Alexander Razborov


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Natural quasirandomness properties 2023 Leonardo N. Coregliano
Alexander Razborov
+ PDF Chat On CDCL-Based Proof Systems with the Ordered Decision Strategy 2022 Nathan Mull
Shuo Pang
Alexander Razborov
+ An Interview with Alexander Razborov 2022 Alexander Razborov
+ PDF Chat An extremal problem motivated by triangle-free strongly regular graphs 2022 Alexander Razborov
+ Improved Convergence Guarantees for Shallow Neural Networks 2022 Alexander Razborov
+ PDF Chat Еще раз о разреженных вершинных полуграфах в графах без треугольников 2021 Alexander Razborov
+ PDF Chat More about sparse halves in triangle-free graphs 2021 Alexander Razborov
+ PDF Chat Clique Is Hard on Average for Regular Resolution 2021 Albert Atserias
Ilario Bonacina
Susanna F. de Rezende
Massimo Lauria
Jakob Nordstr”öm
Alexander Razborov
+ More about sparse halves in triangle-free graphs 2021 Alexander Razborov
+ Questions in algebra and mathematical logic. Scientific heritage of S. I. Adian 2021 V. S. Atabekyan
Lev D. Beklemishev
V. S. Guba
Igor Lysenok
Alexander Razborov
A. L. Semenov
+ Biregularity in Sidorenko's Conjecture 2021 Leonardo N. Coregliano
Alexander Razborov
+ Clique Is Hard on Average for Regular Resolution 2020 Albert Atserias
Ilario Bonacina
Susanna F. de Rezende
Massimo Lauria
Jakob Nordstr”öm
Alexander Razborov
+ PDF Chat Semantic limits of dense combinatorial objects 2020 Leonardo N. Coregliano
Alexander Razborov
+ PDF Chat Polynomial to exponential transition in Ramsey theory 2020 Dhruv Mubayi
Alexander Razborov
+ PDF Chat Semantic limits of dense combinatorial objects 2020 Leonardo N. Coregliano
Alexander Razborov
+ Natural quasirandomness properties 2020 Leonardo N. Coregliano
Alexander Razborov
+ Clique Is Hard on Average for Regular Resolution 2020 Albert Atserias
Ilario Bonacina
Susanna F. de Rezende
Massimo Lauria
Jakob Nordstr”öm
Alexander Razborov
+ An Extremal Problem Motivated by Triangle-Free Strongly Regular Graphs 2020 Alexander Razborov
+ On CDCL-based proof systems with the ordered decision strategy 2019 Nathan Mull
Shuo Pang
Alexander Razborov
+ On CDCL-based proof systems with the ordered decision strategy 2019 Nathan Mull
Shuo Pang
Alexander Razborov
+ PDF Chat Clique is hard on average for regular resolution 2018 Albert Atserias
Ilario Bonacina
Susanna F. de Rezende
Massimo Lauria
Jakob Nordstr”öm
Alexander Razborov
+ On Space and Depth in Resolution 2017 Alexander Razborov
+ On the $AC^0$ Complexity of Subgraph Isomorphism 2017 Yuan Li
Alexander Razborov
Benjamin Rossman
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Structure of Graphs with the Minimum Number of Triangles 2016 Oleg Pikhurko
Alexander Razborov
+ PDF Chat On the Density of Transitive Tournaments 2016 Leonardo N. Coregliano
Alexander Razborov
+ On Space and Depth in Resolution. 2016 Alexander Razborov
+ On the Density of Transitive Tournaments 2015 Leonardo N. Coregliano
Alexander Razborov
+ On the Density of Transitive Tournaments 2015 Leonardo N. Coregliano
Alexander Razborov
+ PDF Chat A product theorem in free groups 2014 Alexander Razborov
+ On Turán’s (3,4)-problem with forbidden subgraphs 2014 Alexander Razborov
+ PDF Chat О $(3,4)$-проблеме Турана с запрещенными подграфами 2014 Александр Александрович Разборов
Alexander Razborov
+ Real Advantage 2013 Alexander Razborov
Emanuele Viola
+ WHAT IS... a Flag Algebra? 2013 Alexander Razborov
+ On the number of pentagons in triangle-free graphs 2013 Hamed Hatami
Jan Hladký
Daniel Kráľ
Serguei Norine
Alexander Razborov
+ Flag Algebras: An Interim Report 2013 Alexander Razborov
+ PDF Chat On the Caccetta-Häggkvist Conjecture with Forbidden Subgraphs 2012 Alexander Razborov
+ PDF Chat Non-Three-Colourable Common Graphs Exist 2012 Hamed Hatami
Jan Hladký
Daniel Kráľ
Serguei Norine
Alexander Razborov
+ On Turan's (3,4)-problem with forbidden configurations 2012 Alexander Razborov
+ PDF Chat On the Fon-Der-Flaass interpretation of extremal examples for Turán’s (3, 4)-problem 2011 Alexander Razborov
+ On the Caccetta-Haggkvist conjecture with forbidden subgraphs 2011 Alexander Razborov
