Walter Borho


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Nilpotent Orbits, Primitive Ideals, and Characteristic Classes: A Geometric Perspective in Ring Theory 2011 Walter Borho
Jean-Luc Brylinski
Robert MacPherson
+ Sheets and hearts of prime ideals in enveloping algebras of semisimple Lie algebras 2006 Walter Borho
Rudolf Rentschler
+ Corrigendum to “Sheets and topology of primitive spectra for semisimple Lie algebras” 2003 Walter Borho
Anthony Joseph
+ Sheets and Topology of Primitive Spectra for Semisimple Lie Algebras 2001 Walter Borho
Anthony Joseph
+ PDF Chat Breeding amicable numbers in abundance. II 2000 Stefan Battiato
Walter Borho
+ On Duflo's Theorem That Minimal Primitive Ideals Are Centrally Generated 1999 Walter Borho
+ Extended Central Characters and Dixmier's Map 1999 Walter Borho
+ Nilpotent Orbits, Primitive Ideals, and Characteristic Classes 1989 Walter Borho
J-L. Brylinski
Robert MacPherson
+ Equivariant K—theory of torus actions and formal characters 1989 Walter Borho
J-L. Brylinski
Robert MacPherson
+ PDF Chat Differential operators on homogeneous spaces. II : relative enveloping algebras 1989 Walter Borho
Jean-Luc Brylinski
+ Generalities on equivariant K—theory 1989 Walter Borho
J-L. Brylinski
Robert MacPherson
+ A Description of Springer’s Weyl Group Representations in Terms of Characteristic Classes of Cone Bundles 1989 Walter Borho
J-L. Brylinski
Robert MacPherson
+ Characteristic Classes and Primitive Ideals 1989 Walter Borho
J-L. Brylinski
Robert MacPherson
+ Equivariant characteristic classes of orbital cone bundles 1989 Walter Borho
J-L. Brylinski
Robert MacPherson
+ PDF Chat Are there odd amicable numbers not divisible by three? 1988 Sebastiano Battiato
Walter Borho
+ Springer's Weyl group representations through characteristic classes of cone bundles 1987 Walter Borho
Jean-Luc Brylinski
Robert MacPherson
+ Nilpotent orbits, primitive ideals, and characteristic classes 1987 Walter Borho
+ PDF Chat Breeding Amicable Numbers in Abundance 1986 Walter Borho
Hartmut Hoffmann
+ Table of amicable pairs between $ 10^ 10 and 10^ 52 $ 1986 H.J.J. teRiele
Walter Borho
Sebastiano Battiato
H. Hoffmann
E.J. Lee
+ Differential operators on homogeneous spaces. III 1985 Walter Borho
Jean-Luc Brylinski
+ On characteristic varieties and the classification of primitive ideals in enveloping algebra of a semi-simple Lie algebra(Algebraic Groups and Related Topics) 1984 Walter Borho
Jean-Luc Brylinski
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+ Differential operators on homogeneous spaces. I 1982 Walter Borho
Jean-Luc Brylinski
+ Invariant dimension and restricted extension of Noetherian rings 1982 Walter Borho
+ On the Joseph-small additivity principle for goldie ranks. A study on extensions of noetherian rings with applications to enveloping algebras 1982 Walter Borho
+ Zum Induzieren unipotenter Klassen 1981 Walter Borho
+ �ber Schichten halbeinfacher Lie-Algebren 1981 Walter Borho
+ PDF Chat Some large primes and amicable numbers 1981 Walter Borho
+ Befreundete Zahlen Ein zweitausend Jahre altes Thema der elementaren Zahlentheorie 1981 Walter Borho
+ PDF Chat Some Large Primes and Amicable Numbers 1981 Walter Borho
+ Lebendige Zahlen 1981 Walter Borho
Don Zagier
Jürgen Rohlfs
Hanspeter Kraft
Jens Carsten Jantzen
+ Über Bahnen und deren Deformationen bei linearen Aktionen reduktiver Gruppen 1979 Walter Borho
Hanspeter Kraft
+ Recent advances in enveloping algebras of semi-simple lie-algebras [A report on work of N. Conze, J. Dixmier, M. Duflo, J. C. Jantzen, A. Joseph, W. Borho] 1978 Walter Borho
