Gregory S. Warrington


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Skeletal generalizations of Dyck paths, parking functions, and chip-firing games 2024 Spencer Backman
Cole Charbonneau
Nicholas A. Loehr
Patrick Mullins
Mazie O'Connor
Gregory S. Warrington
+ PDF Chat A rooted variant of Stanley's chromatic symmetric function 2023 Nicholas A. Loehr
Gregory S. Warrington
+ A rooted variant of Stanley's chromatic symmetric function 2022 Nicholas A. Loehr
Gregory S. Warrington
+ PDF Chat Simulated Packing and Cracking 2021 Jeffrey S. Buzas
Gregory S. Warrington
+ Abacus-histories and the combinatorics of creation operators 2020 Nicholas A. Loehr
Gregory S. Warrington
+ Simulated packing and cracking 2020 Jeffrey S. Buzas
Gregory S. Warrington
+ Simulated packing and cracking 2020 Jeffrey S. Buzas
Gregory S. Warrington
+ Accumulation Charts for Instant-Runoff Elections 2019 Bridget Eileen Tenner
Gregory S. Warrington
+ PDF Chat A Comparison of Partisan-Gerrymandering Measures 2019 Gregory S. Warrington
+ Accumulation charts for instant-runoff elections 2019 Bridget Eileen Tenner
Gregory S. Warrington
+ Accumulation charts for instant-runoff elections 2019 Bridget Eileen Tenner
Gregory S. Warrington
+ PDF Chat Quasisymmetric and Schur expansions of cycle index polynomials 2018 Nicholas A. Loehr
Gregory S. Warrington
+ A comparison of gerrymandering metrics 2018 Gregory S. Warrington
+ A comparison of partisan-gerrymandering measures. 2018 Gregory S. Warrington
+ PDF Chat Quantifying Gerrymandering Using the Vote Distribution 2018 Gregory S. Warrington
+ Introduction to the declination function for gerrymanders 2018 Gregory S. Warrington
+ Packed voters and cracked voters 2018 Gregory S. Warrington
+ A comparison of partisan-gerrymandering measures 2018 Gregory S. Warrington
+ The net number of US House seats won by partisan gerrymandering 2017 Jeffrey S. Buzas
Gregory S. Warrington
+ Gerrymandering and the net number of US House seats won due to vote-distribution asymmetries 2017 Jeffrey S. Buzas
Gregory S. Warrington
+ PDF Chat Orthogonal bases for transportation polytopes applied to Latin squares, magic squares and Sudoku boards 2017 Gregory S. Warrington
+ Quantifying gerrymandering using the vote distribution 2017 Gregory S. Warrington
+ Gerrymandering and the net number of US House seats won due to vote-distribution asymmetries 2017 Jeffrey S. Buzas
Gregory S. Warrington
+ Quantifying gerrymandering using the vote distribution 2017 Gregory S. Warrington
+ Orthogonal bases for transportation polytopes applied to Latin squares, magic squares and Sudoku boards 2016 Gregory S. Warrington
+ Orthogonal bases for transportation polytopes applied to Latin squares, magic squares and Sudoku boards 2016 Gregory S. Warrington
+ PDF Chat Rational Parking Functions and Catalan Numbers 2015 Drew Armstrong
Nicholas A. Loehr
Gregory S. Warrington
+ Sweep maps: A continuous family of sorting algorithms 2015 Drew Armstrong
Nicholas A. Loehr
Gregory S. Warrington
+ Sweep maps: A continuous family of sorting algorithms 2014 Drew Armstrong
Nicholas A. Loehr
Gregory S. Warrington
+ Rational parking functions and Catalan numbers 2014 Drew Armstrong
Nicholas A. Loehr
Gregory S. Warrington
+ PDF Chat Martin Gardner’s Minimum No-3-in-a-Line Problem 2014 Alec S. Cooper
Oleg Pikhurko
John R. Schmitt
Gregory S. Warrington
+ Rational parking functions and Catalan numbers 2014 Drew Armstrong
Nicholas A. Loehr
Gregory S. Warrington
+ Sweep maps: A continuous family of sorting algorithms 2014 Drew Armstrong
Nicholas A. Loehr
Gregory S. Warrington
+ Sweep maps for lattice paths 2014 Nicholas A. Loehr
Gregory S. Warrington
+ Transition matrices for symmetric and quasisymmetric Hall–Littlewood polynomials 2013 Nicholas A. Loehr
LuĂ­s Serrano
Gregory S. Warrington
+ Optimized random chemistry 2013 Jeffrey S. Buzas
Gregory S. Warrington
+ PDF Chat Transition matrices for symmetric and quasisymmetric Hall-Littlewood polynomials 2013 Nicolas Loehr
LuĂ­s Serrano
Gregory S. Warrington
+ Transition matrices for symmetric and quasisymmetric Hall-Littlewood polynomials 2012 Nicholas A. Loehr
LuĂ­s Serrano
Gregory S. Warrington
+ Matching expectations 2012 Daniel J. Velleman
Gregory S. Warrington
