Michael Larsen


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Sharp character bounds for symmetric groups in terms of partition length 2024 Michael Larsen
+ Amphipods (Gammarus pseudolimnaeus) do not demonstrate a left-right preference in a 3-D printed aquatic T-maze 2024 Joshua E. Wolf
Michael Larsen
+ PDF Chat Bounds for $\mathrm{SL}_2$-indecomposables in tensor powers of the natural representation in characteristic $2$ 2024 Michael Larsen
+ PDF Chat Thompson's Conjecture for Large Unitary Groups 2024 Michael Larsen
Pham Huu Tiep
+ PDF Chat Uniform Character Bounds for Finite Classical Groups 2024 Michael Larsen
Pham Huu Tiep
+ Squares of conjugacy classes in alternating groups 2024 Michael Larsen
Pham Huu Tiep
+ On tamely ramified infinite Galois extensions 2024 Farshid Hajir
Michael Larsen
Christian Maire
Ravi Ramakrishna
+ Groups versus rings 2024 Michael Larsen
Aner Shalev
+ Character estimates for finite simple groups and applications 2023 Michael Larsen
+ A hyperelliptic curve mapping to specified elliptic curves 2023 Bo‐Hae Im
Michael Larsen
Sailun Zhan
+ Products of normal subsets 2023 Michael Larsen
Aner Shalev
Pham Huu Tiep
+ PDF Chat Character levels and character bounds for finite classical groups 2023 Robert M. Guralnick
Michael Larsen
Pham Huu Tiep
+ Disjointness of a Simple Matrix Lie Group and Its Lie Algebra 2023 Michael Larsen
+ PDF Chat Character bounds for regular semisimple elements and asymptotic results on Thompson’s conjecture 2023 Michael Larsen
Jay Taylor
Pham Huu Tiep
+ Squares of Conjugacy Classes in Alternating Groups 2023 Michael Larsen
Pham Huu Tiep
+ PDF Chat Characteristic covering numbers of finite simple groups 2022 Michael Larsen
Aner Shalev
Pham Huu Tiep
+ Almost PI algebras are PI 2022 Michael Larsen
Aner Shalev
+ Disjointness of a simple matrix Lie group and its Lie algebra 2022 Michael Larsen
+ PDF Chat Products of derangements in simple permutation groups 2022 Michael Larsen
Aner Shalev
Pham Huu Tiep
+ PDF Chat A note on Lie algebra cohomology 2021 Michael Larsen
Valery A. Lunts
+ PDF Chat Categorical measures for finite group actions 2021 Don van den Bergh
Sergey Gorchinskiy
Michael Larsen
Valery A. Lunts
+ PDF Chat Abelian varieties with isogenous reductions 2021 Chandrashekhar Khare
Michael Larsen
+ PDF Chat Abelian varieties and finitely generated Galois groups 2021 Bo‐Hae Im
Michael Larsen
+ A large plane set intersecting lines in infinitely many directions in at most one point 2020 Vladimir Eiderman
Michael Larsen
+ PDF Chat Residually finite dimensional algebras and polynomial almost identities 2020 Michael Larsen
Aner Shalev
+ Abelian varieties with isogenous reductions. 2020 Chandrashekhar Khare
Michael Larsen
+ Shimura Varieties, Kummer Varieties, and Rational Curves. 2020 Bo‐Hae Im
Michael Larsen
Sailun Zhan
+ PDF Chat Many Zeros of Many Characters of GL(n,q) 2020 Patrick X. Gallagher
Michael Larsen
Alexander R. Miller
+ PDF Chat Multiplicative series, modular forms, and Mandelbrot polynomials 2020 Michael Larsen
+ The sparsity of character tables of high rank groups of Lie type 2020 Michael Larsen
Alexander R. Miller
+ Residually finite dimensional algebras and polynomial almost identities 2020 Michael Larsen
Aner Shalev
+ PDF Chat Maximality of Galois actions for abelian and hyper-Kähler varieties 2020 Chun Yin Hui
