John G. Kemeny


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Introduction to Finite Mathematics Edisi 3 2012 John G. Kemeny
J. Laurie Snell
Gerald L. Thompson
+ Largest prime factor 1993 John G. Kemeny
+ Matrix representation for combinatorics 1984 John G. Kemeny
+ Finite Mathematics — Then and Now 1983 John G. Kemeny
+ Finite Markov chains 1976 John G. Kemeny
J. Laurie Snell
+ Recurrent Potential Theory 1976 John G. Kemeny
J. Laurie Snell
Anthony W. Knapp
+ Martingales 1976 John G. Kemeny
J. Laurie Snell
Anthony W. Knapp
+ Prerequisites From Analysis 1976 John G. Kemeny
J. Laurie Snell
Anthony W. Knapp
+ Introduction to Finite Mathematics 1975 B.V. King
John G. Kemeny
J. Laurie Snell
Gerald L. Thompson
+ Finite Mathematics with Business Applications 1975 Abdul W. Hammood
John G. Kemeny
Arthur Schleifer
J. Laurie Snell
G. L. Thompson
+ What Every College President Should Know About Mathematics 1973 John G. Kemeny
+ Mathematics and Logic, Retrospect and Prospects. 1970 John G. Kemeny
Mark Kac
Stanislaw M. Ulam
+ Representation Theory for a Class of Denumerable Markov Chains 1968 John G. Kemeny
+ Excessive functions of continuous time Markov chains 1967 John G. Kemeny
J. Laurie Snell
+ PDF Chat Excessive functions of continuous time Markov chains 1967 John G. Kemeny
J. Laurie Snell
+ Slowly spreading chains of the first kind 1966 John G. Kemeny
+ PDF Chat Representation theory for denumerable Markov chains 1966 John G. Kemeny
+ PDF Chat Boundary Theory for Recurrent Markov Chains 1963 John G. Kemeny
J. Laurie Snell
+ A further note on discrete potential theory 1963 John G. Kemeny
+ Report to the international congress of mathematicians 1963 John G. Kemeny
+ PDF Chat Boundary theory for recurrent Markov chains 1963 John G. Kemeny
J. Laurie Snell
+ A New Potential Operator for Recurrent Markov Chains 1963 John G. Kemeny
J. Laurie Snell
+ PDF Chat On Markov Chain Potentials 1961 John G. Kemeny
J. Laurie Snell
+ PDF Chat Potentials for denumerable Markov chains 1961 John G. Kemeny
J. Laurie Snell
+ Ergodic theorem for general functions 1960 John G. Kemeny
+ László Kalmár. K. Schröter egy, az általános rekurzív függvény fogalmának definíciójára vonatkozó problémájának megoldása (The solution of a problem of K. Schröter, concerning the definition of general recursive functions). A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Matematikai és Fizikai Tudományok Osztályának Közleményei (Budapest), vol. 5 no. 2 (1955), pp. 103–127. 1960 John G. Kemeny
+ PDF Chat A Probability Limit Theorem Requiring no Moments 1959 John G. Kemeny
+ Introduction to Finite Mathematics 1959 Kenneth O. May
John G. Kemeny
John L. Snell
Gerald L. Thompson
+ Introduction to Finite Mathematics 1958 Eric Booth
John G. Kemeny
J. L. Snell
G. L. Thompson
+ Undecidable problems of elementary number theory 1958 John G. Kemeny
+ PDF Chat Semimartingales of Markov Chains 1958 John G. Kemeny
J. Laurie Snell
+ Markov processes in learning theory 1957 John G. Kemeny
J. Laurie Snell
+ Game-Theoretic Solution of Baccarat 1957 John G. Kemeny
J. Laurie Snell
+ The Exponential Function 1957 John G. Kemeny
+ The Exponential Function 1957 John G. Kemeny
+ Review: Janos Suranyi, Sur la Structure des Classes Finies d'Ensembles 1955 John G. Kemeny
+ János Surányi. Halmazok véges osztályainak szerkezetéről (Sur la structure des classes finies d'ensembles). Hungarian, with abstracts in Russian and French. Az Első Magyar Matematikai Kongresszus közleményei 1950. augusztus 27.-szeptember 2. – Comptes rendus du Premier Congrès des Mathématiciens Hongrois 21 août-2 septembre 1950, publié avec le soutien de l'Académie des Sciences de Hongrie par la Société Mathématique János Bolyai, Budapest1952, pp. 401–407. 1955 John G. Kemeny
