Brian D. Wood


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Homogenisation of nonlinear blood flow in periodic networks: the limit of small haematocrit heterogeneity 2024 Y. Ben-Ami
Brian D. Wood
Joe Pitt‐Francis
Philip K. Maini
Helen M. Byrne
+ Introduction to Advanced Engineering Mathematics and Analysis: Modeling Physical Systems Using the Language of Mathematics 2023 Brian D. Wood
+ A Note on the Gibbsian Representation of the Gradient of a Vector Field 2022 Brian D. Wood
Peeter Joot
Stephen Whitaker
+ Explicit physics-informed neural networks for nonlinear closure: The case of transport in tissues 2021 Ehsan Taghizadeh
Helen M. Byrne
Brian D. Wood
+ Transport of chemotactic bacteria in granular media with randomly distributed chemoattractant-containing NAPL ganglia: Modeling and simulation 2021 Beibei Gao
Ehsan Taghizadeh
Brian D. Wood
Roseanne M. Ford
+ Explicit physics-informed neural networks for non-linear upscaling closure: the case of transport in tissues 2021 Ehsan Taghizadeh
Helen M. Byrne
Brian D. Wood
+ Anomalous diffusion process detected in macroscale Taylor dispersion 2020 Brian D. Wood
Ehsan Taghizadeh
Diogo Bolster
Francisco J. ValdĂ©s‐Parada
+ A hierarchy of models for simulating experimental results from a 3D heterogeneous porous medium 2018 Daniel Vogler
Sassan Ostvar
Rebecca Paustian
Brian D. Wood
+ Series Solutions for Orthotropic Diffusion in a Cube 2015 Brian D. Wood
Sassan Ostvar
+ Series Solutions for Orthotropic Diffusion in a Cube 2015 Brian D. Wood
Sassan Ostvar
+ Technical note: Revisiting the geometric theorems for volume averaging 2013 Brian D. Wood
+ Interfacial Phenomena and Natural Local Time 2012 Thilanka Appuhamillage
Vrushali A. Bokil
Enrique Thomann
Edward C. Waymire
Brian D. Wood
+ PDF Chat Corrections: Occupation and local times for skew Brownian motion with applications to dispersion across an interface 2011 Thilanka Appuhamillage
Vrushali A. Bokil
Enrique Thomann
Edward C. Waymire
Brian D. Wood
+ PDF Chat Erratum to: The Role of Tortuosity in Upscaling 2011 Francisco J. ValdĂ©s‐Parada
Mark L. Porter
Brian D. Wood
+ First Passage Times and Breakthrough Curves Associated with Interfacial Phenomena 2011 Edward C. Waymire
Thilanka Appuhamillage
Vrushali A. Bokil
Enrique Thomann
Brian D. Wood
+ Corrections and acknowledgment for "Occupation and local times for skew Brownian motion with applications to dispersion across an interface" 2010 Thilanka Appuhamillage
Vrushali A. Bokil
Enrique Thomann
Edward C. Waymire
Brian D. Wood
+ Upscaling microbial chemotaxis in porous media 2009 Francisco J. ValdĂ©s‐Parada
Mark L. Porter
Karthik Narayanaswamy
Roseanne M. Ford
Brian D. Wood
+ Effective Medium Equations for Chemotaxis in Porous Media 2008 Francisco J. ValdĂ©s‐Parada
Mark L. Porter
Krithika Narayanaswamy
Roseanne M. Ford
Brian D. Wood
+ A Generalized Taylor–Aris Formula and Skew Diffusion 2006 Jorge Ramírez
Enrique Thomann
Edward C. Waymire
R. Haggerty
Brian D. Wood
+ Calculation of the Darcy-scale effective diffusion and dispersion tensors for porous media: Volume averaging with 3-dimensional closure solutions 2004 Brian D. Wood
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Quantification of Chemotaxis to Naphthalene by <i>Pseudomonas putida</i> G7 1999 Randall B. Marx
