Eduardo Casali


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat All-order celestial OPE in the MHV sector 2023 Tim Adamo
Wei Bu
Eduardo Casali
Atul Sharma
+ PDF Chat Celestial amplitudes as AdS-Witten diagrams 2022 Eduardo Casali
Walker Melton
Andrew Strominger
+ PDF Chat The 4d/2d correspondence in twistor space and holomorphic Wilson lines 2022 Wei Bu
Eduardo Casali
+ PDF Chat Celestial operator products from the worldsheet 2022 Tim Adamo
Wei Bu
Eduardo Casali
Atul Sharma
+ Celestial Amplitudes as AdS-Witten Diagrams 2022 Eduardo Casali
Walker Melton
Andrew Strominger
+ The 4d/2d correspondence in twistor space and holomorphic Wilson lines 2022 Wei Bu
Eduardo Casali
+ All-order celestial OPE in the MHV sector 2022 Tim Adamo
Wei Bu
Eduardo Casali
Atul Sharma
+ PDF Chat Baby universes and worldline field theories 2021 Eduardo Casali
Donald Marolf
Henry Maxfield
Mukund Rangamani
+ PDF Chat Celestial operator products from the worldsheet 2021 Tim Adamo
Wei Bu
Eduardo Casali
Atul Sharma
+ PDF Chat Celestial double copy from the worldsheet 2021 Eduardo Casali
Atul Sharma
+ PDF Chat Double Copy for Celestial Amplitudes 2021 Eduardo Casali
Andrea Puhm
+ PDF Chat Loop amplitudes monodromy relations and color-kinematics duality 2021 Eduardo Casali
Sebastian Mizera
Piotr Tourkine
+ Baby Universes and Worldline Field Theories 2021 Eduardo Casali
Donald Marolf
Henry Maxfield
Mukund Rangamani
+ Celestial double copy from the worldsheet 2020 Eduardo Casali
Atul Sharma
+ Celestial double copy from the worldsheet 2020 Eduardo Casali
Atul Sharma
+ PDF Chat Monodromy relations from twisted homology 2019 Eduardo Casali
Sebastian Mizera
Piotr Tourkine
+ PDF Chat Notes on the D = 11 pure spinor superparticle 2019 Nathan Berkovits
Eduardo Casali
Max Guillen
Lionel Mason
+ PDF Chat Plane wave backgrounds and colour-kinematics duality 2019 Tim Adamo
Eduardo Casali
Lionel Mason
Stefan Nekovar
+ PDF Chat Ambitwistor string vertex operators on curved backgrounds 2019 Tim Adamo
Eduardo Casali
Stefan Nekovar
+ PDF Chat Yang-Mills theory from the worldsheet 2018 Tim Adamo
Eduardo Casali
Stefan Nekovar
+ PDF Chat Windings of twisted strings 2018 Eduardo Casali
Piotr Tourkine
+ PDF Chat Scattering on plane waves and the double copy 2017 Tim Adamo
Eduardo Casali
Lionel Mason
Stefan Nekovar
+ PDF Chat Amplitudes on plane waves from ambitwistor strings 2017 Tim Adamo
Eduardo Casali
Lionel Mason
Stefan Nekovar
+ Winding modes of tensionful ambitwistor strings 2017 Eduardo Casali
Piotr Tourkine
+ PDF Chat The complex null string, Galilean conformal algebra and scattering equations 2017 Eduardo Casali
Yannick Herfray
Piotr Tourkine
+ PDF Chat On the null origin of the ambitwistor string 2016 Eduardo Casali
Piotr Tourkine
+ PDF Chat On tree amplitudes of supersymmetric Einstein-Yang-Mills theory 2015 Tim Adamo
Eduardo Casali
Kai A. Roehrig
David B. Skinner
+ New Ambitwistor String Theories 2015 Eduardo Casali
Yvonne Geyer
Lionel Mason
Ricardo Monteiro
Kai A. Roehrig
+ PDF Chat Perturbative gauge theory at null infinity 2015 Tim Adamo
Eduardo Casali
+ PDF Chat Scattering equations, supergravity integrands, and pure spinors 2015 Tim Adamo
Eduardo Casali
