Ralf Meyer


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Isomorphism and stable isomorphism in "real" and "quaternionic" K-theory 2025 Малхаз Бакурадзе
Ralf Meyer
+ Correspondences between graph C$^*$-algebras 2025 Rasmus Bentmann
Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat Many-body Expansion Based Machine Learning Models for Octahedral Transition Metal Complexes 2024 Ralf Meyer
Daniel B. K. Chu
Heather J. Kulik
+ PDF Chat A universal coefficient theorem for actions of finite groups on C*-algebras 2024 Ralf Meyer
George Nadareishvili
+ PDF Chat Correspondences between graph C*-algebras 2024 Rasmus Bentmann
Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat Analytic cyclic homology in positive characteristic 2023 Ralf Meyer
Devarshi Mukherjee
+ PDF Chat Inductive limits of noncommutative Cartan inclusions 2023 Ralf Meyer
Ali Imad Raad
Jonathan Taylor
+ Ideal structure and pure infiniteness of inverse semigroup crossed products 2023 B. K. Kwaśniewski
Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat Geometric construction of classes in van Daele’s K-theory 2023 Collin Mark Joseph
Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat Local cyclic homology for nonarchimedean Banach algebras 2023 Ralf Meyer
Devarshi Mukherjee
+ PDF Chat A Transferable Recommender Approach for Selecting the Best Density Functional Approximations in Chemical Discovery 2022 Chenru Duan
Aditya Nandy
Ralf Meyer
N. Arunachalam
Heather J. Kulik
+ Existence of groupoid models for diagrams of groupoid correspondences 2022 Joanna Ko
Ralf Meyer
+ Groupoid models for diagrams of groupoid correspondences 2022 Ralf Meyer
+ Local cyclic homology for nonarchimedean Banach algebras 2022 Devarshi Mukherjee
Ralf Meyer
+ A Transferable Recommender Approach for Selecting the Best Density Functional Approximations in Chemical Discovery 2022 Chenru Duan
Aditya Nandy
Ralf Meyer
N. Arunachalam
Heather J. Kulik
+ Ligand additivity relationships enable efficient exploration of transition metal chemical space 2022 N. Arunachalam
Stefan Gugler
Michael G. Taylor
Chenru Duan
Aditya Nandy
Jon Paul Janet
Ralf Meyer
Jonas Oldenstaedt
Daniel B. K. Chu
Heather J. Kulik
+ Geometric construction of classes in van Daele's K-theory 2022 Collin Mark Joseph
Ralf Meyer
+ Inductive Limits of Noncommutative Cartan Inclusions 2022 Ralf Meyer
Ali Imad Raad
Jonathan Taylor
+ The bicategory of groupoid correspondences 2021 Celso Antunes
Joanna Ko
Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat The spectrum of equivariant Kasparov theory for cyclic groups of prime order 2021 Ivo Dell’Ambrogio
Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat On the classification of group actions on C*-algebras up to equivariant KK-equivalence 2021 Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat Aperiodicity: The Almost Extension Property and Uniqueness of Pseudo-Expectations 2021 B. K. Kwaśniewski
Ralf Meyer
+ Ideal structure and pure infiniteness of inverse semigroup crossed products 2021 B. K. Kwaśniewski
Ralf Meyer
+ The bicategory of groupoid correspondences 2021 Celso Antunes
Joanna Ko
Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat Essential crossed products for inverse semigroup actions: simplicity and pure infiniteness 2021 B. K. Kwaśniewski
Ralf Meyer
+ Analytic cyclic homology in positive characteristic 2021 Ralf Meyer
Devarshi Mukherjee
+ PDF Chat Braided Free Orthogonal Quantum Groups 2020 Ralf Meyer
Sutanu Roy
+ PDF Chat Stone duality and quasi‐orbit spaces for generalised C∗‐inclusions 2020 B. K. Kwaśniewski
Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative Cartan \(\mathrm {C}^*\)-subalgebras 2020 B. K. Kwaśniewski
Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat A more general method to classify up to equivariant KK-equivalence II: Computing obstruction classes 2020 Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat Nonarchimedean Analytic Cyclic Homology 2020 Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Ralf Meyer
