Finite Type 2022 Solène Esnay
Mathieu Sablik
+ Groups with self-simulable zero-dimensional dynamics 2021 Sebastián Barbieri
Mathieu Sablik
Ville Salo
+ PDF Chat Domino Problem Under Horizontal Constraints 2020 Nathalie Aubrun
Mathieu Sablik
Julien Esnay
+ On entropies of block-gluing subshifts 2020 Svetlana Puzynina
Mathieu Sablik
+ On the computability properties of topological entropy: a general approach 2019 Silvère Gangloff
Alonso Herrera
Cristóbal Rojas
Mathieu Sablik
+ Ergodicity of some classes of cellular automata subject to noise 2019 Irène Marcovici
Mathieu Sablik
Siamak Taati
+ PDF Chat A generalization of the simulation theorem for semidirect products 2018 Sebastián Barbieri
Mathieu Sablik
+ PDF Chat Weak colored local rules for planar tilings 2018 Thomas Fernique
Mathieu Sablik
+ Simulation of minimal effective dynamical systems on the Cantor sets by minimal tridimensional subshifts of finite type 2018 Silvère Gangloff
Mathieu Sablik
+ A characterization of the numbers that are the entropy dimension of minimal Z^3-SFT 2017 Silvère Gangloff
Mathieu Sablik
+ A characterization of entropy dimensions of minimal tridimensional subshifts of finite type 2017 Silvère Gangloff
Mathieu Sablik
+ Quantified block gluing, aperiodicity and entropy of multidimensional SFT 2017 Silvère Gangloff
Mathieu Sablik
+ PDF Chat Self-organisation in Cellular Automata with Coalescent Particles: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches 2017 Benjamin Hellouin de Ménibus
Mathieu Sablik
+ Quantified block gluing, aperiodicity and entropy of multidimensional SFT 2017 Silvère Gangloff
Mathieu Sablik
+ PDF Chat Probability and algorithmics: a focus on some recent developments 2017 Peggy Cénac
Irène Marcovici
Christelle Rovetta
Mathieu Sablik
Rémi Varloot
+ A characterization of entropy dimensions of minimal tridimensional subshifts of finite type 2017 Silvère Gangloff
Mathieu Sablik
+ A notion of effectiveness for subshifts on finitely generated groups 2016 Nathalie Aubrun
Sebastián Barbieri
Mathieu Sablik
+ PDF Chat Characterization of sets of limit measures of a cellular automaton iterated on a random configuration 2016 Benjamin Hellouin de Ménibus
Mathieu Sablik
+ Row-constrained effective sets of colourings in the $2$-fold horocyclic tessellations of $\mathbb{H}^2$ are sofic. 2016 Nathalie Aubrun
Mathieu Sablik
+ Effective S-adic Symbolic Dynamical Systems 2016 Valérie Berthé
Thomas Fernique
Mathieu Sablik
+ The Domino Problem for Self-similar Structures 2016 Sebastián Barbieri
Mathieu Sablik
+ Row-constrained effective sets of colourings in the $2$-fold horocyclic tessellations of $\mathbb{H}^2$ are sofic 2016 Nathalie Aubrun
Mathieu Sablik
Mathieu Sablik
+ Multidimensional effective S-adic subshift are sofic 2014 Mathieu Sablik
Nathalie Aubrun
+ Speed of convergence for the realization of an effective subshift by a multidimensional SFT or Sofic 2013 Anne Crumière
Mathieu Sablik
Michael Schraudner
+ PDF Chat Simulation of Effective Subshifts by Two-dimensional Subshifts of Finite Type 2013 Nathalie Aubrun
Mathieu Sablik
+ Characterisation of sets of limit measures after iteration of a cellular automaton on an initial measure 2013 Benjamin Hellouin de Ménibus
Mathieu Sablik
+ Speed of convergence for the realization of an effective subshift by a multidimensional SFT or Sofic 2013 Anne Crumière
Mathieu Sablik
Michael Schraudner
+ PDF Chat Entry times in automata with simple defect dynamics 2012 Benjamin Hellouin de Ménibus
Mathieu Sablik
