Richard Montgomery


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Almost every Latin square has a decomposition into transversals 2025 Candida Bowtell
Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Almost-full transversals in equi-$n$-squares 2024 Debsoumya Chakraborti
Micha Christoph
Zach Hunter
Richard Montgomery
Т. Г. Петров
+ PDF Chat On decomposition thresholds for odd-length cycles and other tripartite graphs 2024 Darryn Bryant
Peter J. Dukes
Daniel Horsley
Barbara Maenhaut
Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Regular subgraphs at every density 2024 Debsoumya Chakraborti
Oliver Janzer
Abhishek Methuku
Richard Montgomery
+ Trees with many leaves in tournaments 2024 Alistair Benford
Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Transversals in Latin Squares 2024 Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat The negative energy N-body problem has finite diameter 2024 Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Approximate path decompositions of regular graphs 2024 Richard Montgomery
Alp Müyesser
Alexey Pokrovskiy
Benny Sudakov
+ PDF Chat Counting spanning subgraphs in dense hypergraphs 2024 Richard Montgomery
Matías Pavez‐Signé
+ PDF Chat Transversals in Latin Squares 2024 Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Spanning cycles in random directed graphs 2024 Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Edge-disjoint cycles with the same vertex set 2024 Debsoumya Chakraborti
Oliver Janzer
Abhishek Methuku
Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Packing the largest trees in the tree packing conjecture 2024 Barnabás Janzer
Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat The Honest Embedding Dimension of a Numerical Semigroup 2024 Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Hamiltonicity of expanders: optimal bounds and applications 2024 Nemanja Draganić
Richard Montgomery
David Munhá Correia
Alexey Pokrovskiy
Benny Sudakov
+ PDF Chat No infinite spin for planar total collision 2024 Richard Moeckel
Richard Montgomery
+ Global rigidity of random graphs in $\mathbb{R}$ 2024 Richard Montgomery
Rajko Nenadov
Tibor Szabó
+ PDF Chat Towards the Erdős-Gallai cycle decomposition conjecture 2023 Matija Bucić
Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Compactification of the Energy Surfaces for $$n$$ Bodies 2023 Andreas Knauf
Richard Montgomery
+ Towards the Erdős-Gallai Cycle Decomposition Conjecture 2023 Matija Bucić
Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Dropping Bodies 2023 Richard Montgomery
+ No Infinite Spin for Planar Total Collision 2023 Richard Moeckel
Richard Montgomery
+ Compactification of the energy surfaces for n bodies 2023 Andreas Knauf
Richard Montgomery
+ Counting spanning subgraphs in dense hypergraphs 2023 Richard Montgomery
Matías Pavez‐Signé
+ A proof of the Ryser-Brualdi-Stein conjecture for large even $n$ 2023 Richard Montgomery
+ Ramsey numbers of bounded degree trees versus general graphs 2023 Richard Montgomery
Matías Pavez‐Signé
Jun Yan
+ The Kepler Cone, Maclaurin Duality and Jacobi-Maupertuis metrics 2023 Richard Montgomery
+ A solution to Erdős and Hajnal’s odd cycle problem 2022 Hong Liu
Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Spanning trees in dense directed graphs 2022 Amarja Kathapurkar
Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Transversal factors and spanning trees 2022 Richard Montgomery
Alp Müyesser
Yani Pehova
+ PDF Chat Trees with few leaves in tournaments 2022 Alistair Benford
Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Geodesics in Jet Space 2022 Alejandro Bravo-Doddoli
Richard Montgomery
+ Trees with many leaves in tournaments 2022 Alistair Benford
