François Laudenbach


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ A Glance at S. Novikov’s Theory of Multivalued Morse Functions 2025 François Laudenbach
+ PDF Chat Conic singularities and immediate transversality 2023 François Laudenbach
+ About the diffeomorphisms of the 3-sphere and a famous theorem of Cerf (Γ_4 = 0) 2023 François Laudenbach
+ About the diffeomorphisms of the 3-sphere and a famous theorem of Cerf ($Γ_4 = 0$) 2023 François Laudenbach
+ PDF Chat The Poincaré-Lefschetz pairing viewed on Morse complexes 2021 François Laudenbach
+ PDF Chat Morse complexes and multiplicative structures 2021 Hossein Abbaspour
François Laudenbach
+ Constructing Pseudo-Anosov Diffeomorphisms 2021 François Laudenbach
+ Presentation of the Mapping Class Group of a Compact Orientable Surface 2021 François Laudenbach
+ The Thurston Compactification of Teichmüller Space 2021 Albert Fathi
François Laudenbach
+ Thurston's Work on Surfaces (MN-48) 2021 Albert Fathi
François Laudenbach
Valentin Poènaru
+ Publication of the mathematical works of René Thom in the collection Documents mathématiques of the French Mathematical Society * 2020 Marc Chaperon
François Laudenbach
+ Publication of the Mathematical Works of Ren 'e Thom in the Collection Documents Math 'ematiques of the French Mathematical Society 2020 Marc Chaperon
François Laudenbach
+ PDF Chat Publication of the Mathematical Works of René Thom in the Collection Documents mathématiques of the French Mathematical Society 2020 Marc Chaperon
François Laudenbach
+ PDF Chat The Poincar\'e-Lefschetz pairing viewed on Morse complexes 2020 François Laudenbach
+ PDF Chat W. P. Thurston and French mathematics 2019 François Laudenbach
Athanase Papadopoulos
+ PDF Chat René Thom and an anticipated h-principle 2019 François Laudenbach
+ René Thom and an Anticipated h-Principle 2019 François Laudenbach
+ PDF Chat W. P. Thurston and French mathematics 2019 François Laudenbach
Athanase Papadopoulos
+ PDF Chat W. P. Thurston and French mathematics 2019 François Laudenbach
Athanase Papadopoulos
+ W. P. Thurston and French mathematics 2019 François Laudenbach
Athanase Papadopoulos
+ Exposé Bourbaki 786 : Orbites périodiques et courbes pseudo-holomorphes, application à la conjecture de Weinstein en dimension $3$ d'après H. Hofer et al. 2018 François Laudenbach
+ A geometric Morse–Novikov complex with infinite series coefficients 2018 François Laudenbach
Carlos Moraga Ferrándiz
+ Topological classification of Morse–Smale diffeomorphisms without heteroclinic curves on 3-manifolds 2017 Ch. Bonatti
В. З. Гринес
François Laudenbach
О. V. Pochinka
+ Topological classification of Morse-Smale diffeomorphisms without heteroclinic curves on 3-manifolds 2017 Ch. Bonatti
В. З. Гринес
François Laudenbach
O. V. Pochinka
+ Ren{é} Thom and an anticipated h-principle 2017 François Laudenbach
+ Homoclinic bifurcation in Morse-Novikov theory, a doubling phenomenon 2016 François Laudenbach
Carlos Moraga Ferrándiz
+ PDF Chat Haefliger structures and symplectic/contact structures 2016 François Laudenbach
Gaël Meigniez
+ On an article by S. A. Barannikov 2015 François Laudenbach
+ PDF Chat A proof of Reidemeister-Singer’s theorem by Cerf’s methods 2014 François Laudenbach
+ PDF Chat A proof of Reidemeister-Singer's theorem by Cerf's methods 2014 François Laudenbach
+ PDF Chat A proof of Morse's theorem about the cancellation of critical points 2013 François Laudenbach
