Stephan Mertens


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Domination Polynomials of the Grid, the Cylinder, the Torus, and the King Graph 2024 Stephan Mertens
+ PDF Chat Domination by kings is oddly even 2024 Cristopher Moore
Stephan Mertens
+ Domination Polynomial of the Rook Graph 2024 Stephan Mertens
+ PDF Chat A Biography of Robert M Ziff 2023 Jesper Lykke Jacobsen
Stephan Mertens
Christian R. Scullard
+ Exact site-percolation probability on the square lattice 2021 Stephan Mertens
+ Exact Percolation Probability on the Square Lattice 2021 Stephan Mertens
+ PDF Chat Percolation Is Odd 2019 Stephan Mertens
Cristopher Moore
+ PDF Chat Series expansion of the percolation threshold on hypercubic lattices 2018 Stephan Mertens
Cristopher Moore
+ PDF Chat Percolation thresholds and Fisher exponents in hypercubic lattices 2018 Stephan Mertens
Cristopher Moore
+ Series Expansion of Critical Densities for Percolation on $\mathbb{Z}^d$ 2018 Stephan Mertens
Cristopher Moore
+ PDF Chat Universal features of cluster numbers in percolation 2017 Stephan Mertens
Iwan Jensen
Robert M. Ziff
+ PDF Chat Percolation thresholds in hyperbolic lattices 2017 Stephan Mertens
Cristopher Moore
+ The Perimeter of Proper Polycubes 2017 S. Luther
Stephan Mertens
+ The Perimeter of Proper Polycubes 2017 S. Luther
Stephan Mertens
+ PDF Chat Percolation in finite matching lattices 2016 Stephan Mertens
Robert M. Ziff
+ PDF Chat Low autocorrelation binary sequences 2016 Tom Packebusch
Stephan Mertens
+ Cluster numbers in percolation 2016 Stephan Mertens
Iwan Jensen
Robert M. Ziff
+ PDF Chat Small random instances of the stable roommates problem 2015 Stephan Mertens
+ PDF Chat Stable roommates problem with random preferences 2015 Stephan Mertens
+ Viewpoint: A New Approach to the Matching Problem 2014 Stephan Mertens
+ PDF Chat The complexity of the fermionant, and immanants of constant width 2013 Stephan Mertens
Cristopher Moore
+ PDF Chat Continuum percolation thresholds in two dimensions 2012 Stephan Mertens
Cristopher Moore
+ PDF Chat Counting lattice animals in high dimensions 2011 S. Luther
Stephan Mertens
+ Random Walks and Rapid Mixing 2011 Cristopher Moore
Stephan Mertens
+ Counting, Sampling, and Statistical Physics 2011 Cristopher Moore
Stephan Mertens
+ Optimization and Approximation 2011 Cristopher Moore
Stephan Mertens
+ Prologue 2011 Cristopher Moore
Stephan Mertens
+ PDF Chat Parallel complexity of random Boolean circuits 2011 Jonathan Machta
Simon DeDeo
Stephan Mertens
Cristopher Moore
+ None 2009 Christian Borgs
Jennifer Chayes
Stephan Mertens
Chandra Nair
+ Asymptotics of Lagged Fibonacci Sequences 2009 Stephan Mertens
Stefan Boettcher
+ Random Number Generators: A Survival Guide for Large Scale Simulations 2009 Stephan Mertens
+ PDF Chat Proof of the local REM conjecture for number partitioning. I: Constant energy scales 2008 Christian Borgs
Jennifer Chayes
Stephan Mertens
Chandra Nair
+ PDF Chat Proof of the local REM conjecture for number partitioning. II. Growing energy scales 2008 Christian Borgs
Jennifer Chayes
Stephan Mertens
Chandra Nair
+ PDF Chat Brachistochrones with loose ends 2008 Stephan Mertens
Sebastian Mingramm
+ PDF Chat Analysis of the Karmarkar-Karp differencing algorithm 2008 Stefan Boettcher
Stephan Mertens
+ PDF Chat Random numbers for large-scale distributed Monte Carlo simulations 2007 Heiko Bauke
Stephan Mertens
+ PDF Chat The Easiest Hard Problem: Number Partitioning 2005 Stephan Mertens
+ PDF Chat Threshold values of random <i>K</i>‐SAT from the cavity method 2005 Stephan Mertens
Marc Mézard
Riccardo Zecchina
+ PDF Chat Random stable matchings 2005 Stephan Mertens
+ Proof of the local REM conjecture for number partitioning 2005 Christian Borgs
Jennifer Chayes
Stephan Mertens
Chandra Nair
+ Proof of the local REM conjecture for number partitioning I: Constant energy scales 2005 Christian Borgs
Jennifer Chayes
Stephan Mertens
Chandra Nair
