Ranchu Mathew


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Quantum corrections to the dynamics of interacting bosons: Beyond the truncated Wigner approximation 2003 Anatoli Polkovnikov
+ PDF Chat Dynamics and statistical mechanics of ultra-cold Bose gases using c-field techniques 2008 P. B. Blakie
A. S. Bradley
Matthew J. Davis
R. J. Ballagh
C. W. Gardiner
+ PDF Chat Approximate mean-field equations of motion for quasi-two-dimensional Bose-Einstein-condensate systems 2012 Mark Edwards
Michael Krygier
Hadayat Seddiqi
Brandon Benton
Charles W. Clark
+ PDF Chat Chaos-driven dynamics in spin-orbit-coupled atomic gases 2013 Jonas Larson
Brandon Anderson
Alexander Altland
+ PDF Chat Interference of Bose-Einstein condensates split with an atom chip 2005 Yong-il Shin
Christian Sanner
Gyu-Boong Jo
T. A. Pasquini
Michele Saba
Wolfgang Ketterle
David E. Pritchard
Mukund Vengalattore
Mara Prentiss
+ PDF Chat Optics and interferometry with atoms and molecules 2009 Alexander D. Cronin
Jörg Schmiedmayer
David E. Pritchard
+ PDF Chat Occupation Statistics of a Bose-Einstein Condensate for a Driven Landau-Zener Crossing 2009 Katrina Smith-Mannschott
Maya Chuchem
Moritz Hiller
Tsampikos Kottos
Doron Cohen
+ PDF Chat Coherent spinor dynamics in a spin-1 Bose condensate 2005 M.-S. Chang
Q. Qin
Wenxian Zhang
Li You
Michael Chapman
+ PDF Chat Theory of ultracold atomic Fermi gases 2008 S. Giorgini
Лев П. Питаевский
S. Stringari
+ PDF Chat Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin approach and quantum corrections to classical dynamics in the Josephson problem 2010 Felix Nissen
Jonathan Keeling
+ Advanced mathematical methods for scientists and engineers 1978 Carl M. Bender
Steven A. Orszag
+ PDF Chat Dynamical quantum noise in trapped Bose-Einstein condensates 1998 M. J. Steel
M. K. Olsen
L. I. Plimak
P. D. Drummond
S. M. Tan
M. J. Collett
D. F. Walls
R. Graham
+ PDF Chat Supercurrent stability in a quasi-one-dimensional weakly interacting Bose gas 2000 Yu. Kagan
Nikolay Prokof’ev
Boris Svistunov
+ PDF Chat Quantum phase-space picture of Bose-Einstein condensates in a double well 2005 Khan W. Mahmud
Heidi Perry
William P. Reinhardt
+ PDF Chat Dynamical Instability and Domain Formation in a Spin-1 Bose-Einstein Condensate 2005 Wenxian Zhang
D. L. Zhou
M.-S. Chang
Michael Chapman
Li You
+ PDF Chat Superflow in a Toroidal Bose-Einstein Condensate: An Atom Circuit with a Tunable Weak Link 2011 Anand Ramanathan
Kevin Wright
Sérgio Ricardo Muniz
Martin Zelán
W. T. Hill
C. J. Lobb
Kristian Helmerson
William D. Phillips
Gretchen K. Campbell
+ PDF Chat Weakly Nonlinear Analysis of the Magnetorotational Instability in a Model Channel Flow 2007 O. M. Umurhan
Kristen Menou
Oded Regev
+ PDF Chat Weak localization and integrability in ballistic cavities 1993 Harold U. Baranger
Rodolfo A. Jalabert
A. Douglas Stone
+ PDF Chat Comment on “Ehrenfest times for classically chaotic systems” 2003 Steven Tomsovic
Eric J. Heller
+ PDF Chat Superfluid qubit systems with ring shaped optical lattices 2014 Luigi Amico
Davit Aghamalyan
F. Auksztol
H. Crepaz
Rainer Dumke
L. C. Kwek
+ PDF Chat Spin-nematic squeezed vacuum in a quantum gas 2012 C. D. Hamley
Corey Gerving
Thai M. Hoang
Eva Bookjans
Michael Chapman
+ PDF Chat Phase space representation of quantum dynamics 2010 Anatoli Polkovnikov
+ Periodic Orbits and Classical Quantization Conditions 1971 Martin C. Gutzwiller
+ PDF Chat Many-body physics with ultracold gases 2008 Immanuel Bloch
Jean Dalibard
W. Zwerger
+ PDF Chat Spinor Dynamics in an Antiferromagnetic Spin-1 Condensate 2007 Adam T. Black
E. Gómez
L. D. Turner
Sebastian Jung
Paul D. Lett
+ PDF Chat Spin squeezing of high-spin, spatially extended quantum fields 2010 Jay D. Sau
Sabrina Leslie
Marvin L. Cohen
Dan Stamper-Kurn
+ PDF Chat Optical tuning of the scattering length of cold alkaline-earth-metal atoms 2005 R. Ciuryło
