A. A. Marino


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat The inverse problem in microlensing: from the optical depth to galaxy models parameters 2003 V. F. Cardone
R. de Ritis
A. A. Marino
+ Approximate angular diameter distance in a locally inhomogeneous universe with nonzero cosmological constant 2003 M. Demiański
R. de Ritis
A. A. Marino
E. Piedipalumbo
+ PDF Chat Microlensing search towards M 31 2002 S. Calchi Novati
Gerardo Iovane
A. A. Marino
M. Aurière
P. Baillon
A. Bouquet
V. Bozza
M. Capaccioli
Salvatore Capozziello
V. F. Cardone
A. A. Marino
C. Rubano
P. Scudellaro
+ PDF Chat Effective cosmological constant and quintessence 2001 Ruggiero de Ritis
A. A. Marino
+ PDF Chat Constraints on the slope of the dark halo mass function by microlensing observables 2001 V. F. Cardone
R. de Ritis
A. A. Marino
+ PDF Chat Tracker fields from nonminimally coupled theory 2000 Ruggiero de Ritis
A. A. Marino
C. Rubano
P. Scudellaro
+ The cosmological lens equation in a universe with non zero cosmological constant 2000 M. Demiański
R. de Ritis
A. A. Marino
E. Piedipalumbo
+ Slott-Agape Project 1999 V. Bozza
S. Calchi Novati
M. Capaccioli
Salvatore Capozziello
V. F. Cardone
G. Covone
F. De Paolis
R. de Ritis
G. Ingrosso
Gerardo Iovane
+ Pixel Lensing Search of Extrasolar Planets 1999 G. Covone
R. de Ritis
A. A. Marino
+ Detecting planets around stars in nearby galaxies 1999 G. Covone
R. de Ritis
M. Dominik
A. A. Marino
+ Constraints on the slope of the dark halo mass function by microlensing observables 1999 V. F. Cardone
R. de Ritis
A. A. Marino
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic freedom cosmology 1998 Salvatore Capozziello
R. de Ritis
A. A. Marino
+ Recovering the Effective Cosmological Constant in Extended Gravity Theories 1998 Salvatore Capozziello
R. de Ritis
A. A. Marino
+ The effective cosmological constant in higher order gravity theories 1998 Salvatore Capozziello
R. de Ritis
A. A. Marino
+ PDF Chat Some aspects of the cosmological conformal equivalence between the `Jordan frame' and the `Einstein frame' 1997 Salvatore Capozziello
R. de Ritis
A. A. Marino
+ PDF Chat Gravitational waveguides in cosmology 1997 Capozziello
R. de Ritis
V. I. Man’ko
A. A. Marino
G. Marmo
+ PDF Chat Defocusing gravitational microlensing 1997 Salvatore Capozziello
R. de Ritis
V. I. Man’ko
A. A. Marino
G. Marmo
+ PDF Chat Luminosity variation in (de) focusing microlensing 1997 Salvatore Capozziello
R. de Ritis
V. I. Man’ko
A. A. Marino
G. Marmo
+ A Time-dependent Cosmological Constant Phenomenology 1996 Salvatore Capozziello
Ruggiero de Ritis
A. A. Marino
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Constraining Dark Energy with Type Ia Supernovae and Large-Scale Structure 1999 S. Perlmutter
Michael S. Turner
Martin White
+ Cosmology with x-matter 1997 Takeshi Chiba
Naoshi Sugiyama
T. Nakamura
+ Quintessence, Cosmic Coincidence, and the Cosmological Constant 1999 I.S. Zlatev
Li-Min Wang
Paul J. Steinhardt
+ Cosmological Imprint of an Energy Component with General Equation of State 1998 R. R. Caldwell
R. Dave
Paul J. Steinhardt
+ Observational tests of x-matter models 1998 Takeshi Chiba
Naoshi Sugiyama
Takashi Nakamura
+ Cosmological tracking solutions 1999 Paul J. Steinhardt
Li-Min Wang
I.S. Zlatev
+ PDF Chat Possible gravitational microlensing of a star in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1993 C. Alcock
C. Akerlof
R. A. Allsman
T. S. Axelrod
D. P. Bennett
S. K. Chan
K. H. Cook
K. C. Freeman
K. Griest
S. L. Marshall
+ PDF Chat The MACHO Project: Microlensing Results from 5.7 Years of Large Magellanic Cloud Observations 2000 C. Alcock
R. A. Allsman
D. R. Alves
T. S. Axelrod
A. C. Becker
D. P. Bennett
K. H. Cook
Neal Dalal
A. J. Drake
K. C. Freeman
+ PDF Chat The universal rotation curve of spiral galaxies — I. The dark matter connection 1996 M. Persic
P. Salucci
Fulvio Stel
+ PDF Chat The Rotation Curve of the Large Magellanic Cloud and the Implications for Microlensing 2000 David R. Alves
C. A. Nelson
+ The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time 1973 S. W. Hawking
George Ellis
+ Lectures on General Relativity 1974 A. Papapetrou
+ PDF Chat Extended gravity theories and the Einstein--Hilbert action 1994 David Wands
+ PDF Chat On the Robustness of the Microlensing Optical Depth as a Measure of MACHO Density 1998 E. Kerins
+ PDF Chat The MACHO Project Large Magellanic Cloud Microlensing Results from the First Two Years and the Nature of the Galactic Dark Halo 1997 C. Alcock
R. A. Allsman
D. R. Alves
T. S. Axelrod
A. C. Becker