Michael Larsen
+ PDF Chat Waring’s Problem for Rational Functions in One Variable 2020 Bo‐Hae Im
Michael Larsen
Michael Larsen
Pham Huu Tiep
+ The sparsity of character tables of high rank groups of Lie type 2020 Michael Larsen
Alexander R. Miller
+ PDF Chat Irrationality of motivic zeta functions 2019 Michael Larsen
Valery A. Lunts
+ Almost PI algebras are PI 2019 Michael Larsen
Aner Shalev
+ Many zeros of many characters of GL(n,q) 2019 Patrick X. Gallagher
Michael Larsen
Alexander R. Miller
+ Modular Forms, Multiplicative Functions, and Mandelbrot Polynomials 2019 Michael Larsen
+ Multiplicative Series, Modular Forms, and Mandelbrot Polynomials. 2019 Michael Larsen
+ PDF Chat Correction to: On the K-theory of division algebras over local fields 2019 Lars Hesselholt
Michael Larsen
Ayelet Lindenstrauss
+ PDF Chat On the K-theory of division algebras over local fields 2019 Lars Hesselholt
Michael Larsen
Ayelet Lindenstrauss
+ PDF Chat Polynomial Parametrization for SL2 over Quadratic Number Rings 2019 Michael Larsen
Dong Quan Ngoc Nguyen
+ Abelian Varieties and Finitely Generated Galois Groups 2019 Bo‐Hae Im
Michael Larsen
+ A "rare'' plane set with Hausdorff dimension 2 2019 Vladimir Eiderman
Michael Larsen
+ PDF Chat Waring’s problem for unipotent algebraic groups 2019 Michael Larsen
Dong Quan Ngoc Nguyen
+ Many zeros of many characters of GL(n,q) 2019 Patrick X. Gallagher
Michael Larsen
Alexander R. Miller
+ Character Levels and Character Bounds. II 2019 Robert M. Guralnick
Michael Larsen
Pham Huu Tiep
+ Polynomial Parametrization for $\text{SL}_2$ over Quadratic Number Rings 2018 Michael Larsen
Dong Quan Ngoc Nguyen
+ Probabilistic Waring problems for finite simple groups 2018 Michael Larsen
Aner Shalev
Pham Huu Tiep
+ Waring's problem for rational functions in one variable 2018 Bo‐Hae Im
Michael Larsen
+ PDF Chat Words, Hausdorff dimension and randomly free groups 2017 Michael Larsen
Aner Shalev
+ Categorical measures for finite group actions 2017 Daniel Bergh
Sergey Gorchinskiy
Michael Larsen
Valery A. Lunts
+ Waring's problem for unipotent algebraic groups 2017 Michael Larsen
Dong Quan Ngoc Nguyen
+ PDF Chat A probabilistic Tits alternative and probabilistic identities 2016 Michael Larsen
Aner Shalev
+ Character varieties and actions on products of trees 2016 David Fisher
Michael Larsen
Ralf Spatzier
Matthew Stover
+ PDF Chat Type A images of Galois representations and maximality 2016 Chun Yin Hui
Michael Larsen
+ PDF Chat Arithmetic quotients of the mapping class group 2015 Fritz Grunewald
Michael Larsen
Alexander Lubotzky
Justin Malestein
+ On the distribution of values of certain word maps 2015 Michael Larsen
Aner Shalev
Pham Huu Tiep
+ Deformation theory and finite simple quotients of triangle groups I 2014 Michael Larsen
Alexander Lubotzky
Claude Marion
+ PDF Chat The Tannakian formalism and the Langlands conjectures 2014 David Kazhdan
Michael Larsen
Yakov Varshavsky
+ The Waring problem for Lie groups and Chevalley groups 2014 Chun Yin Hui
Michael Larsen
Aner Shalev
+ A Finitary Hasse Principle for Diagonal Curves 2014 Jean Bourgain
Michael Larsen
+ Rationality of motivic zeta function and cut-and-paste problem 2014 Michael Larsen
Valery A. Lunts
+ A Refined Waring Problem for Finite Simple Groups 2013 Michael Larsen
Pham Huu Tiep
+ Adelic openness without the Mumford-Tate conjecture 2013 Chun Yin Hui