Richard Montgomery
+ Towards the Erdős-Gallai Cycle Decomposition Conjecture 2022 Matija Bucić
Richard Montgomery
+ Dropping Bodies 2022 Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat C4-free subgraphs with large average degree 2021 Richard Montgomery
Alexey Pokrovskiy
Benny Sudakov
+ Classical n-body scattering with long-range potentials 2021 Jacques Féjoz
Andreas Knauf
Richard Montgomery
+ Globally Minimizing Geodesics in Jet Space 2021 Alejandro Bravo-Doddoli
Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Globally Minimizing Geodesics in Jet Space 2021 Alejandro Bravo-Doddoli
Richard Montgomery
+ Spanning surfaces in 3-graphs 2021 Agelos Georgakopoulos
John Haslegrave
Richard Montgomery
Bhargav Narayanan
+ PDF Chat Bicycle paths, elasticae and sub-Riemannian geometry 2021 A. A. Ardentov
Gil Bor
Enrico Le Donne
Richard Montgomery
Yuri L. Sachkov
+ PDF Chat A proof of Ringel’s conjecture 2021 Richard Montgomery
Alexey Pokrovskiy
Benny Sudakov
+ PDF Chat Evading Anderson localization in a one-dimensional conductor with correlated disorder 2021 Onuttom Narayan
Harsh Mathur
Richard Montgomery
+ Classical $n$-body scattering with long-range potentials 2021 Jacques Féjoz
Andreas Knauf
Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Trees with Few Leaves in Tournaments 2021 Alistair Benford
Richard Montgomery
+ Transversal factors and spanning trees 2021 Richard Montgomery
Alp Müyesser
Yanitsa Pehova
+ Trees with few leaves in tournaments 2021 Alistair Benford
Richard Montgomery
+ Spanning trees in dense directed graphs 2021 Amarja Kathapurkar
Richard Montgomery
+ Spanning cycles in random directed graphs 2021 Richard Montgomery
+ Nonholonomic systems via moving frames: Cartan equivalence and Chaplygin Hamiltonization. (arXiv:math-ph/0408005v1 CROSS LISTED) 2020 Kurt Ehlers
Jair Koiller
Richard Montgomery
Pedro M. Rios
+ PDF Chat Embedding rainbow trees with applications to graph labelling and decomposition 2020 Richard Montgomery
Alexey Pokrovskiy
Benny Sudakov
+ PDF Chat Hamiltonicity in random directed graphs is born resilient 2020 Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Chazy-Type Asymptotics and Hyperbolic Scattering for the n-Body Problem 2020 Nathan Duignan
Richard Moeckel
Richard Montgomery
Guowei Yu
+ PDF Chat Book Review: A comprehensive introduction to sub-Riemannian geometry. From the Hamiltonian viewpoint 2020 Richard Montgomery
+ C4-free subgraphs with large average degree 2020 Richard Montgomery
Alexey Pokrovskiy
Benny Sudakov
Richard Montgomery
Olaf Parczyk
Yury Person
+ Minimalist designs 2020 Ben Barber
Stefan Glock
Daniela Kühn
Allan Lo
Richard Montgomery
Deryk Osthus
+ Decompositions into isomorphic rainbow spanning trees 2020 Stefan Glock
Daniela Kühn
Richard Montgomery
Deryk Osthus
+ Minimizers for the Kepler Problem 2020 Richard Montgomery
+ A proof of Ringel's Conjecture 2020 Richard Montgomery
Alexey Pokrovskiy
Benny Sudakov
+ Le problème des trois corps rebondit 2020 Richard Montgomery
+ A solution to Erdős and Hajnal's odd cycle problem 2020 Hong Liu
Richard Montgomery
+ C4-free subgraphs with large average degree 2020 Richard Montgomery
Alexey Pokrovskiy
Benny Sudakov
+ A proof of Ringel's Conjecture 2020 Richard Montgomery
Alexey Pokrovskiy
Benny Sudakov
+ Spanning trees in random graphs 2019 Richard Montgomery
+ Chains in CR geometry as geodesics of a Kropina metric 2019 Jih-Hsin Cheng
Taiji Marugame
Vladimir S. Matveev
Richard Montgomery
+ Hamiltonicity in random graphs is born resilient 2019 Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Decompositions into spanning rainbow structures 2019 Richard Montgomery
Alexey Pokrovskiy
