G. T. Whyburn


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Metric Spaces and a Metrization Theorem 1979 G. T. Whyburn
Edwin Duda
+ Compact Sets and Bolzano-Weierstrass Sets 1979 G. T. Whyburn
Edwin Duda
+ Simple Arcs and Simple Closed Curves 1979 G. T. Whyburn
Edwin Duda
+ Locally Connected Sets 1979 G. T. Whyburn
Edwin Duda
+ Diameters and Distances 1979 G. T. Whyburn
Edwin Duda
+ Directed Families 1979 G. T. Whyburn
Edwin Duda
+ Plane Topology 1979 G. T. Whyburn
Edwin Duda
+ Complete Spaces 1979 G. T. Whyburn
Edwin Duda
+ Homotopy 1979 G. T. Whyburn
Edwin Duda
+ Product Spaces 1979 G. T. Whyburn
Edwin Duda
+ Decomposition Spaces 1979 G. T. Whyburn
Edwin Duda
+ Continua 1979 G. T. Whyburn
Edwin Duda
+ Irreducible Continua and a Reduction Theorem 1979 G. T. Whyburn
Edwin Duda
+ General topology and its relations to modern analysis and algebra : proceedings of the Kanpur Topological Conference, 1968 1971 Československá akademie věd
Josef Novák
Mukundan Venkataraman
G. T. Whyburn
+ Chapter VII. Degree. Zeros. Sequences 1964 G. T. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat Generic and related mappings 1963 G. T. Whyburn
+ Monotoneity of limit mappings 1962 G. T. Whyburn
+ Compactness of Certain Mappings 1959 G. T. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat On convergence of mappings 1958 G. T. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat Topological characterization of the Sierpiński curve 1958 G. T. Whyburn
+ Sense and Orientation on the Disk 1957 G. T. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat A unified space for mappings 1953 G. T. Whyburn
+ On k-Fold Irreducibility of Mappings 1952 G. T. Whyburn
+ On quasi-compact mappings 1952 G. T. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat An open mapping approach to Hurwitz’s theorem 1951 G. T. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat On 𝑛-arc connectedness 1948 G. T. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat On locally simple curves 1947 G. T. Whyburn
+ Boundary alternation of monotone mappings 1945 G. T. Whyburn
+ Uniqueness of the inverse of a transformation 1945 G. T. Whyburn
+ Homotopy reductions of mappings into the circle 1944 G. T. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat Topological analog of the Weierstrass double series theorem 1944 G. T. Whyburn
+ Existence theorems. Mapping onto the circle 1942 G. T. Whyburn
+ What is a Curve? 1942 G. T. Whyburn
+ What is a Curve? 1942 G. T. Whyburn
+ On Irreducibility of Transformations 1939 G. T. Whyburn
+ Interior transformations of certain curves 1938 G. T. Whyburn
+ Interior Transformations on Surfaces 1938 G. T. Whyburn
+ The mapping of Betti groups under interior transformations 1938 G. T. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat A theorem on interior transformations 1938 G. T. Whyburn
+ Interior transformations on compact sets 1937 G. T. Whyburn
+ Regular Convergence and Monotone Transformations 1935 G. T. Whyburn
+ Concerning Continua of Finite Degree and Local Separating Points 1935 G. T. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat On sequences and limiting sets 1935 G. T. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat Concerning maximal sets 1934 G. T. Whyburn
+ Review: Hans Hahn, Reelle Funktionen. Erster Teil: Punktfunktionen 1933 G. T. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat Concerning S-regions in locally connected continua 1933 G. T. Whyburn
+ Decompositions of Continua by Means of Local Separating Points 1933 G. T. Whyburn
+ Characterizations of Certain Curves by Continuous Functions Defined Upon Them 1933 G. T. Whyburn
+ A Note on Spaces Having the S Property 1932 G. T. Whyburn
+ On the Construction of Simple Arcs 1932 G. T. Whyburn
+ A Certain Transformation on Metric Spaces 1932 G. T. Whyburn
+ On the Decomposability of Closed Sets into a Countable Number of Simple Sets of Various Types 1932 G. T. Whyburn
+ Concerning Hereditarily Locally Connected Continua 1931 G. T. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat On the divisibility of locally connected spaces 1931 G. T. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat Non-separated cuttings of connected point sets 1931 G. T. Whyburn
+ Continuous Curves without Local Separating Points 1931 G. T. Whyburn
+ Concerning points of continuous curves defined by certain im kleinen properties 1930 G. T. Whyburn
+ A Continuum Every Subcontinuum of Which Separates the Plane 1930 G. T. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Leçons sur les Nombres Transfinis 1930 G. T. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat The rationality of certain continuous curves 1930 G. T. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat Potentially regular point sets 1930 G. T. Whyburn