Michael Larsen
+ On the Distribution of Values of Certain Word Maps 2013 Michael Larsen
Aner Shalev
+ Arithmetic quotients of the mapping class group 2013 Fritz Grunewald
Michael Larsen
Alexander Lubotzky
Justin Malestein
+ Type A Images of Galois Representations and Maximality 2013 Chun Yin Hui
Michael Larsen
+ PDF Chat Infinite rank of elliptic curves over Q<sup>\mathrmab</sup> 2013 Bo‐Hae Im
Michael Larsen
+ PDF Chat The largest irreducible representations of simple groups 2012 Michael Larsen
Gunter Malle
Pham Huu Tiep
+ PDF Chat Waring Problem for Finite Quasisimple Groups 2012 Michael Larsen
Aner Shalev
Pham Huu Tiep
+ Fibers of word maps and some applications 2012 Michael Larsen
Aner Shalev
+ Hilbert schemes of points for associative algebras 2012 Michael Larsen
Valery A. Lunts
+ Infinite rank of elliptic curves over $\mathbf{Q}^{\ab}$ 2012 Bo‐Hae Im
Michael Larsen
+ Some Applications of the Hales-Jewett Theorem to Field Arithmetic 2012 Bo‐Hae Im
Michael Larsen
+ PDF Chat Representation growth in positive characteristic and conjugacy classes of maximal subgroups 2011 Robert M. Guralnick
Michael Larsen
Pham Huu Tiep
+ PDF Chat Low degree representations of simple Lie groups 2011 Robert M. Guralnick
Michael Larsen
Corey Manack
+ Waring Problem for Finite Quasisimple Groups 2011 Michael Larsen
Aner Shalev
Pham Huu Tiep
+ Normal Subgroup Growth of Linear Groups: the (G2; F4;E8)-Theorem 2011 Michael Larsen
Alexander Lubotzky
+ PDF Chat Exponential generation and largeness for compact<i>p</i>-adic Lie groups 2010 Michael Larsen
+ PDF Chat Topological Quantum Computation 2010 Michael Freedman
Alexei Kitaev
Michael Larsen
Zhenghan Wang
+ Low Degree Representations of Simple Lie Groups 2010 Robert M. Guralnick
Michael Larsen
Corey Manack
+ PDF Chat Positive motivic measures are counting measures 2010 Jordan S. Ellenberg
Michael Larsen
+ Algebra & Number Theory 2010 David Kazhdan
Michael Larsen
Yakov Varshavsky
+ P-adic Nori Theory 2009 Michael Larsen
+ Quotients of Calabi–Yau Varieties 2009 Janós Kollár
Michael Larsen
+ PDF Chat Abelian varieties over cyclic fields 2008 Bo‐Hae Im
Michael Larsen
+ Generalizing a theorem of Richard Brauer 2008 Bo‐Hae Im
Michael Larsen
+ PDF Chat An algebra-level version of a link-polynomial identity of Lickorish 2008 Michael Larsen
Eric C. Rowell
+ A Weak Chevalley-Warning Theorem for Quasi-finite Fields 2008 Michael Larsen
Bo‐Hae Im
+ Word maps and Waring type problems 2007 Michael Larsen
Aner Shalev
+ Quotients of Calabi-Yau varieties 2007 Janós Kollár
Michael Larsen
+ Open conditions for infinite multiplicity eigenvalues on elliptic curves 2006 Bo‐Hae Im
Michael Larsen
+ An algebra-level version of a link-polynomial identity of Lickorish 2006 Michael Larsen
Eric C. Rowell
+ Abelian Varieties over Cyclic Fields 2006 Bo‐Hae Im
Michael Larsen
+ Weak approximation for linear systems of quadrics 2005 Bo‐Hae Im
Michael Larsen
+ A refined counter-example to the support conjecture for abelian varieties 2005 Michael Larsen
René Schoof
+ PDF Chat Density of the SO(3) TQFT Representation of Mapping Class Groups 2005 Michael Larsen
Zhenghan Wang
+ A refined counter-example to the support conjecture for abelian varieties 2005 Michael Larsen
René Schoof
+ The Lie algebra of cyclic coinvariants of a symplectic space 2005 Eugene Kushnirsky
