Christine Ruey Shan Lee


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat A topological model for the HOMFLY-PT polynomial 2024 Cristina Ana-Maria Anghel
Christine Ruey Shan Lee
+ PDF Chat Jones diameter and crossing number of knots 2023 Efstratia Kalfagianni
Christine Ruey Shan Lee
+ Stable Khovanov homology and Volume 2023 Christine Ruey Shan Lee
+ PDF Chat Colored Jones polynomials without tails 2022 Christine Ruey Shan Lee
Roland van der Veen
+ Normal surfaces and colored Khovanov homology 2022 Christine Ruey Shan Lee
+ PDF Chat Cancellations in the Degree of the Colored Jones Polynomial 2021 Christine Ruey Shan Lee
Roland van der Veen
+ On 3-braids and L-space knots 2021 Christine Ruey Shan Lee
Faramarz Vafaee
+ PDF Chat On Khovanov Homology and Related Invariants 2021 Carmen Caprau
Nicolle González
Christine Ruey Shan Lee
Adam M. Lowrance
Radmila Sazdanović
Melissa Zhang
+ Jones diameter and crossing number of knots 2021 Efstratia Kalfagianni
Christine Ruey Shan Lee
+ PDF Chat The slope conjecture for Montesinos knots 2020 Stavros Garoufalidis
Christine Ruey Shan Lee
Roland van der Veen
+ Cancellations in the degree of the colored Jones polynomial 2020 Christine Ruey Shan Lee
Roland van der Veen
+ Stability and triviality of the transverse invariant from Khovanov homology 2020 Diana Hubbard
Christine Ruey Shan Lee
+ On Khovanov Homology and Related Invariants 2020 Carmen Caprau
Nicolle González
Christine Ruey Shan Lee
Adam M. Lowrance
Radmila Sazdanović
Melissa Zhang
+ Cancellations in the degree of the colored Jones polynomial 2020 Christine Ruey Shan Lee
Roland van der Veen
+ PDF Chat Stability properties of the colored Jones polynomial 2019 Christine Ruey Shan Lee
+ On 3-braids and L-space knots 2019 Christine Ruey Shan Lee
Faramarz Vafaee
+ A note on the transverse invariant from Khovanov homology 2018 Diana Hubbard
Christine Ruey Shan Lee
+ The Slope Conjecture for Montesinos knots 2018 Stavros Garoufalidis
Christine Ruey Shan Lee
Roland van der Veen
+ PDF Chat A trivial tail homology for non-A–adequate links 2018 Christine Ruey Shan Lee
+ PDF Chat Normal and Jones surfaces of knots 2018 Efstratia Kalfagianni
Christine Ruey Shan Lee
+ The Slope Conjecture for Montesinos knots 2018 Stavros Garoufalidis
Christine Ruey Shan Lee
Roland van der Veen
+ Jones slopes and coarse volume of near-alternating links 2017 Christine Ruey Shan Lee
+ Normal and Jones surfaces of knots 2017 Efstratia Kalfagianni
Christine Ruey Shan Lee
+ Jones slopes and coarse volume of near-alternating links 2017 Christine Ruey Shan Lee
+ Normal and Jones surfaces of knots 2017 Efstratia Kalfagianni
Christine Ruey Shan Lee
+ Slopes for Pretzel Knots 2016 Christine Ruey Shan Lee
Roland van der Veen
+ Slopes for Pretzel Knots 2016 Christine Ruey Shan Lee
R. van der Veen
+ Crosscap numbers and the Jones polynomial 2015 Efstratia Kalfagianni
Christine Ruey Shan Lee
+ Jones-type link invariants and applications to 3-manifold topology 2015 Christine Ruey Shan Lee
+ PDF Chat On the Degree of the Colored Jones Polynomial 2014 Efstratia Kalfagianni
Christine Ruey Shan Lee
+ Stability properties of the colored Jones polynomial. 2014 Christine Ruey Shan Lee
+ Crosscap numbers and the Jones polynomial 2014 Efstratia Kalfagianni
Christine Ruey Shan Lee
+ Stability properties of the colored Jones polynomial 2014 Christine Ruey Shan Lee
+ Crosscap numbers and the Jones polynomial 2014 Efstratia Kalfagianni
Christine Ruey Shan Lee
+ On the degree of the colored Jones polynomial 2013 Efstratia Kalfagianni
Christine Ruey Shan Lee
+ On the degree of the colored Jones polynomial 2013 Efstratia Kalfagianni
Christine Ruey Shan Lee
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat The head and tail conjecture for alternating knots 2013 Cody Armond
+ An Introduction to Knot Theory 1997 W. B. R. Lickorish
+ PDF Chat The Jones slopes of a knot 2011 Stavros Garoufalidis
+ PDF Chat Nahm sums, stability and the colored Jones polynomial 2015 Stavros Garoufalidis
Thang T. Q. Lê
+ PDF Chat Guts of Surfaces and the Colored Jones Polynomial 2012 David Futer
Efstratia Kalfagianni
Jessica S. Purcell
+ State models and the jones polynomial 1987 Louis H. Kauffman
