Barry Trager


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Breaking through the classical Shannon entropy limit: A new frontier through logical semantics 2024 Luis Lastras
Barry Trager
Jonathan Lenchner
Wojciech Szpankowski
Chai Wah Wu
Mark S. Squillante
Alexander Gray
+ Towards a Unification of Logic and Information Theory 2023 Luis Lastras
Barry Trager
Jonathan Lenchner
Wojtek Szpankowski
Chai Wah Wu
Mark S. Squillante
Alex Gray
+ Transformer Models for Type Inference in the Simply Typed Lambda Calculus: A Case Study in Deep Learning for Code 2023 Brando Miranda
Avi Shinnar
Vasily Pestun
Barry Trager
+ PDF Chat Formalization of a Stochastic Approximation Theorem 2022 Koundinya Vajjha
Barry Trager
Avraham Shinnar
Vasily Pestun
+ PDF Chat Integration of Algebraic Functions 2022 Barry Trager
+ Formalization of a Stochastic Approximation Theorem 2022 Koundinya Vajjha
Barry Trager
Avraham Shinnar
Vasily Pestun
+ Comments on Integration of Algebraic Functions 2022 Barry Trager
+ PDF Chat CertRL: formalizing convergence proofs for value and policy iteration in Coq 2021 Koundinya Vajjha
Avraham Shinnar
Barry Trager
Vasily Pestun
Nathan Fulton
+ Computational Aspects of Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry (Dagstuhl Seminar 9722) 2021 Eberhard Becker
Wolfram Decker
David Eisenbud
H. W. Lenstra
Barry Trager
+ CertRL: Formalizing Convergence Proofs for Value and Policy Iteration in Coq. 2020 Koundinya Vajjha
Avraham Shinnar
Vasily Pestun
Barry Trager
Nathan Fulton
+ CertRL: Formalizing Convergence Proofs for Value and Policy Iteration in Coq 2020 Koundinya Vajjha
Avraham Shinnar
Vasily Pestun
Barry Trager
Nathan Fulton
+ Computation of topological invariants for real projective surfaces with isolated singularities 2014 Elisabetta Fortuna
P. Gianni
Barry Trager
+ Ideals of curves given by points 2012 Elisabetta Fortuna
P. Gianni
Barry Trager
+ PDF Chat Ideals of curves given by points 2012 Elisabetta Fortuna
P. Gianni
Barry Trager
+ Effective constructions on real curves and surfaces 2011 Elisabetta Fortuna
Patrizia Gianni
Domenico Luminati
Barry Trager
+ Generators of the ideal of an algebraic space curve 2009 Elisabetta Fortuna
P. Gianni
Barry Trager
+ Irreducible decomposition of polynomial ideals 2005 Elisabetta Fortuna
P. Gianni
Barry Trager
+ A reduction for regular differential systems 2003 Manuel Bronstein
Barry Trager
+ Linear Differential Operators for Polynomial Equations 2002 Olivier Cormier
Michael F. Singer
Barry Trager
FĂ©lix Ulmer
+ Derivations and Radicals of Polynomial Ideals over Fields of Arbitrary Characteristic 2002 Elisabetta Fortuna
P. Gianni
Barry Trager
+ Degree reduction under specialization 2001 Elisabetta Fortuna
Patrizia Gianni
Barry Trager
+ Computation of the radical of polynomial ideals over fields of arbitrary characteristic 2001 Elisabetta Fortuna
Patrizia Gianni
Barry Trager
+ Riemann Surfaces, Plane Algebraic Curves and Their Period Matrices 1998 P. Gianni
M. SeppÀlÀ
Robert Silhol
Barry Trager
+ PDF Chat Integral closure of Noetherian rings 1997 Patrizia Gianni
Barry Trager
+ A reordered Schur factorization method for zero-dimensional polynomial systems with multiple roots 1997 Robert M. Corless
Patrizia Gianni
Barry Trager
+ Gröbner bases and primary decomposition of polynomial ideals 1988 Patrizia Gianni
Barry Trager
Gail Zacharias
+ On the parallel Risch Algorithm (II) 1985 James H. Davenport
Barry Trager
+ New Algorithms for Polynomial Square-Free Decomposition over the Integers 1979 Paul S. Wang
Barry Trager
+ Integration of simple radical extensions 1979 Barry Trager
+ Algebraic factoring and rational function integration 1976 Barry Trager
+ Completing nth powers of polynomials 1976 Barry Trager
David Y. Y. Yun
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Gröbner bases and primary decomposition of polynomial ideals 1988 Patrizia Gianni
Barry Trager
Gail Zacharias
+ PDF Chat Constructions in algebra 1974 A. Seidenberg
