K. A. Hirsch


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Finite groups of exponent 12 as automorphism groups 1977 J. Terry Hallett
K. A. Hirsch
+ Finite groups of exponent 4 as automorphism groups. II 1973 J. Terry Hallett
K. A. Hirsch
+ Groups of automorphisms of algebraic systems 1972 B. Plotkin
K. A. Hirsch
+ Representation theory and automorphic functions 1969 М. И. Граев
Ilya Piatetski-Shapiro
I. M. Gel'fand
K. A. Hirsch
+ Finite Automorphism Groups of Torsion-Free Groups 1966 K. A. Hirsch
Hans Zassenhaus
+ Torsion-free groups having finite automorphism groups. I 1965 J. Terry Hallett
K. A. Hirsch
+ Elementare und Klassische Algebra, Vol. II. By Wolfgang Krull. Sammlung Göschen 933, 1959. (Berlin, Walter de Gruyter). 1960 K. A. Hirsch
+ Lie Groups. By P. M. Cohn. Cambridge Tracts No: 46. Pp. 160. 22s. 6d. 1957. (Cambridge University Press) 1960 K. A. Hirsch
+ Generators and relations for discrete groups. By H. S. M. Coxeter and W. O. J. Moser. Pp. viii, 155. Springer-Verlag 1957. (Ergebnisse der Mathematik, Neue Folge, Heft 14) 1959 K. A. Hirsch
+ Structure of a Group and the Structure of its Lattice of Subgroups. By M. Suzuki. Pp. 96. DM 16.50. 1956. (Springer, Berlin) 1958 K. A. Hirsch
+ On Infinite Soluble Groups (V) 1954 K. A. Hirsch
+ Simple groups of infinite matrices 1953 J. S. Clowes
K. A. Hirsch
+ On Infinite Soluble Groups (IV) 1952 K. A. Hirsch
+ Algebre et theorie des nombres 1951 K. A. Hirsch
+ 2134. On the generalised Vandermonde determinant 1950 K. A. Hirsch
+ Eine kennzeichnende Eigenschaft nilpotener Gruppen. Erhard Schmidt zum 75. Geburtstag gewidmet 1950 K. A. Hirsch
+ Eine kennzeichnende Eigenschaft nilpotenter Gruppen 1950 K. A. Hirsch
+ A Note on Vandermonde's Determinant 1949 K. A. Hirsch
+ On Infinite Soluble Groups (III) 1946 K. A. Hirsch
+ On Skew-Groups 1939 K. A. Hirsch
+ On Infinite Soluble Groups (II) 1938 K. A. Hirsch
+ On Infinite Soluble Groups-I 1938 K. A. Hirsch
+ A Note on Non-Commutative Polynomials 1937 K. A. Hirsch