Lorenz Halbeisen


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Twins of conic hexagons 2024 Lorenz Halbeısen
Norbert Hungerbühler
+ Pairing powers of pythagorean pairs 2024 Lorenz Halbeısen
Norbert Hungerbühler
Arman Shamsi Zargar
+ More configurations on elliptic curves 2024 Marco Bramato
Lorenz Halbeısen
Norbert Hungerbühler
+ Implications of Ramsey Choice principles in ZF$\mathsf {ZF}$ 2024 Lorenz Halbeısen
Riccardo Plati
Saharon Shelah
+ PDF Chat Pairing Powers of Pythagorean Pairs 2024 Lorenz Halbeısen
Norbert Hungerbühler
Arman Shamsi Zargar
+ PDF Chat Three Conics Determine a Cubic 2024 Lorenz Halbeısen
Norbert Hungerbühler
Vera Stalder
+ PDF Chat The Pentagon Theorem in Miquelian Möbius Planes 2023 Lorenz Halbeısen
Norbert Hungerbühler
Vanessa Loureiro
+ PDF Chat The Hidden Twin of Morley’s Five Circles Theorem 2023 Lorenz Halbeisen
Norbert Hungerbühler
Vanessa Loureiro
+ PDF Chat Halfway new cardinal characteristics 2023 Jörg Brendle
Lorenz Halbeısen
Lukas Daniel Klausner
Marc Lischka
Saharon Shelah
+ Halving formulae for points on elliptic curves 2023 Lorenz Halbeisen
Norbert Hungerbuehler
+ Implications of Ramsey Choice Principles in ZF 2023 Lorenz Halbeisen
Riccardo Plati
Saharon Shelah
+ Properties of Hesse derivatives of cubic curves 2023 Sayan Deb Dutta
Lorenz Halbeisen
Norbert Hungerbühler
+ Gleichmächtigkeit 2023 Lorenz Halbeisen
Regula Krapf
+ Irrationalität und Transzendenz 2023 Lorenz Halbeisen
Regula Krapf
+ Kardinalzahlen 2023 Lorenz Halbeisen
Regula Krapf
+ Unendliche Mengen 2023 Lorenz Halbeisen
Regula Krapf
+ Determiniertheit unendlicher Spiele 2023 Lorenz Halbeisen
Regula Krapf
+ Eine Entdeckungsreise in die Welt des Unendlichen 2023 Lorenz Halbeisen
Regula Krapf
+ Das Banach-Tarski-Paradoxon 2023 Lorenz Halbeisen
Regula Krapf
+ Unendlichkeit in der Antike 2023 Lorenz Halbeisen
Regula Krapf
+ Kardinalitäten und Wohlordnungen 2023 Lorenz Halbeisen
Regula Krapf
+ Das Auswahlaxiom 2023 Lorenz Halbeisen
Regula Krapf
+ PDF Chat A geometric approach to elliptic curves with torsion groups Z/10Z, Z/12Z, Z/14Z, and Z/16Z 2023 Lorenz Halbeisen
Norbert Hungerbühler
Arman Shamsi Zargar
Maksym Voznyy
+ PDF Chat Some implications of Ramsey Choice for families of $$\varvec{n}$$-element sets 2022 Lorenz Halbeısen
Salome Schumacher
+ PDF Chat Quadrilaterals as Geometric Loci 2022 Lorenz Halbeisen
Norbert Hungerbühler
Juan Läuchli
+ Four cardinals and their relations in ZF 2022 Lorenz Halbeısen
Riccardo Plati
Salome Schumacher
Saharon Shelah
+ Configurations on elliptic curves 2022 Andrin Halbeisen
Lorenz Halbeısen
Norbert Hungerbühler
+ PDF Chat A family of congruent number elliptic curves of rank three 2022 Lorenz Halbeısen
Norbert Hungerbühler
Arman Shamsi Zargar
+ A geometric approach to elliptic curves with torsion groups $\mathbb{Z}/10\mathbb{Z}$, $\mathbb{Z}/12\mathbb{Z}$, $\mathbb{Z}/14\mathbb{Z}$, and $\mathbb{Z}/16\mathbb{Z}$. 2021 Lorenz Halbeisen
Norbert Hungerbuehler
Maksym Voznyy
Arman Shamsi Zargar
+ PDF Chat Reversion Porisms in Conics 2021 Lorenz Halbeisen
Norbert Hungerbühler
Marco Schiltknecht
+ Vive la Diff\'erence! 2021 Lorenz Halbeısen
Riccardo Plati
Salome Schumacher
Saharon Shelah
+ PDF Chat Constructing cubic curves with involutions 2021 Lorenz Halbeısen
Norbert Hungerbühler
+ Reversion Porisms in Conics 2021 Lorenz Halbeisen
Norbert Hungerbühler
Marco Schiltknecht
+ Pairing pythagorean pairs 2021 Lorenz Halbeısen