Devarshi Mukherjee
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative coarse geometry 2019 Tathagata Banerjee
Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat A bicategorical interpretation for relative Cuntz-Pimsner algebras 2019 Ralf Meyer
Camila F. Sehnem
+ PDF Chat Braided multiplicative unitaries as regular objects 2019 Ralf Meyer
Sutanu Roy
+ PDF Chat Dagger completions and bornological torsion-freeness 2019 Ralf Meyer
Devarshi Mukherjee
+ PDF Chat C∗-Algebras for partial product systems over N 2019 Ralf Meyer
Devarshi Mukherjee
+ PDF Chat Coarse Geometry and Topological Phases 2019 Eske Ewert
Ralf Meyer
+ Essential crossed products for inverse semigroup actions: simplicity and pure infiniteness 2019 B. K. Kwaśniewski
Ralf Meyer
+ Non-Archimedean analytic cyclic homology 2019 Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Ralf Meyer
Devarshi Mukherjee
+ PDF Chat A universal property for groupoid C<sup>*</sup>-algebras. I 2018 Alcides Buss
Rohit Dilip Holkar
Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat Weak completions, bornologies and rigid cohomology 2018 Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Joachim Cuntz
Ralf Meyer
Georg Tamme
+ PDF Chat Nonarchimedean Bornologies, Cyclic Homology and Rigid Cohomology 2018 Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Joachim Cuntz
Ralf Meyer
Georg Tamme
+ PDF Chat Aperiodicity, topological freeness and pure outerness: from group actions to Fell bundles 2017 B. K. Kwaśniewski
Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat Crossed products for actions of crossed modules on C*-algebras 2017 Alcides Buss
Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat Reduced C*-algebras of Fell bundles over inverse semigroups 2017 Alcides Buss
Ruy Exel
Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat Inverse semigroup actions on groupoids 2017 Alcides Buss
Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat Braided quantum SU(2) groups 2017 Paweł Kasprzak
Ralf Meyer
Sutanu Roy
S. L. Woronowicz
+ PDF Chat A More General Method to Classify up to Equivariant $KK$-Equivalence 2017 Rasmus Bentmann
Ralf Meyer
+ Nonarchimedean bornologies, cyclic homology and rigid cohomology 2017 Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Joachim Cuntz
Ralf Meyer
Georg Tamme
+ PDF Chat Representations of $^\ast$-Algebras by Unbounded Operators: C$^\ast$-Hulls, Local-Global Principle, and Induction 2017 Ralf Meyer
+ Noncommutative coarse geometry 2016 Tathagata Banerjee
Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat Quantum group-twisted tensor products of C*-algebras. II 2016 Ralf Meyer
Sutanu Roy
S. L. Woronowicz
+ PDF Chat Comparison of KE-theory and KK-theory 2016 Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat Semidirect Products of C*-Quantum Groups: Multiplicative Unitaries Approach 2016 Ralf Meyer
Sutanu Roy
S. L. Woronowicz
+ Representations by unbounded operators: C*-hulls, local-global principle, and induction 2016 Ralf Meyer
+ Representations of *-algebras by unbounded operators: C*-hulls, local-global principle, and induction 2016 Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat Crossed Module Actions on Continuous Trace C*-Algebras 2016 Ralf Meyer
Ulrich Pennig
+ Iterated crossed products for groupoid fibrations 2016 Alcides Buss
Ralf Meyer
+ Noncommutative coarse geometry 2016 Tathagata Banerjee
Ralf Meyer
+ Representations of *-algebras by unbounded operators: C*-hulls, local-global principle, and induction 2016 Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat Cuspidal representations of reductive p-adic groups are relatively injective and projective 2015 Ralf Meyer
+ Colimits in the correspondence bicategory 2015 Suliman Albandik
Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat Product systems over Ore monoids 2015 Suliman Albandik
Ralf Meyer
+ Product systems over Ore monoids 2015 Suliman Albandik
Ralf Meyer
Sutanu Roy
S. L. Woronowicz
+ PDF Chat An equivariant Lefschetz fixed-point formula for correspondences 2014 Ivo Dell’Ambrogio