+ 2010 north american annual meeting of the association for symbolic logic 2011 Alexander Razborov
Bob Coecke
Zoé Chatzidakis
Bjørn Kjos
Nicolaas P. Landsman
Lawrence S. Moss
D. Raghavan
Tom Scanlon
Ernest Schimmerling
Henry Towsner
+ PDF Chat On Minimal Unsatisfiability and Time-Space Trade-offs for k-DNF Resolution 2011 Jakob Nordstr”öm
Alexander Razborov
+ On the Caccetta-Haggkvist conjecture with forbidden subgraphs 2011 Alexander Razborov
+ PDF Chat Diameter of Polyhedra: Limits of Abstraction 2010 Friedrich Eisenbrand
Nicolai Hähnle
Alexander Razborov
Thomas Rothvoß
+ On the Fon-der-Flaass Interpretation of Extremal Examples for Turan's (3,4)-problem 2010 Alexander Razborov
+ PDF Chat On 3-Hypergraphs with Forbidden 4-Vertex Configurations 2010 Alexander Razborov
+ Computational complexity: counting, evasiveness, and isolation 2010 Janoš Šimon
Alexander Razborov
Raghav Kulkarni
+ On the Fon-der-Flaass Interpretation of Extremal Examples for Turan's (3,4)-problem 2010 Alexander Razborov
+ On Minimal Unsatisfiability and Time-Space Trade-offs for k-DNF Resolution 2009 Jakob Nordstr”öm
Alexander Razborov
+ PDF Chat A Simple Proof of Bazzi’s Theorem 2009 Alexander Razborov
+ On Minimal Unsatisfiability and Time-Space Trade-offs for k-DNF Resolution 2009 Jakob Nordstr”öm
Alexander Razborov
+ On the Minimal Density of Triangles in Graphs 2008 Alexander Razborov
+ Flag algebras 2007 Alexander Razborov
+ Almost Euclidean subspaces of ℓ 1 N via expander codes. 2007 Venkatesan Guruswami
James R. Lee
Alexander Razborov
+ Almost Euclidean subspaces of \ell_1^N via expander codes 2007 Venkatesan Guruswami
James R. Lee
Alexander Razborov
+ PDF Chat Resolution lower bounds for perfect matching principles 2004 Alexander Razborov
+ PDF Chat Quantum communication complexity of symmetric predicates 2003 Alexander Razborov
+ Resolution lower bounds for the weak functional pigeonhole principle 2003 Alexander Razborov
+ PDF Chat О квантовой коммуникационной сложности симметрических предикатов 2003 Александр Александрович Разборов
Alexander Razborov
+ An Upper Bound on the Threshold Quantum Decoherence Rate 2003 Alexander Razborov
+ Lower bounds for polynomial calculus: non-binomial case 2001 M. Alekhnovich
Alexander Razborov
+ Resolution Lower Bounds for the Weak Functional Pigeonhole Principle 2001 Alexander Razborov
+ Proof complexity and feasible arithmetics, DIMACS workshop, April 21–24, 1996, edited by Paul W. Beame and Samuel R. Buss, Series in discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science, vol. 39, American Mathematical Society, Providence1998, xii + 320 pp. 1999 Alexander Razborov
+ Improved lower bounds on the rigidity of Hadamard matrices 1998 Борис Сергеевич Кашин
Alexander Razborov
+ On the shrinkage exponent for read-once formulae 1995 Johan Håstad
Alexander Razborov
Andrew Chi-Chih Yao
+ Constructing Small Sets that are Uniform in Arithmetic Progressions 1993 Alexander Razborov
Endre Szemerédi
Avi Wigderson
+ An Equivalence between Second Order Bounded Domain Bounded Arithmetic and First Order Bounded Arithmetic 1993 Alexander Razborov
+ On Submodular Complexity Measures 1992 Alexander Razborov
+ The gap between the chromatic number of a graph and the rank of its adjacency matrix is superlinear 1992 Alexander Razborov
+ PDF Chat The set of minimal braids is co-NP-complete 1991 Mike Paterson
Alexander Razborov
+ Lower bounds of the complexity of symmetric boolean functions of contact-rectifier circuits 1990 Alexander Razborov
+ PDF Chat Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov (1903-1987) 1990 David G. Kendall
G. K. Batchelor
Ν. H. Bingham
W. K. Hayman
J. M. E. Hyland
G. G. Lorentz
H. K. Moffatt
William Edward Parry
Alexander Razborov
Cathy A. Robinson
+ Upper and lower bounds for nilpotency classes of Lie algebras with Engel conditions 1989 Сергей Иванович Адян
Alexander Razborov
Nadya Repin
+ On the method of approximations 1989 Alexander Razborov
+ Periodic groups and Lie algebras 1987 Сергей Иванович Адян
Alexander Razborov
+ Lower estimates of the dimension of schemes of bounded depth in the basis $ \{\&,\vee,\oplus\}$ 1986 Alexander Razborov
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Flag algebras 2007 Alexander Razborov