Norbert Hungerbühler
+ Constructing Cubic Curves with Involutions 2021 Lorenz Halbeısen
Norbert Hungerbühler
+ New Parametrisations of Elliptic Curves with Torsion Groups Z/10Z, Z/12Z, and Z/14Z 2021 Lorenz Halbeisen
Norbert Hungerbuehler
Arman Shamsi Zargar
+ Sets of range uniqueness for multivariate polynomials and linear functions with rank <i>k</i> 2021 Lorenz Halbeısen
Norbert Hungerbühler
Salome Schumacher
Guo Xian Yau
+ Pairing Pythagorean Pairs. 2021 Lorenz Halbeısen
Norbert Hungerbühler
+ A New Weak Choice Principle 2021 Lorenz Halbeisen
Riccardo Plati
Salome Schumacher
+ Some implications of Ramsey Choice for n-element sets 2021 Lorenz Halbeisen
Salome Schumacher
+ PDF Chat On primitive solutions of the Diophantine equation <i>x</i> <sup>2</sup> + <i>y</i> <sup>2</sup> = <i>M</i> 2021 Chris Busenhart
Lorenz Halbeısen
Norbert Hungerbühler
Oliver Riesen
+ Sehnen, Sekanten und Chordalen 2021 Lorenz Halbeisen
Norbert Hungerbühler
Juan Läuchli
+ Inversion am Kreis 2021 Lorenz Halbeısen
Norbert Hungerbühler
Juan Läuchli
+ Peripheriewinkelsatz 2021 Lorenz Halbeısen
Norbert Hungerbühler
Juan Läuchli
+ Reversion Porisms in Conics 2021 Lorenz Halbeisen
Norbert Hungerbühler
Marco Schiltknecht
+ Constructing Cubic Curves with Involutions 2021 Lorenz Halbeisen
Norbert Hungerbühler
+ A geometric approach to elliptic curves with torsion groups $\mathbb{Z}/10\mathbb{Z}$, $\mathbb{Z}/12\mathbb{Z}$, $\mathbb{Z}/14\mathbb{Z}$, and $\mathbb{Z}/16\mathbb{Z}$ 2021 Lorenz Halbeisen
Norbert Hungerbuehler
Maksym Voznyy
Arman Shamsi Zargar
+ Pairing Pythagorean Pairs 2021 Lorenz Halbeisen
Norbert Hungerbühler
+ A New Weak Choice Principle 2021 Lorenz Halbeisen
Riccardo Plati
Salome Schumacher
+ Magic sets for polynomials of degree n 2020 Lorenz Halbeısen
Norbert Hungerbühler
Salome Schumacher
+ Generalized pencils of conics derived from cubics 2020 Lorenz Halbeısen
Norbert Hungerbühler
+ Heron triangles and their elliptic curves 2020 Lorenz Halbeısen
Norbert Hungerbühler
+ Models of Peano Arithmetic 2020 Lorenz Halbeisen
Regula Krapf
+ Countable Models of Peano Arithmetic 2020 Lorenz Halbeisen
Regula Krapf
+ Arithmetic in Peano Arithmetic 2020 Lorenz Halbeisen
Regula Krapf
+ The Art of Proof 2020 Lorenz Halbeisen
Regula Krapf
+ Sets and multisets of range uniqueness for polynomials 2019 Lorenz Halbeısen
Norbert Hungerbühler
Salome Schumacher
+ On Ramsey choice and partial choice for infinite families of n-element sets 2019 Lorenz Halbeısen
Eleftherios Tachtsis
+ A geometric representation of integral solutions of <i>x</i><sup>2</sup> + <i>xy</i> + <i>y</i><sup>2</sup> = <i>m</i><sup>2</sup> 2019 Lorenz Halbeısen
Norbert Hungerbühler
+ PDF Chat A Theorem of Fermat on Congruent Number Curves 2019 Lorenz Halbeisen
Norbert Hungerbühler
+ PDF Chat A Theorem of Fermat on Congruent Number Curves 2019 Lorenz Halbeisen
Norbert Hungerbühler
+ Congruent Number Elliptic Curves Related to Integral Solutions of m2 = n2 + nl + n2 2019 Lorenz Halbeisen
Norbert Hungerbühler
+ PDF Chat Forms of Choice in Ring Theory 2018 Lorenz Halbeısen
Norbert Hungerbühler
Nir Lazarovich
Waltraud Lederle
Marc Lischka
Salome Schumacher
+ PDF Chat Halfway New Cardinal Characteristics 2018 Jörg Brendle
Lorenz Halbeisen
Lukas Daniel Klausner
Marc Lischka
Saharon Shelah
+ Combinatorial Set Theory : With a Gentle Introduction to Forcing 2018 Lorenz Halbeisen
+ Congruent number elliptic curves with rank at least two 2018 Lorenz Halbeisen
