Yuri I. Lyubich


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Idempotents in nonassociative algebras and eigenvectors of quadratic operators 2014 Yuri I. Lyubich
Alexander Tsukerman
+ A recursive construction of projective cubature formulas and related isometric embeddings 2013 Yuri I. Lyubich
O. A. Shatalova
+ Geometric, spectral and asymptotic properties of averaged products of projections in Banach spaces 2010 Cătălin Badea
Yuri I. Lyubich
+ PDF Chat The norms and singular numbers of polynomials of the classical Volterra operator in L<sub>2</sub>(0,1) 2010 Yuri I. Lyubich
Dashdondog Tsedenbayar
+ PDF Chat Geometric, spectral and asymptotic properties of averaged products of projections in Banach spaces 2010 Cătălin Badea
Yuri I. Lyubich
+ Geometric, spectral and asymptotic properties of averaged products of projections in Banach spaces 2010 Cătălin Badea
Yuri I. Lyubich
+ PDF Chat The power boundedness and resolvent conditions for functions of the classical Volterra operator 2009 Yuri I. Lyubich
+ Upper bound for isometric embeddings \ell_2^m\to\ell_p^n 2007 Yuri I. Lyubich
+ Axiomatic theory of divergent series and cohomological equations 2007 Yuri I. Lyubich
+ On tight projective designs 2007 Yuri I. Lyubich
+ Lower bounds for projective designs, cubature formulas and related isometric embeddings 2007 Yuri I. Lyubich
+ The Sylvester-Ramanujan System of Equations and The Complex Power Moment Problem 2004 Yuri I. Lyubich
+ Extreme points of the intersection and the union of some operator balls 2002 Yuri I. Lyubich
+ Mathematical Theory of Phenotypical Selection 2001 Yuri I. Lyubich
Valery Kirzhner
Anna Ryndin
+ None 2001 Yuri I. Lyubich
O. A. Shatalova
+ PDF Chat Linear operators in one-dimensional extensions of Banach spaces 1998 Yuri I. Lyubich
+ None 1997 Yuri I. Lyubich
A. Markus
+ PDF Chat The boundary spectrum of linear operators in finite-dimensional spaces 1997 Yuri I. Lyubich
+ A new advance in the Bernstein problem in mathematical genetics 1996 Yuri I. Lyubich
+ Averaging Sets on the Unit Circle 1994 Yuri I. Lyubich
+ Isometric embed-dings between classical Banach spaces, cubature formulas, and spherical designs 1993 Yuri I. Lyubich
L. N. Vaserstein
+ General Quadratic Evolutionary Operators 1992 Yuri I. Lyubich
Ethan Akin
+ Algebra Foundations 1992 Yuri I. Lyubich
Ethan Akin
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Sums of even powers of real linear forms 1992 Bruce Reznick
+ Spherical codes and designs 1977 P. Delsarte
J.-M. Goethals
J.J. Seidel
+ Isometric embed-dings between classical Banach spaces, cubature formulas, and spherical designs 1993 Yuri I. Lyubich
L. N. Vaserstein
+ On the boundary spectrum of contractions in Minkowski spaces 1970 Yu. I. Lyubich
+ PDF Chat Orthogonal Polynomials 1971 4
+ Beweis für die Darstellbarkeit der ganzen Zahlen durch eine feste Anzahl n-ter Potenzen (Waringsches Problem) 1932 David Hilbert
+ Asymptotic behavior of successive iterates of continuous functions under a Markov operator 1964 Benton Jamison
+ PDF Chat On tight $t$-designs in compact symmetric spaces of rank one 1985 Eiichi Bannaĭ
S. G. Hoggar
+ A few observations on the connections between local theory and some other fields 1988 Vitali Milman
+ t-Designs in Projective Spaces 1982 S. G. Hoggar
+ Uniform Convexity, Hyperbolic Geometry, and Nonexpansive Mappings 1984 Kazimierz Goebel