+ Local separating points of continua 1929 G. T. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat On regular points of continua and regular curves of at most order 𝑛 1929 G. T. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat Continuous curves and arc-sums 1929 G. T. Whyburn
+ On certain accessible points of plane continua 1928 G. T. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat Concerning the cut points of continua 1928 G. T. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat On a problem of W. L. Ayres 1928 G. T. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat Concerning Point Sets Which Can be Made Connected by the Addition of a Simple Continuous Arc 1927 G. T. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat Concerning continua in the plane 1927 G. T. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat The most general closed point set over which continuous function may be defined by certain properties 1927 G. T. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat Concerning point sets which can be made connected by the addition of a simple continuous arc 1927 G. T. Whyburn
+ Concerning the Complementary Domains of Continua 1927 G. T. Whyburn
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Concerning upper semi-continuous collections of continua 1925 Robert L. Moore
+ PDF Chat Concerning the cut points of continua 1928 G. T. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat Certain theorems relating to plane connected point sets 1922 Anna M. Mullikin
+ PDF Chat Concerning continua in the plane 1927 G. T. Whyburn
+ Foundations of Point Set Theory. 1933 A. B. Brown
Robert L. Moore
+ PDF Chat Sur les points de division dans les ensembles connexes 1927 Casimir Zarankiewicz
+ PDF Chat Concerning limiting sets in abstract spaces 1928 R. G. Lubben
+ PDF Chat On the foundations of plane analysis situs 1916 Robert L. Moore
+ PDF Chat A proof of the generalized Schoenflies theorem 1960 Morton B. Brown
+ Rendiconti del circolo matematico di Palermo 1906 G. B. Guccia
+ Remark on a Theorem of R. L. Moore 1927 Bronisław Knaster
Casimir Kuratowski
+ PDF Chat Concerning the Cut-Points of Continuous Curves and of Other Closed and Connected Point-sets 1923 Robert L. Moore
+ �ber die Metrisation der kompakten topologischen R�ume 1924 Paul Urysohn
+ PDF Chat Concerning continuous curves in the plane 1922 Robert L. Moore
+ PDF Chat A connected and connected im kleinen point set which contains no perfect subset 1927 Bronisław Knaster
Casimir Kuratowski
+ PDF Chat A theorem on quasi-compact mappings 1958 Paul McDougle
+ Open mappings on locally compact spaces 1950 G. T. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat Concerning simple continuous curves 1920 Robert L. Moore
+ PDF Chat A reduction of the Schoenflies extension problem 1960 Marston Morse
+ Concerning points of continuous curves defined by certain im kleinen properties 1930 G. T. Whyburn
+ PDF Chat Applications of the theory of Boolean rings to general topology 1937 M. H. Stone
+ PDF Chat Sur quelques points du calcul fonctionnel 1906 Maurice Fréchet
+ Mapping Theorems for Non-Compact Spaces 1947 C. H. Dowker
+ Über die Dimension von Punktmengen III 1929 Karl Menger
+ Concerning the Cut Points of a Continuous Curve when the Arc Curve, AB, Contains Exactly N Independent Arcs 1929 N. E. Rutt
+ What is a Curve? 1942 G. T. Whyburn
+ J ournal de l'École polytechnique 2014 Arnaud Beauville
+ PDF Chat Über die Komponenten offener Mengen 1921 Hans Hahn
+ On Bicompact Spaces 1937 Eduard Čech
+ PDF Chat Concerning Limiting Sets in Abstract Spaces 1928 R. G. Lubben
+ PDF Chat Certain Theorems Relating to Plane Connected Point Sets 1922 Anna M. Mullikin
+ PDF Chat Une définition topologique de la ligne de Jordan 1920 Casimir Kuratowski
+ PDF Chat Sur les transformations d'espaces métriques en circonférence 1935 Samuel Eilenberg
+ PDF Chat Concerning the sum of a countable number of mutually exclusive continua in the plane 1924 Ross Moore
+ PDF Chat Sur les décompositions semi-continues d'espaces métriques compacts 1928 Casimir Kuratowski
+ PDF Chat Zur allgemeinen Kurventheorie 1927 Karl Menger
+ PDF Chat A characterisation of a continuous curve 1925 Robert Moore
+ PDF Chat Concerning connectedness im kleinen and a related property 1922 Robert L. Moore
+ Über die Dimension von Punktmengen III 2002 Karl Menger
+ Über die Komponenten offener Mengen 1995 Hans Hahn
+ PDF Chat The Borel theorem and its generalizations 1926 Toni Hildebrandt
+ PDF Chat �ber den Rand der einfach zusammenh�ngenden ebenen Gebiete 1921 Marie Torhorst