+ Berechnung der Gelfand-Kirillov-Dimension bei induzierten Darstellungen 1977 Walter Borho
+ Definition einer Dixmier-Abbildung f�rs l(n, C) 1977 Walter Borho
+ Über primitive Ideale in der Einhüllenden einer halbeinfachen Lie-Algebra 1977 Walter Borho
Jens Carsten Jantzen
+ Recent advances in enveloping algebras of semi-simple Lie-algebras 1977 Walter Borho
+ Primitive vollprime Ideale in der Einhüllenden von sd(5, C) 1976 Walter Borho
+ �ber die Gelfand-Kirillov-Dimension 1976 Walter Borho
Hanspeter Kraft
+ Oresche Teilmengen in Einh�llenden Algebren 1975 Walter Borho
Rudolf Rentschler
+ Befreundete Zahlen mit gegebener Primteileranzahl 1974 Walter Borho
+ Eine Schranke für befreundete Zahlen mit gegebener Teileranzahl 1974 Walter Borho
+ Eine Bemerkung zur Hecke-GruppeG(λ) 1973 Walter Borho
Gerhard Rosenberger
+ Non-commutative algebra 1973 Walter Borho
Peter Gabriel
Rudolf Rentschler
+ Residue class algebras of enveloping algebras 1973 Walter Borho
Peter Gabriel
Rudolf Rentschler
+ Primitive ideals and orbit spaces 1973 Walter Borho
Peter Gabriel
Rudolf Rentschler
+ Prime ideals and stable spectra 1973 Walter Borho
Peter Gabriel
Rudolf Rentschler
+ Primideale in Einhüllenden auflösbarer Lie-Algebren : (Beschreibung durch Bahnenräume) 1973 Walter Borho
Peter Gabriel
Rudolf Rentschler
+ Die torsionsfreien Ringe mit lauter noetherschen Unterringen 1972 Walter Borho
+ On Thabit ibn Kurrah's Formula for Amicable Numbers 1972 Walter Borho
+ PDF Chat On Thabit ibn Kurrah’s formula for amicable numbers 1972 Walter Borho
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Über primitive Ideale in der Einhüllenden einer halbeinfachen Lie-Algebra 1977 Walter Borho
Jens Carsten Jantzen
+ �ber die Gelfand-Kirillov-Dimension 1976 Walter Borho
Hanspeter Kraft
+ Berechnung der Gelfand-Kirillov-Dimension bei induzierten Darstellungen 1977 Walter Borho
+ PDF Chat Conjugacy Classes in Algebraic Groups 1974 Robert Steinberg
+ Definition einer Dixmier-Abbildung f�rs l(n, C) 1977 Walter Borho
+ PDF Chat Algèbres d'opérateurs différentiels et quotients des algèbres enveloppantes 1974 Nicole Conze
+ Primitive vollprime Ideale in der Einhüllenden von sd(5, C) 1976 Walter Borho
+ On polarizations of certain homogenous spaces 1972 Hideki Ozeki
Minoru Wakimoto
+ Sur les représentations induites des groupes semi-simples complexes 1977 Nicole Conze-Berline
Michel Duflo
+ Groupes et algèbres de Lie 1971 Nicolás Bourbaki
+ Conjugacy Classes in Parabolic Subgroups of Semisimple Algebraic Groups, II 1977 D. S. Johnston
R. W. Richardson
+ Über Bahnen und deren Deformationen bei linearen Aktionen reduktiver Gruppen 1979 Walter Borho
Hanspeter Kraft
+ The minimal orbit in a simple Lie algebra and its associated maximal ideal 1976 Anjali Joseph
+ Trigonometric sums, green functions of finite groups and representations of Weyl groups 1976 T. A. Springer
+ Sur la Classification des Ideaux Primitifs Dans L'algebre Enveloppante d'une Algebre de Lie Semi-Simple 1977 Michel Duflo
+ Differential operators on homogeneous spaces. I 1982 Walter Borho
Jean-Luc Brylinski
+ PDF Chat On Joseph's construction of Weyl group representations 1984 Ryoshi Hotta
+ Goldie rank in the enveloping algebra of a semisimple Lie algebra, I 1980 Anjali Joseph
+ PDF Chat Lie Group Representations on Polynomial Rings 1963 Bertram Kostant
+ Differential operators on homogeneous spaces. III 1985 Walter Borho
Jean-Luc Brylinski
+ Ideaux primitifs completement premiers dans l’algebre enveloppante de sl (3,ℂ) 1975 Jacques Dixmier
+ The History and Discovery of Amicable Numbers--Part 1 1972 D. S.
