Louis J. Billera


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Boolean product polynomials and Schur-positivity 2018 Louis J. Billera
Sara Billey
Vasu Tewari
+ How to decompose a permutation into a pair of labeled Dyck paths by playing a game 2015 Louis J. Billera
Lionel Levine
Karola MĂ©szĂĄros
+ Bandwidth of the product of paths of the same length 2013 Louis J. Billera
SaĂșl A. Blanco
+ How to decompose a permutation into a pair of labeled Dyck paths by playing a game 2013 Louis J. Billera
Lionel Levine
Karola MĂ©szĂĄros
+ How to decompose a permutation into a pair of labeled Dyck paths by playing a game 2013 Louis J. Billera
Lionel Levine
Karola MĂ©szĂĄros
+ Bandwidth of the product of paths of the same length 2012 Louis J. Billera
SaĂșl A. Blanco
+ PDF Chat Nonpolytopal Nonsimplicial Lattice Spheres with Nonnegative Toric g-Vector 2012 Louis J. Billera
Eran Nevo
+ Maximal unbalanced families 2012 Louis J. Billera
Justin Tatch Moore
C. Dufort Moraites
Y. Wang
Kenneth S. Williams
+ Bandwidth of the product of paths of the same length 2012 Louis J. Billera
SaĂșl A. Blanco
+ Nonpolytopal nonsimplicial lattice spheres with nonnegative toric g-vector 2011 Louis J. Billera
Eran Nevo
+ PDF Chat Quasisymmetric functions and Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials 2011 Louis J. Billera
Francesco Brenti
+ Flag Enumeration in Polytopes, Eulerian Partially Ordered Sets and Coxeter Groups 2011 Louis J. Billera
+ Nonpolytopal nonsimplicial lattice spheres with nonnegative toric g-vector 2011 Louis J. Billera
Eran Nevo
+ A quasisymmetric function for matroids 2009 Louis J. Billera
Ning Jia
Victor Reiner
+ Enumeration in Convex Geometries and Associated Polytopal Subdivisions of Spheres 2008 Louis J. Billera
Samuel K. Hsiao
J. Scott Provan
+ The mentor 2008 Louis J. Billera
+ Distance computation in the space of phylogenetic trees 2008 Louis J. Billera
Megan Owen
+ PDF Chat Enumeration in Convex Geometries and Associated Polytopal Subdivisions of Spheres 2007 Louis J. Billera
Samuel K. Hsiao
J. Scott Provan
+ Quasisymmetric functions and Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials 2007 Louis J. Billera
Francesco Brenti
+ Peak Quasisymmetric Functions and Eulerian Enumeration 2007 Louis J. Billera
Samuel K. Hsiao
Stephanie van Willigenburg
+ A quasisymmetric function for matroids 2006 Louis J. Billera
Ning Jia
Victor Reiner
+ Angle sums on polytopes and polytopal complexes 2006 Louis J. Billera
Kristin A. Camenga
+ A quasisymmetric function for matroids 2006 Louis J. Billera
Ning Jia
Victor Reiner
+ Decomposable compositions, symmetric quasisymmetric functions and equality of ribbon Schur functions 2005 Louis J. Billera
Hugh Thomas
Stephanie van Willigenburg
+ Enumeration of Flags in Eulerian Posets 2005 Louis J. Billera
+ Enumeration in convex geometries and associated polytopal subdivisions of spheres 2005 Louis J. Billera
Samuel K. Hsiao
J. Scott Provan
+ PDF Chat Face Numbers of Polytopes and Complexes 2004 Louis J. Billera
Anders Björner
+ Shift techniques and multicover inequalities on colored complexes 2004 Louis J. Billera
S. A. Walker
+ Decomposable compositions, symmetric quasisymmetric functions and equality of ribbon Schur functions 2004 Louis J. Billera
Hugh Thomas
Stephanie van Willigenburg
+ Peak quasisymmetric functions and Eulerian enumeration 2003 Louis J. Billera
Samuel K. Hsiao
Stephanie van Willigenburg
+ Erratum to: “Geometry of the Space of Phylogenetic Trees” 2002 Louis J. Billera
Susan Holmes
Karen Vogtmann
+ PDF Chat A Geometric Interpretation of the Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm 2001 Louis J. Billera
Persi Diaconis
+ Geometry of the Space of Phylogenetic Trees 2001 Louis J. Billera
Susan Holmes
Karen Vogtmann
+ None 2000 Louis J. Billera
GĂĄbor Hetyei
+ Monotonicity of the cd-index for polytopes 2000 Louis J. Billera
Richard Ehrenborg
+ Geometry of the space of phylogenetic trees 2000 Louis J. Billera
Susan Holmes
Karen Vogtmann
+ PDF Chat None 2000 Louis J. Billera
