Nicholas M. Ercolani


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Yang-Mills-Higgs Equations on Spherical Orbifolds 2024 Nicholas M. Ercolani
+ Map enumeration from a dynamical perspective 2024 Nicholas M. Ercolani
J. Lega
Brandon Tippings
+ Ginzburg-Landau equations on non-compact Riemann surfaces 2023 Nicholas M. Ercolani
Israel Michael Sigal
Jingxuan Zhang
+ PDF Chat The Poisson geometry of Plancherel formulas for triangular groups 2023 Nicholas M. Ercolani
+ Non-recursive counts of graphs on surfaces 2023 Nicholas M. Ercolani
J. Lega
Brandon Tippings
+ PDF Chat Multiple scale asymptotics of map enumeration 2023 Nicholas M. Ercolani
J. Lega
Brandon Tippings
+ PDF Chat Lusztig Factorization Dynamics of the Full Kostant–Toda Lattices 2023 Nicholas M. Ercolani
Jonathan Ramalheira-Tsu
+ The Poisson Geometry of Plancherel Formulas for Triangular Groups 2023 Nicholas M. Ercolani
+ Map enumeration from a dynamical perspective 2023 Nicholas M. Ercolani
J. Lega
Brandon Tippings
+ Total positivity and spectral theory for Toeplitz Hessenberg matrix ensembles 2023 Nicholas M. Ercolani
John Peca-Medlin
Jonathan Ramalheira-Tsu
+ PDF Chat A Path-Counting Analysis of Phase Shifts in Box-Ball Systems 2022 Nicholas M. Ercolani
Jonathan Ramalheira-Tsu
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of Nonpolar Solutions to the Discrete Painlevé I Equation 2022 Nicholas M. Ercolani
J. Lega
Brandon Tippings
+ PDF Chat Relating random matrix map enumeration to a universal symbol calculus for recurrence operators in terms of Bessel–Appell polynomials 2022 Nicholas M. Ercolani
Patrick Waters
+ Lusztig Factorization Dynamics of the Full Kostant-Toda Lattices 2022 Nicholas M. Ercolani
Jonathan Ramalheira-Tsu
+ Multiple Scale Asymptotics of Map Enumeration 2022 Nicholas M. Ercolani
J. Lega
Brandon Tippings
+ Non-recursive Counts of Graphs on Surfaces 2022 Nicholas M. Ercolani
J. Lega
Brandon Tippings
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of Non-polar Solutions to the Discrete Painlev\'e I Equation 2021 Nicholas M. Ercolani
J. Lega
Brandon Tippings
+ PDF Chat The ghost-box-ball system: A unified perspective on soliton cellular automata, the RSK algorithm and phase shifts 2021 Nicholas M. Ercolani
Jonathan Ramalheira-Tsu
+ PDF Chat Integrable Mappings from a Unified Perspective 2020 Tova J. Brown
Nicholas M. Ercolani
+ A PDE approach to the combinatorics of the full map enumeration problem: Exact solutions and their universal character 2019 Nicholas M. Ercolani
Patrick Waters
+ Ginzburg–Landau equations on Riemann surfaces of higher genus 2019 D. Chouchkov
Nicholas M. Ercolani
Steven Rayan
Israel Michael Sigal
+ Relating random matrix map enumeration to a universal symbol calculus for recurrence operators in terms of Bessel-Appell polynomials 2019 Nicholas M. Ercolani
Patrick Waters
+ Integrable Mappings from a Unified Perspective 2019 Tova Brown
Nicholas M. Ercolani
+ PDF Chat Singularity Analysis for Heavy-Tailed Random Variables 2018 Nicholas M. Ercolani
Sabine Jansen
Daniel Ueltschi
+ PDF Chat Random partitions in statistical mechanics 2014 Nicholas M. Ercolani
Sabine Jansen
Daniel Ueltschi
+ PDF Chat Cycle structure of random permutations with cycle weights 2012 Nicholas M. Ercolani
Daniel Ueltschi
+ Conservation Laws of Random Matrix Theory 2012 Nicholas M. Ercolani
+ PDF Chat The continuum limit of Toda lattices for random matrices with odd weights 2012 Nicholas M. Ercolani
