Laurent Habsieger


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Explicit Asymptotics for Signed Binomial Sums and Applications to Carnevale-Voll Conjecture 2020 Laurent Habsieger
+ Explicit Asymptotics for Signed Binomial Sums and Applications to Carnevale-Voll Conjecture 2020 Laurent Habsieger
+ Explicit Bounds For The Diophantine Equation A!B = C! 2019 Laurent Habsieger
+ Explicit Bounds for the Diophantine Equation <i>A</i> ! <i>B</i> ! = <i>C</i> ! 2019 Laurent Habsieger
+ Explicit Bounds For The Diophantine Equation A!B! = C! 2019 Laurent Habsieger
+ PDF Chat A NUMERICAL NOTE ON UPPER BOUNDS FOR B 2 [g] SETS 2018 Laurent Habsieger
Alain Plagne
+ Sums of the Digits in Bases 2 and 3 2017 Jean-Marc Deshouillérs
Laurent Habsieger
Shanta Laishram
Bernard Landreau
+ PDF Chat Sums of the digits in bases 2 and 3, I 2017 Jean-Marc Deshouillérs
Laurent Habsieger
Shanta Laishram
Bernard Landreau
+ PDF Chat Sums of the digits in bases 2 and 3 2017 Jean-Marc Deshouillérs
Laurent Habsieger
Shanta Laishram
Bernard Landreau
+ PDF Chat Sums of the digits in bases 2 and 3, I 2017 Jean-Marc Deshouillérs
Laurent Habsieger
Shanta Laishram
Bernard Landreau
+ Sums of the digits in bases 2 and 3 2017 Jean-Marc Deshouillérs
Laurent Habsieger
Shanta Laishram
Bernard Landreau
+ PDF Chat Sums of the digits in bases 2 and 3, I 2017 Jean-Marc Deshouillérs
Laurent Habsieger
Shanta Laishram
Bernard Landreau
+ PDF Chat Sums of the digits in bases 2 and 3 2017 Jean-Marc Deshouillérs
Laurent Habsieger
Shanta Laishram
Bernard Landreau
+ PDF Chat Sums of the digits in bases 2 and 3, I 2017 Jean-Marc Deshouillérs
Laurent Habsieger
Shanta Laishram
Bernard Landreau
+ PDF Chat Sums of the digits in bases 2 and 3, I 2017 Jean-Marc Deshouillérs
Laurent Habsieger
Shanta Laishram
Bernard Landreau
+ PDF Chat Sums of the digits in bases 2 and 3 2017 Jean-Marc Deshouillérs
Laurent Habsieger
Shanta Laishram
Bernard Landreau
+ PDF Chat Sums of the digits in bases 2 and 3, I 2017 Jean-Marc Deshouillérs
Laurent Habsieger
Shanta Laishram
Bernard Landreau
+ PDF Chat Sums of the digits in bases 2 and 3, I 2017 Jean-Marc Deshouillérs
Laurent Habsieger
Shanta Laishram
Bernard Landreau
+ PDF Chat Sums of the digits in bases 2 and 3, I 2017 Jean-Marc Deshouillérs
Laurent Habsieger
Shanta Laishram
Bernard Landreau
+ PDF Chat Sums of the digits in bases 2 and 3 2017 Jean-Marc Deshouillérs
Laurent Habsieger
Shanta Laishram
Bernard Landreau
+ PDF Chat Sums of the digits in bases 2 and 3 2017 Jean-Marc Deshouillérs
Laurent Habsieger
Shanta Laishram
Bernard Landreau
+ A Numerical Note on Upper Bounds for <font><i>B</i><sub>2</sub>[<i>g</i>]</font> Sets 2016 Laurent Habsieger
Alain Plagne
+ A numerical note on upper bounds for b 2 [g] sets 2016 Laurent Habsieger
Alain Plagne
+ Sums of the digits in bases 2 and 3 2016 Jean-Marc Deshouillérs
Laurent Habsieger
Shanta Laishram
Bernard Landreau
+ On finite additive 2-bases 2014 Laurent Habsieger
Emmanuel Royer
+ Spiegelungssatz: a combinatorial proof for the 4-rank 2011 Laurent Habsieger
Emmanuel Royer
+ Spiegelungssatz: a combinatorial proof for the 4-rank 2011 Laurent Habsieger
Emmanuel Royer
+ An effective version of the Bombieri–Vinogradov theorem, and applications to Chen’s theorem and to sums of primes and powers of two 2010 Laurent Habsieger
Jimena Sivak-Fischler
+ A few remarks related to the four exponentials conjecture 2007 Laurent Habsieger
+ PDF Chat On the Nyman-Beurling criterion for the Riemann hypothesis 2007 Laurent Habsieger
+ PDF Chat On integers of the form p+2<sup>k</sup> 2006 Laurent Habsieger
Xavier-François Roblot
+ On Integers of the Form p+2^k 2006 Laurent Habsieger
Xavier-François Roblot
+ On Integers of the Form p+2^k 2006 Laurent Habsieger
Xavier-François Roblot