+ Proof of the local REM conjecture for number partitioning II: growing energy scales 2005 Christian Borgs
Jennifer Chayes
Stephan Mertens
Chandra Nair
+ Proof of the local REM conjecture for number partitioning I: Constant energy scales 2005 Christian Borgs
Jennifer Chayes
Stephan Mertens
Chandra Nair
+ PDF Chat Universality in the level statistics of disordered systems 2004 Heiko Bauke
Stephan Mertens
+ PDF Chat Entropy of pseudo-random-number generators 2004 Stephan Mertens
Heiko Bauke
+ None 2004 Christian Borgs
Jennifer Chayes
Stephan Mertens
Boris Pittel
+ PDF Chat Number partitioning as a random energy model 2004 Heiko Bauke
Silvio Franz
Stephan Mertens
+ PDF Chat Phase diagram for the constrained integer partitioning problem 2004 Christian Borgs
Jennifer Chayes
Stephan Mertens
Boris Pittel
+ PDF Chat Pseudo Random Coins Show More Heads Than Tails 2004 Heiko Bauke
Stephan Mertens
+ PDF Chat Constrained Integer Partitions 2004 Christian Borgs
Jennifer Chayes
Stephan Mertens
Boris Pittel
+ The Easiest Hard Problem: Number Partitioning 2003 Stephan Mertens
+ PDF Chat Phase Transition in Multiprocessor Scheduling 2003 Heiko Bauke
Stephan Mertens
A. Engel
+ The Easiest Hard Problem: Number Partitioning 2003 Stephan Mertens
+ Threshold values of Random K-SAT from the cavity method 2003 Stephan Mertens
Marc Mézard
Riccardo Zecchina
+ PDF Chat Computational complexity for physicists 2002 Stephan Mertens
+ A physicist's approach to number partitioning 2001 Stephan Mertens
+ A physicist's approach to number partitioning 2000 Stephan Mertens
+ A physicist's approach to number partitioning 2000 Stephan Mertens
+ PDF Chat Random Costs in Combinatorial Optimization 2000 Stephan Mertens
+ A physicist's approach to number partitioning 2000 Stephan Mertens
+ Computational Complexity for Physicists 2000 Stephan Mertens
+ Number Partioning as Random Energy Model 1999 Stephan Mertens
+ A complete anytime algorithm for balanced number partitioning 1999 Stephan Mertens
+ PDF Chat Phase Transition in the Number Partitioning Problem 1998 Stephan Mertens
+ PDF Chat On the ground states of the Bernasconi model 1998 Stephan Mertens
Christine Bessenrodt
+ PDF Chat Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension of neural networks with binary weights 1997 Stephan Mertens
A. Engel
+ PDF Chat Exhaustive search for low-autocorrelation binary sequences 1996 Stephan Mertens
+ PDF Chat On the Vapnik - Chervonenkis dimension of the Ising perceptron 1996 Stephan Mertens
+ PDF Chat Counting lattice animals: A parallel attack 1992 Stephan Mertens
Markus E. Lautenbacher
+ Lattice animals: A fast enumeration algorithm and new perimeter polynomials 1990 Stephan Mertens
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Phase Transition in the Number Partitioning Problem 1998 Stephan Mertens
+ PDF Chat Random Costs in Combinatorial Optimization 2000 Stephan Mertens
+ Phase transition and finite‐size scaling for the integer partitioning problem 2001 Christian Borgs
Jennifer Chayes
Boris Pittel
+ Probabilistic analysis of the number partitioning problem 1998 Fábio Furlan Ferreira
José F. Fontanari
+ PDF Chat Universality in the level statistics of disordered systems 2004 Heiko Bauke
Stephan Mertens
+ Exponentially small bounds on the expected optimum of the partition and subset sum problems 1998 George S. Lueker
+ Phase Transitions and Annealed Theories: Number Partitioning as a Case Study. 1996 Ian P. Gent
Toby Walsh
+ PDF Chat Number partitioning as a random energy model 2004 Heiko Bauke
Silvio Franz
Stephan Mertens
+ On the computational complexity of Ising spin glass models 1982 Francisco Barahona
+ The complexity of computing the permanent 1979 Leslie G. Valiant
+ The Asymptotic Theory of Extreme Order Statistics 1990 John E. Angus
János Galambos
+ PDF Chat Fast Monte Carlo algorithm for site or bond percolation 2001 Michael Newman
Robert M. Ziff
+ Crystal Statistics. I. A Two-Dimensional Model with an Order-Disorder Transition 1944 Lars Onsager