+ PDF Chat Infrared behaviour of the one-loop scattering equations and supergravity integrands 2015 Eduardo Casali
Piotr Tourkine
+ Scattering equations, supergravity integrands, and pure spinors 2015 Tim Adamo
Eduardo Casali
+ PDF Chat A worldsheet theory for supergravity 2015 Tim Adamo
Eduardo Casali
David B. Skinner
+ New Ambitwistor String Theories 2015 Eduardo Casali
Yvonne Geyer
Lionel Mason
Ricardo Monteiro
Kai A. Roehrig
+ Scattering equations, supergravity integrands, and pure spinors 2015 Tim Adamo
Eduardo Casali
+ PDF Chat Perturbative gravity at null infinity 2014 Tim Adamo
Eduardo Casali
David B. Skinner
+ PDF Chat Soft sub-leading divergences in Yang-Mills amplitudes 2014 Eduardo Casali
+ PDF Chat Ambitwistor strings and the scattering equations at one loop 2014 Tim Adamo
Eduardo Casali
David B. Skinner
+ Infrared behaviour of the one-loop scattering equations and supergravity integrands 2014 Eduardo Casali
Piotr Tourkine
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Ambitwistor strings and the scattering equations 2014 Lionel Mason
David B. Skinner
+ PDF Chat Ambitwistor strings and the scattering equations at one loop 2014 Tim Adamo
Eduardo Casali
David B. Skinner
+ PDF Chat Scattering of Massless Particles in Arbitrary Dimensions 2014 Freddy Cachazo
Song He
Ellis Ye Yuan
+ PDF Chat A worldsheet theory for supergravity 2015 Tim Adamo
Eduardo Casali
David B. Skinner
+ PDF Chat Infinite tension limit of the pure spinor superstring 2014 Nathan Berkovits
+ PDF Chat Scattering equations and matrices: from Einstein to Yang-Mills, DBI and NLSM 2015 Freddy Cachazo
Song He
Ellis Ye Yuan
+ PDF Chat Perturbative Quantum Gravity as a Double Copy of Gauge Theory 2010 Zvi Bern
John Joseph M. Carrasco
Henrik Johansson
+ PDF Chat Scattering of massless particles: scalars, gluons and gravitons 2014 Freddy Cachazo
Song He
Ellis Ye Yuan
+ PDF Chat New relations for gauge-theory amplitudes 2008 Zvi Bern
John Joseph M. Carrasco
Henrik Johansson
+ PDF Chat Perturbative Gauge Theory as a String Theory in Twistor Space 2004 Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat Perturbative gravity at null infinity 2014 Tim Adamo
Eduardo Casali
David B. Skinner
+ PDF Chat Amplitudes on plane waves from ambitwistor strings 2017 Tim Adamo
Eduardo Casali
Lionel Mason
Stefan Nekovar
+ PDF Chat Ambitwistor Strings in Four Dimensions 2014 Yvonne Geyer
Arthur E. Lipstein
Lionel Mason
+ Twistor Strings for N=8 Supergravity 2013 David B. Skinner
+ PDF Chat Scattering equations and Kawai-Lewellen-Tye orthogonality 2014 Freddy Cachazo
Song He
Ellis Ye Yuan
+ PDF Chat One-loop amplitudes on the Riemann sphere 2016 Yvonne Geyer
Lionel Mason
Ricardo Monteiro
Piotr Tourkine
+ PDF Chat Perturbative gauge theory at null infinity 2015 Tim Adamo
Eduardo Casali
+ PDF Chat Loop Integrands for Scattering Amplitudes from the Riemann Sphere 2015 Yvonne Geyer
Lionel Mason
Ricardo Monteiro
Piotr Tourkine
+ PDF Chat Conformal Supergravity in Twistor-String Theory 2004 Nathan Berkovits
Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat Parity Invariance For String In Twistor Space 2004 Edward Witten
+ A relation between tree amplitudes of closed and open strings 1986 H. Kawai
D. C. Lewellen