+ Equivalence Classes for the ÎŒ-Coefficient of Kazhdan–Lusztig Polynomials in<i>S<sub>n</sub></i> 2011 Gregory S. Warrington
+ PDF Chat Quasisymmetric expansions of Schur-function plethysms 2011 Nicholas A. Loehr
Gregory S. Warrington
+ Shape and pattern containment of separable permutations 2010 Andrew Crites
Greta Panova
Gregory S. Warrington
+ From quasisymmetric expansions to Schur expansions via a modified inverse Kostka matrix 2010 Eric S. Egge
Nicholas A. Loehr
Gregory S. Warrington
+ PDF Chat The Spectra of Certain Classes of Room Frames: The Last Cases 2010 Jeffrey H. Dinitz
Gregory S. Warrington
+ A combinatorial version of Sylvester's four-point problem 2010 Gregory S. Warrington
+ Equivalence classes for the mu-coefficient of Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials in S_n 2010 Gregory S. Warrington
+ Shape and pattern containment of separable permutations 2010 Andrew Crites
Greta Panova
Gregory S. Warrington
+ A continuous family of partition statistics equidistributed with length 2008 Nicholas A. Loehr
Gregory S. Warrington
+ Bitableau bases for Garsia–Haiman modules of hollow type 2008 Edward E. Allen
Miranda C. Marion
Gregory S. Warrington
+ Juggling Performers + Math = ? 2008 Gregory S. Warrington
+ Nested Quantum Dyck Paths and (s ) 2008 Nicholas A. Loehr
Gregory S. Warrington
+ Nested quantum Dyck paths and nabla(s_lambda) 2007 Nicholas A. Loehr
Gregory S. Warrington
+ PDF Chat Square $\boldsymbol {q,t}$-lattice paths and $\boldsymbol {\nabla (p_n)}$ 2006 Nicholas A. Loehr
Gregory S. Warrington
+ Bitableaux bases for Garsia-Haiman modules of hollow type 2006 Edward E. Allen
Miranda E. Cox
Gregory S. Warrington
+ A human proof for a generalization of Shalosh B. Ekhad's 10^n Lattice Paths Theorem 2005 Nicholas A. Loehr
Bruce E. Sagan
Gregory S. Warrington
+ PDF Chat Juggling Probabilities 2005 Gregory S. Warrington
+ Juggling Probabilities 2005 Gregory S. Warrington
+ A human proof for a generalization of Shalosh B. Ekhad's 10^n Lattice Paths Theorem 2005 Nicholas A. Loehr
Bruce E. Sagan
Gregory S. Warrington
+ PDF Chat The combinatorics of a three-line circulant determinant 2004 Nicholas A. Loehr
Gregory S. Warrington
Herbert S. Wilf
+ A formula for certain inverse Kazhdan–Lusztig polynomials in Sn 2003 Gregory S. Warrington
+ PDF Chat Maximal singular loci of Schubert varieties in $SL(n)/B$ 2003 Sara Billey
Gregory S. Warrington
+ Counterexamples to the 0-1 Conjecture 2003 Timothy J. McLarnan
Gregory S. Warrington
+ None 2003 Timothy J. McLarnan
Gregory S. Warrington
+ The combinatorics of a three-line circulant determinant 2003 Nicholas A. Loehr
Gregory S. Warrington
Herbert S. Wilf
+ Juggling probabilities 2003 Gregory S. Warrington
+ Two formulae for inverse Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials in S_n 2002 Gregory S. Warrington
+ Counterexamples to the 0-1 conjecture 2002 Timothy J. McLarnan
Gregory S. Warrington
+ PDF Chat None 2001 Sara Billey
Gregory S. Warrington
+ Maximal singular loci of Schubert varieties in SL(n)/B 2001 Sara Billey
Gregory S. Warrington
+ Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials for 321-hexagon-avoiding permutations 2000 Sara Billey
Gregory S. Warrington
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Representations of Coxeter groups and Hecke algebras 1979 David Kazhdan
G. Lusztig
+ Singular Loci of Schubert Varieties 2000 Sara Billey
V. Lakshmibai
+ PDF Chat A combinatorial formula for the character of the diagonal coinvariants 2005 J. Haglund
Mark Haiman
Nicholas A. Loehr
Jeffrey B. Remmel
Alexander P. Ulyanov
+ PDF Chat Conjectured Statistics for the Higher $q,t$-Catalan Sequences 2005 Nicholas A. Loehr
+ PDF Chat Conjectured statistics for the q,t-Catalan numbers 2003 J. Haglund
+ PDF Chat A proof of the q,t-Catalan positivity conjecture 2002 Adriano M. Garsia
J. Haglund
+ A combinatorial formula for Macdonald polynomials 2005 J. Haglund
Mark Haiman
Nicholas A. Loehr
+ PDF Chat A combinatorial model for the Macdonald polynomials 2004 J. Haglund
+ PDF Chat None 1996 Adriano M. Garsia
And M. Haiman
+ PDF Chat Measures of Partisan Bias for Legislating Fair Elections 2015 John F. Nagle
+ PDF Chat Quantifying Gerrymandering Using the Vote Distribution 2018 Gregory S. Warrington
+ Lattice Diagram Polynomials and Extended Pieri Rules 1999 François Bergeron