Benny Sudakov
+ PDF Chat Universality for bounded degree spanning trees in randomly perturbed graphs 2019 Julia Böttcher
Jie Han
Yoshiharu Kohayakawa
Richard Montgomery
Olaf Parczyk
Yury Person
+ PDF Chat Oscillating about coplanarity in the 4 body problem 2019 Richard Montgomery
+ On the decomposition threshold of a given graph 2019 Stefan Glock
Daniela Kühn
Allan Lo
Richard Montgomery
Deryk Osthus
+ Decompositions into isomorphic rainbow spanning trees. 2019 Stefan Glock
Daniela Kühn
Richard Montgomery
Deryk Osthus
+ Decompositions into isomorphic rainbow spanning trees 2019 Stefan Glock
Daniela Kühn
Richard Montgomery
Deryk Osthus
+ Forcing large tight components in 3-graphs 2018 Agelos Georgakopoulos
John Haslegrave
Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Fractional clique decompositions of dense graphs 2018 Richard Montgomery
+ Spanning trees in random graphs 2018 Richard Montgomery
+ Spanning surfaces in 3-graphs 2018 Agelos Georgakopoulos
John Haslegrave
Richard Montgomery
Bhargav Narayanan
+ PDF Chat Spanning surfaces in 3-graphs 2018 Agelos Georgakopoulos
John Haslegrave
Richard Montgomery
Bhargav Narayanan
+ PDF Chat Rainbow spanning trees in properly coloured complete graphs 2018 József Balogh
Hong Liu
Richard Montgomery
+ Embedding rainbow trees with applications to graph labelling and decomposition 2018 Richard Montgomery
Alexey Pokrovskiy
Benny Sudakov
+ PDF Chat Free time minimizers for the three-body problem 2018 Richard Moeckel
Richard Montgomery
Héctor Sánchez-Morgado
+ Embedding spanning bounded degree graphs in randomly perturbed graphs 2018 Julia Böttcher
Richard Montgomery
Olaf Parczyk
Yury Person
+ Universality for bounded degree spanning trees in randomly perturbed graphs 2018 Julia Böttcher
Jie Han
Yoshiharu Kohayakawa
Richard Montgomery
Olaf Parczyk
Yury Person
+ Blow-Up, Homotopy and Existence for Periodic Solutions of the Planar Three-Body Problem 2018 Richard Montgomery
+ Metric cones, N-body collisions, and Marchal's lemma 2018 Richard Montgomery
+ Spanning trees in random graphs 2018 Richard Montgomery
+ Minimalist designs 2018 Ben Barber
Stefan Glock
Daniela Kühn
Allan Lo
Richard Montgomery
Deryk Osthus
+ Embedding rainbow trees with applications to graph labelling and decomposition 2018 Richard Montgomery
Alexey Pokrovskiy
Benny Sudakov
+ Embedding spanning bounded degree graphs in randomly perturbed graphs 2018 Julia Böttcher
Richard Montgomery
Olaf Parczyk
Yury Person
+ Universality for bounded degree spanning trees in randomly perturbed graphs 2018 Julia Böttcher
Jie Han
Yoshiharu Kohayakawa
Richard Montgomery
Olaf Parczyk
Yury Person
+ Fractional clique decompositions of dense graphs 2017 Richard Montgomery
+ Hamiltonicity in random graphs is born resilient 2017 Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Embedding spanning bounded degree subgraphs in randomly perturbed graphs 2017 Julia Böttcher
Richard Montgomery
Olaf Parczyk
Yury Person
+ PDF Chat Fractional Clique Decompositions of Dense Partite Graphs 2017 Richard Montgomery
+ Fractional clique decompositions of dense graphs and hypergraphs 2017 Ben Barber
Daniela Kühn
Allan Lo
Richard Montgomery
Deryk Osthus
+ Rainbow spanning trees in properly coloured complete graphs 2017 József Balogh
Hong Liu
Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Lagrangian relations and linear point billiards 2017 Jacques Féjoz
Andreas Knauf
Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat A proof of Mader's conjecture on large clique subdivisions in C4-free graphs 2017 Hong Liu
Richard Montgomery
+ Fractional clique decompositions of dense graphs 2017 Richard Montgomery
+ Hamiltonicity in random graphs is born resilient 2017 Richard Montgomery