Norbert Hungerbühler
+ A Theorem of Fermat on Congruent Number Curves 2018 Lorenz Halbeisen
Norbert Hungerbühler
+ Halfway New Cardinal Characteristics 2018 Jörg Brendle
Lorenz Halbeisen
Lukas Daniel Klausner
Marc Lischka
Saharon Shelah
+ A weird relation between two cardinals 2017 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ PDF Chat Closed chains of conics carrying poncelet triangles 2017 Lorenz Halbeısen
Norbert Hungerbühler
+ Suslin’s Problem 2017 Lorenz Halbeisen
+ Axioms of Set Theory 2017 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ How Many Ramsey Ultrafilters Exist? 2017 Lorenz Halbeisen
+ Thirteen Cardinals and Their Relations 2017 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Forms of Choice 2017 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ First-Order Logic in a Nutshell 2017 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Combinatorial Set Theory 2017 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Suite 2017 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Cohen Forcing Revisited 2017 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Combining Forcing Notions 2017 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ The Notion of Forcing 2017 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Mathias Forcing 2017 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Properties of Forcing Extensions 2017 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ The Shattering Number Revisited 2017 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Silver-Like Forcing Notions 2017 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Happy Families and Their Relatives 2017 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Overture: Ramsey’s Theorem 2017 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Models of Set Theory with Atoms 2017 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Sacks Forcing 2017 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ How to Make Two Balls from One 2017 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Miller Forcing 2017 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Models in Which 𝔭 = 𝔠 $$\mathfrak{p} = \mathfrak{c}$$ 2017 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Cardinal Relations in ZF Only 2017 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Coda: A Dual Form of Ramsey’s Theorem 2017 Lorenz Halbeisen
+ Combinatorial Properties of Sets of Partitions 2017 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Martin’s Axiom 2017 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Harmonische Punkte am Kreis 2016 Lorenz Halbeısen
Norbert Hungerbühler
Juan Läuchli
+ Inversion am Kreis 2016 Lorenz Halbeısen
Norbert Hungerbühler
Juan Läuchli
+ Mit harmonischen Verhältnissen zu Kegelschnitten 2016 Lorenz Halbeisen
Norbert Hungerbühler
Juan Läuchli
+ Peripheriewinkelsatz 2016 Lorenz Halbeisen
Norbert Hungerbühler
Juan Läuchli
+ Harmonische Geradenbüschel 2016 Lorenz Halbeisen
Norbert Hungerbühler
Juan Läuchli
+ A Simple Proof of Poncelet's Theorem (on the Occasion of Its Bicentennial) 2015 Lorenz Halbeisen
Norbert Hungerbühler
+ An Elementary Proof of Poncelet’s Theorem (on the occasion to its bicentennial) 2014 Lorenz Halbeisen
Norbert Hungerbühler
+ Combining Forcing Notions 2011 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Overture: Ramsey’s Theorem 2011 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Cohen Forcing Revisited 2011 Lorenz Halbeisen
