Antonio J. Durán


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Generalized Bell polynomials 2024 Antonio J. Durán
+ Asymptotic for the rightmost zeros of Bell and Eulerian polynomials 2024 Antonio J. Durán
+ PDF Chat Generalized Bell polynomials 2024 Antonio J. Durán
+ PDF Chat Brenke polynomials with real zeros and the Riemann Hypothesis 2024 Antonio J. Durán
+ How to compute multivariate Bessel expansions 2024 Antonio J. Durán
Mario Pérez
Juan Malumbres
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic for the rightmost zeros of Bell and Eulerian polynomials 2024 Antonio J. Durán
+ Moment problems associated to the Dunkl factorial 2024 Antonio J. Durán
Alejandro Gil Asensi
Juan Malumbres
+ PDF Chat Summing Sneddon–Bessel series explicitly 2024 Antonio J. Durán
Mario Pérez
Juan Malumbres
+ Exceptional Jacobi polynomials which are deformations of Jacobi polynomials 2023 Antonio J. Durán
+ The algebra of difference operators associated to Meixner type polynomials 2022 Antonio J. Durán
Mónica Rueda
+ Bispectral dual Hahn polynomials with an arbitrary number of continuous parameters 2022 Antonio J. Durán
+ PDF Chat Bispectral Jacobi type polynomials 2022 Antonio J. Durán
Manuel D. de la Iglesia
+ Summing Sneddon-Bessel series explicitly 2022 Antonio J. Durán
M. R. Pérez
Juan Malumbres
+ PDF Chat New examples of Krall–Meixner and Krall–Hahn polynomials, with applications to the construction of exceptional Meixner and Laguerre polynomials 2021 Antonio J. Durán
+ PDF Chat Exceptional Hahn and Jacobi polynomials with an arbitrary number of continuous parameters 2021 Antonio J. Durán
+ A method for summing Bessel series and a couple of illustrative examples 2021 Antonio J. Durán
Mario Pérez
Juan Malumbres
+ Christoffel transform of classical discrete measures and invariance of determinants of classical and classical discrete polynomials 2021 Antonio J. Durán
+ Exceptional Hahn and Jacobi polynomials with an arbitrary number of continuous parameters 2021 Antonio J. Durán
+ Bispectral dual Hahn polynomials with an arbitrary number of continuous parameters 2021 Antonio J. Durán
+ Bispectrality of Meixner type polynomials 2021 Antonio J. Durán
Mónica Rueda
+ New examples of Krall-Meixner and Krall-Hahn polynomials, with applications to the construction of exceptional Meixner and Laguerre polynomials 2021 Antonio J. Durán
+ Exceptional Hahn and Jacobi polynomials with an arbitrary number of continuous parameters 2021 Antonio J. Durán
+ Bispectral dual Hahn polynomials with an arbitrary number of continuous parameters 2021 Antonio J. Durán
+ PDF Chat On the properties of zeros of Bessel series in the real line 2020 Antonio J. Durán
Mario Pérez
Juan Malumbres
+ Bispectral Jacobi type polynomials 2020 Antonio J. Durán
Manuel D. de la Iglesia
+ Exceptional Orthogonal Polynomials via Krall Discrete Polynomials 2020 Antonio J. Durán
+ The algebra of recurrence relations for exceptional Laguerre and Jacobi polynomials 2020 Antonio J. Durán
+ A proof of the Veselov Conjecture for segments 2020 Antonio J. Durán
+ Bispectral Jacobi type polynomials 2020 Antonio J. Durán
Manuel D. de la Iglesia
+ Corrigendum to the papers on Exceptional orthogonal polynomials: J. Approx. Theory 182 (2014) 29–58, 184 (2014) 176–208 and 214 (2017) 9–48 2019 Antonio J. Durán
+ PDF Chat Bispectral Laguerre type polynomials 2019 Antonio J. Durán
Manuel D. de la Iglesia
+ Bispectral Laguerre type polynomials 2019 Antonio J. Durán
Manuel D. de la Iglesia
+ Fourier–Dunkl system of the second kind and Euler–Dunkl polynomials 2019 Antonio J. Durán
