С. С. Гончаров


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Identity-Preserving Lax Extensions and Where to Find Them 2024 С. С. Гончаров
Dirk Hofmaan
Pedro Nora
Lutz Schröder
P. Wild
+ PDF Chat Marat Mirzaevich Arslanov (on his eightieth birthday) 2024 А. N. Abyzov
Lev D. Beklemishev
С. С. Гончаров
Yurii Leonidovich Ershov
Искандер Шагитович Калимуллин
Viktor L'vovich Selivanov
A. L. Semenov
A. A. Tuganbaev
M. Kh. Faĭzrahmanov
+ Marat Mirzaevich Arslanov (on his eightieth birthday) 2024 А. N. Abyzov
Lev D. Beklemishev
С. С. Гончаров
Yurii Leonidovich Ershov
Искандер Шагитович Калимуллин
Viktor L'vovich Selivanov
A. L. Semenov
A. A. Tuganbaev
M. Kh. Faĭzrahmanov
+ The degree of decidable categoricity of a model with infinite solutions for complete formulas 2021 С. С. Гончаров
M. I. Marchuk
+ Turing degrees of complete formulas of almost prime models 2019 С. С. Гончаров
R. Miller
V. Harizanov
+ Hanf Number for Scott Sentences of Computable Structures 2016 С. С. Гончаров
Julia F. Knight
Ioannis Souldatos
+ Index sets of autostable relative to strong constructivizations constructive models for familiar classes 2015 С. С. Гончаров
Nikolay Bazhenov
M. I. Marchuk
+ Generalized Computable Universal Numberings 2014 S. A. Badaev
С. С. Гончаров
+ PDF Chat Exploring the Boundaries of Monad Tensorability on Set 2013 Nathan Bowler
С. С. Гончаров
Paul Blain Levy
Lutz Schröder
+ Degrees of autostability relative to strong constructivizations 2011 С. С. Гончаров
+ On autostability of almost prime models relative to strong constructivizations 2011 С. С. Гончаров
+ PDF Chat Decidability and Computability of Certain Torsion-Free Abelian Groups 2010 Rodney G. Downey
С. С. Гончаров
Asher M. Kach
Julia F. Knight
Oleg V. Kudinov
Alexander Melnikov
Daniel Turetsky
+ autostability of prime models under strong constructivizations 2009 С. С. Гончаров
+ Intrinsic bounds on complexity and definability at limit levels 2009 John Chisholm
Ekaterina Fokina
С. С. Гончаров
Valentina Harizanov
Julia F. Knight
Sara B. Quinn
+ Categoricity of computable infinitary theories 2008 Wesley Calvert
С. С. Гончаров
Julia F. Knight
Jessica Millar
+ Structures in Familiar Classes Which Have Scott Rank $\omega_1^{CK}$ 2008 Wesley Calvert
С. С. Гончаров
Julia F. Knight
+ Structures in Familiar Classes Which Have Scott Rank $ω_1^{CK}$ 2008 Wesley Calvert
С. С. Гончаров
Julia F. Knight
+ Isomorphisms and definable relations on computable models 2007 С. С. Гончаров
+ Index sets for classes of high rank structures 2007 Wesley Calvert
Ekaterina Fokina
С. С. Гончаров
Julia F. Knight
Oleg V. Kudinov
Andrey Morozov
V. G. Puzarenko
+ Mathematical Problems from Applied Logic II: Logics for the XXIst Century 2007 Dov M. Gabbay
С. С. Гончаров
Michael Zakharyaschev
+ Computable structures of Scott rank 𝜔₁^{𝐶𝐾} in familiar classes 2007 Wesley Calvert
С. С. Гончаров
Julia F. Knight
+ Isomorphism types of Rogers semilattices for families from different levels of the arithmetical hierarchy 2006 S. A. Badaev
С. С. Гончаров
Andrea Sorbi
+ PDF Chat Enumerations in computable structure theory 2005 С. С. Гончаров
Valentina Harizanov
Julia A. Knight
Charles A. McCoy
Russell Miller
Reed Solomon
+ Π<sub>1</sub><sup>1</sup> relations and paths through 2004 С. С. Гончаров
Valentina Harizanov
Julia F. Knight
Richard A. Shore
С. С. Гончаров
Andrea Sorbi
+ PDF Chat The computable dimension of ordered abelian groups 2003 С. С. Гончаров
Steffen Lempp
Reed Solomon
+ None 2003 С. С. Гончаров