+ Rózsa Péter. Transzfinit rekurziók (a matematika alapjai és a rekurzív függvények) (Transfinite Rekursionen (Grundlagenforschung und rekursive Funktionen)). Hungarian, with brief abstract in Russian and fuller abstract in German. Az Első Magyar Matematikai Kongresszus közleményei 1950. augusztus 27. - szeptember 2. — Comptes rendus du Premier Congrès des Mathématiciens Hongrois 27 août - 2 septembre 1950, publié avec le soutien de l'Académie des Sciences de Hongrie par la Société Mathématique … 1955 John G. Kemeny
+ A Treatise on Induction and Probability 1953 John G. Kemeny
+ Erik Stenius. Das Problem der logischen Antinomien. Societas Scientiarum Fennica, Commentationes physico-mathematicae, vol. 14 no. 4. Helsingfors1949, VIII + 89 pp. 1950 John G. Kemeny
+ Review: R. L. Goodstein, Proof by Reductio ad Absurdum 1950 John G. Kemeny
+ R. L. Goodstein. Proof by reductio ad absurdum. The mathematical gazette, vol. 32 (1948), pp. 198–204. 1950 John G. Kemeny
+ Laurence J. Lafleur. Ambiguities in the Schröder-Bernstein theorem. Scripta mathematica, vol. 13 no. 3–4 (for 1947, pub. 1948), pp. 169–175. 1948 John G. Kemeny
+ Andrzej Mostowski. Axiom of choice for finite sets. Fundamenta mathematicae, vol. 33 (1945), pp. 137–168. 1948 John G. Kemeny
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat On Null-Recurrent Markov Chains 1960 John Lamperti
+ PDF Chat On Markov Chain Potentials 1961 John G. Kemeny
J. Laurie Snell
+ Sums Arising in the Theory of Markov Chains 1961 Steven Orey
+ PDF Chat Representation theory for denumerable Markov chains 1966 John G. Kemeny
+ Finite Markov chains 1976 John G. Kemeny
J. Laurie Snell
+ Introduction to Finite Mathematics 1975 B.V. King
John G. Kemeny
J. Laurie Snell
Gerald L. Thompson
+ PDF Chat Corrections to Discrete Potential Theory and Boundaries 1959 J. L. Doob
+ PDF Chat Some random walks arising in learning models. I 1953 Samuel Karlin
+ Slowly spreading chains of the first kind 1966 John G. Kemeny
+ PDF Chat Martin boundaries for certain Markov chains 1963 J. Lamperti
J. Laurie Snell
+ PDF Chat Sums arising in the thoery of Markov chains 1961 Steven Orey
+ PDF Chat Integers without large prime factors 1993 Adolf Hildebrand
Gérald Tenenbaum
+ On the construction problem for Markov chains. II 1966 David Williams
+ PDF Chat On an additive arithmetic function 1977 Krishnaswami Alladi
P. Erdős
+ On a problem of Oppenheim concerning “factorisatio numerorum” 1983 E. Rodney Canfield
Paul Erdős
Carl Pomerance
+ Remarks On A Known Example of A Monotone Continuous Function 1929 Einar Hille
J. D. Tamarkin
+ On a Family of Symmetric Bernoulli Convolutions 1939 P. Erdős
+ On Boundaries and Lateral Conditions for the Kolmogorov Differential Equations 1957 William Feller
+ Introduction to Mathematical Probability. 1938 J. Arthur Greenwood
J. V. Uspensky
+ Advanced Combinatorics 1974 Louis Comtet
+ Denumerable Markov Chains 2009 Wolfgang Woess
+ PDF Chat On the boundary theory for Markov chains. II 1966 Kai Lai Chung
+ PDF Chat On the construction problem for Markov chains 1964 David Williams
+ Introduction to Finite Mathematics 1959 Kenneth O. May
John G. Kemeny
John L. Snell
Gerald L. Thompson
+ Finite operator calculus 1975 Gian‐Carlo Rota
Peter Doubilet
+ PDF Chat On the theory of Martin boundaries induced by countable Markov processes 1960 Takesi Watanabe
+ PDF Chat Über die Nicht-charakterisierbarkeit der Zahlenreihe mittels endlich oder abzählbar unendlich vieler Aussagen mit ausschliesslich Zahlenvariablen 1934 Th. Skolem
+ PDF Chat Recurrent Random Walk and Logarithmic Potential 1991 Frank Spitzer
+ PDF Chat Introduction to Mathematical Probability 1938 J. V. Uspensky
+ PDF Chat Distribution functions and the Riemann zeta function 1935 Børge Jessen
Aurel Wintner
+ PDF Chat On the boundary theory for Markov chains 1963 Kai Lai Chung
+ A theory of stimulus variability in learning. 1953 W. K. Estes
C. J. Burke
+ Recursive matrices and umbral calculus 1982 Marilena Barnabei
Andrea Brini
Giorgio Nicoletti