Mario Pérez
Juan Malumbres
+ Bispectrality of Charlier type polynomials 2019 Antonio J. Durán
+ Invariance properties of Wronskian type determinants of classical and classical discrete orthogonal polynomials 2019 Guillermo P. Curbera
Antonio J. Durán
+ Bispectral Laguerre type polynomials 2019 Antonio J. Durán
Manuel D. de la Iglesia
+ PDF Chat On difference operators for symmetric Krall-Hahn polynomials 2018 Antonio J. Durán
Manuel D. de la Iglesia
+ The algebras of difference operators associated to Krall–Charlier orthogonal polynomials 2018 Antonio J. Durán
+ Bernoulli–Dunkl and Apostol–Euler–Dunkl polynomials with applications to series involving zeros of Bessel functions 2018 Óscar Ciaurri
Antonio J. Durán
Mario Pérez
Juan Malumbres
+ PDF Chat Differential equations for discrete Jacobi–Sobolev orthogonal polynomials 2018 Antonio J. Durán
Manuel D. de la Iglesia
+ On difference operators for symmetric Krall-Hahn polynomials 2018 Antonio J. Durán
Manuel D. de la Iglesia
+ On difference operators for symmetric Krall-Hahn polynomials 2018 Antonio J. Durán
Manuel D. de la Iglesia
+ From Krall discrete orthogonal polynomials to Krall polynomials 2017 Antonio J. Durán
+ Exceptional Hahn and Jacobi orthogonal polynomials 2016 Antonio J. Durán
+ Bernoulli-Dunkl and Apostol-Euler-Dunkl polynomials with applications to series involving zeros of Bessel functions 2016 Óscar Ciaurri
Antonio J. Durán
Mario Pérez
Juan Malumbres
+ From Krall discrete orthogonal polynomials to Krall polynomials 2016 Antonio J. Durán
+ Invariant properties for Wronskian type determinants of classical and classical discrete orthogonal polynomials under an involution of sets of positive integers 2016 Guillermo P. Curbera
Antonio J. Durán
+ Bernoulli-Dunkl and Apostol-Euler-Dunkl polynomials with applications to series involving zeros of Bessel functions 2016 Óscar Ciaurri
Antonio J. Durán
M. R. Pérez
Juan Malumbres
+ From Krall discrete orthogonal polynomials to Krall polynomials 2016 Antonio J. Durán
+ Exceptional Hahn and Jacobi orthogonal polynomials 2015 Antonio J. Durán
+ PDF Chat Casorati type determinants of some $\mathfrak {q}$-classical orthogonal polynomials 2015 Antonio J. Durán
J. Arvesú
+ PDF Chat Higher order recurrence relation for exceptional Charlier, Meixner, Hermite and Laguerre orthogonal polynomials 2015 Antonio J. Durán
+ PDF Chat Some Conjectures on Wronskian and Casorati Determinants of Orthogonal Polynomials 2015 Antonio J. Durán
Mario Pérez
Juan Malumbres
+ Differential equations for discrete Jacobi-Sobolev orthogonal polynomials 2015 Antonio J. Durán
Manuel D. de la Iglesia
+ Exceptional Hahn and Jacobi orthogonal polynomials 2015 Antonio J. Durán
+ Admissibility condition for exceptional Laguerre polynomials 2014 Antonio J. Durán
Mario Pérez
+ Using <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">D</mml:mi></mml:math>-operators to construct orthogonal polynomials satisfying higher order q-difference equations 2014 R. Álvarez-Nodarse
Antonio J. Durán
+ Constructing Krall–Hahn orthogonal polynomials 2014 Antonio J. Durán
Manuel D. de la Iglesia
+ Constructing bispectral dual Hahn polynomials 2014 Antonio J. Durán
+ The Misfortunes of a Trio of Mathematicians Using Computer Algebra Systems. Can We Trust in Them? 2014 Antonio J. Durán
Mario Pérez
Juan Malumbres
+ Admissibility condition for exceptional Laguerre polynomials 2014 Antonio J. Durán
Mario Pérez
+ Higher order recurrence relation for exceptional Charlier, Meixner, Hermite and Laguerre orthogonal polynomials 2014 Antonio J. Durán