Michael D. Aitken
+ Quantitative analysis of experiments on bacterial chemotaxis to naphthalene 2002 Joseph A. Pedit
Randall B. Marx
Cass T. Miller
Michael D. Aitken
+ Variational Physics-Informed Neural Networks For Solving Partial Differential Equations 2019 Ehsan Kharazmi
Zhongqiang Zhang
George Em Karniadakis
+ PDF Chat Predicting Effective Diffusivity of Porous Media from Images by Deep Learning 2019 Haiyi Wu
Wenzhen Fang
Qinjun Kang
Wen‐Quan Tao
Rui Qiao
+ PDF Chat Data-driven discovery of coarse-grained equations 2021 Joseph Bakarji
Daniel M. Tartakovsky
+ PDF Chat Multiscale modelling of drug transport and metabolism in liver spheroids 2020 Joseph Leedale
Jonathan A. Kyffin
Amy L. Harding
Helen Colley
Craig Murdoch
Parveen Sharma
Dominic P. Williams
Steven D. Webb
Rachel N. Bearon
+ From 1970 until present: the Keller-Segel model in chemotaxis and its consequences 2003 Dirk Horstmann
+ PDF Chat Learned discretizations for passive scalar advection in a two-dimensional turbulent flow 2021 Jiawei Zhuang
Dmitrii Kochkov
Yohai Bar‐Sinai
Michael P. Brenner
Stephan Hoyer
+ One — dimensional stochastic differential equations involving the local times of the unknown process 1984 J. F. Le Gall
+ The Elements of Statistical Learning 2001 Trevor Hastie
J. Friedman
Robert Tibshirani
+ Learning the Effective Dynamics of Complex Multiscale Systems. 2020 Pantelis R. Vlachas
Georgios Arampatzis
Caroline Uhler
Petros Koumoutsakos
+ Transport models for chemotactic cell populations based on individual cell behavior 1989 Mercedes A. Rivero
Robert T. Tranquillo
Helen M. Buettner
Douglas A. Lauffenburger
+ PDF Chat Linking Machine Learning with Multiscale Numerics: Data-Driven Discovery of Homogenized Equations 2020 Hassan Arbabi
J. E. Bunder
Giovanni Samaey
A. J. Roberts
Ioannis G. Kevrekidis
+ PDF Chat Data-driven discovery of partial differential equations 2017 Samuel Rudy
Steven L. Brunton
Joshua L. Proctor
J. Nathan Kutz
+ PDF Chat Coarse-scale PDEs from fine-scale observations via machine learning 2020 Seung‐Joon Lee
Mahdi Kooshkbaghi
Konstantinos Spiliotis
Constantinos Siettos
Ioannis G. Kevrekidis
+ PDF Chat Interface learning in fluid dynamics: Statistical inference of closures within micro–macro-coupling models 2020 Suraj Pawar
Shady E. Ahmed
Omer San
+ Hidden physics models: Machine learning of nonlinear partial differential equations 2017 Maziar Raissi
George Em Karniadakis
+ Interaction of Tumor with Its Micro-environment: A Mathematical Model 2009 Yangjin Kim
Avner Friedman
+ Model for chemotaxis 1971 Evelyn Fox Keller
Lee A. Segel
+ PDF Chat Turbulence Modeling in the Age of Data 2018 Karthik Duraisamy
Gianluca Iaccarino
Heng Xiao
+ PDF Chat On Skew Brownian Motion 1981 J. Michael Harrison
L. A. Shepp
+ On the Relationship Between Cell Balance Equations for Chemotactic Cell Populations 1992 Roseanne M. Ford
Peter T. Cummings
+ PDF Chat Learning data-driven discretizations for partial differential equations 2019 Yohai Bar‐Sinai
Stephan Hoyer
Jason Hickey
Michael P. Brenner
+ PDF Chat Analytical investigations for heat conduction problems in anisotropic thin-layer media with embedded heat sources 2002 Ming-Hsien Hsieh
Chien‐Ching Ma
