Arthur M. Hobbs


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Balanced and 1-balanced graph constructions 2010 Arthur M. Hobbs
Lavanya Kannan
Hong‐Jian Lai
Hongyuan Lai
Guoqing Weng
+ Hamiltonicity in vertex envelopes of plane cubic graphs 2008 Herbert Fleischner
Arthur M. Hobbs
Michael T. Muzheve
+ Transforming a graph into a 1-balanced graph 2008 Lavanya Kannan
Arthur M. Hobbs
Hong‐Jian Lai
Hongyuan Lai
+ PDF Chat Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers 2002 Arthur M. Hobbs
Reinhard Laubenbacher
David Pengelley
+ Reviews 2002 Gerald B. Folland
Arthur M. Hobbs
Robert G. Bartle
+ Graph family operations 2001 Arthur M. Hobbs
Hong‐Jian Lai
Paul A. Catlin
+ Fractional arboricity, strength, and principal partitions in graphs and matroids 1992 Paul A. Catlin
Jerrold W. Grossman
Arthur M. Hobbs
Hong‐Jian Lai
+ Packing trees in complete graphs 1987 Arthur M. Hobbs
Brian A Bourgeois
Jothi Kasiraj
+ On the maximum number of independent edges in cubic graphs 1982 Arthur M. Hobbs
E. F. Schmeichel
+ Disjoint cliques and disjoint maximal independent sets of vertices in graphs 1982 Paul Erdős
Arthur M. Hobbs
Charles Payan
+ Maximal Hamiltonian cycles in squares of graphs 1979 Arthur M. Hobbs
+ A class of Hamiltonian regular graphs 1978 P. Erdős
Arthur M. Hobbs
+ Hamiltonian Cycles in Regular Graphs 1978 Béla Bollobás
Arthur M. Hobbs
+ Hamiltonian cycles in regular graphs of moderate degree 1977 P. Erdős
Arthur M. Hobbs
+ The entire graph of a bridgeless connected plane graph is hamiltonian 1976 Arthur M. Hobbs
John Mitchem
+ PDF Chat Hamiltonian Cycles in Squares of Vertex-Unicyclic Graphs 1976 Herbert Fleischner
Arthur M. Hobbs
+ The square of a block is vertex pancyclic 1976 Arthur M. Hobbs
+ A necessary condition for the square of a graph to be Hamiltonian 1975 Herbert Fleischner
Arthur M. Hobbs
+ Hamiltonian Total Graphs 1975 Herbert Fleischner
Arthur M. Hobbs
+ The square of a block is Hamiltonian connected 1974 Gary Chartrand
Arthur M. Hobbs
H. A. Jung
Sanjiv Kapoor
C. St. J. A. Nash‐Williams
+ Some Hamiltonian results in powers of graphs 1973 Arthur M. Hobbs
+ Thickness and connectivity in graphs 1968 Arthur M. Hobbs
Jerrold W. Grossman
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The square of every two-connected graph is Hamiltonian 1974 Herbert Fleischner
+ The square of a block is Hamiltonian connected 1974 Gary Chartrand
Arthur M. Hobbs
H. A. Jung
Sanjiv Kapoor
C. St. J. A. Nash‐Williams
+ PDF Chat On a certain ordering of the vertices of a tree 1964 František Neuman
+ Fractional arboricity, strength, and principal partitions in graphs and matroids 1992 Paul A. Catlin
Jerrold W. Grossman
Arthur M. Hobbs
Hong‐Jian Lai
+ Optimal attack and reinforcement of a network 1985 William H. Cunningham
+ Strongly balanced graphs and random graphs 1986 Andrzej Ruciński
Andrew Vince
+ Connectivity in Graphs 1966 W. T. Tutte
+ A method in graph theory 1976 J. A. Bondy
Vašek Chvátal
+ On Hamilton's ideals 1972 Vašek Chvátal
+ n-Hamiltonian graphs 1970 Gary Chartrand
Sanjiv Kapoor
Don R. Lick
+ PDF Chat Trees with Hamiltonian square 1971 Frank Harary
Allen J. Schwenk
+ Convex hulls of dense balanced graphs 1992 Tomasz Łuczak
Andrzej Ruciński
+ Hamiltonian Total Graphs 1975 Herbert Fleischner