+ PDF Chat Constructing Bispectral Orthogonal Polynomials from the Classical Discrete Families of Charlier, Meixner and Krawtchouk 2014 Antonio J. Durán
Manuel D. de la Iglesia
+ Constructing Krall-Hahn orthogonal polynomials 2014 Antonio J. Durán
Manuel D. de la Iglesia
+ Constructing bispectral dual Hahn polynomials 2014 Antonio J. Durán
+ Rodrigues’ formulas for orthogonal matrix polynomials satisfying second-order difference equations 2014 Antonio J. Durán
Vanesa Sánchez-Canales
+ Exceptional Meixner and Laguerre orthogonal polynomials 2014 Antonio J. Durán
+ Exceptional Charlier and Hermite orthogonal polynomials 2014 Antonio J. Durán
+ The convex cone of weight matrices associated to a second-order matrix difference operator 2014 Antonio J. Durán
Ana M. de los Ríos
+ Wronskian type determinants of orthogonal polynomials, Selberg type formulas and constant term identities 2014 Antonio J. Durán
+ Differential equations for discrete Laguerre–Sobolev orthogonal polynomials 2014 Antonio J. Durán
Manuel D. de la Iglesia
+ Constructing bispectral dual Hahn polynomials 2014 Antonio J. Durán
+ Admissibility condition for exceptional Laguerre polynomials 2014 Antonio J. Durán
M. R. Pérez
+ Higher order recurrence relation for exceptional Charlier, Meixner, Hermite and Laguerre orthogonal polynomials 2014 Antonio J. Durán
+ Constructing Krall-Hahn orthogonal polynomials 2014 Antonio J. Durán
Manuel D. de la Iglesia
+ Orthogonal matrix polynomials whose differences are also orthogonal 2013 Antonio J. Durán
Vanesa Sánchez-Canales
+ Symmetries for Casorati determinants of classical discrete orthogonal polynomials 2013 Antonio J. Durán
+ Exceptional Meixner and Laguerre orthogonal polynomials 2013 Antonio J. Durán
+ Differential equations for discrete Laguerre-Sobolev orthogonal polynomials 2013 Antonio J. Durán
Manuel D. de la Iglesia
+ Using D-operators to construct orthogonal polynomials satisfying higher order q-difference equations 2013 R. Álvarez-Nodarse
Antonio J. Durán
+ Exceptional Charlier and Hermite orthogonal polynomials 2013 Antonio J. Durán
+ Constructing bispectral orthogonal polynomials from the classical discrete families of Charlier, Meixner and Krawtchouk 2013 Antonio J. Durán
Manuel D. de la Iglesia
+ Using<mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">D</mml:mi></mml:math>-operators to construct orthogonal polynomials satisfying higher order difference or differential equations 2013 Antonio J. Durán
+ Orthogonal matrix polynomials satisfying second order difference equations 2013 R. Álvarez-Nodarse
Antonio J. Durán
Ana M. de los Ríos
+ Using $\D$-operators to construct orthogonal polynomials satisfying higher order difference or differential equations 2013 Antonio J. Durán
+ Misfortunes of a mathematicians' trio using Computer Algebra Systems: Can we trust? 2013 Antonio J. Durán
Mario Pérez
Juan Malumbres
+ Using D-operators to construct orthogonal polynomials satisfying higher order q-difference equations 2013 R. Álvarez-Nodarse
Antonio J. Durán
+ Using $\D$-operators to construct orthogonal polynomials satisfying higher order difference or differential equations 2013 Antonio J. Durán
+ Exceptional Charlier and Hermite orthogonal polynomials 2013 Antonio J. Durán
+ Exceptional Meixner and Laguerre orthogonal polynomials 2013 Antonio J. Durán
+ Constructing bispectral orthogonal polynomials from the classical discrete families of Charlier, Meixner and Krawtchouk 2013 Antonio J. Durán
Manuel D. de la Iglesia