Simeon Reich
+ PDF Chat Beweis f�r die Darstellbarkeit der ganzen Zahlen durch eine feste Anzahln ter Potenzen (Waringsches Problem) 1909 David Hilbert
+ On power bounded operators 1986 Yitzhak Katznelson
Lior Tzafriri
+ The Classical Banach Spaces 2000 Joram Lindenstrauss
Lior Tzafriri
+ Dissipative operators in a Banach space 1961 G. Lumer
Ralph S. Phillips
+ Convergence of random products of compact contractions in Hilbert space 1989 John M. Dye
+ Best Approximation in Inner Product Spaces 2001 Frank Deutsch
+ PDF Chat Polynomial functions on the classical projective spaces 2005 Yu. I. Lyubich
O. A. Shatalova
+ On Rings of Operators. Reduction Theory 1949 John von Neumann
+ Lectures on entire functions 1996 B. Yu. Levin
+ A limit theorem for projections 1983 Simeon Reich
+ Generalization of the Trotter-Lie formula 1981 Michel L. Lapidus
+ On the unrestricted iteration of projections in Hilbert space 1991 John M. Dye
Simeon Reich
+ The Addition Formula for Jacobi Polynomials and Spherical Harmonics 1973 Tom H. Koornwinder
+ PDF Chat Isometric imbeddings of Euclidean spaces into finite dimensional $l_p$-spaces 1995 Hermann König
+ PDF Chat On the power boundedness of certain Volterra operator pencils 2003 Dashdondog Tsedenbayar
+ PDF Chat M-Ideals in Banach Spaces and Banach Algebras 1993 Peter Harmand
Dirk Werner
Wend Werner
+ Tight t-Designs and Squarefree Integers 1989 Eiichi Bannaĭ
S. G. Hoggar
+ Averaging sets: A generalization of mean values and spherical designs 1984 Paul Seymour
Thomas Zasĺavsky
+ PDF Chat Uniformly convex spaces 1936 James A. Clarkson
+ Hermitian Projections and Orthogonality in Banach Spaces 1972 Earl Berkson
+ PDF Chat Unconditional ideals in Banach spaces 1993 Gilles Godefroy
N. J. Kalton
Pierre Saphar
+ Bounds for the number of nodes in Chebyshev type quadrature formulas 1991 Patrick Rabau
Béla Bajnok
+ Tight 4 and 5-designs in projective spaces 1989 S. G. Hoggar
+ PDF Chat On the uniform ergodic theorem 1974 Michael Lin
+ PDF Chat Random products of contractions in Banach spaces 1991 John M. Dye
Mohamed A. Khamsi
Simeon Reich
+ Cones which are topheavy with respect to a norm 1973 Miroslav Fiedler
Emilie V. Haynsworth
+ Designs as maximum codes in polynomial metric spaces 1992 V.I. Levenshtein
+ Perron-Frobenius theory for finite-dimensional spaces with a hyperbolic cone 1995 Yu. I. Lyubich
+ PDF Chat Zur Hilbertschen L�sung des Waringschen Problems 1909 Felix Hausdorff
+ On a recovery problem 1995 Martin Buhmann
Allan Pinkus
+ Some observations on the spectra of cone preserving maps 1973 George P. Barker
R. E. Turner
+ Homogeneous Polynomial Solutions to Constant Coefficient PDE's 1996 Bruce Reznick
+ A construction of spherical 2-design 1990 Yoshio Mimura
+ PDF Chat Construction of spherical cubature formulas using lattices 2007 Pierre de la Harpe
Claude Pache
Boris Venkov
+ The Classical Moment Problem and Some Related Questions in Analysis 2020 Н. И. Ахиезер
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic stability of linear differential equations in Banach spaces 1988 Yu. I. Lyubich
Phóng Vũ
+ PDF Chat Das algebraische Analogon zu einem Satze von Fej�r 1918 Otto Toeplitz
+ PDF Chat The invariant theory of binary forms 1984 Joseph P. S. Kung
Gian‐Carlo Rota
+ Ramanujan—For Lowbrows 1993 Bruce C. Berndt
S. Bhargava