+ PDF Chat On Integers of the Form p+2^k 2006 Laurent Habsieger
Xavier-François Roblot
+ PDF Chat On Integers of the Form p+2^k 2006 Laurent Habsieger
Xavier-François Roblot
+ PDF Chat On Integers of the Form p+2^k 2006 Laurent Habsieger
Xavier-François Roblot
+ PDF Chat On Integers of the Form p+2^k 2006 Laurent Habsieger
Xavier-François Roblot
+ PDF Chat On Integers of the Form p+2^k 2006 Laurent Habsieger
Xavier-François Roblot
+ Explicit Approximate Functional Equations for Various Classes of Dirichlet Series 2005 Laurent Habsieger
+ PDF Chat Approximate Carleman theorems and a Denjoy-Carleman maximum principle 2004 Isabelle Chalendar
Laurent Habsieger
J. R. Partington
Thomas Ransford
+ ON ASYMPTOTIC MOMENTS OF $L$-FUNCTIONS (Analytic Number Theory and Surrounding Areas) 2004 Laurent Habsieger
+ Moments of the Rudin?Shapiro Polynomials 2004 Christophe Doche
Laurent Habsieger
+ PDF Chat $L$-functions of automorphic forms and combinatorics: Dyck paths 2004 Laurent Habsieger
Emmanuel Royer
+ PDF Chat Explicit lower bounds for ||(3/2)<sup>k</sup>|| 2003 Laurent Habsieger
+ Explicit lower bounds fork(3=2) k k 2003 Laurent Habsieger
Georges Grekos
Laurent Habsieger
François Hennecart
Bernard Landreau
Alain Plagne
+ Integer Zeros ofq-Krawtchouk Polynomials in Classical Combinatorics 2001 Laurent Habsieger
+ Integral zeroes of Krawtchouk polynomials 2001 Laurent Habsieger
+ PDF Chat Sur les fonctions entiÚres à double pas récurrent 1999 Nicolas Brisebarre
Laurent Habsieger
+ Propagative Recursive Distributed Parameter Systems and Non Integer Differentiation 1998 François Levron
Jocelyn Sabatier
Alain Oustaloup
Laurent Habsieger
+ Binary codes with covering radius one: Some new lower bounds 1997 Laurent Habsieger
+ PDF Chat On integer Chebyshev polynomials 1997 Laurent Habsieger
Bruno Salvy
+ Problem 245. An extremal problem. 1996 Laurent Habsieger
+ Sur les matrices Ă  signes alternants 1995 Mireille Bousquet‐MĂ©lou
Laurent Habsieger
+ On the Additive Completion of Polynomial Sets 1995 Laurent Habsieger
+ Lower bounds for q-ary coverings by spheres of radius one 1994 Laurent Habsieger
+ Applications of Group Representation Theory to the Easier Waring Problem 1993 Laurent Habsieger
+ PDF Chat More zeros of krawtchouk polynomials 1993 Laurent Habsieger
Dennis Stanton
+ Inégalités entre fonctions symétriques élémentaires: applications à des problÚmes de log-concavité 1993 Laurent Habsieger
+ Good and Bad Radii of Convex Polygons 1991 Peter Gritzmann
Laurent Habsieger
Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Linear recurrent sequences and irrationality measures 1991 Laurent Habsieger
+ PDF Chat Représentations des groupes et identités polynomiales 1991 Laurent Habsieger
+ Autour de la Conjecture de Dyson 1989 Laurent Habsieger
+ PDF Chat Macdonald Conjectures and the Selberg Integral 1989 Laurent Habsieger
+ Une <i>q</i>-Intégrale de Selberg et Askey 1988 Laurent Habsieger
+ Conjectures de macdonald et q-integrale de selberg-askey 1987 Laurent Habsieger
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A Proof of Askey’s Conjectured <i>q</i>-Analogue of Selberg’s Integral and a Conjecture of Morris 1988 Kevin W. J. Kadell
+ A proof of Andrews' q-Dyson conjecture 1985 Doron Zeilberger
David M. Bressoud
+ The Radon transform on Z<sub>2</sub><sup><i>k</i></sup> 1985 Persi Diaconis
Ronald Graham
+ Remark on factorials that are products of factorials 2010 K G Bhat
K. Ramachandra
+ Computations concerning primes and powers of two 1983 Francesco Romani
+ PDF Chat Constant term identities extending the 𝑞-Dyson theorem 1985 David M. Bressoud
I. P. Goulden
+ PDF Chat A theorem in finite projective geometry and some applications to number theory 1938 James Singer
+ Some Conjectures for Root Systems 1982 I. G. Macdonald