Michael Larsen
+ The N-eigenvalue Problem and Two Applications 2005 Michael Larsen
Eric C. Rowell
Zhenghan Wang
+ Open conditions for infinite multiplicity eigenvalues on elliptic curves 2005 Bo‐Hae Im
Michael Larsen
+ The Higher Connectivity of Intersections of Real Quadrics 2005 Michael Larsen
Ayelet Lindenstrauss
+ None 2004 Alexey Bondal
Michael Larsen
Valery A. Lunts
+ Grothendieck ring of pretriangulated categories 2004 Alexey Bondal
Michael Larsen
Valery A. Lunts
+ Random generation in semisimple algebraic groups over local fields 2003 Yiftach Barnea
Michael Larsen
+ PDF Chat The support problem for abelian varieties 2003 Michael Larsen
+ Navigating the Cayley graph of SL(2,Z/pZ) 2003 Michael Larsen
+ Determining a semisimple group from its representation degrees 2003 Michael Larsen
+ Weak approximation for linear systems of quadrics 2003 Bo‐Hae Im
Michael Larsen
+ None 2003 Michael Larsen
+ PDF Chat Motivic Measures and Stable Birational Geometry 2003 Michael Larsen
Valery A. Lunts
+ A Modular Functor Which is Universal¶for Quantum Computation 2002 Michael Freedman
Michael Larsen
Zhenghan Wang
+ PDF Chat The Two-Eigenvalue Problem and Density¶of Jones Representation of Braid Groups 2002 Michael Freedman
Michael Larsen
Zhenghan Wang
+ Rationality criteria for motivic zeta-functions 2002 Michael Larsen
Valery A. Lunts
+ Rigidity in the invariant theory of compact groups 2002 Michael Larsen
+ The support problem for abelian varieties 2002 Michael Larsen
+ How often is 84(g−1) achieved? 2001 Michael Larsen
Ayelet Lindenstrauss
+ Motivic measures and stable birational geometry 2001 Michael Larsen
Valery A. Lunts
+ Topological Quantum Computation 2001 Michael Freedman
Alexei Kitaev
Michael Larsen
Zhenghan Wang
+ A modular functor which is universal for quantum computation 2000 Michael Freedman
Michael Larsen
Zhenghan Wang
+ A connectedness criterion for l-adic Galois representations 1997 Michael Larsen
Richard Pink
+ Maximality of Galois actions for compatible systems 1995 Michael Larsen
+ Abelian varieties, ?-adic representations, and ?-independence 1995 Michael Larsen
Richard Pink
+ On the Semisimplicity of Low-Dimensional Representations of Semisimple Groups in Characteristic p 1995 Michael Larsen
+ On ? of algebraic monodromy groups in compatible systems of representations 1992 Michael Larsen
Richard Pink
+ Casson's invariant and quadratic reciprocity 1991 P. B. Kronheimer
Michael Larsen
John Scherk
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Characters of symmetric groups: sharp bounds and applications 2008 Michael Larsen
Aner Shalev
+ PDF Chat Bounds on the number and sizes of conjugacy classes in finite Chevalley groups with applications to derangements 2012 Jason Fulman
Robert M. Guralnick
+ PDF Chat The Ore conjecture 2010 Martin W. Liebeck
E. A. O’Brien
Aner Shalev
Pham Huu Tiep
+ PDF Chat Word maps have large image 2004 Michael Larsen
+ PDF Chat The Waring problem for finite simple groups 2011 Michael Larsen
Aner Shalev
Pham Huu Tiep
+ Word maps and Waring type problems 2008 Michael Larsen
Aner Shalev
+ The Subgroup Structure of the Finite Classical Groups 1990 Peter B. Kleidman
Martin W. Liebeck
+ PDF Chat Word maps, conjugacy classes, and a noncommutative Waring-type theorem 2009 Aner Shalev
+ Character degrees and random walks in finite groups of Lie type 2004 Martin W. Liebeck