Heath Emerson
Ralf Meyer
+ Groupoids in categories with pretopology 2014 Ralf Meyer
Chenchang Zhu
+ A more general method to classify up to equivariant KK-equivalence 2014 Rasmus Bentmann
Ralf Meyer
+ Crossed products for actions of crossed modules on C*-algebras 2013 Alcides Buss
Ralf Meyer
+ Crossed products for actions of crossed modules on C*-algebras 2013 Alcides Buss
Ralf Meyer
+ An equivariant Lefschetz fixed-point formula for correspondences 2013 Ivo Dell’Ambrogio
Heath Emerson
Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat A higher category approach to twisted actions on c<sup>*</sup> -algebras 2012 Alcides Buss
Ralf Meyer
Chenchang Zhu
+ PDF Chat Inverse semigroup actions as groupoid actions 2012 Alcides Buss
Ruy Exel
Ralf Meyer
+ E-theory for <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">C</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>⁎</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math>-algebras over topological spaces 2012 Marius Dădărlat
Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat Localisation and colocalisation of triangulated categories at thick subcategories 2012 Hvédri Inassaridzé
Tamaz Kandélaki
Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat C*-Algebras over Topological Spaces: Filtrated K-Theory 2011 Ralf Meyer
Ryszard Nest
+ PDF Chat Characters and growth of admissible representations of reductive <i>p</i>-adic groups 2011 Ralf Meyer
Maarten Solleveld
+ PDF Chat Localisation and colocalisation of KK-theory 2011 Hvédri Inassaridzé
Tamaz Kandélaki
Ralf Meyer
+ A functorial equivariant K-theory spectrum and an equivariant Lefschetz formula 2011 Ivo Dell’Ambrogio
Heath Emerson
Tamaz Kandélaki
Ralf Meyer
+ Lecture Notes in Mathematics: Preface 2011 Paul Baum
Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Ralf Meyer
Rubén J. Sánchez-García
Marco Schlichting
Betrand Töen
+ PDF Chat Non-Hausdorff symmetries of C*-algebras 2010 Alcides Buss
Ralf Meyer
Chenchang Zhu
+ PDF Chat Topics in Algebraic and Topological K-Theory 2010 Paul Baum
Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Ralf Meyer
Rubén Sánchez-García
Marco Schlichting
Bertrand Toën
+ Universal Coefficient Theorems and Assembly Maps in KK-Theory 2010 Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat Homological algebra in bivariant K-theory and other triangulated categories. I 2010 Ralf Meyer
Ryszard Nest
+ Equivariant embedding theorems and topological index maps 2010 Heath Emerson
Ralf Meyer
+ Bivariant K-theory via correspondences 2010 Heath Emerson
Ralf Meyer
+ The Second Adjointness Theorem for reductive p-adic groups 2010 Ralf Meyer
Maarten Solleveld
+ Homomorphisms of quantum groups 2010 Ralf Meyer
Sutanu Roy
Lech Woronowicz
+ PDF Chat Resolutions for representations of reductive p-adic groups via their buildings 2010 Ralf Meyer
Maarten Solleveld
+ The Second Adjointness Theorem for reductive p-adic groups 2010 Ralf Meyer
Maarten Solleveld
+ Localisation and colocalisation of triangulated categories at thick subcategories 2009 Hvédri Inassaridzé
Tamaz Kandélaki
Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat Equivariant Lefschetz maps for simplicial complexes and smooth manifolds 2009 Heath Emerson
Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat Square-integrable coactions of locally compact quantum groups 2009 Alcides Buss
Ralf Meyer
+ Excision in Hochschild and cyclic homology without continuous linear sections 2009 Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat Equivariant representable K-theory 2009 Heath Emerson
Ralf Meyer
+ Smooth and rough modules over self-induced algebras 2009 Ralf Meyer
+ Localisation and colocalisation of triangulated categories at thick subcategories 2009 Hvédri Inassaridzé
Tamaz Kandélaki
Ralf Meyer
+ Symmetries in algebra and number theory (SANT) 2009 Ina Kersten
Ralf Meyer
+ Categorical aspects of bivariant K-theory 2008 Ralf Meyer
+ Coarse and equivariant co-assembly maps 2008 Heath Emerson
Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat Coarse and equivariant co-assembly maps 2008 Heath Emerson
Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat Categorical aspects of bivariant K-theory 2008 Ralf Meyer
+ Square-integrable coactions of quantum group on Hilbert modules 2008 Alcides Buss
Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat Das Courant-Forschungszentrum "Higher order structures in mathematics" 2008 Thomas Schick
Ralf Meyer
Yuri Tschinkel
+ Smooth and rough modules over self-induced algebras 2008 Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat Homological algebra in bivariant K-theory and other triangulated categories. II 2008 Ralf Meyer
+ Homological algebra in bivariant K-theory and other triangulated categories. II 2008 Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat Homological algebra for Schwartz algebras of reductive p-adic groups 2007 Ralf Meyer
+ Local and Analytic Cyclic Homology 2007 Ralf Meyer
+ Continuous spectral decompositions of Abelian group actions on <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mo>∗</mml:mo></mml:msup></mml:math>-algebras 2007 Alcides Buss
Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat An analogue of the Baum-Connes isomorphism for coactions of compact groups 2007 Ralf Meyer
Ryszard Nest
+ A descent principle for the Dirac–dual-Dirac method 2007 Heath Emerson
Ralf Meyer
+ Dualities in equivariant Kasparov theory 2007 Heath Emerson
Ralf Meyer
+ C*-Algebras over Topological Spaces: The Bootstrap Class 2007 Ralf Meyer
Ryszard Nest
+ L^p-estimates for the wave equation associated to the Grushin operator 2007 Ralf Meyer
+ Topological and Bivariant K-Theory 2007 Joachim Cuntz
Ralf Meyer
Jonathan Rosenberg
+ Lp-estimates for the wave equation associated to the Grusin operator 2006 Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat Euler characteristics and Gysin sequences for group actions on boundaries 2006 Heath Emerson
Ralf Meyer
Ralf Meyer
+ The Baum–Connes conjecture via localisation of categories 2005 Ralf Meyer
Ryszard Nest
+ PDF Chat On a representation of the idele class group related to primes and zeros of L-functions 2005 Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat The Baum-Connes Conjecture via Localization of Categories 2004 Ralf Meyer
Ryszard Nest
+ Smooth group representations on bornological vector spaces 2004 Ralf Meyer
+ Embeddings of derived categories of bornological modules 2004 Ralf Meyer
+ A spectral interpretation for the zeros of the Riemann zeta function 2004 Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat Bornological versus topological analysis in metrizable spaces 2004 Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat Bornological versus topological analysis in metrizable spaces 2003 Ralf Meyer
+ The cyclic homology and K-theory of certain adelic crossed products 2003 Ralf Meyer
+ A characterization of the Dirac Dual Dirac Method 2003 Heath Emerson
Ralf Meyer
+ Real Spectral Triples and Charge Conjugation 2002 Ralf Meyer
+ Comparisons between periodic, analytic and local cyclic cohomology 2002 Ralf Meyer
+ Generalized Fixed Point Algebras and Square-Integrable Group Actions 2001 Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat Excision in entire cyclic cohomology 2001 Ralf Meyer
+ Deux remarques sur l'application de Baum–Connes 2001 Jérôme Chabert
Siegfried Echterhoff
Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat Equivariant Kasparov Theory and Generalized Homomorphisms 2000 Ralf Meyer
+ Analytic cyclic cohomology 1999 Ralf Meyer
+ Acceleration of Superlinearly Convergent Sequences 1998 Ralf Meyer
+ The Carathéodory Pseudodistance and Positive Linear Operators 1997 Ralf Meyer
+ Finite dimensional quotients of commutative operator algebras 1997 Ralf Meyer
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ EquivariantKK-theory and the Novikov conjecture 1988 Gennadi Kasparov
+ The Baum–Connes conjecture via localisation of categories 2005 Ralf Meyer
Ryszard Nest