+ On the computational complexity of the Jones and Tutte polynomials 1990 François Jaeger
Dirk Vertigan
Dominic Welsh
+ PDF Chat Random walks on finite groups and rapidly mixing markov chains 1983 David Aldous
+ PDF Chat Random graphs with arbitrary degree distributions and their applications 2001 M. E. J. Newman
Steven H. Strogatz
Duncan J. Watts
+ PDF Chat Random<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>K</mml:mi></mml:math>-satisfiability problem: From an analytic solution to an efficient algorithm 2002 Marc Mézard
Riccardo Zecchina
+ PDF Chat The Easiest Hard Problem: Number Partitioning 2005 Stephan Mertens
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial and topological approach to the 3D Ising model 2000 T. Regge
Riccardo Zecchina
+ A very simple algorithm for estimating the number of k‐colorings of a low‐degree graph 1995 Mark Jerrum
+ Statistics of the Two-Dimensional Ferromagnet. Part I 1941 H. A. Kramers
Gregory H. Wannier
+ Markov Chain Algorithms for Planar Lattice Structures 2001 Michael Luby
Dana Randall
Alistair Sinclair
+ PDF Chat Critical points of Potts and O(<i>N</i>) models from eigenvalue identities in periodic Temperley–Lieb algebras 2015 Jesper Lykke Jacobsen
+ PDF Chat Proof of the local REM conjecture for number partitioning. I: Constant energy scales 2008 Christian Borgs
Jennifer Chayes
Stephan Mertens
Chandra Nair
+ PDF Chat Sharp thresholds of graph properties, and the $k$-sat problem 1999 Ehud Friedgut
appendix by Jean Bourgain
+ PDF Chat Proof of the local REM conjecture for number partitioning. II. Growing energy scales 2008 Christian Borgs
Jennifer Chayes
Stephan Mertens
Chandra Nair
+ PDF Chat Percolation in finite matching lattices 2016 Stephan Mertens
Robert M. Ziff
+ The Complexity of Enumeration and Reliability Problems 1979 Leslie G. Valiant
+ Matrix multiplication via arithmetic progressions 1990 Don Coppersmith
S. Winograd
+ PDF Chat Phase Transition in Multiprocessor Scheduling 2003 Heiko Bauke
Stephan Mertens
A. Engel
+ PDF Chat Threshold values of random <i>K</i>‐SAT from the cavity method 2005 Stephan Mertens
Marc Mézard
Riccardo Zecchina
+ A critical point for random graphs with a given degree sequence 1995 Michael Molloy
Bruce Reed
+ Improved bounds for sampling colorings 2000 Eric Vigoda
+ Representation Theory: A First Course 1991 William Fulton
+ Sudden Emergence of a Giantk-Core in a Random Graph 1996 Boris Pittel
Joel Spencer
Nicholas Wormald
+ PDF Chat Survey propagation as local equilibrium equations 2004 Alfredo Braunstein
Riccardo Zecchina
+ PDF Chat Absence of phase transition for antiferromagnetic Potts models via the Dobrushin uniqueness theorem 1997 Jesús Salas
Alan D. Sokal
+ Analyzing Glauber dynamics by comparison of Markov chains 2000 Dana Randall
Prasad Tetali
+ Number of Guards Needed by a Museum: A Phase Transition in Vertex Covering of Random Graphs 2000 Martin Weigt
Alexander K. Hartmann
+ PDF Chat Efficient Monte Carlo Algorithm and High-Precision Results for Percolation 2000 M. E. J. Newman
Robert M. Ziff
+ PDF Chat High-precision percolation thresholds and Potts-model critical manifolds from graph polynomials 2014 Jesper Lykke Jacobsen
+ Exact Critical Percolation Probabilities for Site and Bond Problems in Two Dimensions 1964 M F Sykes
J W Essam
+ Integral Extreme Points 1968 Arthur F. Veinott
George B. Dantzig
+ A polynomial-time algorithm, based on Newton's method, for linear programming 1988 James Renegar
+ PDF Chat Superadditivity of communication capacity using entangled inputs 2009 M. B. Hastings
+ Canonical labeling of graphs 1983 László Babai
Eugene M. Luks
+ PDF Chat The Glauber Dynamics on Colorings of a Graph with High Girth and Maximum Degree 2004 Michael Molloy
+ Discrete Logarithms in $GF ( P )$ Using the Number Field Sieve 1993 Daniel M. Gordon
+ PDF Chat Limit on the Speed of Quantum Computation in Determining Parity 1998 Edward Farhi
Jeffrey Goldstone
Sam Gutmann
Michael Sipser
+ The statistics of dimers on a lattice 1961 Piet Kasteleyn