+ Differential equations for discrete Laguerre-Sobolev orthogonal polynomials 2013 Antonio J. Durán
Manuel D. de la Iglesia
+ Wronskian type determinants of orthogonal polynomials, Selberg type formulas and constant term identities 2012 Antonio J. Durán
+ Constructing orthogonal matrix polynomials satisfying differential equations from two different Laguerre weights 2012 Antonio J. Durán
Nikta Shayanfar
+ Orthogonal Polynomials Satisfying Higher-Order Difference Equations 2012 Antonio J. Durán
+ The algebra of difference operators associated to a family of orthogonal polynomials 2012 Antonio J. Durán
+ Wronskian type determinants of orthogonal polynomials, Selberg type formulas and constant term identities 2012 Antonio J. Durán
+ PDF Chat Orthogonal matrix polynomials satisfying differential equations with recurrence coefficients having non-scalar limits 2011 Jorge Borrego
M. M. Castro
Antonio J. Durán
+ A miraculously commuting family of orthogonal matrix polynomials satisfying second order differential equations 2011 Antonio J. Durán
+ PDF Chat Rodrigues's Formulas for Orthogonal Matrix Polynomials Satisfying Higher-Order Differential Equations 2011 Antonio J. Durán
+ Orthogonal matrix polynomials satisfying differential equations with recurrence coefficients having non-scalar limits 2011 Jorge Borrego
M. M. Castro
Antonio J. Durán
+ Fibonacci Numbers, Euler's 2-Periodic Continued Fractions and Moment Sequences 2011 Christian Berg
Antonio J. Durán
+ Orthogonal matrix polynomials satisfying differential equations with recurrence coefficients having non-scalar limits 2011 Jorge Borrego
M. M. Castro
Antonio J. Durán
+ Rodrigues’ Formulas for Orthogonal Matrix Polynomials Satisfying Second-Order Differential Equations 2009 Antonio J. Durán
+ Fibonacci numbers, Euler's 2-periodic continued fractions and moment sequences 2009 Christian Berg
Antonio J. Durán
+ Matrix differential equations and scalar polynomials satisfying higher order recursions 2008 Antonio J. Durán
F. Alberto Grünbaum
+ A Method to Find Weight Matrices Having Symmetric Second-Order Differential Operators with Matrix Leading Coefficient 2008 Antonio J. Durán
+ Generating orthogonal matrix polynomials satisfying second order differential equations from a trio of triangular matrices 2008 Antonio J. Durán
+ PDF Chat The fixed point for a transformation of Hausdorff moment sequences and iteration of a rational function 2008 Christian Berg
Antonio J. Durán
+ Iteration of the rational function z-1/z and a Hausdorff moment sequence 2008 Christian Berg
Antonio J. Durán
+ PDF Chat Second-Order Differential Operators Having Several Families of Orthogonal Matrix Polynomials as Eigenfunctions 2008 Antonio J. Durán
Manuel D. de la Iglesia
+ Matrix differential equations and scalar polynomials satisfying higher order recursions 2008 Antonio J. Durán
F. Alberto Grünbaum
+ Iteration of the rational function z-1/z and a Hausdorff moment sequence 2008 Christian Berg
Antonio J. Durán
+ Second order differential operators having several families of orthogonal matrix polynomials as eigenfunctions 2007 Antonio J. Durán
Manuel D. de la Iglesia
+ Some examples of orthogonal matrix polynomials satisfying odd order differential equations 2007 Antonio J. Durán
Manuel D. de la Iglesia
+ Matrix orthogonal polynomials satisfying second-order differential equations: Coping without help from group representation theory 2007 Antonio J. Durán
F. Alberto Grünbaum
+ The fixed point for a transformation of Hausdorff moment sequences and iteration of a rational function 2007 Christian Berg