Niandong Liu
+ Linear Inequalities for Flags in Graded Partially Ordered Sets 2000 Louis J. Billera
GĂĄbor Hetyei
+ Random Walks and Plane Arrangements in Three Dimensions 1999 Louis J. Billera
Kenneth S. Brown
Persi Diaconis
+ Random Walks and Plane Arrangements in Three Dimensions 1999 Louis J. Billera
Kenneth S. Brown
Persi Diaconis
+ PDF Chat The geometry of products of minors 1998 Eric Babson
Louis J. Billera
+ The cd-Index of Zonotopes and Arrangements 1998 Louis J. Billera
Richard Ehrenborg
Margaret Readdy
+ None 1998 Louis J. Billera
Amy N. Myers
+ Neighborly cubical spheres and a cubical lower bound conjecture 1997 Eric Babson
Louis J. Billera
Clara S. Chan
+ Thec-2d-Index of Oriented Matroids 1997 Louis J. Billera
Richard Ehrenborg
Margaret Readdy
+ Linear inequalities for flags in graded posets 1997 Louis J. Billera
GĂĄbor Hetyei
+ Book reviews 1996 Louis J. Billera
+ PDF Chat All 0–1 polytopes are traveling salesman polytopes 1996 Louis J. Billera
A. Sarangarajan
+ Formal power series and algebraic combinatorics, 1994 : DIMACS workshop, May 23-27, 1994 = Séries formelles et combinatoire algébrique, 1994 1996 Louis J. Billera
+ The combinatorics of permutation polytopes 1995 Louis J. Billera
A. Sarangarajan
+ Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (Séries Formelles et Combinatoire Algébrique), 1994 1995 Louis J. Billera
Curtis Greene
Rodica Simion
Richard P. Stanley
+ Iterated fiber polytopes 1994 Louis J. Billera
Bernd Sturmfels
+ PDF Chat Cellular strings on polytopes 1994 Louis J. Billera
Mikhail Kapranov
Bernd Sturmfels
+ Duality and Minors of Secondary Polyhedra 1993 Louis J. Billera
I. M. Gel'fand
Bernd Sturmfels
+ Fiber Polytopes 1992 Louis J. Billera
Bernd Sturmfels
+ Modules of piecewise polynomials and their freeness 1992 Louis J. Billera
Lauren L. Rose
+ Constructions and complexity of secondary polytopes 1990 Louis J. Billera
P. Filliman
Bernd Sturmfels
+ The algebra of continuous piecewise polynomials 1989 Louis J. Billera
+ Gröbner Basis Methods for Multivariate Splines 1989 Louis J. Billera
Lauren L. Rose
+ The Stanley decomposition of the harmonic oscillator 1988 Louis J. Billera
Richard Cushman
Jan A. Sanders
+ PDF Chat Homology of Smooth Splines: Generic Triangulations and a Conjecture of Strang 1988 Louis J. Billera
+ PDF Chat Balanced subdivision and enumeration in balanced spheres 1987 Louis J. Billera
Katherine Eberhardt Magurn
+ PDF Chat Generalized Dehn-Sommerville relations for polytopes, spheres and Eulerian partially ordered sets 1985 Margaret M. Bayer
Louis J. Billera
+ Triangulations of Oriented Matroids and Convex Polytopes 1984 Louis J. Billera
Beth Spellman Munson
+ Polarity and Inner Products in Oriented Matroids 1984 Louis J. Billera
Beth Spellman Munson
+ Oriented Matroids and Triangulations of Convex Polytopes 1984 Louis J. Billera
Beth Spellman Munson
+ Polyhedral Theory and Commutative Algebra 1983 Louis J. Billera
+ Leontief Substitution Systems and Matroid Complexes 1982 J. Scott Provan
Louis J. Billera
+ The Numbers of Faces of Polytope Pairs and Unbounded Polyhedra 1981 Louis J. Billera
Carl W. Lee
+ A proof of the sufficiency of McMullen's conditions for f-vectors of simplicial convex polytopes 1981 Louis J. Billera
Carl W. Lee
+ Decompositions of Simplicial Complexes Related to Diameters of Convex Polyhedra 1980 J. Scott Provan
Louis J. Billera
+ PDF Chat Sufficiency of McMullen’s conditions for 𝑓-vectors of simplicial polytopes 1980 Louis J. Billera
Carl W. Lee
J. Scott Provan
+ Pareto Surfaces of Complexity 1 1976 Louis J. Billera
Robert E. Bixby
+ Topologies for 2 x ; Set-Valued Functions and their Graphs 1971 Louis J. Billera
+ Topologies for $2\sp{x}$; set-valued functions and their graphs 1971 Louis J. Billera
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Generalized Dehn-Sommerville relations for polytopes, spheres and Eulerian partially ordered sets 1985 Margaret M. Bayer
Louis J. Billera
+ Enumerative Combinatorics 1997 Richard P. Stanley