+ PDF Chat A proof of Morseʼs theorem about the cancellation of critical points 2013 François Laudenbach
+ On an article by S. A. Barannikov 2013 François Laudenbach
+ PDF Chat On an article by S. A. Barannikov 2013 François Laudenbach
+ PDF Chat On an article by S. A. Barannikov 2013 François Laudenbach
+ On an article by S. A. Barannikov 2013 François Laudenbach
+ PDF Chat On an article by S. A. Barannikov 2013 François Laudenbach
+ On an article by S. A. Barannikov 2013 François Laudenbach
+ PDF Chat On an article by S. A. Barannikov 2013 François Laudenbach
+ Thurston's Work on Surfaces (MN-48) 2012 Albert Fathi
François Laudenbach
Valentin Poènaru
+ 8 The Thurston Compactification of Teichmuller Space 2012 Albert Fathi
François Laudenbach
+ PDF Chat Dynamically ordered energy function for Morse-Smale diffeomorphisms on 3-manifolds 2012 В. З. Гринес
François Laudenbach
O. V. Pochinka
+ PDF Chat Haefliger’s codimension-one singular foliations, open books and twisted open books in dimension 3 2012 François Laudenbach
Gaël Meigniez
+ Thurston's Work on Surfaces 2012 Albert Fathi
François Laudenbach
Valentin Poènaru
+ PDF Chat Haefliger's codimension-one singular foliations, open books and twisted open books in dimension 3 2012 François Laudenbach
Gaël Meigniez
+ On the existence of an energy function for Morse-Smale diffeomorphisms on 3-manifolds 2011 В. З. Гринес
François Laudenbach
O. V. Pochinka
+ PDF Chat A note on the Chas-Sullivan product 2011 François Laudenbach
+ PDF Chat A Note on the Chas-Sullivan product 2011 François Laudenbach
+ PDF Chat A Morse complex on manifolds with boundary 2010 François Laudenbach
+ Homologie de Morse dans la perspective de l'Homologie de Floer 2010 François Laudenbach
+ A Morse complex on manifolds with boundary 2010 François Laudenbach
+ A Morse complex on manifolds with boundary 2010 François Laudenbach
+ PDF Chat Morse 2-jet space and h-principle 2009 Alain Chenciner
François Laudenbach
+ Positive Legendrian regular homotopies 2009 François Laudenbach
+ Quasi-energy function for diffeomorphisms with wild separatrices 2009 В. З. Гринес
François Laudenbach
O. V. Pochinka
+ Regularization of Gamma_1-structures in dimension 3 2009 François Laudenbach
Gaël Meigniez
+ PDF Chat Квази-энергетическая функция для диффеоморфизмов с дикими сепаратрисами 2009 Вячеслав Зигмундович Гринес
В. З. Гринес
Ф Лауденбах
François Laudenbach
O. V. Pochinka
O. V. Pochinka
+ PDF Chat Morse 2-jet space and h-principle 2009 Alain Chenciner
François Laudenbach
+ PDF Chat Self-indexing Energy Function for Morse–Smale Diffeomorphisms on 3-Manifolds 2009 В. З. Гринес
François Laudenbach
O. V. Pochinka
+ A Note on the Chas-Sullivan product 2009 François Laudenbach
+ Morse 2-jet space and h-principle 2009 Alain Chenciner
François Laudenbach
+ PDF Chat Morse 2-jet space and h-principle 2009 Alain Chenciner
François Laudenbach
+ PDF Chat On the flux of pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms 2008 Vincent Colin
Ko Honda
François Laudenbach
+ The energy function for gradient-like diffeomorphisms on 3-manifolds 2008 В. З. Гринес
François Laudenbach
O. V. Pochinka
+ PDF Chat Essential curves in handlebodies and topological contractions 2008 В. З. Гринес
François Laudenbach
+ PDF Chat Self-indexing energy function for Morse-Smale diffeomorphisms on 3-manifolds 2008 В. З. Гринес
François Laudenbach