+ None 2002 С. С. Гончаров
Steffen Lempp
D. R. Solomon
+ Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich Lavrent'ev (on his 70th birthday). 2002 А. А. Боровков
Yu. L. Ershov
С. К. Годунов
С. С. Гончаров
Семeн Самсонович Кутателадзе
Yu. G. Reshetnyak
V. G. Romanov
+ None 2001 S. A. Badaev
С. С. Гончаров
+ Yuri Leonidovich Ershov (on his 60th birthday) 2000 С. С. Гончаров
I. A. Lavrov
V. D. Mazurov
+ PDF Chat Юрий Леонидович Ершов (к шестидесятилетию со дня рождения) 2000 Сергей Савостьянович Гончаров
С. С. Гончаров
I. A. Lavrov
I. A. Lavrov
V. D. Mazurov
В. Д. Мазуров
Аркадий Анатольевич Мальцев
Аркадий Анатольевич Мальцев
Андрей Сергеевич Морозов
Андрей Сергеевич Морозов
+ The theory of numberings: open problems 2000 S. A. Badaev
С. С. Гончаров
+ Chapter 6 Autostable models and algorithmic dimensions 1998 С. С. Гончаров
+ Generalized computable numerations and nontrivial rogers semilattices 1997 С. С. Гончаров
Andrea Sorbi
+ We outline the general approach to the notion of a computable numeration in the frames of which computable numerations of families of arithmetic se~s are studied. 1997 С. С. Гончаров
Andrea Sorbi
+ Iterated expansions of models for countable theories and their applications 1996 С. С. Гончаров
Massoud Pourmahdian
+ R 1995 L. A. Skornyakov
I.P. Mysovskikh
A. A. Talalyan
E. D. Solomentsev
A. G. Sveshnikov
V. A. Chuyanov
A. L. Shmel’kin
V. A. Andrunakievich
R. A. Minlos
K. Yu. Bulota
+ Strong constructibility of boolean algebras of elementary characteristic (1,1,0) 1993 V. N. Vlasov
С. С. Гончаров
+ Effectively infinite classes of weak constructivizations of models 1993 С. С. Гончаров
+ Some effectively infinite classes of enumerations 1993 С. С. Гончаров
Alexander Yakhnis
Vladimir Yakhnis
+ Algorithmic dimension of nilpotent groups 1989 С. С. Гончаров
B. N. Drobotun
+ Axiomatizable classes with strong homomorphisms 1987 С. С. Гончаров
+ Positive numerations of families with one-valued numerations 1983 С. С. Гончаров
+ Numerations of saturated and homogeneous models 1981 С. С. Гончаров
B. N. Drobotun
+ The problems of the existence and number of inequivalent univalent computable numerations of families of recursively enumerable sets have attracted the interest of many workers (3 1981 С. С. Гончаров
+ A totally transcendental decidable theory without constructivizable homogeneous models 1980 С. С. Гончаров
+ Totally transcendental theory with a nonconstructivizable prime model 1980 С. С. Гончаров
+ Constructivizability of superatomic Boolean algebras 1973 С. С. Гончаров
A. T. Nurtazin
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Generic copies of countable structures 1989 Chris Ash
Julia F. Knight
Mark S. Manasse
Theodore A. Slaman
+ Constructivizability of superatomic Boolean algebras 1973 С. С. Гончаров
+ Intrinsically Hyperarithmetical Sets 1996 Ivan N. Soskov
+ Generalized computable numerations and nontrivial rogers semilattices 1997 С. С. Гончаров
Andrea Sorbi
+ Π<sub>1</sub><sup>1</sup> relations and paths through 2004 С. С. Гончаров
Valentina Harizanov
Julia F. Knight
Richard A. Shore
+ Recursively presentable prime models 1974 Leo Harrington
+ Gödel numberings of partial recursive functions 1958 Hartley Rogers
+ An example concerning Scott heights 1981 Michael Makkai
+ PDF Chat Enumerations in computable structure theory 2005 С. С. Гончаров
Valentina Harizanov
Julia A. Knight
Charles A. McCoy
Russell Miller
Reed Solomon
+ PDF Chat Persistently finite, persistently arithmetic theories 1983 C. J. Ash