+ Triangulated Categories 2001 Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat Equivariant Kasparov Theory and Generalized Homomorphisms 2000 Ralf Meyer
+ Cartan Subalgebras in $C^*$-Algebras 2008 Jean Renault
+ PDF Chat Groups acting properly on “bolic” spaces and the Novikov conjecture 2003 Gennadi Kasparov
Georges Skandalis
+ Local and Analytic Cyclic Homology 2007 Ralf Meyer
+ C*-algèbres de Hopf et théorie de Kasparov équivariante 1989 Saad Baaj
Georges Skandalis
+ PDF Chat Inverse semigroup actions on groupoids 2017 Alcides Buss
Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat Inverse semigroups and combinatorial C*-algebras 2008 Ruy Exel
+ PDF Chat Euler characteristics and Gysin sequences for group actions on boundaries 2006 Heath Emerson
Ralf Meyer
+ Groups acting on buildings, operator K-theory, and Novikov's conjecture 1991 Gennadi Kasparov
Georges Skandalis
+ PDF Chat Categories for the Working Mathematician 1971 Saunders Mac Lane
+ PDF Chat The local structure of twisted covariance algebras 1978 Philip Green
+ Produits Tensoriels Topologiques Et Espaces Nucleaires 1966 Alexandre Grothendieck
+ Dualities in equivariant Kasparov theory 2007 Heath Emerson
Ralf Meyer
+ PDF Chat Homological algebra in bivariant K-theory and other triangulated categories. I 2010 Ralf Meyer
Ryszard Nest
+ C*-Algebras over Topological Spaces: The Bootstrap Class 2007 Ralf Meyer
Ryszard Nest
+ Topological and Bivariant K-Theory 2007 Joachim Cuntz
Ralf Meyer
Jonathan Rosenberg
+ E-theory and KK-theory for groups which act properly and isometrically on Hilbert space 2001 Nigel Higson
Gennadi Kasparov
+ K-Theory for Operator Algebras 1986 Bruce Blackadar
+ Classifying Space for Proper Actions and K-Theory of Group C*-algebras 2004 Paul Baum
Alain Connes
Nigel Higson
+ Equivariant E-Theory for C*-Algebras 2000 Erik Guentner
Nigel Higson
Jody Trout
+ PDF Chat The Longitudinal Index Theorem for Foliations 1984 Alain Connes
Georges Skandalis
+ PDF Chat A higher category approach to twisted actions on c<sup>*</sup> -algebras 2012 Alcides Buss
Ralf Meyer
Chenchang Zhu
+ PDF Chat On <i>C</i>*-Diagonals 1986 Alexander Kumjian
+ K-Theory for Operator Algebras 1986 Bruce Blackadar
+ PDF Chat Partial Dynamical Systems, Fell Bundles and Applications 2017 Ruy Exel
+ Parallelizability of proper actions, globalK-slices and maximal compact subgroups 1974 Herbert Abels
+ PDF Chat The Baum-Connes Conjecture via Localization of Categories 2004 Ralf Meyer
Ryszard Nest
+ PDF Chat Diffeotopy functors of ind-algebras and local cyclic cohomology 2003 Michael Puschnigg
+ C-Algebras and Their Automorphism Groups 1979 Gert Kjærgård Pedersen
+ Smooth group representations on bornological vector spaces 2004 Ralf Meyer
+ A new approach to induction and imprimitivity results 2005 Stefaan Vaes
+ Derived Categories and Their Uses 1996 Bernhard Keller
+ PDF Chat Reduced C*-algebras of Fell bundles over inverse semigroups 2017 Alcides Buss
Ruy Exel
Ralf Meyer
+ Bivariant K-theory and the Novikov conjecture 2000 Nigel Higson
+ Fell bundles over inverse semigroups and twisted etale groupoids 2009 Alcides Buss
Ruy Exel
+ Hilbert C*-Modules 1995 E. Christopher Lance
+ Noncommutative Cartan sub-algebras of C*-algebras 2008 Ruy Exel
+ PDF Chat C^*-bundles and C_0(X)-algebras 1996 May Nilsen
+ PDF Chat C*-Algebras over Topological Spaces: Filtrated K-Theory 2011 Ralf Meyer
Ryszard Nest
+ PDF Chat Equivariant triviality theorems for Hilbert $C\sp{\ast} $-modules 1984 James A. Mingo
W. J. Phillips
+ PDF Chat A Groupoid Approach to C*-Algebras 1980 Jean Renault
+ Representations of ∗ -Algebras, Locally Compact Groups, and Banach ∗ -Algebraic Bundles, I, II. 1990 Marc A. Rieffel
J. M. G. Fell
Robert S. Doran
+ PDF Chat Homological algebra in bivariant K-theory and other triangulated categories. II 2008 Ralf Meyer
+ Basic Bicategories 1998 Tom Leinster
+ PDF Chat Representation theory and sheaves on the bruhat-tits building 1997 Peter Schneider
Ulrich Stuhler
+ A universal properG-space 1978 Herbert Abels