Antonio J. Durán
+ The fixed point for a transformation of Hausdorff moment sequences and iteration of a rational function 2007 Christian Berg
Antonio J. Durán
+ Second order differential operators having several families of orthogonal matrix polynomials as eigenfunctions 2007 Antonio J. Durán
Manuel D. de la Iglesia
+ P A M Dirac meets M G Krein: matrix orthogonal polynomials and Dirac's equation 2006 Antonio J. Durán
F. Alberto Grünbaum
+ PDF Chat Orthogonal polynomials and analytic functions associated to positive definite matrices 2005 Christian Berg
Antonio J. Durán
+ PDF Chat Some Transformations of Hausdorff Moment Sequences and Harmonic Numbers 2005 Christian Berg
Antonio J. Durán
+ Differential coefficients of orthogonal matrix polynomials 2005 Antonio J. Durán
Mourad E. H. Ismail
+ Orthogonal matrix polynomials, scalar-type Rodrigues’ formulas and Pearson equations 2005 Antonio J. Durán
F. Alberto Grünbaum
+ None 2005 Antonio J. Durán
F. Alberto Grünbaum
+ Structural Formulas for Orthogonal Matrix Polynomials Satisfying Second-Order Differential Equations, I 2004 Antonio J. Durán
F. Alberto Grünbaum
+ A survey on orthogonal matrix polynomials satisfying second order differential equations 2004 Antonio J. Durán
F. Alberto Grünbaum
+ PDF Chat A transformation from Hausdorff to Stieltjes moment sequences 2004 Christian Berg
Antonio J. Durán
+ None 2003 Antonio J. Durán
F. Alberto Grünbaum
+ Boundedness properties for Sobolev inner products 2003 M. M. Castro
Antonio J. Durán
+ Gaussian quadrature formulae for matrix weights 2002 Antonio J. Durán
Beatriz Vera Polo
+ Orthogonal matrix polynomials and quadrature formulas 2002 Antonio J. Durán
Emilio Defez
+ Weak convergence for orthogonal matrix polynomials 2002 Antonio J. Durán
Enrique Daneri-Vias
+ Zero Location for Nonstandard Orthogonal Polynomials 2001 Antonio J. Durán
Edward B. Saff
+ Ratio Asymptotics for Orthogonal Matrix Polynomials with Unbounded Recurrence Coefficients 2001 Antonio J. Durán
Enrique Daneri-Vias
+ N-Extremal Matrices of Measures for an Indeterminate Matrix Moment Problem 2000 Antonio J. Durán
Pedro Lopez-Rodriguez
+ Zero asymptotic behaviour for orthogonal matrix polynomials 1999 Antonio J. Durán
Pedro Lopez-Rodriguez
Edward B. Saff
+ Ratio Asymptotics for Orthogonal Matrix Polynomials 1999 Antonio J. Durán
+ Proceedings of the VIIIth symposium on Orthogonal polynomials and their applications 1998 Marc Goovaerts
Jet Wimp
L. Wuytack
Toru Yamamoto
Antonio J. Durán
+ The LpSpace of a Positive Definite Matrix of Measures and Density of Matrix Polynomials inL1 1997 Antonio J. Durán
Pedro Lopez-Rodriguez
+ PDF Chat Density Questions for the Truncated Matrix Moment Problem 1997 Antonio J. Durán
Pedro Lopez-Rodriguez
+ Ratio Asymptotics and Quadrature Formulas 1997 Antonio J. Durán
+ PDF Chat Matrix Inner Product Having a Matrix Symmetric Second Order Differential Operator 1997 Antonio J. Durán
+ Ratio asymptotics and quadrature formulas 1997 Antonio J. Durán
+ PDF Chat Measures with finite index of determinacy or a mathematical model for Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 1997 Christian Berg
Antonio J. Durán
+ The Hausdorff Moment Problem with Complex Exponents and a Müntz-Szasz Theorem for Distributions 1997 Antonio J. Durán
+ PDF Chat Markov's Theorem for Orthogonal Matrix Polynomials 1996 Antonio J. Durán
+ PDF Chat Orthogonal Polynomials, $L^2$-Spaces and Entire Functions. 1996 Christian Berg
Antonio J. Durán
+ When Does a Discrete Differential Perturbation of a Sequence of Orthonormal Polynomials Belong tol2? 1996 Christian Berg
