M.M. Musakhanov


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat My friends and my path in physics 2025 M.M. Musakhanov
+ PDF Chat Heavy-light quark systems from the QCD instanton vacuum: $N_f=1$ light flavor case 2024 Ki-Hoon Hong
Hyun-Chul Kim
M.M. Musakhanov
N. Rakhimov
+ Gluons, light and heavy quarks and their interactions in the instanton vacuum 2023 M.M. Musakhanov
+ PDF Chat Gluons, light and heavy quarks in the instanton vacuum 2021 M.M. Musakhanov
Ulugbek Yakhshiev
+ Gluons, Light and Heavy Quarks in the Instanton Vacuum 2021 M.M. Musakhanov
Ulugbek Yakhshiev
+ ILM gluons in perturbative QCD 2021 M.M. Musakhanov
N. Rakhimov
+ PDF Chat Heavy quark correlators in an instanton liquid model with perturbative corrections 2020 M.M. Musakhanov
N. Rakhimov
Ulugbek Yakhshiev
+ PDF Chat Dynamical gluon mass at nonzero temperature in instanton vacuum model 2019 M.M. Musakhanov
Sh. Baratov
N. Rakhimov
+ PDF Chat Heavy Quarkonium and Dynamical Gluon Mass at Non-zero Temperature in Instanton Vacuum Model 2019 M.M. Musakhanov
Sh. Baratov
N. Rakhimov
+ Dynamical gluon mass in the instanton vacuum model 2018 M.M. Musakhanov
O. Egamberdiev
+ Heavy quarkonium and dynamical gluon mass at non-zero temperature in instanton vacuum model 2018 M.M. Musakhanov
Sh. Baratov
N. Rakhimov
+ PDF Chat Gluons, Heavy and Light Quarks in the QCD Vacuum 2018 M.M. Musakhanov
+ PDF Chat Instanton effects on the heavy-quark static potential 2017 Ulugbek Yakhshiev
Hyun-Chul Kim
Bobur Turimov
M.M. Musakhanov
Emiko Hiyama
+ PDF Chat Normal state pair nematicity and hidden magnetic order and metal-insulator (fermionboson) crossover origin of pseudogap phase of cuprates II 2017 B. Abdullaev
D.B. Abdullaev
C.H. Park
M.M. Musakhanov
+ PDF Chat Heavy-heavy and heavy-light quarks interactions generated by QCD vacuum 2017 M.M. Musakhanov
+ PDF Chat Intra pseudogap and superconductivy pair spin and charge fluctuations and underdome metal-insulator (fermion-boson) – crossover phenomena as keystone of curate physics 2015 B. Abdullaev
D.B. Abdullaev
Chul‐Hong Park
M.M. Musakhanov
+ Heavy-light quarks interactions in QCD vacuum 2015 M.M. Musakhanov
+ Heavy-light quarks interactions in QCD vacuum 2014 M.M. Musakhanov
+ Heavy-light quarks interactions in QCD vacuum 2014 M.M. Musakhanov
+ QCD in infrared region and spontaneous breaking of the chiral symmetry 2013 M.M. Musakhanov
+ QCD in Infrared Region and Spontaneous Breaking of the Chiral Symmetry 2012 M.M. Musakhanov
+ PDF Chat Heavy and light quarks in the instanton vacuum 2012 M.M. Musakhanov
+ QCD in Infrared Region and Spontaneous Breaking of the Chiral Symmetry 2012 M.M. Musakhanov
+ PDF Chat Anyon bosonization of 2D fermions and single boson phase diagram implied from experiment on visualizing pair formation in superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ 2011 B. Abdullaev
C.-H. Park
M.M. Musakhanov
+ Heavy-Light Quark Systems in the Instanton Vacuum 2010 M.M. Musakhanov
+ Visualizing Pair Formation Experiment driven Single Boson Phase Diagram and Uemura Relation of Cuprates as Result of Real Anyon Bosonization of 2D Fermions 2010 B. Abdullaev
C. H. Park
M.M. Musakhanov
+ PDF Chat QCD isospin breaking<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>χ</mml:mi></mml:math>PT low-energy constants from the instanton vacuum 2010 K. Goeke
