Marco Martens


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Invariant manifolds for non-differentiable operators 2021 Marco Martens
Liviana Palmisano
+ PDF Chat Probabilistic Universality in Two-Dimensional Dynamics 2021 Mikhail Lyubich
Marco Martens
+ Newhouse Laminations of polynomials on ℂ2 2020 Marco Martens
Liviana Palmisano
Zhuang Tao
+ Newhouse Laminations of polynomials on $\mathbb{C}^2$ 2020 Marco Martens
Liviana Palmisano
Zhuang Tao
+ PDF Chat Invariant Measures for Typical Quadratic Maps 2018 Marco Martens
Tomasz Nowicki
+ Newhouse Laminations. 2018 Michael Benedicks
Marco Martens
Liviana Palmisano
+ PDF Chat Rigidity of critical circle maps 2018 Pablo Guarino
Marco Martens
Welington de Melo
+ PDF Chat Geometry of polynomials and root-finding via path-lifting 2018 Myong-Hi Kim
Marco Martens
Scott Sutherland
+ Newhouse Laminations 2018 Michael Benedicks
Marco Martens
Liviana Palmisano
+ Infinitely Many Moduli of Stability at the Dissipative Boundary of Chaos 2017 Peter Hazard
Marco Martens
Charles Tresser
+ The rigidity conjecture 2017 Marco Martens
Liviana Palmisano
Björn Winckler
+ Infinitely many moduli of stability at the dissipative boundary of chaos 2017 Peter Hazard
Marco Martens
C. Tresser
+ Foliations by rigidity classes 2017 Marco Martens
Liviana Palmisano
+ Invariant Manifolds for Non-differentiable Operators 2017 Marco Martens
Liviana Palmisano
+ Infinitely Many Moduli of Stability at the Dissipative Boundary of Chaos 2017 Peter Hazard
Marco Martens
Charles Tresser
+ PDF Chat Physical measures for infinitely renormalizable Lorenz maps 2016 Marco Martens
Björn Winckler
+ Instability of Renormalization 2016 Marco Martens
Björn Winckler
+ PDF Chat Rigidity for infinitely renormalizable area-preserving maps 2015 D. Gaidashev
Tomas Johnson
Marco Martens
+ PDF Chat On the Hyperbolicity of Lorenz Renormalization 2013 Marco Martens
Björn Winckler
+ Renormalizable HĂ©non-like maps and unbounded geometry 2012 Peter Hazard
Mikhail Lyubich
Marco Martens
+ Focal rigidity of flat tori 2011 Ferry Kwakkel
Marco Martens
M. M. Peixoto
+ Probabilistic Universality in two-dimensional Dynamics 2011 Mikhail Lyubich
Marco Martens
+ Focal Rigidity of Flat Tori 2011 Ferry Kwakkel
Marco Martens
M. M. Peixoto
+ PDF Chat Renormalization in the HĂ©non family, II: the heteroclinic web 2011 Mikhail Lyubich
Marco Martens
+ Probabilistic Universality in two-dimensional Dynamics 2011 Mikhail Lyubich
Marco Martens
+ Focal Rigidity of Flat Tori 2011 Ferry Kwakkel
Marco Martens
M. M. Peixoto
+ Renormalisable Henon-like Maps and Unbounded Geometry 2010 Peter Hazard
Mikhail Lyubich
Marco Martens
+ Renormalisable Henon-like Maps and Unbounded Geometry 2010 Peter Hazard
Mikhail Lyubich
Marco Martens
+ Bounds for the Cost of Root Finding 2009 Myong-Hi Kim
Marco Martens
Scott Sutherland
+ A Universal Bound for the Average Cost of Root Finding 2009 Myong-Hi Kim
Marco Martens
Scott Sutherland
+ PDF Chat Chaotic period doubling 2008 V. V. M. S. Chandramouli
Marco Martens
W. de Melo
Charles Tresser
+ Renormalization in the HĂ©non family, II: The heteroclinic web 2008 Mikhail Lyubich
Marco Martens
+ Chaotic Period Doubling 2007 V. V. M. S. Chandramouli
Marco Martens
W. de Melo
Charles Tresser
+ PDF Chat Algebraic Topology for Minimal Cantor Sets 2006 Jean-Marc Gambaudo
Marco Martens
+ PDF Chat Renormalization in the Hénon Family, I: Universality But Non-Rigidity 2005 André de Carvalho
Mikhail Lyubich
Marco Martens
+ PDF Chat Convergence to Equilibrium for Intermittent Symplectic Maps 2005 Carlangelo Liverani
Marco Martens
+ PDF Chat A cubic HĂ©non-like map in the unfolding of degenerate homoclinic orbit with resonance 2005 Marco Martens
Vincent Naudot
Jiazhong Yang
+ Convex dynamics and applications 2005 R. L. ADLER
Bruce Kitchens
Marco Martens
Charles Pugh
M. Shub
C. Tresser
