Cinzia Bisi


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Invariants and automorphisms for slice regular functions 2025 Cinzia Bisi
J. Winkelmann
+ PDF Chat Invariants and Automorphisms for slice regular functions 2024 Cinzia Bisi
J. Winkelmann
+ PDF Chat Invariants and Automorphisms for slice regular functions : the octonionic case 2024 Cinzia Bisi
J. Winkelmann
+ PDF Chat Some interesting birational morphisms of smooth affine quadric 3-folds <sup>*</sup> 2024 Cinzia Bisi
Jonathan D. Hauenstein
Tuyen Trung Truong
+ Elementary Statistics 2023 Cinzia Bisi
Rita Fioresi
+ First-Order Differential Equations 2023 Cinzia Bisi
Rita Fioresi
+ Second-Order Differential Equations 2023 Cinzia Bisi
Rita Fioresi
+ Multipoint Schwarz-Pick Lemma for quaternionic case 2023 Cinzia Bisi
Davide Cordella
+ PDF Chat On a Runge theorem over $${\mathbb {R}}_3$$ 2022 Cinzia Bisi
Antonino De Martino
J. Winkelmann
+ PDF Chat On Brolin's theorem over the quaternions 2022 Cinzia Bisi
Antonino De Martino
+ Some interesting birational morphisms of smooth affine quadric $3$-folds 2022 Cinzia Bisi
Jonathan D. Hauenstein
Tuyen Trung Truong
+ PDF Chat Real subset sums and posets with an involution 2021 Cinzia Bisi
Giampiero Chiaselotti
Tommaso Gentile
+ On the Quadratic Cone of $\mathbb{R}_3.$ 2021 Cinzia Bisi
Antonino De Martino
+ On a Runge Theorem over $\mathbb{R}_3$ 2021 Cinzia Bisi
Antonino De Martino
J. Winkelmann
+ PDF Chat The Harmonicity of Slice Regular Functions 2020 Cinzia Bisi
J. Winkelmann
+ PDF Chat On Runge pairs and topology of axially symmetric domains 2020 Cinzia Bisi
J. Winkelmann
+ PDF Chat On a quaternionic Picard theorem 2020 Cinzia Bisi
J. Winkelmann
+ On Brolin's theorem over the quaternions 2020 Cinzia Bisi
Antonino De Martino
+ Log-biharmonicity and a Jensen formula in the space of quaternions 2019 Amedeo Altavilla
Cinzia Bisi
+ PDF Chat Slice-Quaternionic Hopf Surfaces 2018 Daniele Angella
Cinzia Bisi
+ PDF Chat On quaternionic tori and their moduli space 2018 Cinzia Bisi
Graziano Gentili
+ PDF Chat Landau’s theorem for slice regular functions on the quaternionic unit ball 2017 Cinzia Bisi
Caterina Stoppato
+ PDF Chat A remark on the Ueno-Campana's threefold 2016 Cinzia Bisi
Paolo Cascini
Luca Tasin
+ PDF Chat A Landau’s theorem in several complex variables 2016 Cinzia Bisi
+ Laboratoire hYpatia de Sciences Mathematiques (LYSM). 2016 Cinzia Bisi
+ A remark on the Ueno-Campana's threefold 2015 Cinzia Bisi
Paolo Cascini
Luca Tasin
+ A natural extension of the Young partition lattice 2015 Cinzia Bisi
Giampiero Chiaselotti
Giuseppe Marino
Paolo Antonio Oliverio
+ PDF Chat Localized intersection of currents and the Lefschetz coincidence point theorem 2015 Cinzia Bisi
Filippo Bracci
Takeshi Izawa
Tatsuo Suwa
+ A remark on the Ueno-Campana's threefold 2015 Cinzia Bisi
Paolo Cascini
Luca Tasin
+ PDF Chat The tame automorphism group of an affine quadric threefold acting on a square complex 2014 Cinzia Bisi
Jean-Philippe Furter
Stéphane Lamy
+ PDF Chat On Plane Cremona Transformations of Fixed Degree 2013 Cinzia Bisi
Alberto Calabri
Massimiliano Mella
+ PDF Chat Sand Piles Models of Signed Partitions with Piles 2013 Cinzia Bisi
Giampiero Chiaselotti
Paolo Antonio Oliverio
+ On plane Cremona transformations of fixed degree 2012 Cinzia Bisi
Alberto Calabri
Massimiliano Mella
+ PDF Chat Regular vs. Classical Möbius Transformations of the Quaternionic Unit Ball 2012 Cinzia Bisi
Caterina Stoppato
+ PDF Chat A class of lattices and boolean functions related to the Manickam–Miklös–Singhi conjecture 2012 Cinzia Bisi