+ PDF Chat The problem of integration in finite terms 1969 Robert H. Risch
+ Über B. Buchbergers verfahren, systeme algebraischer gleichungen zu lösen 1978 W. Trinks
+ Galois properties of torsion points on abelian varieties 1980 Nicholas M. Katz
+ Jacobian matrices and constructions in algebra 1991 Wolmer V. Vasconcelos
+ On the complexity of computing grobner bases for zero-dimensional polynomial ideals 1990 Erich Kaltofen
Lakshman Yagati
+ Direct methods for primary decomposition 1992 David Eisenbud
Craig Huneke
Wolmer V. Vasconcelos
+ PDF Chat Integration of Algebraic Functions 2022 Barry Trager
+ PDF Chat A separation logic for concurrent randomized programs 2019 Joseph Tassarotti
Robert Harper
+ Gröbner Bases: A Computational Approach to Commutative Algebra 2011 Thomas Becker
Volker Weispfenning
Heinz Kredel
+ Yet another ideal decomposition algorithm 1997 Massimo Caboara
Pasqualina Conti
Carlo Traverse
+ Properties of Gröbner bases under specializations 1989 Patrizia Gianni
+ Linear Differential Operators for Polynomial Equations 2002 Olivier Cormier
Michael F. Singer
Barry Trager
FĂ©lix Ulmer
+ PDF Chat On Euclid's Algorithm and the Computation of Polynomial Greatest Common Divisors 1971 Warren S. Brown
+ Hurwitz Schemes and Irreducibility of Moduli of Algebraic Curves 1969 William Fulton
+ Algebraic factoring and rational function integration 1976 Barry Trager
+ PDF Chat Symbolic integration 1971 Joel Moses
+ PDF Chat Applications of Metric Coinduction 2009 Dexter Kozen
Nicholas Ruozzi
+ An Algorithm for Computing an Integral Basis in an Algebraic Function Field 1994 Mark van Hoeij
+ An algorithm for the computation of the radical of an ideal in the ring of polynomials 1991 Térésa Krick
Alessandro Logar
+ PDF Chat The Calculation of Multivariate Polynomial Resultants 1971 George E. Collins
+ Construction of rational functions on a curve 1970 J. Coates
+ On the Integration of Algebraic Functions 1981 James H. Davenport
+ PDF Chat Sur l'intégration des fractions rationnelles 1872 Ch. Hermite
+ The Calculation of Radical Ideals in Positive Characteristic 2002 Gregor Kemper
+ PDF Chat Commutative algebra with a view toward algebraic geometry 1996 David Eisenbud
+ Algebraic Theory of Numbers 1940 Hermann Weyl
+ Computing in the jacobian of a plane algebraic curve 1994 Emil Volcheck
+ Adjoints and Max Noether’s Fundamentalsatz 2004 William Fulton
+ Algorithms for the integration of algebraic functions 1979 James H. Davenport
+ Construction of the integral closure of a finite integral domain 1970 A. Seidenberg
+ Solving systems of algebraic equations by using gröbner bases 1989 Michael Kalkbrener
+ An introduction to differential algebra 1957 Irving Kaplansky
+ PDF Chat Algorithmic Algebraic Number Theory 1989 Michael Pohst
Hans Zassenhaus
+ Normalization of rings 2010 Gert–Martin Greuel
Santiago Laplagne
Frank Seelisch
+ Introduction to the theory of linear differential equations 1936 Edgar Girard Croker Poole
+ Algebraic Geometry I Complex Projective Varieties 1981 David Mumford
+ A Classical Invitation to Algebraic Numbers and Class Fields 1978 Harvey Cohn
+ PDF Chat Hyman Bass and ubiquity: Gorenstein rings 1999 Craig Huneke
+ Computing Riemann–Roch Spaces in Algebraic Function Fields and Related Topics 2002 Florian Heß
+ PDF Chat Analysis of zero clusters in multivariate polynomial systems 1996 Hans J. Stetter
+ Sur la factorisation absolue des polynÎmes 1997 Jean-François Ragot
+ PDF Chat Neighborhoods of algebraic sets 1983 Alan H. Durfee
+ On Flatness of Generic Projections 1994 Abdallah Assi
+ On Lucky Primes 1993 Hans‐Gert GrĂ€be
+ Good Reduction of Abelian Varieties 1968 Jean-Pierre Serre
John Tate
+ PDF Chat Constructive aspects of Noetherian rings 1974 Fred Richman
+ Algorithms to compute the topology of orientable real algebraic surfaces 2003 Elisabetta Fortuna
P. Gianni
Paola Parenti
Carlo Enrico Traverso
+ PDF Chat Sur les groupes des équations linéaires 1884 Henri Poincaré