Gian‐Carlo Rota
+ The number of faces of a simplicial convex polytope 1980 Richard P. Stanley
+ Combinatorics and Commutative Algebra 1996 Richard P. Stanley
+ A new basis of polytopes 1988 Gil Kalai
+ On Posets and Hopf Algebras 1996 Richard Ehrenborg
+ PDF Chat Generalized $H$-Vectors, Intersection Cohomology of Toric Varieties, and Related Results 2018 Richard P. Stanley
+ Flagf-vectors and thecd-index 1994 Richard P. Stanley
+ PDF Chat None 2000 Louis J. Billera
Niandong Liu
+ The cd-Index of Zonotopes and Arrangements 1998 Louis J. Billera
Richard Ehrenborg
Margaret Readdy
+ PDF Chat A new index for polytopes 1991 Margaret M. Bayer
Andrew Klapper
+ PDF Chat Face Numbers of Polytopes and Complexes 2004 Louis J. Billera
Anders Björner
+ A proof of the sufficiency of McMullen's conditions for f-vectors of simplicial convex polytopes 1981 Louis J. Billera
Carl W. Lee
+ PDF Chat Balanced Cohen-Macaulay complexes 1979 Richard P. Stanley
+ Facing up to arrangements: face-count formulas for partitions of space by hyperplanes 1975 Thomas ZasÄșavsky
+ PDF Chat None 1998 Richard Ehrenborg
Margaret Readdy
+ The Upper Bound Conjecture and Cohen-Macaulay Rings 1975 Richard P. Stanley
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial Hopf algebras and generalized Dehn–Sommerville relations 2006 Marcelo Aguiar
Nantel Bergeron
Frank Sottile
+ PDF Chat Enriched 𝑃-Partitions 1997 John R. Stembridge
+ Monotonicity of the cd-index for polytopes 2000 Louis J. Billera
Richard Ehrenborg
+ Convex polytopes and the upper bound conjecture 1971 Peter McMullen
G. C. Shephard
J. E. Reeve
Alan Ball
+ Thec-2d-Index of Oriented Matroids 1997 Louis J. Billera
Richard Ehrenborg
Margaret Readdy
+ Cohen-Macaulay Complexes 1977 Richard P. Stanley
+ The maximum numbers of faces of a convex polytope 1970 Peter McMullen
+ PDF Chat A Combinatorial Analogue of Poincaré's Duality Theorem 1964 Victor Klee
+ Lectures on Polytopes 1994 GĂŒnter M. Ziegler
+ A generalized lower‐bound conjecture for simplicial polytopes 1971 Peter McMullen
David W. Walkup
+ The numbers of faces of simplicial polytopes 1971 Peter McMullen
+ PDF Chat Sufficiency of McMullen’s conditions for 𝑓-vectors of simplicial polytopes 1980 Louis J. Billera
Carl W. Lee
+ Noncommutative Symmetrical Functions 1995 Israel M. Gelfand
D. Krob
Alain Lascoux
Bruno Leclerc
Vladimir Retakh
Jean-Yves Thibon
+ Hilbert functions of graded algebras 1978 Richard P. Stanley
+ PDF Chat Intersection homology of toric varieties and a conjecture of Kalai 1999 Tom Braden
Robert MacPherson
+ Flag Vectors of Eulerian Partially Ordered Sets 2001 Margaret M. Bayer
GĂĄbor Hetyei
+ Constructions and complexity of secondary polytopes 1990 Louis J. Billera
P. Filliman
Bernd Sturmfels
+ The toric ℎ-vectors of partially ordered sets 2000 Margaret M. Bayer
Richard Ehrenborg
+ A Survey of Eulerian Posets 1994 Richard P. Stanley
+ Cohen-Macaulay quotients of polynomial rings 1976 Gerald Allen Reisner
+ Peak quasisymmetric functions and Eulerian enumeration 2003 Louis J. Billera
Samuel K. Hsiao
Stephanie van Willigenburg
+ Fiber Polytopes 1992 Louis J. Billera
Bernd Sturmfels
+ Enumerative Combinatorics 1986 Richard P. Stanley
+ PDF Chat On lexicographically shellable posets 1983 Anders Björner
Michelle L. Wachs
+ Linear inequalities for flags in graded posets 1997 Louis J. Billera
GĂĄbor Hetyei
+ PDF Chat Lawrence Polytopes 1990 Margaret M. Bayer
Bernd Sturmfels
+ The Numbers of Faces of Polytope Pairs and Unbounded Polyhedra 1981 Louis J. Billera
Carl W. Lee
+ PDF Chat Polytope pairs and their relationship to linear programming 1974 Victor Klee
+ Noncommutative Pieri Operators on Posets 2000 Nantel Bergeron
Stefan Mykytiuk
Frank Sottile
Stephanie van Willigenburg
+ PDF Chat Bier Spheres and Posets 2004 Anders Björner
Andreas Paffenholz
Jonas Sjöstrand
GĂŒnter M. Ziegler
+ Enumerative Combinatorics 1999 Richard P. Stanley
Sergey Fomin
+ A combinatorial abstraction of linear programming 1977 Robert G. Bland