+ Lower bounds for q-ary covering codes 1990 Wende Chen
Iiro Honkala
+ PDF Chat The supremum of autoconvolutions, with applications to additive number theory 2009 Greg Martin
Kevin O’Bryant
+ PDF Chat A short proof of Macdonald’s conjecture for the root systems of type 𝐮 1988 John R. Stembridge
+ Une <i>q</i>-Intégrale de Selberg et Askey 1988 Laurent Habsieger
+ PDF Chat On the computation of 𝑔(𝑘) in Waring’s problem 1990 Francine Delmer
Jean-Marc Deshouillérs
+ Legendre type polynomials and irrationality measures. 1990 Masayoshi Hata
+ ïżœber einige Sïżœtze der additiven Zahlentheorie 1934 N. P. Romanoff
+ Topics in Analytic Number Theory 1973 Hans Rademacher
+ Short Proof of a Conjecture by Dyson 1970 I. J. Good
+ Fractional parts of powers of rationals 1981 Frits Beukers
+ Proof of a Conjecture by Dyson 1962 Kenneth G. Wilson
+ A Stembridge-Stanton style elementary proof of the Habsieger-Kadell q-Morris identity 1990 Doron Zeilberger
+ On the 4-rank of the narrow ideal class group of a quadratic field 1989 Tsuyoshi Uehara
+ PDF Chat Integers represented as a sum of primes and powers of two 2002 D. R. Heath‐Brown
J.-C. Puchta
+ Arithmetischer Beweis des Satzes ĂŒber die Anzahl der durch vier teilbaren Invarianten der absoluten Klassengruppe im quadratischen Zahlkörper. 1934 L. RĂ©dei
+ An upper bound for <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mi>B</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub><mml:mo stretchy="false">[</mml:mo><mml:mi>g</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">]</mml:mo></mml:math> sets 2006 Gang Yu
+ Problems and Prospects for Basic Hypergeometric Functions 1975 George E. Andrews
+ The 4-class ranks of quadratic fields 1984 Frank Gerth
+ PDF Chat Proof of a Conjecture by Dyson in the Statistical Theory of Energy Levels 1962 J. Gunson
+ Statistical Theory of the Energy Levels of Complex Systems. I 1962 Freeman J. Dyson
+ Jacobi Polynomials Associated with Selberg Integrals 1987 Kazuhiko Aomoto
+ On a Problem of Sidon in Additive Number Theory, and on some Related Problems 1941 P. ErdƑs
P. TĂșrĂĄn
+ PDF Chat On Linnik's approximation to Goldbach's problem, I 2003 J. Pintz
Imre Z. Ruzsa
+ Some Basic Hypergeometric Extensions of Integrals of Selberg and Andrews 1980 Richard Askey
+ A proof of Andrews’ q-Dyson conjecture 2006 Doron Zeilberger
David M. Bressoud
+ PDF Chat Constructions of generalized Sidon sets 2005 Greg Martin
Kevin O’Bryant
+ Ein Beitrag zur additiven Zahlentheorie 1937 Hans Rohrbach
+ PDF Chat Transcendental Number Theory 1975 A. Baker
+ On an approximate functional equation for DirichletL-series 1983 Vivek V. Rane
+ Ein Satz ïżœber trigonometrische Polynome und seine Anwendung in der Theorie der Fourier-Reihen 1932 S. Sidon
+ On the representation of an integer in two different bases. 1980 C.L. Stewart
+ A Combinatorial Problem in Matching 1969 J. G. Kalbfleisch
R. G. Stanton
+ PDF Chat A new upper bound for finite additive bases 2006 C. Sınan GĂŒntĂŒrk
Melvyn B. Nathanson
+ Lower bounds for q-ary coverings by spheres of radius one 1994 Laurent Habsieger
+ Étude de l’autocorrĂ©lation multiplicative de la fonction ‘partie fractionnaire’ 2005 Luis BĂĄez‐Duarte
Michel Balazard
Bernard Landreau
Éric Saïas
+ Diophantine Approximation on Linear Algebraic Groups 2000 Michel Waldschmidt
+ Van der Corput's Method of Exponential Sums 1991 S. W. Graham
Grigori Kolesnik
+ On the Kusmin-Landau inequality for exponential sums 1958 L. J. Mordell
+ On finite additive 2-bases 2014 Laurent Habsieger
+ Values of symmetric square L-functions at 1 1999 Wenzhi Luo
+ Extending Waring’s conjecture to 471,600,000 1990 Jeffrey M. Kubina
M. C. Wunderlich
+ PDF Chat The number of squares and B<sub>h</sub>[g] sets 2001 Ben Green