+ PDF Chat Erratum to: The Role of Tortuosity in Upscaling 2011 Francisco J. ValdĂ©s‐Parada
Mark L. Porter
Brian D. Wood
+ Upscaling microbial chemotaxis in porous media 2009 Francisco J. ValdĂ©s‐Parada
Mark L. Porter
Karthik Narayanaswamy
Roseanne M. Ford
Brian D. Wood
+ PDF Chat Comment on “Jamming at zero temperature and zero applied stress: The epitome of disorder” 2004 Aleksandar Donev
Salvatore Torquato
Frank H. Stillinger
Robert Connelly
+ A Perturbation Expansion for Diffusion in a Random Velocity Field 1984 C. L. Winter
Charles M. Newman
Shlomo P. Neuman
+ Measurement of bacterial random motility and chemotaxis coefficients: II. Application of single‐cell‐based mathematical model 1991 Roseanne M. Ford
Douglas A. Lauffenburger
+ New derivations of the fundamental solution for heat conduction problems in three-dimensional general anisotropic media 2011 Rogério José Marczak
M. Denda
+ Analytical solutions for bacterial energy taxis (chemotaxis): Traveling bacterial bands 2007 Wei Long
Markus Hilpert
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Behavior of Skew Conditional Heat Kernels on Graph Networks 1993 Tatsuya Okada
+ On the symmetry of the conductivity tensor and other restrictions in the nonlinear theory of heat conduction 1969 W. A. Day
Morton E. Gurtin
+ Exact Solution of Heat Conduction in Composite Materials and Application to Inverse Problems 1998 Cuauhtemoc Aviles‐Ramos
A. Haji‐Sheikh
James V. Beck
+ “Skew-Brownian Motion” and Derived Processes 1991 Youssef Ouknine
+ PDF Chat A scheme for simulating one-dimensional diffusion processes with discontinuous coefficients 2006 Antoine Lejay
Miguel MartĂ­nez
+ The status of the kepler conjecture 1994 Thomas Hales
+ Closed-Form Likelihood Expansions for Multivariate Diffusions 2002 Yacine Aït‐Sahalia
+ Unsteady heat conduction in two-dimensional two slab-shaped regions. Exact closed-form solution and results 2003 Filippo de Monte
+ PDF Chat Overview of Mathematical Approaches Used to Model Bacterial Chemotaxis II: Bacterial Populations 2008 Marcus J. Tindall
Philip K. Maini
Steven L. Porter
Judith P. Armitage
+ PDF Chat Determination of effective transport coefficients for bacterial migration in sand columns 1995 J. W. Barton
Roseanne M. Ford
+ Effective diffusion and conduction in two‐phase media: A unified approach 1983 Hsueh‐Chia Chang
+ PDF Chat LVI. <i>On the influence of obstacles arranged in rectangular order upon the properties of a medium</i> 1892 Lord Rayleigh
+ Model for the chemotactic response of a bacterial population 1976 I. Richard Lapidus
Ralph Schiller
+ Heat Kernels and Spectral Theory 1989 E. B. Davies
+ PDF Chat On the functional central limit theorem and the law of the iterated logarithm for Markov processes 1982 Ritwik Bhattacharya
+ PDF Chat An Operator Calculus Having Applications in Quantum Electrodynamics 1951 Richard P. Feynman
+ Continuity of Solutions of Parabolic and Elliptic Equations 1958 John C. Nash
+ Theoretical Analysis of Transport in Porous Media: Multi-Equation and Hybrid Models for a Generic Transport Problem with Nonlinear Source Terms 2015 1
+ PDF Chat An alternative smooth particle hydrodynamics formulation to simulate chemotaxis in porous media 2016 Diego Avesani
Michael Dumbser
Gabriele Chiogna
Alberto Bellin