Lue Ping Zhao


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Tracking SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Mutations in the United States (2020/01 – 2021/03) Using a Statistical Learning Strategy 2021 Lue Ping Zhao
Terry P. Lybrand
Peter B. Gilbert
Thomas R. Hawn
Joshua T. Schiffer
Leonidas Stamatatos
Thomas H. Payne
Lindsay N. Carpp
Daniel E. Geraghty
Keith R. Jerome
+ Partly Exponential Models 2014 Lue Ping Zhao
Ross L. Prentice
+ PDF Chat Estimating Regression Parameters in an Extended Proportional Odds Model 2012 Ying Qing Chen
Nan Hu
Su‐Chun Cheng
Philippa Musoke
Lue Ping Zhao
+ Partly Exponential Models 2005 Lue Ping Zhao
Ross L. Prentice
+ Combined association, segregation and aggregation analysis on case-control family data 2002 Lue Ping Zhao
+ A Degrees-Of-Freedom approximation in Multiple imputation 2002 Stuart R. Lipsitz
Michael Parzen
Lue Ping Zhao
+ A Note on a Conditional-Likelihood Approach for Family-Based Association Studies of Candidate Genes 2000 Li Hsu
Lue Ping Zhao
Corinne Aragaki
+ A Weighted Estimating Equation for Missing Covariate Data with Properties Similar to Maximum Likelihood 1999 Stuart R. Lipsitz
Joseph G. Ibrahim
Lue Ping Zhao
+ On dependence estimation using correlated failure time data from case-control family studies 1999 Li Hsu
R. L. Prentice
Lue Ping Zhao
Juan Juan Fan
+ A Weighted Estimating Equation for Missing Covariate Data with Properties Similar to Maximum Likelihood 1999 Stuart R. Lipsitz
Joseph G. Ibrahim
Lue Ping Zhao
+ Combined association and aggregation analysis of data from case-control family studies 1998 Lue Ping Zhao
+ PDF Chat A Semiparametric Method of Multiple Imputation 1998 Stuart R. Lipsitz
Lue Ping Zhao
Geert Molenberghs
+ PDF Chat Quantile Regression Methods for Longitudinal Data with Drop-outs: Application to CD4 Cell Counts of Patients Infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1997 Stuart R. Lipsitz
Garrett M. Fitzmaurice
Geert Molenberghs
Lue Ping Zhao
+ Population–based family study designs: An interdisciplinary research framework for genetic epidemiology 1997 Lue Ping Zhao
L. Hsu
Ori Davidov
Jennifer Potter
Robert C. Elston
R. L. Prentice
+ Estimating the joint distribution of repeated binary responses: Some small sample results 1996 Stuart R. Lipsitz
Garrett M. Fitzmaurice
Lynn A. Sleeper
Lue Ping Zhao
+ Regression analysis with missing covariate data using estimating equations. 1996 Lue Ping Zhao
Stuart R. Lipsitz
Danika L. Lew
+ Regression Analysis with Missing Covariate Data Using Estimating Equations 1996 Lue Ping Zhao
Stuart R. Lipsitz
Danika L. Lew
+ Assessing familial aggregation of age at onset, by using estimating equations, with application to breast cancer. 1996 Li Hsu
Lue Ping Zhao
+ Estimation methods for the join distribution of repeated binary observations. 1995 Stuart R. Lipsitz
Garrett M. Fitzmaurice
Lynn A. Sleeper
Lue Ping Zhao
+ Estimation Methods for the Joint Distribution of Repeated Binary Observations 1995 Stuart R. Lipsitz
Garret M. Fitzmaurice
Lynn A. Sleeper
Lue Ping Zhao
+ Analysis of Semiparametric Regression Models for Repeated Outcomes in the Presence of Missing Data 1995 James M. Robins
Andrea Rotnitzky
Lue Ping Zhao
+ Analysis of Semiparametric Regression Models for Repeated Outcomes in the Presence of Missing Data 1995 James M. Robins