M.M. Musakhanov
Marat Siddikov
+ Heavy-Light Quark Systems in the Instanton Vacuum 2010 M.M. Musakhanov
+ Magnetic Susceptibility of the QCD Vacuumat a Finite Quark-chemical Potential 2009 Seung-il Nam
Hui-Young Ryu
M.M. Musakhanov
Hyun-Chul Kim
+ Magnetic susceptibility of QCD vacuum at finite density 2008 Seung-il Nam
Hui-Young Ryu
M.M. Musakhanov
Hyun-Chul Kim
+ Low Energy Constants of Chiral Perturbation Theory from the Instanton Vacuum 2008 M.M. Musakhanov
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mi>c</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:math>corrections to the magnetic susceptibility of the QCD vacuum 2007 K. Goeke
Hyun-Chul Kim
M.M. Musakhanov
Marat Siddikov
+ PDF Chat Low energy constants of<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>χ</mml:mi><mml:mi>PT</mml:mi></mml:math>from the instanton vacuum model 2007 K. Goeke
M.M. Musakhanov
Marat Siddikov
+ PDF Chat Analytic approach to the ground-state energy of charged anyon gases 2007 B. Abdullaev
U. Rößler
M.M. Musakhanov
+ PDF Chat Leading-twist pion and kaon distribution amplitudes from the QCD instanton vacuum 2006 Seung-il Nam
Hyun-Chul Kim
Atsushi Hosaka
M.M. Musakhanov
+ PDF Chat Meson-loop contributions to the quark condensate from the instanton vacuum 2005 Hyun-Chul Kim
M.M. Musakhanov
Marat Siddikov
+ PDF Chat Is there a crystalline state of nuclear matter? 2005 Ulugbek Yakhshiev
M.M. Musakhanov
Hyun-Chul Kim
+ Quark condensate of the QCD vacuum beyond the chiral limit 2005 Hyun-Chul Kim
M.M. Musakhanov
Marat Siddikov
+ PDF Chat Nucleon-nucleon potential in finite nuclei 2005 Ulugbek Yakhshiev
Ulf-G. Meißner
A. Wirzba
A.M. Rakhimov
M.M. Musakhanov
+ PDF Chat Knot soliton in Weinberg–Salam model 2005 B. A. Fayzullaev
M.M. Musakhanov
D. G. Pak
Marat Siddikov
+ PDF Chat Magnetic susceptibility of the QCD vacuum 2005 Hyun-Chul Kim
M.M. Musakhanov
Marat Siddikov
+ Instanton vacuum beyond chiral limit 2005 M.M. Musakhanov
+ PDF Chat Approximate ground state of a confined Coulomb anyon gas in an external magnetic field 2003 B. Abdullaev
Gerardo Ortíz
U. Rößler
M.M. Musakhanov
Atsunobu Nakamura
+ PDF Chat A test of the instanton vacuum with low-energy theorems of the axial anomaly 2003 M.M. Musakhanov
Hyun-Chul Kim
+ PDF Chat Nucleon deformation in finite nuclei 2002 Ulugbek Yakhshiev
M.M. Musakhanov
A.M. Rakhimov
Ulf-G. Meißner
A. Wirzba
+ PDF Chat Current mass dependence of the quark condensate in instanton vacuum 2002 M.M. Musakhanov
+ Spontaneously Broken Chiral Symmetry and Hard QCD Phenomena 2002 M. Amarian
V. M. Braun
Stanley J. Brodsky
John C. Collins
Markus Diehl
Gerhard F. Ecker
А. В. Ефремов
Thorsten Feldmann
L. Frankfurt
K. Goeke
+ Complex Diffusion Monte-Carlo method: tests by the simulations of 2D electron in magnetic field and 2D fermions-anyons in parabolic well 2002 B. Abdullaev
M.M. Musakhanov
Atsushi Nakamura
+ PDF Chat Current mass dependence of the quark condensate and the constituent quark mass 2001 M.M. Musakhanov
+ Complex diffusion Monte-Carlo method: test by the simulation of the 2D fermions 2001 B. Abdullaev
M.M. Musakhanov
Atsushi Nakamura
+ Complex Diffusion Monte-Carlo method for the systems with complex wave function: test by the simulation of 2D electron in uniform magnetic field 2001 B. Abdullaev