Virgil U. Pierce
+ Conservation Laws of Random Matrix Theory 2012 Nicholas M. Ercolani
+ The Continuum Limit of Toda Lattices for Random Matrices with Odd Weights 2011 Nicholas M. Ercolani
Virgil U. Pierce
+ PDF Chat Caustics, counting maps and semi-classical asymptotics 2011 Nicholas M. Ercolani
+ The Continuum Limit of Toda Lattices for Random Matrices with Odd Weights 2011 Nicholas M. Ercolani
Virgil U. Pierce
+ Caustics, counting maps and semi-classical asymptotics 2009 Nicholas M. Ercolani
+ PDF Chat A Variational Theory for Point Defects in Patterns 2008 Nicholas M. Ercolani
Shankar C. Venkataramani
+ A quick derivation of the loop equations for random matrices 2008 Nicholas M. Ercolani
K. T-R McLaughlin
+ PDF Chat Random Matrices, Graphical Enumeration and the Continuum Limit of Toda Lattices 2007 Nicholas M. Ercolani
K. T-R McLaughlin
Virgil U. Pierce
+ PDF Chat A bi-Hamiltonian structure for the integrable, discrete non-linear Schrödinger system 2006 Nicholas M. Ercolani
Guadalupe Lozano
+ A Quick Derivation of the Loop Equations for Random Matrices 2006 Nicholas M. Ercolani
K. T-R McLaughlin
+ Random Matrices, Graphical Enumeration and the Continuum Limit of Toda Lattices 2006 Nicholas M. Ercolani
K. T-R McLaughlin
Virgil U. Pierce
+ None 2003 Nicholas M. Ercolani
K. T-R McLaughlin
+ None 2003 Nicholas M. Ercolani
S. Jin
Claire Levermore
Warren MacEvoy
+ The Zero-Dispersion Limit for the Odd Flows in the Focusing Zakharov-Shabat Hierarchy 2003 Nicholas M. Ercolani
S. Jin
C. David Levermore
Warren MacEvoy
+ Asymptotics of the partition function for random matrices via Riemann-Hilbert techniques, and applications to graphical enumeration 2002 Nicholas M. Ercolani
K. T-R McLaughlin
+ Bäcklund transformations for the reduced Maxwell-Bloch equations 2001 Nicholas M. Ercolani
+ Asymptotics and integrable structures for biorthogonal polynomials associated to a random two-matrix model 2001 Nicholas M. Ercolani
K. T-R McLaughlin
+ Generic singularities for the steady Boussinesq equations 1997 Russel E. Caflisch
Nicholas M. Ercolani
Gregory V. Steele
+ PDF Chat The behavior of the weyl function in the zero-dispersion KdV limit 1997 Nicholas M. Ercolani
C. David Levermore
Taiyan Zhang
+ PDF Chat Pole dynamics and oscillations for the complex Burgers equation in the small-dispersion limit 1996 David Senouf
Russel E. Caflisch
Nicholas M. Ercolani
+ Defects are weak and self-dual solutions of the Cross-Newell phase diffusion equation for natural patterns 1996 Alan C. Newell
T. Passot
Christopher N. Bowman
Nicholas M. Ercolani
R. Indik
+ Geometry of singularities for the steady Boussinesq equations 1996 Russel E. Caflisch
Nicholas M. Ercolani
Gregory V. Steele
+ PDF Chat Density of heat curves in the moduli space 1995 A. I. Bobenko
Nicholas M. Ercolani
Horst Knörrer
Eugene Trubowitz
+ Attractors and transients for a perturbed periodic KdV equation: A nonlinear spectral analysis 1993 Nicholas M. Ercolani
David W. McLaughlin
H. Roitner
+ Multi‐valued solutions and branch point singularities for nonlinear hyperbolic or elliptic systems 1993 Russel E. Caflisch
Nicholas M. Ercolani
Thomas Y. Hou
Yelena Landis
+ Hyperelliptic Curves that Generate Constant Mean Curvature Tori in ℝ3 1993 Nicholas M. Ercolani
Horst Knörrer
Eugene Trubowitz
+ The Geometry of the Full Kostant-Toda Lattice 1993 Nicholas M. Ercolani
H. Flaschka