Giampiero Chiaselotti
+ PDF Chat The Schwarz-Pick lemma for slice regular functions 2012 Cinzia Bisi
Caterina Stoppato
+ On plane Cremona transformations of fixed degree 2012 Cinzia Bisi
Alberto Calabri
Massimiliano Mella
+ PDF Chat Proper polynomial self-maps of the affine space: State of the art and new results 2011 Cinzia Bisi
Francesco Polizzi
+ Extension results for boolean maps and a class of systems of linear inequalities 2010 Cinzia Bisi
Giampiero Chiaselotti
+ PDF Chat On the Geometry of the Quaternionic Unit Disc 2010 Cinzia Bisi
Graziano Gentili
+ Proper polynomial self-maps of the affine space: state of the art and new results 2010 Cinzia Bisi
Francesco Polizzi
+ A Class of lattices and boolean functions related to some extremal sum problems 2010 Cinzia Bisi
Giampiero Chiaselotti
+ A Class of lattices and boolean functions related to a Manickam-Mikl\"os-Singhi Conjecture 2010 Cinzia Bisi
Giampiero Chiaselotti
+ Extension results for boolean maps and a class of systems of linear inequalities 2010 Cinzia Bisi
Giampiero Chiaselotti
+ Proper polynomial self-maps of the affine space: state of the art and new results 2010 Cinzia Bisi
Francesco Polizzi
+ A Class of lattices and boolean functions related to a Manickam-Miklös-Singhi Conjecture 2010 Cinzia Bisi
Giampiero Chiaselotti
+ PDF Chat On Proper Polynomial Maps of ℂ2 2009 Cinzia Bisi
Francesco Polizzi
+ PDF Chat Moebius transformations and the Poincare distance in the quaternionic setting 2009 Cinzia Bisi
Graziano Gentili
+ On closed invariant sets in local dynamics 2008 Cinzia Bisi
+ PDF Chat Boundary constructions of petals at the Wolff point in the parabolic case 2008 Cinzia Bisi
Graziano Gentili
+ Möbius transformations and the Poincaré distance in the quaternionic setting 2008 Cinzia Bisi
Graziano Gentili
+ On commuting polynomial automorphisms of $${\mathbb{C}}^{k}$$ , k ≄ 3 2007 Cinzia Bisi
+ On Closed Invariant Sets in Local Dynamics 2007 Cinzia Bisi
+ PDF Chat Schröder Equation in Several Variables and Composition Operator 2006 Cinzia Bisi
Graziano Gentili
+ On commuting polynomial automorphisms of C2 2004 Cinzia Bisi
+ PDF Chat On commuting polynomial automorphisms of $\mathbb{C}^2$ 2004 Cinzia Bisi
+ Linear Fractional Maps of the Unit Ball: A Geometric Study 2002 Cinzia Bisi
Filippo Bracci
+ Commuting holomorphic maps and linear fractional models 2001 Cinzia Bisi
Graziano Gentili
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Slice regular functions on real alternative algebras 2010 Riccardo Ghiloni
Alessandro Perotti
+ PDF Chat Moebius transformations and the Poincare distance in the quaternionic setting 2009 Cinzia Bisi
Graziano Gentili
+ A new theory of regular functions of a quaternionic variable 2007 Graziano Gentili
Daniele C. Struppa
+ PDF Chat On the Geometry of the Quaternionic Unit Disc 2010 Cinzia Bisi
Graziano Gentili
+ PDF Chat The Schwarz-Pick lemma for slice regular functions 2012 Cinzia Bisi
Caterina Stoppato
+ PDF Chat On quaternionic tori and their moduli space 2018 Cinzia Bisi
Graziano Gentili
+ PDF Chat A new approach to Cullen-regular functions of a quaternionic variable 2006 Graziano Gentili
Daniele C. Struppa
+ PDF Chat Landau’s theorem for slice regular functions on the quaternionic unit ball 2017 Cinzia Bisi
Caterina Stoppato
+ Iteration theory of holomorphic maps on taut manifolds 1989 Marco Abate
+ PDF Chat Slice-Quaternionic Hopf Surfaces 2018 Daniele Angella
Cinzia Bisi
+ PDF Chat Dynamical properties of plane polynomial automorphisms 1989 Shmuel Friedland
John Milnor