M.M. Musakhanov
Atsushi Nakamura
+ The simulation of the spin ground states of the coulomb clusters in a broad 2D parabolic well 2001 B. Abdullaev
A. D. Kidisyuk
M.M. Musakhanov
+ PDF Chat Spectra of doubly heavy quark baryons 2000 D. U. Matrasulov
M.M. Musakhanov
Takashi Morii
+ Eigenvalue problem for the relativistic electric-dipole system 1999 D. U. Matrasulov
V. I. Matveev
M.M. Musakhanov
+ Bound-state solutions of the Schrödinger equation for central-symmetric confining potentials 1999 Mehmet Şimşek
Süleyman Özçelik
M.M. Musakhanov
M. Sh. Usmanov
+ PDF Chat Improved effective action for light quarks beyond the chiral limit 1999 M.M. Musakhanov
+ PDF Chat Improved effective action for light quarks beyond the chiral limit 1999 M.M. Musakhanov
+ PDF Chat Role of charm in the decay of<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>B</mml:mi></mml:math>mesons to<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>η</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>′</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow><mml:mi>K</mml:mi></mml:math> 1999 F. Araki
M.M. Musakhanov
H. Toki
+ A Rotated Skyrmion and Pions-Nucleon Interactions 1999 M.M. Musakhanov
+ Light Quarks Beyond Chiral Limit 1999 M.M. Musakhanov
+ PDF Chat Improved effective action for light quarks beyond the chiral limit 1999 M.M. Musakhanov
+ PDF Chat Density dependence of meson-nucleon vertices in nuclear matter 1998 A.M. Rakhimov
F. C. Khanna
Ulugbek Yakhshiev
M.M. Musakhanov
+ PDF Chat Medium modification of nucleon properties in the Skyrme model 1998 F. C. Khanna
A.M. Rakhimov
M.M. Musakhanov
Ulugbek Yakhshiev
+ Axial Currents of Virtual Charm in Light Quark Processes 1998 F. Araki
H. Toki
M.M. Musakhanov
+ PDF Chat Axial anomaly and low energy tests for instanton vacuum models in QCD 1998 E. Di Salvo
M.M. Musakhanov
+ PDF Chat A test of the instanton vacuum chiral quark model with axial anomaly low-energy theorems 1997 M.M. Musakhanov
F. C. Khanna
+ PDF Chat The deformation of the interacting nucleon in the Skyrme model 1996 A.M. Rahimov
T. Okazaki
M.M. Musakhanov
F. C. Khanna
+ PDF Chat On the higher-loop contributions to the axial anomaly [Phys. Lett. B 361 (1995) 155] 1996 B. A. Faizullaev
M.M. Musakhanov
N. K. Pak
+ The axial anomaly and the conversion of gluons into photons 1996 M.M. Musakhanov
F. C. Khanna
+ PDF Chat On the higher-loop contributions to the axial anomaly 1995 B. A. Faizullaev
M.M. Musakhanov
N. K. Pak
+ PDF Chat Two-Loop Effective Action for Theories with Fermions 1995 B. A. Faizullaev
M.M. Musakhanov
+ Dirac Electron in the Electric Dipole Field 1995 V. I. Matveev
M.M. Musakhanov
D. U. Matrasulov
+ Application of supersymmetry and factorization methods to solution of dirac and Schrödinger equations 1994 B. G. Idlis
M.M. Musakhanov
M. Sh. Usmanov
+ The Chiral Bag Model and properties of the πNΔ system 1982 M.M. Musakhanov
+ LOW-ENERGY ADLER--DOTHAN THEOREM AND DECAYS $pi$(K) $Yields$$pi$e$nu$$gamma$, $pi$(K) $Yields$ e$sup +$e$sup -$e. 1970 M.M. Musakhanov
+ K* $Yields$ K$gamma$ DECAY AND RADIATIVE CORRECTIONS TO THE K-MESON $beta$ DECAY. 1969 M.M. Musakhanov
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Instantons in QCD 1998 Thomas Schäfer