Eite Tiesinga
Paul S. Julienne
+ High-light-intensity photoassociation in a Bose-Einstein condensate 2004 Thomas Gasenzer
+ On the Definition and Approximation of Feynman's Path Integrals 1951 Cécile Morette
+ PDF Chat Classical Bifurcation at the Transition from Rabi to Josephson Dynamics 2010 Tilman Zibold
E. Nicklas
Christian Groß
Markus K. Oberthaler
+ PDF Chat Quantum Phase Transition in an Antiferromagnetic Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensate 2011 Eva Bookjans
Anshuman Vinit
Chandra Raman
+ PDF Chat Measurement of Optical Feshbach Resonances in an Ideal Gas 2011 Sebastian Blatt
Travis Nicholson
Benjamin Bloom
Jason Williams
J. W. Thomsen
Paul S. Julienne
Jun Ye
+ PDF Chat Feshbach resonances in ultracold gases 2010 Cheng Chin
Rudolf Grimm
Paul S. Julienne
Eite Tiesinga
+ PDF Chat Quantum Spins Mixing in Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates 1998 C. K. Law
Han Pu
N. P. Bigelow
+ PDF Chat Time-dependent semiclassics for ultracold bosons 2014 Lena Simon
Walter T. Strunz
+ PDF Chat Exact spectrum of the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model in the thermodynamic limit and finite-size corrections 2008 Pedro Ribeiro
Julien Vidal
Rémy Mosseri
+ PDF Chat Dynamical instabilities of Bose-Einstein condensates at the band edge in one-dimensional optical lattices 2008 Andrew J. Ferris
Matthew J. Davis
R. Geursen
P. B. Blakie
A. C. Wilson
+ PDF Chat Coherent disintegration and stability of vortices in trapped Bose condensates 1999 Han Pu
C. K. Law
J. H. Eberly
N. P. Bigelow
+ PDF Chat Generation of Macroscopic Pair-Correlated Atomic Beams by Four-Wave Mixing in Bose-Einstein Condensates 2002 J. M. Vogels
Kuan‐Man Xu
Wolfgang Ketterle
+ PDF Chat Superfluidity versus Bloch Oscillations in Confined Atomic Gases 2001 Hans Peter Büchler
V. B. Geshkenbeǐn
G. Blatter
+ PDF Chat Parametric Amplification of Vacuum Fluctuations in a Spinor Condensate 2010 Carsten Klempt
O. Topic
G. Gebreyesus
M. Scherer
T. Henninger
P. Hyllus
W. Ertmer
L. Santos
J. Arlt
+ PDF Chat Driving Phase Slips in a Superfluid Atom Circuit with a Rotating Weak Link 2013 Kevin Wright
R. B. Blakestad
C. J. Lobb
William D. Phillips
Gretchen K. Campbell
+ PDF Chat Experimental Realization of Josephson Junctions for an Atom SQUID 2013 Changhyun Ryu
Paul W. Blackburn
Alina Blinova
M. G. Boshier
+ PDF Chat Amplification of fluctuations in a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate 2009 Sabrina Leslie
Jennie Guzman
Mukund Vengalattore
Jay D. Sau
Marvin L. Cohen
Dan Stamper-Kurn
+ PDF Chat Supercurrent states in one-dimensional finite-size rings 1996 V. А. Kashurnikov
А. И. Подливаев
Nikolay Prokof’ev
Boris Svistunov
+ PDF Chat Interferometric Determination of the<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>s</mml:mi></mml:math>and<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>d</mml:mi></mml:math>-Wave Scattering Amplitudes in<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mmultiscripts><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">R</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">b</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mprescripts /><mml:none /><… 2004 Ch. Buggle
Julian Léonard
Wolf von Klitzing
J. T. M. Walraven
+ PDF Chat Quantum dynamics in the bosonic Josephson junction 2010 Maya Chuchem
Katrina Smith-Mannschott
Moritz Hiller
Tsampikos Kottos
Amichay Vardi
Doron Cohen
+ PDF Chat Atomtronics: Ultracold-atom analogs of electronic devices 2007 B. T. Seaman
M. Krämer
Dana Z. Anderson
Murray Holland
+ PDF Chat Thermalization in closed quantum systems: Semiclassical approach 2014 Jayson G. Cosme
O. Fialko
+ PDF Chat Collapse and revival dynamics of number-squeezed superfluids of ultracold atoms in optical lattices 2011 Eite Tiesinga
Philip R. Johnson