Aner Shalev
+ Fibers of word maps and some applications 2012 Michael Larsen
Aner Shalev
+ The Ore conjecture 2010 Martin W. Liebeck
E. A. O’Brien
Aner Shalev
Pham Huu Tiep
+ Fuchsian groups, coverings of Riemann surfaces, subgroup growth, random quotients and random walks 2003 Martin W. Liebeck
Aner Shalev
+ Mixing and generation in simple groups 2007 Aner Shalev
+ On subgroups ofGL n (F p ) 1987 Madhav V. Nori
+ Motivic measures 2000 Eduard Looijenga
+ PDF Chat Fuchsian groups, finite simple groups and representation varieties 2004 Martin W. Liebeck
Aner Shalev
+ Compact Subgroups of Linear Algebraic Groups 1998 Richard Pink
+ Éléments de géométrie algébrique 1964 Alexandre Grothendieck
+ On the Minimal Degrees of Projective Representations of the Finite Chevalley Groups, II 1993 Gary M. Seitz
Alexandre Zalesski
+ Linear algebraic groups 1966 Armand Borel
+ La conjecture de Weil. I 1974 Pierre Deligne
+ Root systems and elliptic curves 1976 Eduard Looijenga
+ PDF Chat Product decompositions of quasirandom groups and a Jordan type theorem 2011 Nikolay Nikolov
László Pyber
+ Endlichkeitss�tze f�r abelsche Variet�ten �ber Zahlk�rpern 1983 Герд Фалтингс
+ The elliptic curve in the S-duality theory and Eisenstein series for Kac-Moody groups 2000 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Fundamentals of Diophantine Geometry 1983 Serge Lang
+ PDF Chat On the conjectures of J. Thompson and O. Ore 1998 Erich W. Ellers
Nikolai Gordeev
+ Two Combinatorial Problems in Group Theory 1989 Peter Neumann
+ A Course in Arithmetic 1973 Jean Pierre Serre
+ Linear Algebraic Groups 1991 Armand Borel
+ On the minimal degrees of projective representations of the finite Chevalley groups 1974 Vicente Landazuri
Gary M. Seitz
+ Conjugacy Classes in Semisimple Algebraic Groups 2011 James E. Humphreys
+ On ? of algebraic monodromy groups in compatible systems of representations 1992 Michael Larsen
Richard Pink
+ Products of conjugacy classes and fixed point spaces 2011 Robert M. Guralnick
Gunter Malle
+ FINITE GROUPS OF LIE TYPE Conjugacy classes and complex characters 1987 J. A. Green
+ PDF Chat The Two-Eigenvalue Problem and Density¶of Jones Representation of Braid Groups 2002 Michael Freedman
Michael Larsen
Zhenghan Wang
+ PDF Chat Effective results on the Waring problem for finite simple groups 2015 Robert M. Guralnick
Pham Huu Tiep
+ Finite subgroups of algebraic groups 2011 Michael Larsen
Richard Pink
+ Diameters of Finite Simple Groups: Sharp Bounds and Applications 2001 Martin W. Liebeck
Aner Shalev
+ PDF Chat Regular elements of semisimple algebraic groups 1965 Robert Steinberg
+ Integer Points on Curves of Genus 1 1983 Joseph H. Silverman
+ PDF Chat Low-Dimensional Complex Characters of the Symplectic and Orthogonal Groups 2010 Hung Ngoc Nguyen
+ A note on powers in simple groups 1997 Jan Saxl
John Wilson
+ Real conjugacy classes in algebraic groups and finite groups of Lie type 2005 Pham Huu Tiep
Alexandre Zalesski
+ Abelian l-Adic Representations and Elliptic Curves 1997 Jean-Pierre Serre
+ Propri�t�s galoisiennes des points d'ordre fini des courbes elliptiques 1971 Jean-Pierre Serre
+ Residual properties of free groups and probabilistic methods 2003 John D. Dixon
László Pyber
Ákos Seress
Aner Shalev
+ Maximality of Galois actions for compatible systems 1995 Michael Larsen