Edward Shuryak
+ PDF Chat Short distance current correlators: Comparing lattice simulations to the instanton liquid 2001 Thomas DeGrand
+ PDF Chat Evidence for the role of instantons in hadron structure from lattice QCD 1994 M. C. Chu
J. Grandy
Suzhou Huang
John Negele
+ PDF Chat Evidence for Instanton-Induced Dynamics from Lattice QCD 2003 Pietro Faccioli
Thomas DeGrand
+ PDF Chat Instantons at work 2003 Dmitri Diakonov
+ Hadronic matrix elements of gluon operators in the instanton vacuum 1996 Dmitri Diakonov
Maxim V. Polyakov
Christian Weiß
+ PDF Chat Low energy constants of<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>χ</mml:mi><mml:mi>PT</mml:mi></mml:math>from the instanton vacuum model 2007 K. Goeke
M.M. Musakhanov
Marat Siddikov
+ PDF Chat Instantons, the QCD vacuum, and hadronic physics 1999 J. W. Negele
+ PDF Chat Meson-loop contributions to the quark condensate from the instanton vacuum 2005 Hyun-Chul Kim
M.M. Musakhanov
Marat Siddikov
+ PDF Chat A test of the instanton vacuum chiral quark model with axial anomaly low-energy theorems 1997 M.M. Musakhanov
F. C. Khanna
+ PDF Chat Improved effective action for light quarks beyond the chiral limit 1999 M.M. Musakhanov
+ PDF Chat Magnetic susceptibility of the QCD vacuum 2005 Hyun-Chul Kim
M.M. Musakhanov
Marat Siddikov
+ PDF Chat A test of the instanton vacuum with low-energy theorems of the axial anomaly 2003 M.M. Musakhanov
Hyun-Chul Kim
+ Pseudoparticle solutions of the Yang-Mills equations 1975 A. A. Belavin
A. M. Polyakov
Arthur S. Schwartz
Yu. S. Tyupkin
+ PDF Chat Current mass dependence of the quark condensate in instanton vacuum 2002 M.M. Musakhanov
+ PDF Chat Infrared and ultraviolet properties of the Landau gauge quark propagator 2004 Patrick O. Bowman
Urs M. Heller
Derek B. Leinweber
Anthony G. Williams
Jianbo Zhang
+ On Gauge Invariance and Vacuum Polarization 1951 Julian Schwinger
+ PDF Chat Instanton effects on the heavy-quark static potential 2017 Ulugbek Yakhshiev
Hyun-Chul Kim
Bobur Turimov
M.M. Musakhanov
Emiko Hiyama
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mi>c</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:math>corrections to the magnetic susceptibility of the QCD vacuum 2007 K. Goeke
Hyun-Chul Kim
M.M. Musakhanov
Marat Siddikov
+ Dynamical gluon mass in the instanton vacuum model 2018 M.M. Musakhanov
O. Egamberdiev
+ PDF Chat Heavy quark interactions in finite temperature QCD 2005 Sanatan Digal
Olaf Kaczmarek
F. Karsch
Helmut Satz
+ PDF Chat Pion and photon light-cone wave functions from the instanton vacuum 1999 V. Petrov
Maxim V. Polyakov
Rusko Ruskov
C. Weiss
K. Goeke
+ PDF Chat Computing the effective Hamiltonian of low-energy vacuum gauge fields 2011 R. Millo
Pietro Faccioli
+ PDF Chat The deformation of the interacting nucleon in the Skyrme model 1996 A.M. Rahimov
T. Okazaki
M.M. Musakhanov
F. C. Khanna
+ PDF Chat Exact T-duality between calorons and Taub-NUT spaces 1998 Thomas C. Kraan
Pierre van Baal
+ PDF Chat Chiral restoration in hot and/or dense matter 1996 G. E. Brown
Mannque Rho
+ PDF Chat Light quarks in the screened dyon-antidyon Coulomb liquid model. II. 2015 Yizhuang Liu
Edward Shuryak
Ismaïl Zahed
+ PDF Chat Confining dyon-antidyon Coulomb liquid model. I. 2015 Yizhuang Liu
