Kathleen D. Vohs


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Nature's path to thinking about others and the surrounding environment 2023 Kathryn E. Schertz
Hiroki Kotabe
Kimberly L. Meidenbauer
Elliot A. Layden
Jenny Zhen
Jillian E. Bowman
Tanvi Lakhtakia
Muxuan Lyu
Olivia A. Paraschos
Elizabeth Janey
+ PDF Chat Environmental influences on affect and cognition: A study of natural and commercial semi-public spaces 2022 Kathryn E. Schertz
Jillian E. Bowman
Hiroki Kotabe
Elliot A. Layden
Jenny Zhen
Tanvi Lakhtakia
Muxuan Lyu
Olivia A. Paraschos
Stephen C. Van Hedger
Nak Won Rim
+ Nature’s path to thinking about others and the surrounding environment 2022 Kathryn E. Schertz
Hiroki Kotabe
Kimberly L. Meidenbauer
Elliot A. Layden
Jenny Zhen
Jillian E. Bowman
Tanvi Lakhtakia
Muxuan Lyu
Olivia Paraschos
Elizabeth Janey
+ Environmental influences on affect and cognition: A study of natural and commercial semi-public spaces 2021 Kathryn E. Schertz
Jillian E. Bowman
Hiroki Kotabe
Elliot A. Layden
Jenny Zhen
Tanvi Lakhtakia
Muxuan Lyu
Olivia Paraschos
Stephen Charles Van Hedger
Nak Won Rim
+ PDF Chat A Multisite Preregistered Paradigmatic Test of the Ego-Depletion Effect 2021 Kathleen D. Vohs
Brandon J. Schmeichel
Sophie Lohmann
Quentin F. Gronau
Anna J Finley
Sarah E. Ainsworth
Jessica L. Alquist
Michael D. Baker
Ambra Brizi
Angelica Bunyi
+ Training for Wisdom: The Distanced-Self-Reflection Diary Method 2021 Igor Grossmann
Anna Dorfman
Harrison Oakes
Henri C. Santos
Kathleen D. Vohs
Abigail A. Scholer
+ Everyday Thoughts in Time: Experience Sampling Studies of Mental Time Travel 2020 Roy F. Baumeister
Wilhelm Hofmann
Philip T. Reiss
Amy Summerville
Kathleen D. Vohs
+ Everyday Thoughts in Time: Experience Sampling Studies of Mental Time Travel 2020 Roy F. Baumeister
Wilhelm Hofmann
Amy Summerville
Philip T. Reiss
Kathleen D. Vohs
+ PDF Chat Victims, Perpetrators, or Both? The Vicious Cycle of Disrespect and Cynical Beliefs about Human Nature 2020 Olga Stavrova
Daniel Ehlebracht
Kathleen D. Vohs
+ PDF Chat Victims, perpetrators, or both? The vicious cycle of disrespect and cynical beliefs about human nature. 2020 Olga Stavrova
Daniel Ehlebracht
Kathleen D. Vohs
+ Training for Wisdom: The Distanced-Self-Reflection Diary Method 2019 Igor Grossmann
Anna Dorfman
Harrison Oakes
Henri C. Santos
Kathleen D. Vohs
Abigail A. Scholer
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Everyday Thoughts in Time: Experience Sampling Studies of Mental Time Travel 2020 Roy F. Baumeister
Wilhelm Hofmann
Amy Summerville
Philip T. Reiss
Kathleen D. Vohs
+ PDF Chat <b>brms</b>: An <i>R</i> Package for Bayesian Multilevel Models Using <i>Stan</i> 2017 Paul‐Christian Bürkner
+ PDF Chat Statistical power analyses using G*Power 3.1: Tests for correlation and regression analyses 2009 Franz Faul
Edgar Erdfelder
Axel Buchner
Albert-Georg Lang
+ PDF Chat The people around you are inside your head: Social context shapes spontaneous thought. 2021 Judith N. Mildner
Diana Tamir
+ PDF Chat Statistical Rethinking: A Bayesian Course with Examples in R and Stan 2021 Abhirup Mallik
+ PDF Chat Bayesian Analysis Reporting Guidelines 2021 John K. Kruschke
+ Statistical Rethinking: A Bayesian Course with Examples in R and Stan 2021 Nathan Green
+ PDF Chat Frequentist and Bayesian approaches to data analysis: Evaluation and estimation 2019 Jolynn Pek
Trisha Van Zandt
+ PDF Chat The Perceived Awareness of the Research Hypothesis Scale: Assessing the influence of demand characteristics. 2017 Mark A. Rubin
+ PDF Chat Victims, Perpetrators, or Both? The Vicious Cycle of Disrespect and Cynical Beliefs about Human Nature 2020 Olga Stavrova