D. P. Bennett
K. H. Cook
K. C. Freeman
K. Griest
J. Guern
+ PDF Chat Cosmological Applications of Gravitational Lensing 1996 Peter Schneider
+ Extended quintessence 1999 F. Perrotta
Carlo Baccigalupi
S. Matarrese
+ The MACHO Project First-Year Large Magellanic Cloud Results: The Microlensing Rate and the Nature of the Galactic Dark Halo 1996 C. Alcock
R. A. Allsman
T. S. Axelrod
D. P. Bennett
K. H. Cook
K. C. Freeman
K. Griest
J. Guern
M. J. Lehner
S. L. Marshall
+ PDF Chat Physical equivalence between nonlinear gravity theories and a general-relativistic self-gravitating scalar field 1994 Guido Magnano
Leszek M. Sokołowski
+ PDF Chat Scaling solutions in general nonminimal coupling theories 1999 Luca Amendola
+ CDM models with a smooth component 1997 Michael S. Turner
Martin White
+ PDF Chat The Luminosity Distance, the Equation of State, and the Geometry of the Universe 1998 Takeshi Chiba
Takuji Nakamura
+ PDF Chat Classification of scalar field potentials with cosmological scaling solutions 1998 Andrew R. Liddle
Robert J. Scherrer
+ PDF Chat Star counts in the Hubble Deep Field: constraining galactic structure models 1996 R. A. Méndez
D. Minniti
Guido De Marchi
A. C. Baker
W. J. Couch
+ PDF Chat SUSY QCD and quintessence 1999 A. Masiero
Massimo Pietroni
Francesca Rosati
+ Slott-Agape Project 1999 V. Bozza
S. Calchi Novati
M. Capaccioli
Salvatore Capozziello
V. F. Cardone
G. Covone
F. De Paolis
R. de Ritis
G. Ingrosso
Gerardo Iovane
+ The very early Universe 1999 V. N. Lukash
+ PDF Chat Über die Variationsableitung von Fundamental-Invarianten beliebig hoher Ordnung 1951 H. A. Buchdahl
+ PDF Chat Analysis of a [ITAL]Hubble Space Telescope[/ITAL] Search for Red Dwarfs: Limits on Baryonic Matter in the Galactic Halo 1996 D. Graff
Katherine Freese
+ PDF Chat Hyperextended scalar-tensor gravity 1996 D. F. Torres
H. Vucetich
+ PDF Chat The MACHO Project: Microlensing Detection Efficiency 2001 C. Alcock
R. A. Allsman
D. R. Alves
T. S. Axelrod
A. C. Becker
D. P. Bennett
K. H. Cook
A. J. Drake
K. C. Freeman
Marla Geha
+ Observational Evidence for the Effect of Amplification Bias in Gravitational Microlensing Experiments 1998 Cheongho Han
Youngjin Jeong
Ho‐Il Kim
+ PDF Chat Microlensing, structure of the Galactic halo and determination of the mass function of dark objects 1997 D. Markovic
Jesper Sommer‐Larsen
+ Theory of Pixel Lensing 1996 Andrew Gould
+ PDF Chat Gravitational lens time delays and gravitational waves 1994 J. Frieman
Diego Harari
G. Surpi
+ PDF Chat Measurements of Ω and Λ from 42 High‐Redshift Supernovae 1999 S. Perlmutter
G. Aldering
G. Goldhaber
R. A. Knop
P. Nugent
P. G. Castro
Susana E. Deustua
S. Fabbro
A. Goobar
D. E. Groom
+ PDF Chat Constraints on Cosmological Models from [ITAL]Hubble Space Telescope[/ITAL] Observations of High-[CLC][ITAL]z[/ITAL][/CLC] Supernovae 1998 P. Garnavich
R. Kirshner
Peter Challis
J. Tonry
Ronald L. Gilliland
R. C. Smith
A. Clocchiatti
Alan H. Diercks
A. V. Filippenko
M. Hamuy
+ Handbook of Elliptic Integrals for Engineers and Physicists 1954 Paul F. Byrd
Morris D. Friedman
+ A conformally invariant Maxwell gauge 1985 Michael Eastwood
Michael A. Singer
+ Reconstructing the Cosmic Equation of State from Supernova Distances 2000 Tarun Deep Saini
Somak Raychaudhury
Varun Sahni
Alexei A. Starobinsky
+ Do we really see a cosmological constant in the supernovae data 1999 Marie-Noëlle Célérier
+ PDF Chat Supernova Limits on the Cosmic Equation of State 1998 P. Garnavich
Saurabh W. Jha
Peter Challis
A. Clocchiatti
Alan H. Diercks
A. V. Filippenko
Ron Gilliland
Craig J. Hogan
R. Kirshner
B. Leibundgut
+ PDF Chat Relaxation of the cosmological constant at inflation? 2000 Валерий Анатольевич Рубаков
+ PDF Chat Towards a cosmic no hair theorem for higher‐order gravity 1996 S. Kluske
Hans‐Jürgen Schmidt
+ Photometry of pulsating stars in the Magellanic Clouds as observed in the MOA project 1999 J. B. Hearnshaw
I. A. Bond
Nicholas J. Rattenbury
S. Noda
M. Takeuti
F. Abe
B. S. Carter
R. J. Dodd
M. Honda
J. Jugaku
+ Structure Formation with a Self-Tuning Scalar Field 1997 Pedro G. Ferreira
Michael Joyce
+ Microlensing and Halo Cold Dark Matter 1995 Evalyn Gates
G. Gyuk
Michael S. Turner
+ PDF Chat The power-law galaxies 1994 N. W. Evans
+ A Local View of the Observable Universe 1995 Marco Bruni
S. Matarrese
Ornella Pantano
+ PDF Chat The MACHO Project: 45 Candidate Microlensing Events from the First Year Galactic Bulge Data 1997 C. Alcock
R. A. Allsman
D. R. Alves
T. S. Axelrod
D. P. Bennett
K. H. Cook
K. C. Freeman
K. Griest
J. Guern
M. J. Lehner