O. V. Pochinka
+ PDF Chat On the flux of pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms 2008 Vincent Colin
Ko Honda
François Laudenbach
+ PDF Chat On the flux of pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms 2008 Vincent Colin
Ko Honda
François Laudenbach
+ PDF Chat On the flux of pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms 2008 Vincent Colin
Ko Honda
François Laudenbach
+ Positive Legendrian regular homotopies 2008 François Laudenbach
+ PDF Chat Positive Legendrian regular homotopies 2007 François Laudenbach
+ PDF Chat Positive Legendrian regular homotopies 2007 François Laudenbach
+ On the codimension-one foliation theorem of W. Thurston 2006 François Laudenbach
+ Symplectic Geometry and Floer Homology 2004 François Laudenbach
+ Calcul différentiel et intégral 2000 François Laudenbach
+ PDF Chat Trois constructions en topologie symplectique 1997 François Laudenbach
+ Engouffrement symplectique et intersections lagrangiennes 1995 François Laudenbach
+ Orbites périodiques et courbes pseudo-holomorphes. Application à la conjecture de Weinstein en dimension 3 1994 François Laudenbach
+ None 1994 François Laudenbach
Jean-Claude Sikorav
+ Hamiltonian isotopies in R2n+: Negative results 1989 François Laudenbach
+ PDF Chat Homotopie régulière inactive et engouffrement symplectique 1986 François Laudenbach
+ Persistance d'intersection avec la section nulle au cours d'une isotopie hamiltonienne dans un fibr� cotangent 1985 François Laudenbach
Jean-Claude Sikorav
+ PDF Chat Un principe de prolongement mis en défaut en géométrie symplectique 1985 François Laudenbach
+ Diffeomorphismes des sommes connexes en dimension trois 1984 Harrie Hendriks
François Laudenbach
+ Les 2-sphères de $\mathbb{R}^3$ vues par A. Hatcher et la conjecture de Smale $Diff(S^3) \sim 0(4)$ 1984 François Laudenbach
+ Formes différentielles de degré 1 fermées non singulières: Classes d'homotopie de leurs noyaux 1976 François Laudenbach
+ PDF Chat Scindement d'une équivalence d'homotopie en dimension $3$ 1974 Harrie Hendriks
François Laudenbach
+ Topologie de la dimension trois : homotopie et isotopie 1974 François Laudenbach
+ PDF Chat Quelques problèmes d'homotopie et d'isotopie dans les variétés de dimension 3 non irréductibles 1973 François Laudenbach
+ Sur Les 2-Spheres D'une Variete de Dimension 3 1973 François Laudenbach
+ PDF Chat On the 2-spheres in a 3-manifold 1972 François Laudenbach
+ Difféomorphismes du tore T3 1971 François Laudenbach
+ PDF Chat Contribution à une théorie de Smale à un paramètre dans le cas non simplement connexe 1970 Alain Chenciner
François Laudenbach
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On Gradient Dynamical Systems 1961 Stephen T. Smale
+ Lectures on the H-Cobordism Theorem 1965 John Milnor
+ Differentiable Dynamical Systems 1980 Steve Smale
+ PDF Chat On the volume elements on a manifold 1965 Jürgen Moser
+ On Morse-Smale dynamical systems 1969 Jacob Palis
+ PDF Chat Differentiable dynamical systems 1967 Stephen T. Smale
+ PDF Chat La stratification naturelle des espaces de fonctions différentiables réelles et le théorème de la pseudo-isotopie 1970 Jean Cerf
+ Wild unstable manifolds 1977 Dennis Pixton
+ PDF Chat Les singularités des applications différentiables 1956 René Thom
+ Partial Differential Relations 1986 Mikhael Gromov
+ PDF Chat A Morse complex on manifolds with boundary 2010 François Laudenbach