+ Rainbow spanning trees in properly coloured complete graphs 2017 József Balogh
Hong Liu
Richard Montgomery
+ Constructing the Hyperbolic Plane as the reduction of a three-body problem 2016 Richard Montgomery
+ On the decomposition threshold of a given graph 2016 Stefan Glock
Daniela Kühn
Allan Lo
Richard Montgomery
Deryk Osthus
+ PDF Chat Syzygies in the two center problem 2016 Holger R. Dullin
Richard Montgomery
+ Fractional Clique Decompositions of Dense Partite Graphs 2016 Richard Montgomery
+ On the decomposition threshold of a given graph 2016 Stefan Glock
Daniela Kühn
Allan Lo
Richard Montgomery
Deryk Osthus
+ Constructing the Hyperbolic Plane as the reduction of a three-body problem 2016 Richard Montgomery
+ Fractional Clique Decompositions of Dense Partite Graphs 2016 Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Sard property for the endpoint map on some Carnot groups 2015 Alessandro Ottazzi
Pierre Pansu
Davide Vittone
Enrico Le Donne
Richard Montgomery
+ Blow-up for realizing homotopy classes in the three-body problem 2015 Richard Montgomery
+ No hyperbolic pants for the 4-body problem 2015 Connor Jackman
Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Almost All Friendly Matrices Have Many Obstructions 2015 Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Keplerian Dynamics on the Heisenberg Group and Elsewhere 2015 Richard Montgomery
Corey Shanbrom
+ Blow-up for realizing homotopy classes in the three-body problem 2015 Richard Montgomery
+ Realizing All Free Homotopy Classes for the Newtonian Three-Body Problem 2014 Richard Moeckel
Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Logarithmically small minors and topological minors 2014 Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Who's Afraid of the Hill Boundary? 2014 Richard Montgomery
+ Who's afraid of the Hill boundary? Conjugate loci clustering at the boundary 2014 Richard Montgomery
+ Sharp threshold for embedding combs and other spanning trees in random graphs 2014 Richard Montgomery
+ Almost all friendly matrices have many obstructions 2014 Richard Montgomery
+ Embedding bounded degree spanning trees in random graphs 2014 Richard Montgomery
+ The Three-body problem and the shape sphere 2014 Richard Montgomery
+ Sharp threshold for embedding combs and other spanning trees in random graphs 2014 Richard Montgomery
+ Realizing All Free Homotopy Classes for the Newtonian Three-Body Problem 2014 Richard Moeckel
Richard Montgomery
+ Almost all friendly matrices have many obstructions 2014 Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat MICZ-Kepler: Dynamics on the cone over SO(n) 2013 Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Symmetric regularization, reduction and blow-up of the planar three-body problem 2013 Richard Moeckel
Richard Montgomery
+ Keplerian Dynamics on the Heisenberg Group and Elsewhere 2012 Richard Montgomery
Corey Shanbrom
+ PDF Chat From Brake to Syzygy 2012 Richard Moeckel
Richard Montgomery
Andrea Venturelli
+ Spatial curve singularities and the monster/semple tower 2012 Alex L. Castro
Richard Montgomery
+ Symmetric Regularization, Reduction and Blow-Up of the Planar Three-Body Problem 2012 Rick Moeckel
Richard Montgomery
+ Symmetric Regularization, Reduction and Blow-Up of the Planar Three-Body Problem 2012 Rick Moeckel
Richard Montgomery
+ Keplerian Dynamics on the Heisenberg Group and Elsewhere 2012 Richard Montgomery
Corey Shanbrom
+ PDF Chat From Brake to Syzygy 2012 Richard Moeckel
Richard Montgomery
Andrea Venturelli
+ PDF Chat From Brake to Syzygy 2012 Richard Moeckel
Richard Montgomery
Andrea Venturelli