Andrea Rotnitzky
Lue Ping Zhao
+ Estimation of Regression Coefficients When Some Regressors are not Always Observed 1994 James M. Robins
Andrea Rotnitzky
Lue Ping Zhao
+ Estimation of Regression Coefficients When Some Regressors Are Not Always Observed 1994 James M. Robins
Andrea Rotnitzky
Lue Ping Zhao
+ Segregation analysis of human pedigrees using estimating equations 1994 Lue Ping Zhao
+ Correlation analysis of twin data with repeated measures based on generalized estimating equations 1993 John Grove
Lue Ping Zhao
Filemon Quiaoit
+ Efficiency Loss from Categorizing Quantitative Exposures into Qualitative Exposures in Case-Control Studies 1992 Lue Ping Zhao
Laurence N. Kolonel
+ Multivariate Mean Parameter Estimation by Using a Partly Exponential Model 1992 Lue Ping Zhao
Ross L. Prentice
Steven G. Self
+ An analytical method for assessing patterns of familial aggregation in case‐control studies 1992 Lue Ping Zhao
Loı̈c Le Marchand
Aravinda Chakrawarti
+ Designs and analysis of two‐stage studies 1992 Lue Ping Zhao
Stuart R. Lipsitz
+ Use of a quadratic exponential model to generate estimating equations for means, variances, and covariances 1991 Lue Ping Zhao
Ross L. Prentice
+ Correlated Binary Regression Using a Quadratic Exponential Model 1990 Lue Ping Zhao
Ross L. Prentice
+ Correlated binary regression using a quadratic exponential model 1990 Lue Ping Zhao
Ross L. Prentice
+ Logistic Regression for Stratified Case-Control Studies 1988 N. E. Breslow
Lue Ping Zhao
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Longitudinal data analysis using generalized linear models 1986 Kung‐Yee Liang
Scott L. Zeger
+ Inference and missing data 1976 Donald B. Rubin
+ Estimating Equations for Parameters in Means and Covariances of Multivariate Discrete and Continuous Responses 1991 R. L. Prentice
Lue Ping Zhao
+ Statistical Analysis With Missing Data 1989 Maureen Lahiff
Roderick J. A. Little
Donald B. Rubin
+ Correlated binary regression using a quadratic exponential model 1990 Lue Ping Zhao
Ross L. Prentice
+ Longitudinal Data Analysis for Discrete and Continuous Outcomes 1986 Scott L. Zeger
Kung‐Yee Liang
+ Correlated Binary Regression with Covariates Specific to Each Binary Observation 1988 Ross L. Prentice
+ Analytic methods for two‐stage case‐control studies and other stratified designs 1991 W. Dana Flanders
Sander Greenland
+ Logistic disease incidence models and case-control studies 1979 Ross L. Prentice
Ronald Pyke
+ Statistical Analysis with Missing Data 1988 Subir Ghosh
Roderick J. A. Little
Donald B. Rubin
+ Designs and analysis of two‐stage studies 1992 Lue Ping Zhao
Stuart R. Lipsitz
+ Maximum Likelihood from Incomplete Data Via the <i>EM</i> Algorithm 1977 A. P. Dempster
N. M. Laird
Donald B. Rubin
+ Logistic regression for two-stage case-control data 1988 N. E. Breslow
Kevin C. Cain
+ Estimation of Regression Coefficients When Some Regressors are not Always Observed 1994 James M. Robins
Andrea Rotnitzky
Lue Ping Zhao
+ An analytical method for assessing patterns of familial aggregation in case‐control studies 1992 Lue Ping Zhao
Loı̈c Le Marchand
Aravinda Chakrawarti
+ Distributions in Statistics: Continuous Multivariate Distributions. 1973 D. V. Gokhale
Norman L. Johnson
S. Kotz
+ Exponential Dispersion Models 1987 Bent JĂžrgensen
+ PDF Chat Pseudo Maximum Likelihood Methods: Theory 1984 Christian Gouriéroux