+ PDF Chat The Harmonicity of Slice Regular Functions 2020 Cinzia Bisi
J. Winkelmann
+ Möbius transformations and the Poincaré distance in the quaternionic setting 2008 Cinzia Bisi
Graziano Gentili
+ PDF Chat Regular Functions of a Quaternionic Variable 2013 Graziano Gentili
Caterina Stoppato
Daniele C. Struppa
+ PDF Chat On a quaternionic Picard theorem 2020 Cinzia Bisi
J. Winkelmann
+ Log-biharmonicity and a Jensen formula in the space of quaternions 2019 Amedeo Altavilla
Cinzia Bisi
+ On a Problem Concerning the Weight Functions 2002 Giampiero Chiaselotti
+ PDF Chat Regular vs. Classical Möbius Transformations of the Quaternionic Unit Ball 2012 Cinzia Bisi
Caterina Stoppato
+ PDF Chat Regular Moebius transformations of the space of quaternions 2010 Caterina Stoppato
+ PDF Chat New results related to a conjecture of Manickam and Singhi 2007 Giampiero Chiaselotti
Gennaro Infante
Giuseppe Marino
+ Dynamique des applications d'allure polynomiale 2003 Tien‐Cuong Dinh
Nessim Sibony
+ A Method to Count the Positive 3-Subsets in a Set of Real Numbers with Non-Negative Sum 2002 Giuseppe Marino
Giampiero Chiaselotti
+ On commuting polynomial automorphisms of C2 2004 Cinzia Bisi
+ First distribution invariants and EKR theorems 1988 Nachimuthu Manickam
N.M. Singhi
+ PDF Chat On Runge pairs and topology of axially symmetric domains 2020 Cinzia Bisi
J. Winkelmann
+ Quaternionic determinants 1996 Helmer Aslaksen
+ PDF Chat Regular functions of a quaternionic variable 2013 Graziano Gentili
Caterina Stoppato
Daniele C. Struppa
+ On a conjecture of Manickam and Singhi 2003 Arnab Bhattacharya
+ L'alternative de Tits pour Aut[C2] 2001 Stéphane Lamy
+ PDF Chat The set of points at which a polynomial map is not proper 1993 Zbigniew Jelonek
+ Distribution invariants of association schemes 1986 Nachimuthu Manickam
+ Noncommutative Functional Calculus 2011 Fabrizio Colombo
Irene Sabadini
Daniele C. Struppa
+ PDF Chat Slice Regularity and Harmonicity on Clifford Algebras 2019 Alessandro Perotti
+ Differential Geometry, Lie Groups, and Symmetric Spaces 2001 Sigurđur Helgason
+ PDF Chat Poles of regular quaternionic functions 2009 Caterina Stoppato
+ Singularities of slice regular functions over real alternative ⁎-algebras 2016 Riccardo Ghiloni
Alessandro Perotti
Caterina Stoppato
+ Enumerative Combinatorics 1997 Richard P. Stanley
Gian‐Carlo Rota
+ PDF Chat Twistor transforms of quaternionic functions and orthogonal complex structures 2014 Graziano Gentili
Simon Salamon
Caterina Stoppato
+ PDF Chat Ueber Bewegungen und complexe Zahlen 1902 K. Th. Vahlen
+ A distribution invariant for association schemes and strongly regular graphs 1984 Thomas Bier
+ PDF Chat Extension results for slice regular functions of a quaternionic variable 2009 Fabrizio Colombo
Graziano Gentili
Irene Sabadini
Daniele C. Struppa
+ PDF Chat Fixed points and circle maps 1997 Ricardo PĂ©rez-Marco
+ Function Theory in the Unit Ball of ℂn 2012 Walter Rudin
+ PDF Chat Power and spherical series over real alternative *-algebras 2014 Riccardo Ghiloni
Alessandro Perotti
+ Some Problems in Combinatorics 1985 Ross Honsberger
+ Slice Hyperholomorphic Schur Analysis 2016 Daniel Alpay
Fabrizio Colombo
Irene Sabadini
+ Real and Complex Analysis. 1987 G. A. Garreau
Walter Rudin
+ Multiplicative functions and small divisors, II 1989 Krishnaswami Alladi
Paul ErdƑs
Jeffrey D. Vaaler
+ PDF Chat Normal subgroups in the Cremona group 2013 Serge Cantat
Stéphane Lamy
Yves Cornulier
+ Some families of polynomial automorphisms 2004 Éric Edo
Jean-Philippe Furter