Daniel Ehlebracht
Kathleen D. Vohs
+ PDF Chat Environmental influences on affect and cognition: A study of natural and commercial semi-public spaces 2022 Kathryn E. Schertz
Jillian E. Bowman
Hiroki Kotabe
Elliot A. Layden
Jenny Zhen
Tanvi Lakhtakia
Muxuan Lyu
Olivia A. Paraschos
Stephen C. Van Hedger
Nak Won Rim
+ The UBC State Social Connection Scale: Factor Structure, Reliability, and Validity 2022 Iris Lok
Elizabeth W. Dunn
+ PDF Chat Conceptualizing and testing random indirect effects and moderated mediation in multilevel models: New procedures and recommendations. 2006 Daniel J. Bauer
Kristopher J. Preacher
Karen M. Gil
+ The Science of Wisdom in a Polarized World: Knowns and Unknowns 2020 Igor Grossmann
Nic M. Weststrate
Monika Ardelt
Justin P. Brienza
Mengxi Dong
Michel Ferrari
Marc A. Fournier
Chao Hu
Howard C. Nusbaum
John Vervaeke
+ Cross-Temporal Exploration of the Relationship Between Wisdom-Related Cognitive Broadening and Subjective Well-Being: Evidence From a Cross-Validated National Longitudinal Study 2020 Henri C. Santos
Igor Grossmann
+ Wise Reasoning About the Future Is Associated With Adaptive Interpersonal Feelings After Relational Challenges 2020 Johanna Peetz
Igor Grossmann
+ Nature’s path to thinking about others and the surrounding environment 2022 Kathryn E. Schertz
Hiroki Kotabe
Kimberly L. Meidenbauer
Elliot A. Layden
Jenny Zhen
Jillian E. Bowman
Tanvi Lakhtakia
Muxuan Lyu
Olivia Paraschos
Elizabeth Janey
+ <b>mediation</b>:<i>R</i>Package for Causal Mediation Analysis 2014 Dustin Tingley
Teppei Yamamoto
K. Hirose
Luke Keele
Kosuke Imai
+ PDF Chat Nature's path to thinking about others and the surrounding environment 2023 Kathryn E. Schertz
Hiroki Kotabe
Kimberly L. Meidenbauer
Elliot A. Layden
Jenny Zhen
Jillian E. Bowman
Tanvi Lakhtakia
Muxuan Lyu
Olivia A. Paraschos
Elizabeth Janey
+ PDF Chat Fitting Linear Mixed-Effects Models Using<b>lme4</b> 2015 Douglas M. Bates
Martin Mächler
Benjamin M. Bolker
Steve Walker
+ Detecting outliers: Do not use standard deviation around the mean, use absolute deviation around the median 2013 Christophe Leys
Christophe Ley
Olivier Klein
Philippe Bernard
Laurent Licata
+ Controlling the False Discovery Rate: A Practical and Powerful Approach to Multiple Testing 1995 Yoav Benjamini
Yosef Hochberg
+ Theory of probability 1939 Harold Jeffreys
R. Bruce Lindsay
+ PDF Chat Advances in Mediation Analysis: A Survey and Synthesis of New Developments 2014 Kristopher J. Preacher
+ PDF Chat The Relative Performance of Full Information Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Missing Data in Structural Equation Models 2001 Craig K. Enders
Deborah L Bandalos
+ Fixed or Random? A Resolution Through Model Averaging: Reply to Carlsson, Schimmack, Williams, and Bürkner (2017) 2017 Benjamin Scheibehenne
Quentin F. Gronau
Tahira Jamil
Eric‐Jan Wagenmakers
+ PDF Chat Ego Depletion Reduces Attention Control: Evidence From Two High-Powered Preregistered Experiments 2018 Katie Garrison
Anna J Finley
Brandon J. Schmeichel
+ PDF Chat Consciousness of the future as a matrix of maybe: Pragmatic prospection and the simulation of alternative possibilities. 2018 Roy F. Baumeister
Heather M. Maranges
Hallgeir Sjåstad
+ PDF Chat Wise reasoning benefits from emodiversity, irrespective of emotional intensity. 2019 Igor Grossmann
Harrison Oakes
Henri C. Santos
+ What the replication reformation wrought 2018 Barbara A. Spellman
Daniel Kahneman
+ Self‐distancing promotes positive emotional change after adversity: Evidence from a micro‐longitudinal field experiment 2019 Anna Dorfman
Harrison Oakes
Henri C. Santos
Igor Grossmann