Alain Monfort
Alain Trognon
+ Logistic regression of family data from case-control studies 1995 Alice S. Whittemore
+ The Analysis of Multivariate Binary Data 1972 D. R. Cox
+ Likelihood analysis of multi‐state models for disease incidence and mortality 1988 John D. Kalbfleisch
Jerald F. Lawless
+ Semiparametric Estimation in Logistic Measurement Error Models 1991 Raymond J. Carroll
M. P. Wand
+ Longitudinal Data Analysis Using Generalized Linear Models 1986 Kung‐Yee Liang
Scott L. Zeger
+ Recovery of Information and Adjustment for Dependent Censoring Using Surrogate Markers 1992 James M. Robins
Andrea Rotnitzky
+ Journal of The American Statistical Association 2004 Stephen E. Fienberg
+ Multivariate Regression Analyses for Categorical Data 1992 Kung‐Yee Liang
Scott L. Zeger
Bahjat F. Qaqish
+ Multivariate Mean Parameter Estimation by Using a Partly Exponential Model 1992 Lue Ping Zhao
Ross L. Prentice
Steven G. Self
+ Odds ratio inference with dependent data 1985 Kung‐Yee Liang
+ Estimation in Large Samples 1988 Michael Woodroofe
+ Multiple Imputation for Interval Estimation From Simple Random Samples With Ignorable Nonresponse 1986 Donald B. Rubin
Nathaniel Schenker
+ Distributions in Statistics: Continuous Multivariate Distributions. 1973 Morris L. Eaton
Norman L. Johnson
Samuel Kotz
+ The Jackknife, the Bootstrap and Other Resampling Plans 1982 Bradley Efron
+ PDF Chat Information and Asymptotic Efficiency in Parametric-Nonparametric Models 1983 Janet M. Begun
William J. Hall
Weimin Huang
Jon A. Wellner
+ Estimating effects of probands' characteristics on familial risk: I. Adjustment for censoring and correlated ages at onset 1991 Kung‐Yee Liang
George P. Vogler
+ A case-cohort design for epidemiologic cohort studies and disease prevention trials 1986 Ross L. Prentice
+ Analog estimation methods in econometrics 1988 Charles F. Manski
+ PDF Chat Regression with Missing<i>X</i>'s: A Review 1992 Roderick J. A. Little
+ Model-Based Direct Adjustment 1987 Paul R. Rosenbaum
+ Multiple Imputation for Interval Estimation from Simple Random Samples with Ignorable Nonresponse 1986 Donald B. Rubin
Nathaniel Schenker
+ A graphical approach to the identification and estimation of causal parameters in mortality studies with sustained exposure periods 1987 James M. Robins
+ A Nonparametric Method for Dealing with Mismeasured Covariate Data 1991 Margaret S. Pepe
Thomas R. Fleming
+ Maximum likelihood regression methods for paired binary data 1990 Stuart R. Lipsitz
Nan M. Laird
David P. Harrington
+ Semiparametric Efficiency in Multivariate Regression Models with Missing Data 1995 James M. Robins
Andrea Rotnitzky
+ Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Misspecified Models 1983 Halbert White
+ Analysis of Semiparametric Regression Models for Repeated Outcomes in the Presence of Missing Data 1995 James M. Robins
Andrea Rotnitzky
Lue Ping Zhao
+ Multiple Imputation for Nonresponse in Surveys 1987 Donald B. Rubin
+ PDF Chat Regression Models for Discrete Longitudinal Responses 1993 Garrett M. Fitzmaurice
Nan M. Laird
Andrea Rotnitzky
+ PDF Chat Maximum-Likelihood Estimation of Parameters Subject to Restraints 1958 J. Aitchison
S. D. Silvey
+ Asymptotic efficiency in estimation with conditional moment restrictions 1987 Gary Chamberlain
Ya’acov Ritov