+ PDF Chat Self-indexing Energy Function for Morse–Smale Diffeomorphisms on 3-Manifolds 2009 В. З. Гринес
François Laudenbach
O. V. Pochinka
+ PDF Chat On Irreducible 3-Manifolds Which are Sufficiently Large 1968 Friedhelm Waldhausen
+ Introduction to the ℎ-Principle 2024 Kai Cieliebak
Yakov Eliashberg
N. Mishachev
+ PDF Chat A characterization of tame curves in three-space 1955 O. G. Harrold
Heather Griffith
E. E. Posey
+ Dynamical Systems: Stability, Symbolic Dynamics, and Chaos 1994 Clark Robinson
+ PDF Chat Sur les difféomorphismes de la sphère de dimension trois (Γ4 = O) 1968 Jean Cerf
+ The Critical Point Theory Under General Boundary Conditions 1934 Marston Morse
George B. Van Schaack
+ New relations for Morse-Smale systems with trivially embedded one-dimensional separatrices 2003 В. З. Гринес
Е. В. Жужома
В. С. Медведев
+ Existence of Codimension-One Foliations 1976 William P. Thurston
+ None 2000 Christian Bonatti
В. З. Гринес
+ Morse Theory. (AM-51) 1963 John Milnor
+ Isolated Invariant Sets and the Morse Index 1978 Charles C. Conley
+ PDF Chat Lagrangian embeddings and critical point theory 1985 Helmut Hofer
+ Symplectic topology as the geometry of generating functions 1992 Claude Viterbo
+ Homeomorphisms of sufficiently large P2-irreducible 3-manifolds 1976 Allen Hatcher
+ Pseudo holomorphic curves in symplectic manifolds 1985 M. Gromov
+ Homotopy and integrability 1971 André Haefliger
+ Three-manifolds admitting Morse–Smale diffeomorphisms without heteroclinic curves 2002 Christian Bonatti
В. З. Гринес
В. С. Медведев
Elisabeth Pécou
+ PDF Chat Geometry of contact transformations and domains: orderability versus squeezing 2006 Yakov Eliashberg
Sang Seon Kim
Leonid Polterovich
+ PDF Chat A cohomology complex for manifolds with boundary 1995 Kung Ching Chang
Jiaquan Liu
+ PDF Chat On the Volume Elements on a Manifold 1965 Jürgen Moser
+ A presentation for the mapping class group of a closed orientable surface 1980 Allen Hatcher
William P. Thurston
+ PDF Chat Immersions of manifolds 1959 Morris W. Hirsch
+ On an approximation theorem of Kupka and Smale 1967 M. M. Peixoto
+ Problèmes d'intersections et de points fixes en géométrie hamiltonienne 1987 Jean-Claude Sikorav
+ Structural stability on two-dimensional manifolds 1963 M. M. Peixoto
+ Lectures on Symplectic Manifolds 1977 Alan Weinstein
+ Structural stability on two-dimensional manifolds 1962 M. M. Peixoto
+ Topology from the Differentiable Viewpoint. 1967 Edgar H. Brown
John Milnor
+ PDF Chat A homotopy theoretic realization of string topology 2002 Ralph L. Cohen
John D. S. Jones
+ Cycles for the dynamical study of foliated manifolds and complex manifolds 1976 Dennis Sullivan
+ On Singularities of Mappings of Euclidean Spaces. I. Mappings of the Plane Into the Plane 1992 Hassler Whitney
+ Kirwan-Novikov inequalities on a manifold with boundary 2006 Maxim Braverman
V. Silantyev
+ PDF Chat Morse 2-jet space and h-principle 2009 Alain Chenciner
François Laudenbach
+ On fibering certain foliated manifolds overS1 1970 David Tischler
+ PDF Chat Elimination of extremal index zeroes from generic paths of closed $$1$$ 1 -forms 2014 Carlos Moraga Ferrándiz
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical asymptotics on manifolds with boundary 2009 Nilufer Koldan
Igor Prokhorenkov
Mikhail Shubin
+ Quelques propriétés globales des variétés différentiables 1954 René Thom