Antonio J. Durán
+ Orthogonal Matrix Polynomials: Zeros and Blumenthal's Theorem 1996 Antonio J. Durán
Pedro Lopez-Rodriguez
+ PDF Chat The Index of Determinacy for Measures and the ℓ 2 -Norm of Orthonormal Polynomials 1995 Christian Berg
Antonio J. Durán
+ PDF Chat Orthogonal matrix polynomials and higher-order recurrence relations 1995 Antonio J. Durán
Walter Van Assche
+ PDF Chat On Orthogonal Polynomials With Respect to a Positive Definite Matrix of Measures 1995 Antonio J. Durán
+ PDF Chat The index of determinacy for measures and the 𝑙²-norm of orthonormal polynomials 1995 Christian Berg
Antonio J. Durán
+ Orthogonal matrix polynomials and higher order recurrence relations 1993 Antonio J. Durán
Walter Van Assche
+ Laguerre Expansions of Gel′fand-Shilov Spaces 1993 Antonio J. Durán
+ A Generalization of Favard′s Theorem for Polynomials Satisfying a Recurrence Relation 1993 Antonio J. Durán
+ PDF Chat Functions with Given Moments and Weight Functions for Orthogonal Polynomials 1993 Antonio J. Durán
+ Orthogonal matrix polynomials and higher order recurrence relations 1993 Antonio J. Durán
Walter Van Assche
+ Gelfand-Shilov spaces for the Hankel transform 1992 Antonio J. Durán
+ The Stieltjes Moment Problem with Complex Exponents 1992 Antonio J. Durán
+ The Analytic Functionals in the Lower Half Plane as a Gel'fand‐Shilov Space 1991 Antonio J. Durán
+ PDF Chat A bound on the Laguerre polynomials 1991 Antonio J. Durán
+ PDF Chat On Hankel Transform 1990 Antonio J. Durán
+ Laguerre expansions of tempered distributions and generalized functions 1990 Antonio J. Durán
+ PDF Chat On Hankel transform 1990 Antonio J. Durán
+ PDF Chat Some results about the space $A^{-\infty}$ of analytic functions. 1990 Juan Arias de Reyna
Antonio J. Durán
+ PDF Chat The Stieltjes Moments Problem for Rapidly Decreasing Functions 1989 Antonio J. Durán
+ PDF Chat The Stieltjes moments problem for rapidly decreasing functions 1989 Antonio J. Durán
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Orthogonal Polynomials 1971 39
+ Hypergeometric Orthogonal Polynomials and Their q-Analogues 2010 Roelof Koekoek
Peter Lesky
René F. Swarttouw
+ A method of constructing Krall's polynomials 1999 Alexei Zhedanov
+ PDF Chat Krall–Laguerre commutative algebras of ordinary differential operators 2011 Plamen Iliev
+ PDF Chat Discrete bispectral Darboux transformations from Jacobi operators 2002 F. Alberto Grünbaum
Milen Yakimov
+ PDF Chat Differential equations for symmetric generalized ultraspherical polynomials 1994 Roelof Koekoek
+ Krall–Jacobi commutative algebras of partial differential operators 2011 Plamen Iliev
+ Using<mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">D</mml:mi></mml:math>-operators to construct orthogonal polynomials satisfying higher order difference or differential equations 2013 Antonio J. Durán
+ Über Sturm-Liouvillesche Polynomsysteme 1929 S. Bochner
+ PDF Chat On a differential equation for Koornwinder’s generalized Laguerre polynomials 1991 J. Koekoek
Roelof Koekoek
+ Orthogonal Polynomials Satisfying Higher-Order Difference Equations 2012 Antonio J. Durán
+ Some functions that generalize the Krall-Laguerre polynomials 1999 F. Alberto Grünbaum
Luc Haine
Emil Horozov
+ An extended class of orthogonal polynomials defined by a Sturm–Liouville problem 2009 David Gómez‐Ullate
Niky Kamran
Robert Milson
+ None 1997 F. Alberto Grünbaum
Luc Haine
+ Orthogonal polynomials satisfying differential equations: The role of the Darboux transformation 1996 F. Alberto Grünbaum