+ Models of Set Theory with Atoms 2011 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ The Notion of Forcing 2011 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Cardinal Relations in ZF Only 2011 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ How to Make Two Balls from One 2011 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Martin’s Axiom 2011 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Models in Which $\mathfrak {p}=\mathfrak {c}$ 2011 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ The Shattering Number Revisited 2011 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Twelve Cardinals and Their Relations 2011 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Models of Finite Fragments of Set Theory 2011 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Combinatorial Properties of Sets of Partitions 2011 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ The Axiom of Choice 2011 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Silver-Like Forcing Notions 2011 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Miller Forcing 2011 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Mathias Forcing 2011 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Suite 2011 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Combinatorial Set Theory 2011 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Coda: A Dual Form of Ramsey’s Theorem 2011 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Properties of Forcing Extensions 2011 Lorenz Halbeisen
+ On the Existence of Ramsey Ultrafilters 2011 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ The Axioms of Zermelo–Fraenkel Set Theory 2011 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Happy Families and Their Relatives 2011 Lorenz Halbeisen
+ PDF Chat Remark on our paper ``On bases in Banach spaces'' (Studia Math. 170 (2005), 147–171) 2009 Tomek Bartoszyński
Mirna Džamonja
Lorenz Halbeısen
Eva Murtinová
Anatolij Plichko
+ PDF Chat Non-separable Banach spaces with non-meager Hamel basis 2008 Тарас Банах
Mirna Džamonja
Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Minimal generating sets of groups, rings, and fields 2007 Lorenz Halbeısen
Martin Hamilton
Pavel Růžička
+ PDF Chat Avoiding arithmetic progressions in cyclic groups 2005 Lorenz Halbeısen
Stephanie Halbeisen
+ Silver Measurability and its relation to other regularity properties 2005 Jörg Brendle
Lorenz Halbeısen
Benedikt Löwe
+ On bases in Banach spaces 2005 Tomek Bartoszyński
Mirna Džamonja
Lorenz Halbeısen
Eva Murtinová
Anatolij Plichko
+ Families of almost disjoint Hamel bases 2005 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ PDF Chat On asymptotic models in Banach Spaces 2004 Lorenz Halbeısen
Edward Odell
+ PDF Chat Fans and Bundles in the Graph of Pairwise Sums and Products 2004 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ PDF Chat On a Theorem of Banach and Kuratowski and $K$-Lusin Sets 2003 Tomek Bartoszyński
Lorenz Halbeısen
+ On the Cardinality of Smallest Spanning Sets of Rings 2003 Nadia Boudi
Lorenz Halbeisen
+ Can Kirkman's Schoolgirls Walk Abreast by Forming Arithmetic Progressions? 2003 Lorenz Halbeisen
+ A generalization of the Dual Ellentuck Theorem 2003 Lorenz Halbeısen
Pierre Matet
+ Making doughnuts of Cohen reals 2003 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ A Result in Dual Ramsey Theory 2002 Lorenz Halbeısen