+ PDF Chat Local Rules for Computable Planar Tilings 2012 Thomas Fernique
Mathieu Sablik
+ Multidimensional effective S-adic systems are sofic 2011 Nathalie Aubrun
Mathieu Sablik
+ PDF Chat Construction of µ-limit Sets 2010 Laurent Boyer
Martin Delacourt
Mathieu Sablik
+ Construction of $\mu$-Limit Sets 2010 Laurent Boyer
Martin Delacourt
Mathieu Sablik
+ PDF Chat Topological Dynamics of Cellular Automata: Dimension Matters 2010 Mathieu Sablik
Guillaume Theyssier
+ Construction of $μ$-Limit Sets 2010 Laurent Boyer
Martin Delacourt
Mathieu Sablik
Mathieu Sablik
+ An Order on Sets of Tilings Corresponding to an Order on Languages 2009 Nathalie Aubrun
Mathieu Sablik
+ PDF Chat Two points of view to study the iterates of a random configuration by a cellular automaton 2008 Mathieu Sablik
+ Directional dynamics for cellular automata: A sensitivity to initial condition approach 2008 Mathieu Sablik
+ PDF Chat Topological Dynamics of 2D Cellular Automata 2008 Mathieu Sablik
Guillaume Theyssier
+ PDF Chat Logic and Theory of Algorithms 2008 Mathieu Sablik
Guillaume Theyssier
+ Topological Dynamics of 2D Cellular Automata 2007 Mathieu Sablik
Guillaume Theyssier
+ PDF Chat Measure rigidity for algebraic bipermutative cellular automata 2007 Mathieu Sablik
+ PDF Chat The Dynamics of Cellular Automata in Shift-Invariant Topologies 2007 Laurent Bienvenu
Mathieu Sablik
+ Etude de l'action conjointe d'un automate cellulaire et du décalage : une approche topologique et ergodique 2006 Mathieu Sablik
+ Measure rigidity for algebraic bipermutative cellular automata 2005 Mathieu Sablik
+ Wavelets in Abstract Hilbert Space 2000 Mathieu Sablik
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On the dynamics and recursive properties of multidimensional symbolic systems 2008 Michael Hochman
+ The undecidability of the domino problem 1966 Robert E. Berger
+ Endomorphisms and automorphisms of the shift dynamical system 1969 Gustav A. Hedlund
+ Undecidability and nonperiodicity for tilings of the plane 1971 Raphael M. Robinson
+ Tilings, substitution systems and dynamical systems generated by them 1989 Shahar Mozes
+ PDF Chat Simulation of Effective Subshifts by Two-dimensional Subshifts of Finite Type 2013 Nathalie Aubrun
Mathieu Sablik
+ An Introduction to Symbolic Dynamics and Coding 2010 Douglas Lind
Brian Marcus
+ PDF Chat A characterization of the entropies of multidimensional shifts of finite type 2010 Michael Hochman
Tom Meyerovitch
+ PDF Chat Effective Closed Subshifts in 1D Can Be Implemented in 2D 2010 Bruno Durand
Andrei Romashchenko
Alexander Shen
+ Fixed-point tile sets and their applications 2011 Bruno Durand
Andrei Romashchenko
Alexander Shen
+ PDF Chat On the Complexity of Limit Sets of Cellular Automata Associated with Probability Measures 2006 Laurent Boyer
Victor Poupet
Guillaume Theyssier
+ Languages, equicontinuity and attractors in cellular automata 1997 Petr Kůrka
+ PDF Chat Some properties of cellular automata with equicontinuity points 2000 F. Blanchard
Pierre Tisseur
+ PDF Chat Characterizations of periods of multi-dimensional shifts 2013 Emmanuel Jeandel
Pascal Vanier
+ Applications of ergodic theory and sofic systems to cellular automata 1984 Douglas Lind
+ Cellular automata with vanishing particles 2003 Petr Kůrka
+ PDF Chat Limit measures for affine cellular automata 2002 Marcus Pivato
+ The Arithmetical Hierarchy of Real Numbers 2001 Xizhong Zheng
Klaus Weihrauch
+ Dynamics and abstract computability: Computing invariant measures 2010 Stefano Galatolo