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Sub-Riemannian geometry: general theory and examples 2010 Richard Montgomery
+ Points and curves in the Monster tower 2009 Richard Montgomery
Michail Zhitomirskii
+ PDF Chat $G_2$ and the rolling distribution 2009 Gil Bor
Richard Montgomery
+ Curve Singularities and Monster / Semple Towers 2009 Alex L. Castro
Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat The chains of left-invariant Cauchy–Riemann structures on SU(2) 2008 Alex L. Castro
Richard Montgomery
+ Resolving singularities with Cartan’s prolongation 2008 Richard Montgomery
Vidya Swaminathan
M. Ya. Zhitomirskiĭ
+ PDF Chat Nonholonomic systems via moving frames: Cartan equivalence and Chaplygin Hamiltonization 2007 Kurt Ehlers
Jair Koiller
Richard Montgomery
Pedro M. Rios
+ The Chains of Left-invariant CR-structures on SU(2) 2007 Alex L. Castro
Richard Montgomery
+ A Tour of Subriemannian Geometries, Their Geodesics and Applications 2006 Richard Montgomery
+ Bundles and the Hopf fibration 2006 Richard Montgomery
+ The tangent cone and Carnot groups 2006 Richard Montgomery
+ Discrete groups tending to Carnot geometries 2006 Richard Montgomery
+ A remarkable horizontal curve 2006 Richard Montgomery
+ Cartan’s approach 2006 Richard Montgomery
+ The only syzygy-free solution is Lagrange's 2006 Richard Montgomery
+ G_2 and the "Rolling Distribution" 2006 Gil Bor
Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Fitting hyperbolic pants to a three-body problem 2005 Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Convexity of the figure eight solution to the three-body problem 2005 Toshiaki Fujiwara
Richard Montgomery
+ Fitting Hyperbolic Pants to a Three-Body Problem 2004 Richard Montgomery
+ Nonholonomic systems via moving frames: Cartan equivalence and Chaplygin Hamiltonization 2004 Kurt Ehlers
Jair Koiller
Richard Montgomery
Pedro M. Rios
+ Reviews 2003 Gerald B. Folland
Richard Montgomery
Jeffrey Rauch
+ Convexity in the Figure Eight Solution to the Three-Body Problem 2003 Toshiaki Fujiwara
Richard Montgomery
+ Infinitely Many Syzygies 2002 Richard Montgomery
+ Infinitely Many Eclipses 2001 Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat A Remarkable Periodic Solution of the Three-Body Problem in the Case of Equal Masses 2000 Alain Chenciner
Richard Montgomery
+ A remarkable periodic solution of the three-body problem in the case of equal masses 2000 Alain Chenciner
Richard Montgomery
+ A remarkable periodic solution of the three-body problem in the case of equal masses 2000 Alain Chenciner
Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Engel deformations and contact structures 1999 Richard Montgomery
+ The<b><i>N</i></b>-body problem, the braid group, and action-minimizing periodic solutions 1998 Richard Montgomery
+ Momentum Maps and Classical Relativistic Fields. Part I: Covariant Field Theory 1998 Mark J. Gotay
James Isenberg
Jerrold E. Marsden
Richard Montgomery
+ A nonintegrable sub-Riemannian geodesic flow on a Carnot group 1997 Richard Montgomery
Michael Shapiro
Alexander Stolin
+ PDF Chat Characteristic classes for the degenerations of two-plane fields in four dimensions 1997 Maxim Kazarian
Richard Montgomery
Boris Shapiro
+ Characteristic Classes for the Degenerations of Two-Plane Fields in Four Dimensions 1997 Maxim Kazarian
Richard Montgomery
Boris Shapiro
Richard Montgomery
+ Geometric Quantization and No Go Theorems 1997 Viktor L. Ginzburg
Richard Montgomery
+ Chaotic Geodesics in Carnot Groups 1997 Richard Montgomery
Michael Shapiro
Alexander Stolin
+ Deformations of Nonholonomic Two-plane Fields in Four Dimensions 1997 Richard Montgomery
+ None 1997 Richard Montgomery
Michael Shapiro
Alexander Stolin