Pierre Matet
+ On continuously Urysohn and strongly separating spaces 2002 Lorenz Halbeısen
Norbert Hungerbühler
+ Ultrafilter spaces on the semilattice of partitions 2001 Lorenz Halbeısen
Benedikt Löwe
+ PDF Chat Techniques for approaching the dual Ramsey property in the projective hierarchy 2001 Lorenz Halbeisen
Benedikt Löwe
+ PDF Chat Relations Between Some Cardinals in the Absence of the Axiom of Choice 2001 Lorenz Halbeısen
Saharon Shelah
+ PDF Chat On the complexity of Hamel bases of infinite-dimensional Banach spaces 2001 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Ultrafilter spaces on the semilattice of partitions 2001 Lorenz Halbeisen
Benedikt Loewe
+ On a theorem of Banach and Kuratowski and K-Lusin sets 2001 Tomek Bartoszyński
Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Symmetries between two Ramsey properties 2001 Lorenz Halbeisen
+ On asymptotic models in Banach spaces 2001 Lorenz Halbeısen
Edward Odell
+ Techniques for approaching the dual Ramsey property in the projective hierarchy 2001 Lorenz Halbeisen
Benedikt Loewe
+ On shattering, splitting and reaping partitions 2001 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ On the complexity of Hamel bases of infinite dimensional Banach spaces 2001 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ PDF Chat Ramseyan ultrafilters 2001 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Ramseyan ultrafilters 2001 Lorenz Halbeisen
+ PDF Chat An Application of van der Waerden's Theorem in Additive Number Theory 2000 Lorenz Halbeısen
Norbert Hungerbühler
+ Reconstruction of Weighted Graphs by their Spectrum 2000 Lorenz Halbeısen
Norbert Hungerbühler
+ On Periodic Billiard Trajectories in Obtuse Triangles 2000 Lorenz Halbeisen
Norbert Hungerbühler
+ Relations between some cardinals in the absence of the Axiom of Choice 2000 Lorenz Halbeısen
Saharon Shelah
Norbert Hungerb
+ PDF Chat �ber das Mischen von Spielkarten, ein mathematisches Men� 1999 Stephanie Gloor
Lorenz Halbeısen
+ PDF Chat Powers and Polynomials in ${\Bbb Z}_m$ 1999 Lorenz Halbeısen
Norbert Hungerbühler
+ Generation of isospectral graphs 1999 Lorenz Halbeısen
Norbert Hungerbühler
+ Generation of isospectral graphs 1999 Lorenz Halbeısen
Norbert Hungerb�hler
+ Generation of isospectral graphs 1999 Lorenz Halbeısen
Norbert Hungerbühler
+ PDF Chat On generalised Carmichael numbers. 1999 Lorenz Halbeisen
Norbert Hungerbühler
+ PDF Chat Symmetries between two Ramsey properties 1998 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Packings in Complete Graphs. 1998 Lorenz Halbeisen
Norbert Hungerbühler
+ PDF Chat On Shattering, Splitting and Reaping Partitions 1998 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ PDF Chat Optimal bounds for the length of rational Collatz cycles 1997 Lorenz Halbeisen
Norbert Hungerbühler
+ PDF Chat Mathias absoluteness and the Ramsey property 1996 Lorenz Halbeısen
Haim Judah
+ PDF Chat Consequences of arithmetic for set theory 1994 Lorenz Halbeisen
Saharon Shelah
+ Ramsey properties of reals and partitions 1994 Lorenz Halbeisen
+ Consequences of arithmetic for set theory 1993 Lorenz Halbeisen
Saharon Shelah
+ Consequences of arithmetic for set theory 1993 Lorenz Halbeisen
Saharon Shelah
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Set Theory An Introduction to Independence Proofs 1980 Kenneth Kunen
+ A dual form of Ramsey's Theorem 1984 Timothy J. Carlson
