Generating author description...
Action | Title | Year | Authors |
+ | Lebesgue-Type Inequalities for Greedy Approximation in Banach Spaces | 2012 |
Daniel Savu Vladimir Temlyakov |
+ | Sparse approximation in Banach spaces | 2009 |
Daniel Savu |
Coauthor | Papers Together |
Vladimir Temlyakov | 1 |
Action | Title | Year | Authors | # of times referenced |
+ PDF Chat | Greedy Approximation with Regard to Bases and General Minimal Systems | 2002 |
Sergeĭ Konyagin Vladimir Temlyakov |
1 |
+ | Sparse approximation in Banach spaces | 2009 |
Daniel Savu |
1 |
+ PDF Chat | On Lebesgue-type inequalities for greedy approximation | 2007 |
David L. Donoho Michael Elad Vladimir Temlyakov |
1 |
+ | On performance of greedy algorithms | 2011 |
Vladimir Temlyakov Pavel Zheltov |
1 |
+ | Nonlinear Methods of Approximation | 2003 |
Vladimir Temlyakov |
1 |
+ PDF Chat | Sur les intégrales singulières | 1909 |
Henri Lebesgue |
1 |
+ | Greedy approximation | 2008 |
Vladimir Temlyakov |
1 |