Edward Shuryak
Ismaïl Zahed
+ Propagation functions in pseudoparticle fields 1978 Lowell S. Brown
Robert D. Carlitz
Dennis B. Creamer
Choonkyu Lee
+ PDF Chat Topology and confinement 2009 Dmitri Diakonov
+ PDF Chat SU(2) calorons and magnetic monopoles 1998 Kimyeong Lee
Changhai Lu
+ PDF Chat Multiparticle Quantum Mechanics Obeying Fractional Statistics 1984 Yong-Shi Wu
+ PDF Chat Medium modification of nucleon properties in the Skyrme model 1998 F. C. Khanna
A.M. Rakhimov
M.M. Musakhanov
Ulugbek Yakhshiev
+ PDF Chat QCD isospin breaking<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>χ</mml:mi></mml:math>PT low-energy constants from the instanton vacuum 2010 K. Goeke
M.M. Musakhanov
Marat Siddikov
+ PDF Chat Exclusive Photoproduction of Hard Dijets and Magnetic Susceptibility of the QCD Vacuum 2002 V. M. Braun
Stefan Gottwald
Dmitry Yu. Ivanov
Andreas Schäfer
L. Szymanowski
+ Fractional Statistics and Anyon Superconductivity 1990 Frank Wilczek
+ PDF Chat Microscopic electronic inhomogeneity in the high-Tc superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x 2001 S. H. Pan
Jared O’Neal
Robert L. Badzey
Claudio Chamon
Hong Ding
Jan R. Engelbrecht
Z. Wang
Hiroshi Eisaki
S. Uchida
Anjan K. Gupta
+ PDF Chat Radiative Corrections as the Origin of Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking 1973 Sidney Coleman
Erick J. Weinberg
+ PDF Chat Heavy hadrons and QCD instantons 1996 S. E. Chernyshev
Maciej A. Nowak
Ismaïl Zahed
+ Quantum mechanics and field theory with fractional spin and statistics 1992 Stefano Forte
+ PDF Chat Approximate ground state of a confined Coulomb anyon gas in an external magnetic field 2003 B. Abdullaev
Gerardo Ortíz
U. Rößler
M.M. Musakhanov
Atsunobu Nakamura
+ PDF Chat Making nuclei out of the Skyrme crystal 1996 W.K. Baskerville
+ PDF Chat Density dependence of meson-nucleon vertices in nuclear matter 1998 A.M. Rakhimov
F. C. Khanna
Ulugbek Yakhshiev
M.M. Musakhanov
+ PDF Chat Photon distribution amplitudes in QCD 2002 Patricia Ball
V. M. Braun
N. Kivel
+ Maximal symmetry of the Skyrme crystal 1987 Alfred S. Goldhaber
N. S. Manton
+ PDF Chat Observation of a Charged<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>D</mml:mi><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mover accent="true"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>D</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo stretchy="false">¯</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mover></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>*</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msup><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>±</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:… 2014 F. De Mori
M. N. Achasov
O. Albayrak
D. Ambrose
F. F. An
Q. An
J.Z. Bai
R. Baldini Ferroli
Y. Ban
Jürgen Becker
+ Implicit Anyon or Single Particle Boson Mechanism of HTCS and Pseudogap Regime 2005 B. Abdullaev
+ Geometry of Skyrmions 1987 N. S. Manton
+ Skyrmions in flat space and curved space 1986 N. S. Manton
P.J. Ruback
+ PDF Chat Visualizing pair formation on the atomic scale in the high-Tc superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ 2007 Kenjiro K. Gomes
Abhay N. Pasupathy
Aakash Pushp
Shimpei Ono
Yoichi Ando
Ali Yazdani