Lulu Quan


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Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
Yong Cao 1
Hongtao Liu 1
Shengjin Zhou 1
Qing Chen 1
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat On the velocity space discretization for the Vlasov–Poisson system: Comparison between implicit Hermite spectral and Particle-in-Cell methods 2015 Enrico Camporeale
Gian Luca Delzanno
Benjamin Bergen
D. Moulton
+ PDF Chat An asymptotic preserving automatic domain decomposition method for the Vlasov–Poisson–BGK system with applications to plasmas 2014 Giacomo Dimarco
Luc Mieussens
Vittorio Rispoli
+ A conservative high order semi-Lagrangian WENO method for the Vlasov equation 2009 Jing‐Mei Qiu
Andrew Christlieb
+ PDF Chat A positivity-preserving high-order semi-Lagrangian discontinuous Galerkin scheme for the Vlasov–Poisson equations 2011 James A. Rossmanith
David C. Seal
+ PDF Chat Numerical methods for kinetic equations 2014 Giacomo Dimarco
Lorenzo Pareschi
+ Noiseless Vlasov–Poisson simulations with linearly transformed particles 2014 Martin Campos Pinto
Éric Sonnendrücker
A. Friedman
D.P. Grote
S. Lund
+ Numerical solution of the Vlasov–Poisson system using generalized Hermite functions 2006 S. Le Bourdiec
Florian De Vuyst
L. Jacquet
+ PDF Chat A class of asymptotic-preserving schemes for kinetic equations and related problems with stiff sources 2010 Francis Filbet
Shi Jin
+ Conservative Numerical Schemes for the Vlasov Equation 2001 Francis Filbet
Éric Sonnendrücker
P. Bertrand
+ PDF Chat A Positive Preserving High Order VFRoe Scheme for Shallow Water Equations: A Class of Relaxation Schemes 2008 Christophe Berthon
Fabien Marche
+ Efficient Asymptotic-Preserving (AP) Schemes For Some Multiscale Kinetic Equations 1999 Shi Jin
+ The parallel implementation of the one-dimensional Fourier transformed Vlasov–Poisson system 2005 B. Eliasson
+ PDF Chat High order maximum principle preserving semi-Lagrangian finite difference WENO schemes for the Vlasov equation 2014 Tao Xiong
Jing‐Mei Qiu
Zhengfu Xu
Andrew Christlieb
+ A Critical Comparison of Eulerian-Grid-Based Vlasov Solvers 2002 T. D. Arber
R. G. L. Vann
+ PDF Chat Discrete unified gas kinetic scheme for all Knudsen number flows. II. Thermal compressible case 2015 Zhaoli Guo
Ruijie Wang
Kun Xu
+ Positivity preserving semi-Lagrangian discontinuous Galerkin formulation: Theoretical analysis and application to the Vlasov–Poisson system 2011 Jing‐Mei Qiu
Chi‐Wang Shu
+ A numerical solution to the Vlasov equation 1999 E. Fijalkow
+ Higher-order-accurate upwind schemes for solving the compressible Euler and Navier-Stokes equations 1993 Satoru Yamamoto
Hirofumi Daiguji
+ PDF Chat Discrete unified gas kinetic scheme for all Knudsen number flows: Low-speed isothermal case 2013 Zhaoli Guo
Kun Xu
Ruijie Wang
+ A Particle-in-cell Method with Adaptive Phase-space Remapping for Kinetic Plasmas 2011 Bei Wang
Gregory H. Miller
Phillip Colella
+ PDF Chat A discontinuous Galerkin method for the Vlasov–Poisson system 2011 Ross Evan Heath
Irene M. Gamba
P. Morrison
C. Michler
+ PDF Chat Comparison of Eulerian Vlasov solvers 2002 Francis Filbet
E. SonnendrĂźcker
+ A Model for Collision Processes in Gases. I. Small Amplitude Processes in Charged and Neutral One-Component Systems 1954 P. L. Bhatnagar
Eugene P. Gross
Max Krook
+ Vlasov Simulations Using Velocity-Scaled Hermite Representations 1998 J. W. Schumer
James Paul Holloway
+ PDF Chat Challenges in Modeling Gas-Phase Flow in Microchannels: From Slip to Transition 2006 Robert W. Barber
David R. Emerson
+ PDF Chat The energy conserving particle-in-cell method 2011 Stefano Markidis
Giovanni Lapenta
+ The integration of the vlasov equation in configuration space 1976 C. Z. Cheng
G. Knorr
+ Investigation of the ellipsoidal-statistical Bhatnagar–Gross–Krook kinetic model applied to gas-phase transport of heat and tangential momentum between parallel walls 2011 M. A. Gallis
J. R. Torczynski
+ PDF Chat High order resolution of the Maxwell–Fokker–Planck–Landau model intended for ICF applications 2009 Roland Duclous
Bruno Dubroca
Francis Filbet
V. T. Tikhonchuk
+ A New Class of Nonlinear Finite-Volume Methods for Vlasov Simulation 2010 Jeffrey W. Banks
J. Hittinger
+ PDF Chat Deterministic numerical solutions of the Boltzmann equation using the fast spectral method 2013 Lei Wu
Craig White
Thomas Scanlon
Jason M. Reese
Yonghao Zhang
+ PDF Chat Numerical methods for plasma physics in collisional regimes 2014 Giacomo Dimarco
Qin Li
Lorenzo Pareschi
Bokai Yan
+ Conservative Semi-Lagrangian Finite Difference WENO Formulations with Applications to the Vlasov Equation 2011 Jing‐Mei Qiu
Chi‐Wang Shu
+ PDF Chat A WENO-based Method of Lines Transpose approach for Vlasov simulations 2016 Andrew Christlieb
Wei Guo
Yan Jiang
+ A high order semi-Lagrangian discontinuous Galerkin method for Vlasov–Poisson simulations without operator splitting 2017 Xiaofeng Cai
Wei Guo
Jing‐Mei Qiu
+ A conserved discrete unified gas kinetic scheme for microchannel gas flows in all flow regimes 2018 Hongtao Liu
Yong Cao
Qing Chen
Mingchi Kong
Liang Zheng
+ Coherent phase space structures in a 1D electrostatic plasma using particle-in-cell and Vlasov simulations: A comparative study 2018 Vinod Saini
Sanjeev Kumar Pandey
Pallavi Trivedi
R. Ganesh
+ Coupled discrete unified gas kinetic scheme for the thermal compressible flows in all Knudsen number regimes 2018 Hongtao Liu
Mingchi Kong
Qing Chen
Liang Zheng
Yong Cao
+ PDF Chat Efficient implementation of essentially non-oscillatory shock-capturing schemes 1988 Chi‐Wang Shu
Stanley Osher
+ PDF Chat A Unified Gas Kinetic Scheme for Continuum and Rarefied Flows V: Multiscale and Multi-Component Plasma Transport 2017 Chang Liu
Kun Xu
+ PDF Chat Computer Simulation Using Particles 1988 R. W. Hockney
J.W. Eastwood
+ A unified gas-kinetic scheme for continuum and rarefied flows 2010 Kun Xu
Juan-Chen Huang
+ Molecular Gas Dynamics And The Direct Simulation Of Gas Flows 1994 G. A. Bird