+ Quasi-random graphs 1989 Fan Chung
Ronald Graham
R. Wilson
+ Large Networks and Graph Limits 2012 László Lovász
+ PDF Chat The minimum size of 3-graphs without a 4-set spanning no or exactly three edges 2011 Oleg Pikhurko
+ On Sets of Acquaintances and Strangers at any Party 1959 A. W. Goodman
+ PDF Chat On the Fon-Der-Flaass interpretation of extremal examples for Turán’s (3, 4)-problem 2011 Alexander Razborov
+ PDF Chat Limits of dense graph sequences 2006 László Lovász
Balázs Szegedy
+ PDF Chat On 3-Hypergraphs with Forbidden 4-Vertex Configurations 2010 Alexander Razborov
+ On the Minimal Density of Triangles in Graphs 2008 Alexander Razborov
+ On the number of pentagons in triangle-free graphs 2013 Hamed Hatami
Jan Hladký
Daniel Kráľ
Serguei Norine
Alexander Razborov
+ On the number of complete subgraphs of a graph II 1983 László Lovász
Miklós Simonovits
+ On an open problem of Paul Turán concerning 3-graphs 1983 William G. Brown
+ Lower bounds on the number of triangles in a graph 1989 David Fisher
+ Quasi‐random tournaments 1991 Fan Chung
Ronald Graham
+ PDF Chat Convergent sequences of dense graphs I: Subgraph frequencies, metric properties and testing 2008 Christian Borgs
Jennifer Chayes
L. Lovász
Vera T. Sós
K. Vesztergombi
+ Counting subgraphs a new approach to the Caccetta-Häggkvist conjecture 1997 J. A. Bondy
+ An Upper Bound for the Turán Number t3(n, 4) 1999 Fan Chung
Linyuan Lü
+ Hypergraph Turán problems 2011 Peter Keevash
+ A class of constructions for turán’s (3, 4)-problem 1982 Alexandr Kostochka
+ On the number of complete subgraphs contained in certain graphs 1981 Ron Evans
John R. Pulham
J. Sheehan
+ PDF Chat Counting flags in triangle-free digraphs 2016 Jan Hladký
Daniel Kráľ
Sergey Norin
+ The number of cliques in graphs of given order and size 2010 Vladimir Nikiforov
+ PDF Chat The Turán Density of the Hypergraph $\{abc,ade,bde,cde\}$ 2003 Zoltán Füredi
Oleg Pikhurko
Miklós Simonovits
+ PDF Chat Non-Three-Colourable Common Graphs Exist 2012 Hamed Hatami
Jan Hladký
Daniel Kráľ
Serguei Norine
Alexander Razborov
+ Graph limits and exchangeable random graphs 2007 Persi Diaconis
Svante Janson
+ A Disproof of a Conjecture of Erdős in Ramsey Theory 1989 Andrew Thomason
+ PDF Chat Counting flags in triangle-free digraphs 2009 Jan Hladký
Daniel Kráľ
Sergey Norin
+ How to make a graph bipartite 1988 Paul Erdős
Ralph J. Faudree
János Pach
Joel Spencer
+ On the maximum number of five-cycles in a triangle-free graph 2012 Andrzej Grzesik
+ Sparse halves in triangle-free graphs 2006 Peter Keevash
Benny Sudakov
+ PDF Chat Undecidability of linear inequalities in graph homomorphism densities 2010 Hamed Hatami
Serguei Norine
+ On a problem of Turán 1983 K. H. Kim
F.W. Roush
+ The Sandwich Theorem 1994 Donald E. Knuth
+ PDF Chat Triangles in an Ordinary Graph 1963 E. A. Nordhaus
B. M. Stewart
+ Quasi-random graphs and graph limits 2011 Svante Janson
+ Multiplicities of subgraphs 1996 Chris Jagger
P. Šťovı́ček
Andrew Thomason
+ PDF Chat The uniqueness of the strongly regular graph on 77 points 1983 A.E. Brouwer
+ The Monotone Complexity of $k$-Clique on Random Graphs 2014 Benjamin Rossman
+ PDF Chat Efficient algorithms for clique problems 2008 Virginia Vassilevska
+ PDF Chat Finding a large hidden clique in a random graph 1998 Noga Alon
Michael Krivelevich
Benny Sudakov
+ Some old and new problems in various branches of combinatorics 1997 Paul Erdős
+ Applications of the Semi-Definite Method to the Turán Density Problem for 3-Graphs 2012 Victor Falgas–Ravry
Emil R. Vaughan
+ Pseudo-Random Graphs 1987 Andrew Thomason
+ Sparse halves in dense triangle-free graphs 2015 Sergey Norin
Liana Yepremyan
+ A local density condition for triangles 1994 Péter L. Erdős
Ralph J. Faudree
Cecil Rousseau
R. H. Schelp
+ What we know and what we do not know about Turán numbers 1995 Alexander Sidorenko
+ CSDP, A C library for semidefinite programming 1999 Brian Borchers
+ Limits, Regularity and Removal for Finite Structures 2014 Ashwini Aroskar
James Cummings
+ PDF Chat On the Caccetta-Häggkvist Conjecture with Forbidden Subgraphs 2012 Alexander Razborov
+ PDF Chat Graphs containing triangles are not 3-common 2011 James Cummings
Michael E. Young