Ignacio Zalduendo


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Farkas’ Lemma in the bilinear setting and evaluation functionals 2022 Richard M. Aron
Domingo Garcı́a
Damián Pinasco
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ Holomorphic Functional Calculus 2022 Angel Larotonda
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ The Real Numbers 2022 Ignacio Zalduendo
+ Convexity and the Isoperimetric Inequality 2022 Ignacio Zalduendo
+ Calculus off the Beaten Path 2022 Ignacio Zalduendo
+ On the Minimal Number of Moments Required to Recover the Sublevel Set of a Homogeneous Polynomial 2021 Damián Pinasco
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ Orthant probabilities and the attainment of maxima on a vertex of a simplex 2020 Damián Pinasco
Ezequiel Smucler
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ Orthant probabilities and the attainment of maxima on a vertex of a simplex 2020 Damián Pinasco
Ezequiel Smucler
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ Linear and bilinear operators and their zero-sets 2020 Damián Pinasco
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ Orthant probabilities and the attainment of maxima on a vertex of a simplex 2020 Damián Pinasco
Ezequiel Smucler
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ PDF Chat On the measure of polynomials attaining maxima on a vertex 2019 Damián Pinasco
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ The Spectra of Algebras of Group-Symmetric Functions 2018 Domingo Garcı́a
Manuel Maestre
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ Tchakaloff’s theorem and 𝐾-integral polynomials in Banach spaces 2016 Damián Pinasco
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ PDF Chat Group-symmetric holomorphic functions on a Banach space 2016 Richard M. Aron
Pablo Galindo
Damián Pinasco
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ PDF Chat Lagrange approximation in Banach spaces 2015 Lisa M. Nilsson
Damián Pinasco
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ Algebras of functions with prescribed radii of boundedness and the spectra of H(U) 2012 Domingo Garcı́a
Manuel Maestre
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ PDF Chat A probabilistic approach to polynomial inequalities 2011 Damián Pinasco
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ Orthogonally additive holomorphic functions on open subsets of C(K) 2010 Jesús Á. Jaramillo
Ángeles Prieto
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ PDF Chat Orthogonally additive holomorphic functions of bounded type over <i>C</i>(<i>K</i>) 2010 Daniel Carando
Silvia Lassalle
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ PDF Chat Linearization and compactness 2009 Jesús Á. Jaramillo
Ángeles Prieto
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ Orthogonally additive holomorphic functions of bounded type over $C(K)$ 2008 Daniel Carando
Silvia Lassalle
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ Orthogonally additive holomorphic functions of bounded type over $C(K)$ 2008 Daniel Carando
Silvia Lassalle
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ PDF Chat A multilinear Phelps' Lemma 2007 Richard M. Aron
Antonia Cardwell
Domingo Garcı́a
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ PDF Chat Orthogonally Additive Polynomials over C(K) are Measures—A Short Proof 2006 Daniel Carando
Silvia Lassalle
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ Extending polynomials on Banach spaces--a survey 2005 Ignacio Zalduendo
+ PDF Chat Integral representation of holomorphic functions on Banach spaces 2005 Damián Pinasco
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ PDF Chat Linearization of functions 2004 Daniel Carando
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ PDF Chat Integral holomorphic functions 2004 Verónica Dimant
Pablo Galindo
Manuel Maestre
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ Where do homogeneous polynomials attain their norm? 2003 Daniel Carando
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ None 2003 Richard M. Aron
Christopher Boyd
Raymond A. Ryan
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ PDF Chat To what extent does the dual Banach space E′ determine the polynomials over E? 2000 Silvia Lassalle
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ Sequential convergences and Dunford-Pettis properties 2000 Jesús Á. Jaramillo
Ángeles Prieto
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ PDF Chat A Hahn-Banach theorem for integral polynomials 1999 Daniel Carando
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ PDF Chat The bidual of the space of polynomials on a Banach space 1997 Jesús Á. Jaramillo
Ángeles Prieto
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ Bases in Spaces of Multilinear Forms over Banach Spaces 1996 Verónica Dimant
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ The bidual of the space of polynomials on a Banach space 1994 Ángeles Prieto
Jesús Á. Jaramillo
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ Dualidad y extensiones en holomorfía infinita 1993 Ignacio Zalduendo
+ PDF Chat A simple example of a non-commutative Arens product 1991 Ignacio Zalduendo
+ PDF Chat A Canonical Extension for Analytic Functions on Banach Spaces 1990 Ignacio Zalduendo
+ PDF Chat Sheaves and functional calculus 1990 G. Deferrari
Angel Larotonda