Stephanie Frank Singer
+ Painlevé Balances and Dressing Transformations 1992 Nicholas M. Ercolani
H. Flaschka
Luc Haine
+ On the construction of a hyper-Kähler metric on the moduli space of monopoles 1991 Nicholas M. Ercolani
Aninda Sinha
+ Painlevé Property and Integrability 1991 Nicholas M. Ercolani
Eric D. Siggia
+ Geometry of KDV (4): Abel sums, Jacobi variety, and theta function in the scattering case 1990 Nicholas M. Ercolani
H. P. McKean
+ Geometry of the modulational instability 1990 Nicholas M. Ercolani
M. Gregory Forest
David W. McLaughlin
+ A Quick Proof of Fay's Secant Identities 1990 Nicholas M. Ercolani
H. P. McKean
+ Painlevé property and geometry 1989 Nicholas M. Ercolani
Eric D. Siggia
+ Hamiltonian structure for the modulation equations of a sine-Gordon wavetrain 1987 Nicholas M. Ercolani
M. Gregory Forest
David W. McLaughlin
Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat On the weak limit of rapidly oscillating waves 1987 Luigi Chierchia
Nicholas M. Ercolani
David W. McLaughlin
Nicholas M. Ercolani
David W. McLaughlin
+ Painlevé property and integrability 1986 Nicholas M. Ercolani
Eric D. Siggia
+ Oscillations and instabilities in near integrable PDEs 1986 Nicholas M. Ercolani
M. Gregory Forest
David W. McLaughlin
+ The geometry of the Hill equation and of the Neumann system 1985 Nicholas M. Ercolani
H. Flaschka
+ PDF Chat The geometry of real sine-Gordon wavetrains 1985 Nicholas M. Ercolani
M. Gregory Forest
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Random Matrices, Graphical Enumeration and the Continuum Limit of Toda Lattices 2007 Nicholas M. Ercolani
K. T-R McLaughlin
Virgil U. Pierce
+ None 2003 Nicholas M. Ercolani
K. T-R McLaughlin
+ Uniform asymptotics for polynomials orthogonal with respect to varying exponential weights and applications to universality questions in random matrix theory 1999 Percy Deift
T. Kriecherbauer
K. T-R McLaughlin
Stephanos Venakides
Xin Zhou
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics of the partition function of a random matrix model 2005 Pavel Bleher
Alexander Its
+ PDF Chat On the enumeration of planar maps 1968 W. T. Tutte
+ New Results on the Equilibrium Measure for Logarithmic Potentials in the Presence of an External Field 1998 Percy Deift
Thomas Kriecherbauer
K. T-R McLaughlin
+ PDF Chat 2D gravity and random matrices 1995 Philippe Di Francesco
Paul Ginsparg
Jean Zinn‐Justin
+ Orthogonal Polynomials and Random Matrices: A Riemann-Hilbert Approach 2000 Percy Deift
+ PDF Chat Orthogonal Polynomials 1971 8
+ Logarithmic Potentials with External Fields 1997 Edward B. Saff
Вилмос Тотик
+ PDF Chat Caustics, counting maps and semi-classical asymptotics 2011 Nicholas M. Ercolani
+ PDF Chat The continuum limit of Toda lattices for random matrices with odd weights 2012 Nicholas M. Ercolani
Virgil U. Pierce
+ Multiphase averaging and the inverse spectral solution of the Korteweg—de Vries equation 1980 H. Flaschka
M. Gregory Forest
David W. McLaughlin
+ PDF Chat Matrix model calculations beyond the spherical limit 1993 J. Ambjørn
Leonid Chekhov
Charlotte Kristjansen
Yu.M. Makeenko
+ A continuum limit of the Toda lattice 1998 Percy Deift
K. T-R McLaughlin
+ PDF Chat The Map Asymptotics Constant $t_g$ 2008 Edward A. Bender
Zhicheng Gao
L. Bruce Richmond
+ On Whittaker vectors and representation theory 1978 Bertram Kostant
+ On Freud's equations for exponential weights 1986 Alphonse Magnus
