Ali Farghadan


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Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
Aaron Towne 3
Junoh Jung 2
Rutvij Bhagwat 2
Eduardo Martini 1
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Efficient evaluation of the direct and adjoint linearized dynamics from compressible flow solvers 2012 Miguel Fosas de Pando
Denis Sipp
Peter J. Schmid
+ PDF Chat A critical-layer framework for turbulent pipe flow 2010 Beverley McKeon
A. S. Sharma
+ PDF Chat Finding Structure with Randomness: Probabilistic Algorithms for Constructing Approximate Matrix Decompositions 2011 Nathan Halko
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Joel A. Tropp
+ Modal Analysis of Fluid Flows: An Overview 2017 Kunihiko Taira
Steven L. Brunton
Scott T. M. Dawson
Clarence W. Rowley
Tim Colonius
Beverley McKeon
Oliver T. Schmidt
Stanislav Gordeyev
Vassilios Theofilis
Lawrence Ukeiley
+ PDF Chat Analysis of amplification mechanisms and cross-frequency interactions in nonlinear flows via the harmonic resolvent 2020 Alberto Padovan
Samuel E. Otto
Clarence W. Rowley
+ PDF Chat Spectral proper orthogonal decomposition and its relationship to dynamic mode decomposition and resolvent analysis 2018 Aaron Towne
Oliver T. Schmidt
Tim Colonius
+ Randomized resolvent analysis 2020 Jean Hélder Marques Ribeiro
C. Yeh
Kunihiko Taira
+ PDF Chat Model-based scaling of the streamwise energy density in high-Reynolds-number turbulent channels 2013 Rashad Moarref
A. S. Sharma
Joel A. Tropp
Beverley McKeon
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear input/output analysis: application to boundary layer transition 2021 Georgios Rigas
Denis Sipp
Tim Colonius
+ PDF Chat Efficient computation of global resolvent modes 2021 Eduardo Martini
Daniel Rodríguez
Aaron Towne
André V. G. Cavalieri
+ Resolvent-based modeling of turbulent jet noise 2021 Ethan Pickering
Aaron Towne
Peter Jordan
Tim Colonius
+ Effect of mass injection on secondary instability of hypersonic boundary layer over a blunt cone 2022 Chandan Kumar
Akshay Prakash
+ PDF Chat Efficient global resolvent analysis via the one-way Navier–Stokes equations 2022 Aaron Towne
Georgios Rigas
Omar Kamal
Ethan Pickering
Tim Colonius
+ PDF Chat Mean resolvent operator of a statistically steady flow 2023 Colin Leclercq
Denis Sipp
+ PDF Chat Spectral proper orthogonal decomposition of harmonically forced turbulent flows 2024 Liam Heidt
Tim Colonius