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ PDF Chat A canonical extension for analytic functions on Banach spaces 1990 Ignacio Zalduendo
+ PDF Chat A geometric condition equivalent to commutativity in Banach algebras 1989 Ignacio Zalduendo
+ PDF Chat Homogeneous spectral sets and local-global methods in Banach algebras 1988 Angel Larotonda
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ PDF Chat Spectral sets as Banach manifolds 1985 Angel Larotonda
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ Continuity of characters in products of algebras 1983 Angel Larotonda
Ignacio Zalduendo
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat A Hahn-Banach extension theorem for analytic mappings 1978 Richard M. Aron
Paul Berner
+ Complex Analysis on Infinite Dimensional Spaces 1999 Seán Dineen
+ PDF Chat A theorem on polynomial-star approximation 1989 A. M. Davie
T. W. Gamelin
+ PDF Chat A canonical extension for analytic functions on Banach spaces 1990 Ignacio Zalduendo
+ Complex analysis in Banach spaces 1986 Jorge Mújica
+ Complex Analysis in Locally Convex Spaces 1981 Seán Dineen
+ PDF Chat Regularity and Algebras of Analytic Functions in Infinite Dimensions 1996 Richard M. Aron
Pablo Galindo
Domingo Garcı́a
Manuel Maestre
+ PDF Chat Orthogonally additive polynomials on spaces of continuous functions 2005 David Pérez-Garcı́a
Ignacio Villanueva
+ PDF Chat Holomorphy types on a Banach spaces 1971 Seán Dineen
+ PDF Chat The adjoint of a bilinear operation 1951 Richard Arens
+ PDF Chat Linearization of bounded holomorphic mappings on Banach spaces 1991 Jorge Mújica
+ PDF Chat A Hahn-Banach theorem for integral polynomials 1999 Daniel Carando
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ PDF Chat A Theorem on Polynomial-Star Approximation 1989 A. M. Davie
T. W. Gamelin
+ PDF Chat Multilinear mappings of nuclear and integral type 1985 Raymundo Alencar
+ Where do homogeneous polynomials attain their norm? 2003 Daniel Carando
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ Products of polynomials in many variables 1990 Bernard Beauzamy
Enrico Bombieri
Per Enflo
Hugh L. Montgomery
+ PDF Chat $Q$-Reflexive Banach Spaces 1997 Richard M. Aron
Seán Dineen
+ Spectra of algebras of analytic functions on a Banach spaces. 1991 T. W. Gamelin
Richard M. Aron
Brian J. Cole
Silvia Lassalle
José G. Llavona
+ Geometric Theory of Spaces of Integral Polynomials and Symmetric Tensor Products 2001 Christopher Boyd
Raymond A. Ryan
+ A Hahn-Banach Extension Theorem for Some Holomorphic Functions 1986 Luiza A. Moraes
+ PDF Chat Integral holomorphic functions 2004 Verónica Dimant
Pablo Galindo
Manuel Maestre
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ Holomorphically complete locally convex topological vector spaces 2006 Seán Dineen
+ PDF Chat The Adjoint of a Bilinear Operation 1951 Richard Arens
+ Analytic Sets in Locally Convex Spaces 1984 Pierre Mazet
+ PDF Chat Multilinear Mappings of Nuclear and Integral Type 1985 Raymundo Alencar
+ PDF Chat Linearization of functions 2004 Daniel Carando
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ Compact holomorphic mappings on Banach spaces and the approximation property 1976 Richard M. Aron
Martin Schottenloher
+ PDF Chat A reflexive space of holomorphic functions in infinitely many variables 1984 Raymundo Alencar
Richard M. Aron
Seán Dineen
+ Linearization of holomorphic mappings on locally convex spaces 1991 Jorge Mújica
Léopoldo Nachbin
+ Linearization of Holomorphic Mappings of Bounded Type 1992 Jorge Mújica
+ PDF Chat Locally Convex Spaces 1981 Hans Jarchow
+ PDF Chat Extendibility of homogeneous polynomials on Banach spaces 1998 Pádraig Kirwan
Raymond A. Ryan
+ PDF Chat Partial differential equations in Fischer-Fock spaces for the Hilbert-Schmidt holomorphy type 1971 Thomas A. Dwyer
+ PDF Chat The bidual of the space of polynomials on a Banach space 1997 Jesús Á. Jaramillo
Ángeles Prieto
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ PDF Chat Weak-Star Continuous Analytic Functions 1995 Richard M. Aron
Brian Cole
T. W. Gamelin
+ Holomorphic mappings of bounded type 1992 Pablo Galindo
Domingo Garcı́a
Manuel Maestre
+ Weakly continuous mappings on Banach spaces 1983 Richard M. Aron
Carlos Hervés‐Beloso
M. Valdivia
+ PDF Chat Hilbert spaces of analytic functions of infinitely many variables 2003 Oleh Lopushansky
Andriy Zagorodnyuk
+ PDF Chat Holomorphic functions on a Banach space 1970 Seán Dineen
+ PDF Chat Orthogonally Additive Polynomials over C(K) are Measures—A Short Proof 2006 Daniel Carando
Silvia Lassalle
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ Geometry of Spaces of Polynomials 1998 Raymond A. Ryan
B. Turett
+ Holomorphy types on a banach space 1971 J. H. Dineen
+ PDF Chat Weakly compact multilinear mappings 1997 Richard M. Aron
Pablo Galindo
+ PDF Chat A probabilistic approach to polynomial inequalities 2011 Damián Pinasco
Ignacio Zalduendo
+ The relationship between a commutative Banach algebra and its maximal ideal space 1977 Iain Raeburn
+ PDF Chat Biduality in Spaces of Holomorphic Functions 2000 Pablo Galindo
Manuel Maestre
Pilar Rueda
+ PDF Chat Holomorphic functions on nuclear spaces 1975 Philip J. Boland
+ On the Malgrange theorem for nuclearly entire functions of bounded type on a Banach space 1970 Chaitan P. Gupta
+ Tensor Norms and Operator Ideals 1993 Andreas Defant
Klaus Floret