Elvin J. Lee
Joseph S. Madachy
+ On the variety of a highest weight module 1984 Anthony Joseph
+ PDF Chat On Thabit ibn Kurrah’s formula for amicable numbers 1972 Walter Borho
+ Kostant's problem, Goldie rank and the Gelfand-Kirillov conjecture 1980 Anjali Joseph
+ PDF Chat Four large amicable pairs 1974 H. J. J. te Riele
+ PDF Chat Simple Singularities and Simple Algebraic Groups 1980 Peter Slodowy
+ Primitive ideals and orbital integrals in complex exceptional groups 1983 Dan Barbasch
David A. Vogan
+ Primitive ideals and orbital integrals in complex classical groups 1982 Dan Barbasch
David A. Vogan
+ �ber Schichten halbeinfacher Lie-Algebren 1981 Walter Borho
+ Parametrisierung von Konjugationsklassen in $$\mathfrak{s}\mathfrak{l}_n$$ 1978 Hanspeter Kraft
+ On the associated variety of a primitive ideal 1985 Anthony Joseph
+ Kontravariante Formen auf induzierten Darstellungen halbeinfacher Lie-Algebren 1977 Jens Carsten Jantzen
+ Closures of conjugacy classes of matrices are normal 1979 Hanspeter Kraft
Claudio Procesi
+ On Thabit ibn Kurrah's Formula for Amicable Numbers 1972 Walter Borho
+ A construction of representations of Weyl groups 1978 T. A. Springer
+ Symplectic geometry and representations 1984 Viktor Ginzburg
+ PDF Chat Amicable Numbers and the Bilinear Diophantine Equation 1968 Elvin J. Lee
+ Some Irreducible Representations of Weyl Groups 1972 I. G. Macdonald
+ Noncommutative Rings 1994 I. N. Herstein
+ W-module structure in the primitive spectrum of the enveloping algebra of a semisimple Lie algebra 1979 Anjali Joseph
+ The structure of the lie field connected with a split semisimple lie algebra 1969 Israel M. Gelfand
A. A. Kirillov
+ PDF Chat Classes Unipotentes et Sous-groupes de Borel 1982 N. Spaltenstein
+ On Springer's representations 1982 Ryoshi Hotta
+ Über befreundete Zahlen. I 1953 Hans‐Joachim Kanold
+ The invariant holonomic system on a semisimple Lie algebra 1984 R. Hotta
Masaki Kashiwara
+ Zur Topologie der Dixmier-Abbildung 1998 Von W. Borho
+ Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture and holonomic systems 1981 Jean-Luc Brylinski
Masaki Kashiwara
+ PDF Chat Differential operators on homogeneous spaces 1959 Sigurđur Helgason
+ PDF Chat Polarizations in the classical groups 1978 Wim H. Hesselink