+ Characteristic Classes for the Degenerations of Two-Plane Fields in Four Dimensions 1997 Maxim Kazarian
Richard Montgomery
Boris Shapiro
+ Geometric Quantization and No Go Theorems 1997 Viktor L. Ginzburg
Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat The geometric phase of the three-body problem 1996 Richard Montgomery
+ Survey of singular geodesics 1996 Richard Montgomery
+ Introduction to a Paper of M.Z. Shapiro: Homotopy Theory in Control 1996 Richard Montgomery
+ The Geometric Phase in the Three-Body Problem 1995 Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Hearing the zero locus of a magnetic field 1995 Richard Montgomery
+ A survey of singular curves in sub-Riemannian geometry 1995 Richard Montgomery
+ The Geometric Phase in the Three-Body Problem 1995 Richard Montgomery
+ Abnormal Minimizers 1994 Richard Montgomery
+ Singular extremals on Lie groups 1994 Richard Montgomery
+ Examples of singular reduction 1994 Eugene Lerman
Richard Montgomery
Reyer Sjamaar
+ Generic Distributions and Lie Algebras of Vector Fields 1993 Richard Montgomery
+ Abnormal Optimal Controls and Open Problems in Nonholonomic Steering 1992 Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Student Seminars on "Famous Equations" 1991 Richard Montgomery
+ Heisenberg and Isoholonomic Inequalities 1991 Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Reduction, symmetry, and phases in mechanics 1990 Jerrold E. Marsden
Richard Montgomery
Tudor S. Raţiu
+ PDF Chat Closed geodesics on the space of stable two-monopoles 1988 Larry Bates
Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat The connection whose holonomy is the classical adiabatic angles of Hannay and Berry and its generalization to the non-integrable case 1988 Richard Montgomery
+ Hamiltonian structure for the modulation equations of a sine-Gordon wavetrain 1987 Nicholas M. Ercolani
M. Gregory Forest
David W. McLaughlin
Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Scattering off of an instanton 1986 Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat The Hamiltonian structure for dynamic free boundary problems 1986 Debra Lewis
Jerrold E. Marsden
Richard Montgomery
Tudor S. Raţiu
+ PDF Chat Gauged Lie-Poisson structures 1984 Richard Montgomery
Jerrold E. Marsden
Tudor S. Raţiu
+ Canonical formulations of a classical particle in a Yang-Mills field and Wong's equations 1984 Richard Montgomery
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Rigidity of integral curves of rank 2 distributions 1993 Robert L. Bryant
Lucas Hsu
+ Edge-decompositions of graphs with high minimum degree 2015 Ben Barber
Daniela Kühn
Allan Lo
Deryk Osthus
+ Hamiltonian circuits in random graphs 1976 L. Pósa
+ A Tour of Subriemannian Geometries, Their Geodesics and Applications 2006 Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat A Remarkable Periodic Solution of the Three-Body Problem in the Case of Equal Masses 2000 Alain Chenciner
Richard Montgomery
+ Spanning trees in random graphs 2019 Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Reduction of symplectic manifolds with symmetry 1974 Jerrold E. Marsden
Alan Weinstein
+ PDF Chat Embedding nearly-spanning bounded degree trees 2007 Noga Alon
Michael Krivelevich
Benny Sudakov
+ A Dirac-Type Theorem for 3-Uniform Hypergraphs 2006 Vojtěch Rödl
Andrzej Ruciński
Endre Szemerédi
+ An approximate Dirac-type theorem for k-uniform hypergraphs 2008 Vojtěch Rödl
Endre Szemerédi
Andrzej Ruciński
+ Integer and Fractional Packings in Dense Graphs 2001 Penny Haxell
V. Rödl
+ Abnormal Minimizers 1994 Richard Montgomery
+ The existence of designs 2014 Peter Keevash
+ PDF Chat Fractional Triangle Decompositions in Graphs with Large Minimum Degree 2016 François Dross