S.-H. Henry Tye
+ Background constraints in the infinite tension limit of the heterotic string 2016 Thales Azevedo
Renann Lipinski Jusinskas
+ PDF Chat Worldsheet factorization for twistor-strings 2014 Tim Adamo
+ PDF Chat Flat space amplitudes and conformal symmetry of the celestial sphere 2017 Sabrina Pasterski
Shu-Heng Shao
Andrew Strominger
+ PDF Chat Yang-Mills theory from the worldsheet 2018 Tim Adamo
Eduardo Casali
Stefan Nekovar
+ PDF Chat Scattering on plane waves and the double copy 2017 Tim Adamo
Eduardo Casali
Lionel Mason
Stefan Nekovar
+ PDF Chat Infrared behaviour of the one-loop scattering equations and supergravity integrands 2015 Eduardo Casali
Piotr Tourkine
+ PDF Chat Scattering equations, supergravity integrands, and pure spinors 2015 Tim Adamo
Eduardo Casali
+ PDF Chat Ambitwistor strings at null infinity and (subleading) soft limits 2015 Yvonne Geyer
Arthur E. Lipstein
Lionel Mason
+ PDF Chat Two-loop scattering amplitudes from the Riemann sphere 2016 Yvonne Geyer
Lionel Mason
Ricardo Monteiro
Piotr Tourkine
+ PDF Chat On the null origin of the ambitwistor string 2016 Eduardo Casali
Piotr Tourkine
+ PDF Chat Monodromy and Jacobi-like relations for color-ordered amplitudes 2010 N. E. J. Bjerrum-Bohr
P.H. Damgaard
Thomas Søndergaard
Pierre Vanhove
+ Gauge amplitude identities by on-shell recursion relation in S-matrix program 2010 Bo Feng
Rijun Huang
Yin Jia
+ PDF Chat Conformally soft theorem in gauge theory 2019 Monica Pate
Ana-Maria Raclariu
Andrew Strominger
+ PDF Chat Einstein-Yang-Mills scattering amplitudes from scattering equations 2015 Freddy Cachazo
Song He
Ellis Ye Yuan
+ PDF Chat Alternative String Theory in Twistor Space for<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>4</mml:mn></mml:math>Super-Yang-Mills Theory 2004 Nathan Berkovits
+ PDF Chat Minimal Basis for Gauge Theory Amplitudes 2009 N. E. J. Bjerrum-Bohr
P.H. Damgaard
Pierre Vanhove
+ PDF Chat Conformally soft photons and gravitons 2019 Laura Donnay
Andrea Puhm
Andrew Strominger
+ Superstring Perturbation Theory Revisited 2012 Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat Theta Functions on Riemann Surfaces 1973 John D. Fay
+ PDF Chat Conformal basis for flat space amplitudes 2017 Sabrina Pasterski
Shu-Heng Shao
+ PDF Chat BMS symmetry of celestial OPE 2020 Shamik Banerjee
Sudip Ghosh
Riccardo Gonzo
+ PDF Chat Tree-level<i>S</i>matrix of Yang-Mills theory 2004 Radu Roiban
Marcus Spradlin
Anastasia Volovich
+ PDF Chat Higher-Loop Amplitude Monodromy Relations in String and Gauge Theory 2016 Piotr Tourkine
Pierre Vanhove
+ PDF Chat Gravity from Rational Curves in Twistor Space 2013 Freddy Cachazo
David B. Skinner
+ PDF Chat Celestial amplitudes and conformal soft theorems 2019 Tim Adamo
Lionel Mason
Atul Sharma
+ PDF Chat Soft limits of Yang-Mills amplitudes and conformal correlators 2019 Wei Fan
Angelos Fotopoulos
Tomasz R. Taylor
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic symmetries of Yang-Mills theory 2014 Andrew Strominger
+ PDF Chat Conformally soft theorem in gravity 2020 Andrea Puhm
+ PDF Chat Multi-leg one-loop gravity amplitudes from gauge theory 1999 Zvi Bern
Lance J. Dixon
Maxim Perelstein
Joel Rozowsky