Terrence Millar
+ Degree spectra and computable dimensions in algebraic structures 2002 Denis R. Hirschfeldt
Bakhadyr Khoussainov
Richard A. Shore
Arkadii Slinko
+ Recursive isomorphism types of recursive Boolean algebras 1981 Jeffrey B. Remmel
+ Some effectively infinite classes of enumerations 1993 С. С. Гончаров
Alexander Yakhnis
Vladimir Yakhnis
+ autostability of prime models under strong constructivizations 2009 С. С. Гончаров
+ Isomorphism Types and Theories of Rogers Semilattices of Arithmetical Numberings 2003 S. A. Badaev
С. С. Гончаров
Andrea Sorbi
+ On a General Method of Constructing Post Reducibilities and the Corresponding Completeness Criteria 2022 Marat Arslanov
+ Truth-Table Complete Computably Enumerable Sets 2003 Marat Arslanov
+ On the cardinality of the upper semilattice of computable enumerations 1971 A. B. Khutoretskii
+ Higher Recursion Theory 2017 Gerald E. Sacks
+ Relative enumerability in the difference hierarchy 1998 Marat Arslanov
Geoffrey Laforte
Theodore A. Slaman
+ On the Problem of Definability of the Computably Enumerable Degrees in the Difference Hierarchy 2018 Marat Arslanov
M. M. Yamaleev
+ Computable trees of Scott rank <i>ω</i><sub>1</sub><sup><i>CK</i></sup>, and computable approximation 2006 Wesley Calvert
Julia F. Knight
Jessica Millar
+ A decidable Ehrenfeucht theory with exactly two hyperarithmetic models 1991 Robert C. Reed
+ A construction for recursive linear orderings 1991 C. J. Ash
+ On isolating r.e. and isolated d-r.e. degrees 1996 Marat Arslanov
Steffen Lempp
Richard A. Shore
+ Categoricity in hyperarithmetical degrees 1987 C. J. Ash
+ Fixed-point Selection Functions 2021 Marat Arslanov
+ Eine Bemerkung über die Unzerlegbarkeit von Polynomen 1930 B. L. van der Waerden
+ Spectra of computable models for Ehrenfeucht theories 2007 Alex Gavryushkin
+ Definability and Computability 1996 I︠U︡riĭ Leonidovich Ershov
+ PDF Chat Computable algebra, general theory and theory of computable fields. 1960 Michael O. Rabin
+ RRC-fields with small absolute Galois groups 1989 Yu. L. Ershov
+ Recursive linear orders with recursive successivities 1984 Michael Moses
+ On autostability of almost prime models relative to strong constructivizations 2011 С. С. Гончаров
+ The bounded-complete hull of an α-space 1997 Yu. L. Ershov
+ Decidability and the number of countable models 1984 Terrence Millar
+ On d-spaces 1999 Yu. L. Ershov
+ PDF Chat Persistently finite theories with hyperarithmetic models 1983 Terrence Millar
+ A Borel reductibility theory for classes of countable structures 1989 Harvey M. Friedman
Lee Stanley
+ Atomic models higher up 2008 Jessica Millar
Gerald E. Sacks
+ PDF Chat Model theory: an introduction 2003 David Marker
+ PDF Chat Relative to any nonrecursive set 1998 Theodore A. Slaman
+ PDF Chat Enumerations, countable structures and Turing degrees 1998 Stephan Wehner
+ Complexity of Ehrenfeucht models 2006 Alex Gavryushkin
+ Algebraic Properties of Rogers Semilattices of Arithmetical Numberings 2003 S. A. Badaev
С. С. Гончаров
Sergey Podzorov
Andrea Sorbi
+ Two existence theorems for computable numerations 1969 A. B. Khutoretskii
+ Recurrence in Ergodic Theory and Combinatorial Number Theory 1981 Harry Furstenberg
+ PDF Chat Tame Algebras and Integral Quadratic Forms 1984 Claus Michael Ringel
+ Potential Theory on Harmonic Spaces 1972 Corneliu Constantinescu
Aurel Cornea
+ Banach Lattices and Positive Operators 1974 Helmut Schaefer