Stephen G. Simpson
+ A new proof that analytic sets are Ramsey 1974 Erik Ellentuck
+ Combinatorial Cardinal Characteristics of the Continuum 2009 Andreas Blass
+ On a Problem of Formal Logic 1930 Frank Plumpton Ramsey
+ Zermelo-Fraenkel consistency results by Fraenkel-Mostowski methods 1972 David Pincus
+ PDF Chat The space of ultrafilters on N covered by nowhere dense sets 1980 Bohuslav Balcar
Jan Pelant
Petr Šimon
+ PDF Chat On completely Ramsey sets 1987 Szymon Plewik
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial properties of classical forcing notions 1995 Jörg Brendle
+ Δ12-sets of reals 1989 Jaime I. Ihoda
Saharon Shelah
+ Handbook of Set-Theoretic Topology 1984 Stewart Baldwin
+ PDF Chat Symmetries between two Ramsey properties 1998 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Partitions and filters 1986 Pierre Matet
+ Happy families 1977 A. R. D. Mathias
+ Transfinite Zahlen 1967 Heinz Bachmann
+ PDF Chat Consequences of arithmetic for set theory 1994 Lorenz Halbeisen
Saharon Shelah
+ Combinatorial Set Theory : With a Gentle Introduction to Forcing 2018 Lorenz Halbeisen
+ PDF Chat Relations Between Some Cardinals in the Absence of the Axiom of Choice 2001 Lorenz Halbeısen
Saharon Shelah
+ PDF Chat Universal Bounds on the Torsion of Elliptic Curves 1976 Daniel S. Kubert
+ Can you take Solovay’s inaccessible away? 1984 Saharon Shelah
+ Auswahlaxiom in der Algebra 1962 H. Läuchli
+ PDF Chat On Shattering, Splitting and Reaping Partitions 1998 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics 2008 6
+ Rational perfect set forcing 1984 Arnold W. Miller
+ PDF Chat Strolling through paradise 1995 Jörg Brendle
+ PDF Chat Mathias absoluteness and the Ramsey property 1996 Lorenz Halbeısen
Haim Judah
+ Ultrafilters on a countable set 1970 David Booth
+ PDF Chat Techniques for approaching the dual Ramsey property in the projective hierarchy 2001 Lorenz Halbeisen
Benedikt Löwe
+ Happy families and completely Ramsey sets 1993 Pierre Matet
+ Making doughnuts of Cohen reals 2003 Lorenz Halbeısen
+ Every analytic set is Ramsey 1970 Jack Silver
+ PDF Chat Regularity and positional games 1963 Alfred W. Hales
Robert I. Jewett
+ An Introduction to βω 1984 Jan van Mill
+ Die Axiomatisierung der Mengenlehre 1928 J. v. Neumann
+ Products of Infinitely Many Perfect Trees 1984 Richard Laver
+ Consequences of the Axiom of Choice 1998 Paul Howard
Jean Rubin
+ PDF Chat On the combinatorial principle P(c) 1981 Murray Bell
+ Proper and Improper Forcing 1998 Saharon Shelah
+ PDF Chat Structure de torsion des courbes elliptiques sur les corps quadratiques 2010 Fanomezantsoa Patrick Rabarison
+ PDF Chat Auswahlaxiom in der Algebra 1962 H. Läuchli
+ Some points in β<i>N</i> 1976 Kenneth Kunen
+ A Model of Set-Theory in Which Every Set of Reals is Lebesgue Measurable 1970 Robert M Solovay
+ PDF Chat On the consistency of Borel's conjecture 1976 Richard Laver
+ Ramsey's theorem with sums or unions 1975 Keith R. Milliken
+ Ultrafilter spaces on the semilattice of partitions 2001 Lorenz Halbeısen
Benedikt Löwe
+ ITERATED FORCING 1983 James E. Baumgartner
+ PDF Chat There may be simple Pℵ1 and Pℵ2-points and the Rudin-Keisler ordering may be downward directed 1987 Andreas Blass
Saharon Shelah
+ PDF Chat Solovay-type characterizations for forcing-algebras 1999 Jörg Brendle
Benedikt Löwe
+ On the Ramsey property for sets of reals 1983 Ilias G. Kastanas