+ PDF Chat A Bijection for Rooted Maps on Orientable Surfaces 2009 Guillaume Chapuy
Michel Marcus
Gilles Schaeffer
+ PDF Chat Planar Maps and Continued Fractions 2011 Jérémie Bouttier
Emmanuel Guitter
+ On fluctuations of eigenvalues of random Hermitian matrices 1998 Kurt Johansson
+ Asymptotics and integrable structures for biorthogonal polynomials associated to a random two-matrix model 2001 Nicholas M. Ercolani
K. T-R McLaughlin
+ The isomonodromy approach to matric models in 2D quantum gravity 1992 A. S. Fokas
A. R. Its
A. V. Kitaev
+ Asymptotic zero distribution of complex orthogonal polynomials associated with Gaussian quadrature 2010 Alfredo Deaño
Daan Huybrechs
Arno B. J. Kuijlaars
+ Principles of Algebraic Geometry 1978 Phillip Griffiths
Joseph Harris
+ PDF Chat Topological Expansion in the Cubic Random Matrix Model 2012 Pavel Bleher
Alfredo Deaño
+ Dispersionless Toda and Toeplitz operators 2003 Anthony M. Bloch
François Golse
Tanmoy Paul
Alejandro Uribe
+ On the density of Eigenvalues of a random matrix 1960 M. L. Mehta
M. Gaudin
+ Formal Matrix Integrals and Combinatorics of Maps 2011 Benoît Eynard
+ PDF Chat The Euler characteristic of the moduli space of curves 1986 John Harer
Don Zagier
+ Hamiltonian group actions and integrable systems 1980 William W. Symes
+ The spectrum of Hill's equation 1975 H. P. McKean
Pierre van Moerbeke
+ PDF Chat Relating random matrix map enumeration to a universal symbol calculus for recurrence operators in terms of Bessel–Appell polynomials 2022 Nicholas M. Ercolani
Patrick Waters
+ The small dispersion limit of the Korteweg‐de Vries equation. III 1983 Peter D. Lax
C. David Levermore
+ PDF Chat Two-dimensional gravity and intersection theory on moduli space 1990 Edward Witten
+ The Geometry of the Full Kostant-Toda Lattice 1993 Nicholas M. Ercolani
H. Flaschka
Stephanie Frank Singer
+ The small dispersion limit of the Korteweg‐de Vries equation. I 1983 Peter D. Lax
C. David Levermore
+ The solution to a generalized Toda lattice and representation theory 1979 Bertram Kostant
+ An algorithm for map enumeration 2006 Virgil U. Pierce
+ PDF Chat Discrete Painlevé equations and their appearance in quantum gravity 1991 A. S. Fokas
A. R. Its
A. V. Kitaev
+ Integrable Hamiltonian systems and the Painlevé property 1982 Tassos Bountis
Harvey Segur
Franco Vivaldi
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical Asymptotics of Orthogonal Polynomials, Riemann-Hilbert Problem, and Universality in the Matrix Model 1999 Pavel Bleher
Alexander Its
+ A connection between nonlinear evolution equations and ordinary differential equations of P-type. I 1980 Mark J. Ablowitz
A. Ramani
Harvey Segur
+ Multi‐valued solutions and branch point singularities for nonlinear hyperbolic or elliptic systems 1993 Russel E. Caflisch
Nicholas M. Ercolani
Thomas Y. Hou
Yelena Landis
+ Method for Solving the Sine-Gordon Equation 1973 Mark J. Ablowitz
D. J. Kaup
Alan C. Newell
Harvey Segur
+ PDF Chat Longest increasing subsequences: from patience sorting to the Baik-Deift-Johansson theorem 1999 David Aldous
Persi Diaconis
+ Variétés de drapeaux et réseaux de Toda 1991 H. Flaschka
Luc Haine
+ Handbook of Mathematical Functions 1966 Donald A. McQuarrie
+ On the 1/n Expansion for Some Unitary Invariant Ensembles of Random Matrices 2001 Sergio Albeverio
L. А. Pastur
Mariya Shcherbina
+ Asymptotic Methods in Enumeration 1974 Edward A. Bender