Arthur M. Hobbs
+ On the Problem of Decomposing a Graph into <i>n</i> Connected Factors 1961 W. T. Tutte
+ A necessary condition for the square of a graph to be Hamiltonian 1975 Herbert Fleischner
Arthur M. Hobbs
+ A note on Hamiltonian circuits 1972 Vašek Chvátal
P. Erdős
+ The square of a block is vertex pancyclic 1976 Arthur M. Hobbs
+ A class of Hamiltonian regular graphs 1978 P. Erdős
Arthur M. Hobbs
+ Hamiltonian-connected graphs 2008 Kewen Zhao
Hong‐Jian Lai
Ju Zhou
+ Coverings by minimal transversals 1978 Charles Payan
+ Maximally Distant Trees and Principal Partition of a Linear Graph 1969 Genya Kishi
Yoji Kajitani
+ Supereulerian graphs: A survey 1992 Paul A. Catlin
+ Group connectivity of graphs—A nonhomogeneous analogue of nowhere-zero flow properties 1992 François Jaeger
Nathan Linial
Charles Payan
Michael Tarsi
+ Hamiltonian decompositions of complete regular s-partite graphs 1986 A. J. W. Hilton
C. A. Rodger
+ Mathematics in Society and History 1992 Sal Restivo
+ The entire graph of a bridgeless connected plane graph is hamiltonian 1976 Arthur M. Hobbs
John Mitchem
+ On Hamiltonian bipartite graphs 1963 J. W. Moon
Leo Moser
+ Cyclic Orderings of Matroids 2007 Stéphan Thomassé
+ The unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics in the natural sciences. Richard courant lecture in mathematical sciences delivered at New York University, May 11, 1959 1960 E. P. Wigner
+ Edge-Disjoint Spanning Trees of Finite Graphs 1961 C. St. J. A. Nash‐Williams
+ Proofs and Refutations 1976 1
+ Women of Mathematics: A Biobibliographic Sourcebook 1989 Barry Schiller
Helen E. Salzberg
Louise S. Grinstein
Paul J. Campbell
+ Graduate Texts in Mathematics 1977 Rajendra Bhatia
Glen Bredon
Wolfgang Walter
Joseph Rotman
M. Ram Murty
Jane Gilman
Peter Walters
Martin Golubitsky
Ioannis Karatzas
Henri Cohen
+ Hamiltonian and Eulerian properties of entire graphs 1972 John Mitchem
+ A correlation inequality and a poisson limit theorem for nonoverlapping balanced subgraphs of a random graph 1990 W. C. Stephen Suen
+ The principal minors of a matroid 1971 John Bruno
Louis Weinberg
+ On the number of strictly balanced subgraphs of a random graph 1983 Michał Karoński
Andrezj Ruciński
+ On Sperner families satisfying an additional condition 1976 Péter Frankl
+ Return to the Riemann Integral 1996 Robert G. Bartle
+ Handbook of Analysis and Its Foundations 1997 Eric Schechter
+ PDF Chat Cubic identity graphs and planar graphs derived from trees 1970 A. T. Balaban
Roy O. Davies
Frank Harary
Anthony Hill
R. Westwick
+ Alternating hamiltonian cycles in two colored complete bipartite graphs 1992 Amanda G. Chetwynd
A. J. W. Hilton
+ Balanced graphs and network flows 1997 Stephen G. Penrice
+ The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics 1980 R. W. Hamming
+ On random graphs. I. 2022 P. Erdős
A. Rényi
+ Every graph is contained in a sparsest possible balanced graph 1985 Ervin Győri
Bruce Rothschild
A. Runciński
+ Hamiltonian cycles in regular graphs of moderate degree 1977 P. Erdős
Arthur M. Hobbs
+ Balanced Extensions of Spare Graphs 1992 Tomasz Łuczak
Andrzej Ruciński
+ Some Hamiltonian results in powers of graphs 1973 Arthur M. Hobbs
+ PDF Chat A Contribution to the Theory of Chromatic Polynomials 1954 W. T. Tutte