+ Dynamical Systems/Ordinary Differential Equations A cubic HĂ©non-like map in the unfolding of degenerate homoclinic orbit with resonance 2005 Marco Martens
Vincent Naudot
Jiazhong Yang
+ Suspended Cubic Henon like map in the unfolding of a degenerate homoclinic orbit with a resonance 2005 Marco Martens
+ Renormalization in the Henon family, I: universality but non-rigidity 2005 Alcides de Carvalho
Mikhail Lyubich
Marco Martens
+ On the dynamics of the renormalization operator 2004 Artur Avila
Welington de Melo
Marco Martens
+ Convex Dynamics and Applications 2004 Roy L. Adler
Bruce Kitchens
Marco Martens
Charles Pugh
M. Shub
C. Tresser
+ Ergodic theory of one-dimensional dynamics 2003 Marco Martens
Tomasz Nowicki
+ On the dynamics of the renormalization operator 2001 Marco Martens
Welington de Melo
Artur Avila
+ PDF Chat Universal models for Lorenz maps 2001 Marco Martens
Welington de Melo
+ PDF Chat The multipliers of periodic points in one-dimensional dynamics 1999 Marco Martens
Welington de Melo
+ PDF Chat Stably nonsynchronizable maps of the plane 1999 Patrice Le Calvez
Marco Martens
Charles Tresser
Patrick Worfolk
+ PDF Chat The Periodic Points of Renormalization 1998 Marco Martens
+ PDF Chat Inducing, slopes, and conjugacy classes 1997 Roza Galeeva
Marco Martens
Charles Tresser
+ Universal models for Lorenz maps 1996 Marco Martens
Welington de Melo
+ The periodic points of renormalization 1996 Marco Martens
+ PDF Chat Forcing of periodic orbits for interval maps and renormalization of piecewise affine maps 1996 Marco Martens
Charles Tresser
+ Universal models for Lorenz maps 1996 Marco Martens
Welington de Melo
+ The periodic points of renormalization 1996 Marco Martens
+ Invariant measures for typical quadratic maps 1996 Marco Martens
Tomasz Nowicki
+ Forcing of periodic orbits for interval maps and renormalization of piecewise affine maps 1994 Marco Martens
Charles Tresser
+ PDF Chat Distortion results and invariant Cantor sets of unimodal maps 1994 Marco Martens
+ Inducing, slopes, and conjugacy classes 1994 Roza Galeeva
Marco Martens
Charles Tresser
+ Forcing of periodic orbits for interval maps and renormalization of piecewise affine maps 1994 Marco Martens
Charles Tresser
+ Distortion results and invariant cantor sets of unimodal maps 1992 Marco Martens
+ The existence of sigma-finite invariant measures, applications to real one-dimensional dynamics 1992 Marco Martens
+ PDF Chat Julia-Fatou-Sullivan theory for real one-dimensional dynamics 1992 Marco Martens
W. de Melo
Sebastian van Strien
+ Distortion results and invariant cantor sets of unimodal maps 1992 Marco Martens
+ The existence of sigma-finite invariant measures, applications to real one-dimensional dynamics 1992 Marco Martens
+ PDF Chat On Cherry flows 1990 Marco Martens
Sebastian van Strien
Welington de Melo
P.M.M. Mendes
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Feigenbaum-Coullet-Tresser Universality and Milnor's Hairiness Conjecture 1999 Mikhail Lyubich
+ PDF Chat Renormalization in the Hénon Family, I: Universality But Non-Rigidity 2005 André de Carvalho
Mikhail Lyubich
Marco Martens
+ PDF Chat The Periodic Points of Renormalization 1998 Marco Martens
+ PDF Chat Global hyperbolicity of renormalization for C<sup>r</sup>unimodal mappings 2006 Edson de Faria
Welington de Melo
Alberto A. Pinto
+ One-Dimensional Dynamics 2005 Welington de Melo
Sebastian van Strien
+ PDF Chat Distortion results and invariant Cantor sets of unimodal maps 1994 Marco Martens
+ PDF Chat Sur la Conjugaison Différentiable des Difféomorphismes du Cercle a des Rotations 1979 Michael R. Herman
+ Quantitative universality for a class of nonlinear transformations 1978 Mitchell J. Feigenbaum
+ Period doubling bifurcations for families of maps on ℝ n 1981 Pierre Collet
Jean-Pierre Eckmann
Hans Koch
+ PDF Chat Absolutely continuous measures for certain maps of an interval 1981 MichaƂ Misiurewicz