Mathieu Hoyrup
Cristóbal Rojas
+ PDF Chat Cesàro mean distribution of group automata starting from measures with summable decay 2000 Pablo A. Ferrari
Alejandro Maass
Servet Martı́nez
Peter Ney
+ PDF Chat Characterization of sets of limit measures of a cellular automaton iterated on a random configuration 2016 Benjamin Hellouin de Ménibus
Mathieu Sablik
+ Dynamical properties of expansive one-sided cellular automata 1997 F. Blanchard
Alejandro Maass
+ The one-dimensional cyclic cellular automaton: A system with deterministic dynamics that emulates an interacting particle system with stochastic dynamics 1990 Robert O. Fisch
+ PDF Chat Ergodic Theory on Compact Spaces 1976 Manfred Denker
Christian Grillenberger
Karl Sigmund
+ PDF Chat On undecidability of equicontinuity classification for cellular automata 2003 Bruno Durand
Enrico Formenti
Georges Varouchas
+ PDF Chat Limit measures for affine cellular automata II 2004 Marcus Pivato
Reem Yassawi
+ Directional dynamics along arbitrary curves in cellular automata 2011 Martin Delacourt
Victor Poupet
M. J. Sablik
Guillaume Theyssier
+ PDF Chat A generalization of the simulation theorem for semidirect products 2018 Sebastián Barbieri
Mathieu Sablik
+ Particlelike structures and their interactions in spatiotemporal patterns generated by one-dimensional deterministic cellular-automaton rules 1991 N. Boccara
J. Nasser
M. Röger
+ PDF Chat Realization of aperiodic subshifts and uniform densities in groups 2018 Nathalie Aubrun
Sebastián Barbieri
Stéphan Thomassé
+ The large scale geometry of strongly aperiodic subshifts of finite type 2017 David Bruce Cohen
+ Ergodic Theory via Joinings 2003 Eli Glasner
+ Expansivity, Permutivity, and Chaos for Cellular Automata 1998 Fabio Fagnani
+ Ergodic Theory 1982 I. P. Cornfeld
Ya. G. Sinaĭ
Sergey Fomin
+ Growth-type invariants for ℤ d subshifts of finite type and arithmetical classes of real numbers 2010 Tom Meyerovitch
+ A New Dimension Sensitive Property for Cellular Automata 2004 Vincent Bernardi
Bruno Durand
Enrico Formenti
Jarkko Kari
+ Universality and complexity in cellular automata 1984 Stephen Wolfram
+ PDF Chat Topological Entropy Dimension and Directional Entropy Dimension for ℤ2-Subshifts 2017 Uijin Jung
Jungseob Lee
Kyewon Koh Park
+ PDF Chat Invariant Measures and Convergence Properties for Cellular Automaton 184 and Related Processes 2005 Vladimir Belitsky
Pablo A. Ferrari
+ A notion of effectiveness for subshifts on finitely generated groups 2016 Nathalie Aubrun
Sebastián Barbieri
Mathieu Sablik
+ On the Expressive Power of Quasiperiodic SFT. 2017 Bruno Durand
Andrei Romashchenko
+ PDF Chat Reliable cellular automata with self-organization 2002 Péter Gács
+ Structural aspects of tilings 2008 Alexis Ballier
Bruno Durand
Emmanuel Jeandel
+ A shift-invariant metric on S zz inducing a non-trivial topology 1997 Gianpiero Cattaneo
Enrico Formenti
Luciano Margara
Johan Mazoyer
+ Combinatorial Group Theory 1990 Roger C. Lyndon
Paul E. Schupp
+ Combinatorial substitutions and sofic tilings 2010 Thomas Fernique
Nicolas Ollinger
+ Cellular Automata and Groups 2011 Tullio Ceccherini‐Silberstein
Michel Coornaert
+ Directional dynamics for cellular automata: A sensitivity to initial condition approach 2008 Mathieu Sablik
+ Algebraic theory of Penrose's non-periodic tilings of the plane. I 1981 N.G. de Bruijn
+ Local rules for quasiperiodic tilings of quadratic 2-planes inR 4 1992 Thang T. Q. Lê
Sergey Piunikhin
Vladimir Sadov