Luc Haine
+ PDF Chat Differential equations in the spectral parameter 1986 J. J. Duistermaat
F. A. Gr�nbaum
+ An extension of Bochner’s problem: Exceptional invariant subspaces 2009 David Gómez‐Ullate
Niky Kamran
Robert Milson
+ Exceptional Charlier and Hermite orthogonal polynomials 2014 Antonio J. Durán
+ Differential equations for generalized Jacobi polynomials 2000 J. Koekoek
Roelof Koekoek
+ PDF Chat Matrix Inner Product Having a Matrix Symmetric Second Order Differential Operator 1997 Antonio J. Durán
+ PDF Chat On Orthogonal Polynomials With Respect to a Positive Definite Matrix of Measures 1995 Antonio J. Durán
+ A Generalization of Favard′s Theorem for Polynomials Satisfying a Recurrence Relation 1993 Antonio J. Durán
+ Constructing bispectral dual Hahn polynomials 2014 Antonio J. Durán
+ None 2003 Antonio J. Durán
F. Alberto Grünbaum
+ Matrix valued orthogonal polynomials of the Jacobi type 2003 F.A. Grünbaurn
I. Pacharoni
Juan Tirao
+ PDF Chat The Stieltjes moments problem for rapidly decreasing functions 1989 Antonio J. Durán
+ Exceptional Meixner and Laguerre orthogonal polynomials 2014 Antonio J. Durán
+ PDF Chat Constructing Bispectral Orthogonal Polynomials from the Classical Discrete Families of Charlier, Meixner and Krawtchouk 2014 Antonio J. Durán
Manuel D. de la Iglesia
+ PDF Chat Exceptional Laguerre and Jacobi polynomials and the corresponding potentials through Darboux–Crum transformations 2010 Ryu Sasaki
Satoshi Tsujimoto
Alexei Zhedanov
+ PDF Chat Orthogonal matrix polynomials and higher-order recurrence relations 1995 Antonio J. Durán
Walter Van Assche
+ PDF Chat Rational extensions of the quantum harmonic oscillator and exceptional Hermite polynomials 2013 David Gómez‐Ullate
Yves Grandati
Robert Milson
+ Orthogonal Matrix Polynomials: Zeros and Blumenthal's Theorem 1996 Antonio J. Durán
Pedro Lopez-Rodriguez
+ Matrix valued Jacobi polynomials 2003 F. Alberto Grünbaum
+ PDF Chat Exceptional orthogonal polynomials, exactly solvable potentials and supersymmetry 2008 C. Quesne
+ PDF Chat Über die Gaußische Quadratur und eine Verallgemeinerung derselben. 1858 E.B. Christoffel
+ Classical Orthogonal Polynomials of a Discrete Variable 1991 Arnold F. Nikiforov
Vasilii B. Uvarov
Sergeĭ K. Suslov
+ Structural Formulas for Orthogonal Matrix Polynomials Satisfying Second-Order Differential Equations, I 2004 Antonio J. Durán
F. Alberto Grünbaum
+ A Method to Find Weight Matrices Having Symmetric Second-Order Differential Operators with Matrix Leading Coefficient 2008 Antonio J. Durán
Е. М. Никишин
+ Differential equations for discrete Laguerre–Sobolev orthogonal polynomials 2014 Antonio J. Durán
Manuel D. de la Iglesia
+ Constructing Krall–Hahn orthogonal polynomials 2014 Antonio J. Durán
Manuel D. de la Iglesia
+ PDF Chat Differential equations for discrete Jacobi–Sobolev orthogonal polynomials 2018 Antonio J. Durán
Manuel D. de la Iglesia
+ Fundamental aspects of the representation theory of Hermitian operators with deficiency index (𝑚,𝑚) 1971 Michael Krein
+ PDF Chat Dual Christoffel Transformations 2011 Satoru Odake
Ryu Sasaki
+ Matrix Valued Spherical Functions Associated to the Complex Projective Plane 2002 F. Alberto Grünbaum
I. Pacharoni
Juan Tirao
+ Exactly solvable quantum mechanics and infinite families of multi-indexed orthogonal polynomials 2011 Satoru Odake
Ryu Sasaki
+ Exceptional Hahn and Jacobi orthogonal polynomials 2016 Antonio J. Durán
+ PDF Chat Askey-Wilson type functions with bound states 2006 Luc Haine
Plamen Iliev