+ Henon-like maps with strange attractors: there exist C<sup>∞</sup>Kupka-Smale diffeomorphisms on S<sup>2</sup>with neither sinks nor sources 1989 J. M. Gambaudo
S van Strein
C. Tresser
+ PDF Chat The Fibonacci unimodal map 1993 Mikhail Lyubich
John Milnor
+ Renormalization and 3-Manifolds Which Fiber over the Circle 1996 Curtis T. McMullen
+ PDF Chat Rigidity of C 2 Infinitely Renormalizable Unimodal Maps 1999 W. de Melo
Alberto A. Pinto
+ On the concept of attractor 1985 John Milnor
+ PDF Chat The Attractor of Renormalization¶and Rigidity of Towers of Critical Circle Maps 2001 Michael Yampolsky
+ PDF Chat Julia-Fatou-Sullivan theory for real one-dimensional dynamics 1992 Marco Martens
W. de Melo
Sebastian van Strien
+ PDF Chat Hyperbolicity of renormalization of critical circle maps 2003 Michael Yampolsky
+ On iterated maps of the interval 1988 John Milnor
William P. Thurston
+ Renormalization and 3-Manifolds Which Fiber over the Circle (AM-142), Volume 142 1996 Curtis T. McMullen
+ Feigenbaum universality and the thermodynamic formalism 1984 E. B. Vul
Yakov G. Sinai
Konstantin Khanin
+ PDF Chat HĂ©non-like maps with arbitrary stationary combinatorics 2011 Peter Hazard
+ PDF Chat Rigidity of smooth critical circle maps 2017 Pablo Guarino
Welington de Melo
+ Combinatorics, Geometry and Attractors of Quasi-Quadratic Maps 1994 Mikhail Lyubich
+ Infinitely many moduli of stability at the dissipative boundary of chaos 2017 Peter Hazard
Marco Martens
C. Tresser
+ Quasi-conformal mappings inn-space and the rigidity of hyperbolic space forms 1968 G. D. Mostow
+ On the Structure of Local Homeomorphisms of Euclidean n-Space, II 1958 Shlomo Sternberg
+ Robust rigidity for circle diffeomorphisms with singularities 2007 Konstantin Khanin
A. Teplinsky
+ PDF Chat Conjugaison différentiable des difféomorphismes du cercle dont le nombre de rotation vérifie une condition diophantienne 1984 Jean-Christophe Yoccoz
+ The Dynamics of the Henon Map 1991 Michael Benedicks
Lennart Carleson
+ A possible new mechanism for the onset of turbulence 1981 A. Arnéodo
P. Coullet
C. Tresser
+ The universal metric properties of nonlinear transformations 1979 Mitchell J. Feigenbaum
+ Renormalization Horseshoe for Critical Circle Maps 2003 Michael Yampolsky
+ PDF Chat Rigidity of critical circle maps 2018 Pablo Guarino
Marco Martens
Welington de Melo
+ Probabilistic Universality in two-dimensional Dynamics 2011 Mikhail Lyubich
Marco Martens
+ PDF Chat The continuous, desingularized Newton method for meromorphic functions 1988 Hubertus Th. Jongen
P. G. Jonker
F. Twilt
+ Convergence Criteria for Attracting Cycles of Newton's Method 1998 Stanley Ocken
+ Renormalization Horseshoe and Rigidity for Circle Diffeomorphisms with Breaks 2013 Konstantin Khanin
A. Teplinsky
+ Complexity of Bezout’s Theorem VII: Distance Estimates in the Condition Metric 2007 Carlos Beltrán
Michael Shub
+ Complex Dynamics and Renormalization 1994 Curtis T. McMullen
+ Introduction to the modern theory of dynamical systems 1996 Anatole Katok
Boris Hasselblatt
+ Fixed points of composition operators. II 1989 Henri Epstein
+ PDF Chat Universal models for Lorenz maps 2001 Marco Martens
Welington de Melo
+ PDF Chat Almost Every Real Quadratic Map Is Either Regular or Stochastic 2002 Mikhail Lyubich
+ Complexity of Bezout’s Theorem IV: Probability of Success; Extensions 1996 Michael Shub
Steve Smale
+ The theory of Smale's point estimation and its applications 1995 Wang Deren
Fengguang Zhao
+ PDF Chat Structure of mappings of an interval with zero entropy 1981 MichaƂ Misiurewicz
+ PDF Chat Differentiable circle maps with a flat interval 1995 Jacek Graczyk
Leo Jonker
Grzegorz ƚwiątek
F. M. Tangerman
J. J. P. Veerman
+ What’s new on lorenz strange attractors? 2000 Marcelo Viana
+ PDF Chat Algebraic Topology for Minimal Cantor Sets 2006 Jean-Marc Gambaudo
Marco Martens