+ PDF Chat Carnot-Carathéodory spaces seen from within 1996 Mikhael Gromov
+ Topological cliques in graphs II 1996 János Komlós
Endre Szemerédi
+ The exponential map for the Lagrange problem on differentiable manifolds 1967 C. B. Rayner
+ Asymptotically optimal<mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>K</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>k</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:math>-packings of dense graphs via fractional<mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>K</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>k</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:math>-decompositions 2005 Raphael Yuster
+ PDF Chat Sub-Riemannian geometry 1986 Robert S. Strichartz
+ A Course in Metric Geometry 2001 Dmitri Burago
Yuri Burago
S. V. Ivanov
+ Infinitely Many Syzygies 2002 Richard Montgomery
+ Fractional clique decompositions of dense graphs and hypergraphs 2017 Ben Barber
Daniela Kühn
Allan Lo
Richard Montgomery
Deryk Osthus
+ Rational decomposition of dense hypergraphs and some related eigenvalue estimates 2012 Peter J. Dukes
+ PDF Chat Proof of the Seymour conjecture for large graphs 1998 János Komlós
Gábor N. Sárközy
Endre Szemerédi
+ A universal phase space for particles in Yang-Mills fields 1978 Alan Weinstein
+ PDF Chat Large Bounded Degree Trees in Expanding Graphs 2010 József Balogh
Béla Csaba
Martin Pei
Wojciech Samotij
+ PDF Chat Spanning Trees in Dense Graphs 2001 János Komlós
Gábor N. Sárközy
Endre Szemerédi
+ Topological Cliques in Graphs 1994 János Komlós
Endre Szemerédi
+ Almost all Regular Graphs are Hamiltonian 1983 Béla Bollobás
+ Limit distribution for the existence of hamiltonian cycles in a random graph 1983 János Komlós
Endre Szemerédi
+ PDF Chat Random subgraphs of properly edge-coloured complete graphs and long rainbow cycles 2017 Noga Alon
Alexey Pokrovskiy
Benny Sudakov
+ The<b><i>N</i></b>-body problem, the braid group, and action-minimizing periodic solutions 1998 Richard Montgomery
+ The existence of designs via iterative absorption 2016 Stefan Glock
Daniela Kühn
Allan Lo
Deryk Osthus
+ PDF Chat Minimal coupling and the symplectic mechanics of a classical particle in the presence of a Yang-Mills field 1977 Shlomo Sternberg
+ Spanning subgraphs of random graphs 1992 Noga Alon
Zoltán Füredi
+ PDF Chat On Pósa's Conjecture for Random Graphs 2012 Daniela Kühn
Deryk Osthus
+ PDF Chat Almost‐spanning universality in random graphs 2016 David Conlon
Asaf Ferber
Rajko Nenadov
Nemanja Škorić
+ PDF Chat Cores of random graphs are born Hamiltonian 2014 Michael Krivelevich
Eyal Lubetzky
Benny Sudakov
+ None 2008 Anders Johansson
Jeff Kahn
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat On Carnot-Carathéodory metrics 1985 John W. Mitchell
+ PDF Chat Les systèmes de Pfaff, à cinq variables et les équations aux dérivées partielles du second ordre 1910 Élie Cartan
+ PDF Chat Sur les singularités des formes différentielles 1970 Jean Martinet
+ The Laplace operator on the nth tensor power of a line bundle: eigenvalues which are uniformly bounded in n 1988 Victor Guillemin
Alejandro Uribe
+ PDF Chat From Brake to Syzygy 2012 Richard Moeckel
Richard Montgomery
Andrea Venturelli
+ Groups of polynomial growth and expanding maps 1981 Mikhael Gromov
+ Canonical formulations of a classical particle in a Yang-Mills field and Wong's equations 1984 Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Dirac's theorem for random graphs 2012 Choongbum Lee
Benny Sudakov
+ None 2007 Penny Haxell
Ben Seamone
Jacques Verstraëte
+ PDF Chat The minimum degree threshold for perfect graph packings 2009 Daniela Kühn
Deryk Osthus