Nantel Bergeron
Adriano M. Garsia
Mark Haiman
Glenn Tesler
+ Reflection Groups and Coxeter Groups 1990 James E. Humphreys
+ Three Tests for Practical Evaluation of Partisan Gerrymandering 2016 Samuel Sheng-Hung Wang
+ From quasisymmetric expansions to Schur expansions via a modified inverse Kostka matrix 2010 Eric S. Egge
Nicholas A. Loehr
Gregory S. Warrington
+ A combinatorial interpretation of the inverse kostka matrix 1990 Ömer Egbareciogbarlu
Jeffrey B. Remmel
+ PDF Chat Maximal singular loci of Schubert varieties in $SL(n)/B$ 2003 Sara Billey
Gregory S. Warrington
+ Young Tableaux: With Applications to Representation Theory and Geometry 1996 William Fulton
+ Criterion for smoothness of Schubert varieties in Sl(n)/B 1990 V. Lakshmibai
B Sandhya
+ PDF Chat On the Fully Commutative Elements of Coxeter Groups 1996 John R. Stembridge
+ A conjectured combinatorial formula for the Hilbert series for diagonal harmonics 2005 J. Haglund
Nicholas A. Loehr
+ Trapezoidal lattice paths and multivariate analogues 2003 Nicholas A. Loehr
+ Local poincaré duality and non-singularity of schubert varieties 1985 Vinay V. Deodhar
+ PDF Chat Permutations, matrices, and generalized Young tableaux 1970 Donald Knuth
+ PDF Chat Identities and positivity conjectures for some remarkable operators in the theory of symmetric functions 1999 François Bergeron
Adriano M. Garsia
Mark Haiman
Glenn Tesler
+ PDF Chat A Schröder Generalization of Haglund's Statistic on Catalan Paths 2003 Eric S. Egge
J. Haglund
Kendra Killpatrick
Dirk Kremer
+ PDF Chat A positivity result in the theory of Macdonald polynomials 2001 Adriano M. Garsia
J. Haglund
+ A proof of the <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>q</mml:mi><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mi>t</mml:mi></mml:math>-square conjecture 2006 Mahir Bilen Can
Nicholas A. Loehr
+ A combinatorial formula for Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials 1994 Francesco Brenti
+ Combinatorial Expansions of Kazhdan-Lusztig Polynomials 1997 Francesco Brenti
+ A continuous family of partition statistics equidistributed with length 2008 Nicholas A. Loehr
Gregory S. Warrington
+ Enumerative Combinatorics 1997 Richard P. Stanley
Gian‐Carlo Rota
+ Nested Quantum Dyck Paths and (s ) 2008 Nicholas A. Loehr
Gregory S. Warrington
+ A Formula Goes to Court: Partisan Gerrymandering and the Efficiency Gap 2017 Mira Bernstein
Moon Duchin
+ Three Practical Tests for Gerrymandering: Application to Maryland and Wisconsin 2016 Samuel S.‐H. Wang
+ Hall-Littlewood functions and Kostka-Foulkes polynomials in representation theory. 1994 Jacques Désarménien
Bernard Leclerc
Jean-Yves Thibon
+ Construction of arbitrary Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials in symmetric groups 1999 Patrick Polo
+ Rejoinder to “Considering the Prospects for Establishing a Packing Gerrymandering Standard” 2017 Eric McGhee
+ PDF Chat Conjectured Combinatorial Models for the Hilbert Series of Generalized Diagonal Harmonics Modules 2004 Nicholas A. Loehr
Jeffrey B. Remmel
+ Enumerative Combinatorics 1999 Richard P. Stanley
Sergey Fomin
+ PDF Chat Combinatorics, symmetric functions and Hilbert schemes 2002 Mark Haiman
+ PDF Chat None 2001 Sara Billey
Gregory S. Warrington
+ PDF Chat Efficiency Gap, Voter Turnout, and the Efficiency Principle 2018 Ellen Veomett
+ Counterexamples to the 0-1 Conjecture 2003 Timothy J. McLarnan
Gregory S. Warrington
+ PDF Chat Square $\boldsymbol {q,t}$-lattice paths and $\boldsymbol {\nabla (p_n)}$ 2006 Nicholas A. Loehr
Gregory S. Warrington
+ Combinatorics of <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>q</mml:mi><mml:mtext>,</mml:mtext><mml:mi>t</mml:mi></mml:math>-parking functions 2004 Nicholas A. Loehr
+ Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture and holonomic systems 1981 Jean-Luc Brylinski
Masaki Kashiwara
+ Ribbon tableaux, Hall–Littlewood functions, quantum affine algebras, and unipotent varieties 1997 Alain Lascoux
Bernard Leclerc
Jean‐Yves Thibon
+ PDF Chat Vanishing theorems and character formulas for the Hilbert scheme of points in the plane 2002 Mark Haiman
+ PDF Chat Quasisymmetric expansions of Schur-function plethysms 2011 Nicholas A. Loehr
Gregory S. Warrington