+ PDF Chat Slopes and colored Jones polynomials of adequate knots 2010 David Futer
Efstratia Kalfagianni
Jessica S. Purcell
+ Some links with non-trivial polynomials and their crossing-numbers 1988 W. B. R. Lickorish
Morwen Thistlethwaite
+ Knot Cabling and the Degree of the Colored Jones Polynomial 2015 Efstratia Kalfagianni
Anh T. Tran
+ PDF Chat A volumish theorem for the Jones polynomial of alternating knots 2007 Oliver T. Dasbach
Xiao-Song Lin
+ PDF Chat The slope conjecture for graph knots 2016 Kimihiko Motegi
Toshie Takata
+ Quadratic integer programming and the slope conjecture 2014 Stavros Garoufalidis
Roland van der Veen
+ PDF Chat 3-valent graphs and the Kauffman bracket 1994 Gregor Masbaum
Pierre Vogel
+ PDF Chat On the head and the tail of the colored Jones polynomial 2006 Oliver T. Dasbach
Xiao-Song Lin
+ PDF Chat Quasifuchsian state surfaces 2014 David Futer
Efstratia Kalfagianni
Jessica S. Purcell
+ PDF Chat The Degree of a $q$-Holonomic Sequence is a Quadratic Quasi-Polynomial 2011 Stavros Garoufalidis
+ The head and tail of the colored Jones polynomial for adequate knots 2016 Cody Armond
Oliver T. Dasbach
David Futer
Efstratia Kalfagianni
Xiao-Song Lin
Neal W. Stoltzfus
+ PDF Chat The colored Jones function is q-holonomic 2005 Stavros Garoufalidis
Thang T. Q. Lê
+ Rogers-Ramanujan type identities and the head and tail of the colored Jones polynomial 2011 Cody Armond
Oliver T. Dasbach
+ The strong slope conjecture for graph knots 2018 Kenneth L. Baker
Kimihiko Motegi
Toshie Takata
+ An enumeration of knots and links, and some of their algebraic properties 1970 James Conway
+ PDF Chat An endomorphism of the Khovanov invariant 2004 Eun Soo Lee
+ PDF Chat Khovanov homology of a unicolored B-adequate link has a tail 2014 Lev Rozansky
+ PDF Chat A categorification of the Jones polynomial 2000 Mikhail Khovanov
+ PDF Chat On the boundary curves of incompressible surfaces 1982 Allen Hatcher
+ The Jones polynomial and graphs on surfaces 2007 Oliver T. Dasbach
David Futer
Efstratia Kalfagianni
Xiao-Song Lin
Neal W. Stoltzfus
+ PDF Chat The computational complexity of knot and link problems 1999 Joel Hass
Jeffrey C. Lagarias
Nicholas Pippenger
+ Boundary slopes for Montesinos knots 1989 Allen Hatcher
Ulrich Oertel
+ PDF Chat Holomorphic disks and genus bounds 2004 Peter Ozsváth
Zoltán Szabó
+ Jones slopes and coarse volume of near-alternating links 2017 Christine Ruey Shan Lee
+ PDF Chat Cusp Areas of Farey Manifolds and Applications to Knot Theory 2010 David Futer
Efstratia Kalfagianni
Jessica S. Purcell
+ PDF Chat Jones polynomials, volume and essential knot surfaces: a survey 2014 David Futer
Efstratia Kalfagianni
Jessica S. Purcell
+ PDF Chat Flag algebras and the stable coefficients of the Jones polynomial 2015 Stavros Garoufalidis
Sergey Norin
Thao Vuong
+ PDF Chat Dehn filling, volume, and the Jones polynomial 2008 David Futer
Efstratia Kalfagianni
J. Purcel
+ PDF Chat The slope conjecture for Montesinos knots 2020 Stavros Garoufalidis
Christine Ruey Shan Lee
Roland van der Veen
+ Integrality of Kauffman brackets of trivalent graphs 2014 Francesco Costantino
+ Jones polynomials and classical conjectures in knot theory 1987 Kunio Murasugi
+ PDF Chat Khovanov homology and the slice genus 2010 Jacob Rasmussen
+ PDF Chat The colored Jones polynomials and the simplicial volume of a knot 2001 Hitoshi Murakami
Jun Murakami
+ Categorification of the Jones–Wenzl projectors 2012 Benjamin Cooper
Vyacheslav Krushkal
+ Incompressible surfaces in 2-bridge knot complements 1985 Allen Hatcher
William P. Thurston
+ The Head and Tail of the Colored Jones Polynomial for Adequate Knots 2013 Oliver T. Dasbach
Cody Armond
+ Slopes for Pretzel Knots 2016 Christine Ruey Shan Lee
Roland van der Veen
+ PDF Chat The volume of hyperbolic alternating link complements 2004 Marc Lackenby
+ PDF Chat Khovanov’s homology for tangles and cobordisms 2005 Dror Bar-Natan
+ A stability conjecture for the colored Jones polynomial 2013 Stavros Garoufalidis
Thao Vuong
+ A table of boundary slopes of Montesinos knots 2001 Nathan M. Dunfield
+ PDF Chat The A-polynomial from the noncommutative viewpoint 2001 Charles Frohman
Răzvan Gelca
Walter LoFaro
+ None 1997 Rinat Kashaev