Mark Sioen


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Generalized spectra and applications to finite distributive lattices 2023 Wendy Lowen
Mark Sioen
Wouter Van Den Haute
+ Sequences and related closure and compactness properties in frames 2021 David Holgate
Jacques Masuret
Mark Sioen
+ PDF Chat An isomorphism of the Wallman and Čech-Stone compactifications 2021 Eva Colebunders
R. Löwen
Mark Sioen
+ Unsymmetric T0-quasi-metrics 2020 Hans-Peter A. Künzi
Mark Sioen
Filiz Yıldız
+ The Banaschewski compactification of an approach space is of Wallman-Shanin-type 2020 Eva Colebunders
Mark Sioen
+ The Banaschewski compactification is of Wallman-Shanin type 2020 Mark Sioen
Eva Colebunders
+ Frames of continuous functions 2019 Wendy Lowen
Mark Sioen
Wouter Van Den Haute
+ The Banaschewski compactification revisited 2019 Eva Colebunders
Mark Sioen
+ Normality, Regularity and Contractive Realvalued Maps 2018 Eva Colebunders
Mark Sioen
Wouter Van Den Haute
+ Normality in terms of distances and contractions 2018 Eva Colebunders
Mark Sioen
Wouter Van Den Haute
+ An application of approach theory to the relative Hausdorff measure of non-compactness for the Wasserstein metric 2017 Ben Berckmoes
Tim Hellemans
Mark Sioen
J. van Casteren
+ An Alternative Description of Approach Spaces Via Approach Cores 2016 Mark Sioen
Wouter Van Den Haute
+ An application of approach theory to the relative Hausdorff measure of non-compactness for the Wasserstein metric 2016 Ben Berckmoes
Tim Hellemans
Mark Sioen
J. van Casteren
+ On the Dini and Stone–Weierstrass properties in pointfree topology 2015 David Holgate
Jacques Masuret
Mark Sioen
+ ℓ-Ring aspects of compactification in pointfree topology 2014 Bernhard Banaschewski
Mark Sioen
+ Some new characterizations of pointfree pseudocompactness 2013 Bernhard Banaschewski
David Holgate
Mark Sioen
+ On some topological properties of point-free function rings 2013 Mark Sioen
+ Lattice-ordered rings and compactification in pointfree topology 2013 Mark Sioen
Bernhard Banaschewski
+ Cartesian Closedness, Extensionality and Bornological Universes 2013 Mark Sioen
Tom Vroegrijk
+ Some new characterizations of pointree pseudocompactness 2013 Bernhard Banaschewski
David Holgate
Mark Sioen
+ Topological monads from functorial quasi-uniformities 2012 Mark Sioen
G. C. L. Brümmer
Hans-Peter A. Künzi
+ PDF Chat Quantum Axiomatics: Topological and Classical Properties of State Property Systems 2011 Diederik Aerts
Bart D’Hooghe
Mark Sioen
+ Concrete functors determined by their restrictions to the <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mi>T</mml:mi><mml:mn>0</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math> objects 2011 G. C. L. Brümmer
H.-P. A. Künzi
Mark Sioen
+ More on upper bicompletion-true functorial quasi-uniformities 2011 G. C. L. Brümmer
Hans-Peter A. Künzi
Mark Sioen
+ Ring ideals and the Stone-Čech compactification in pointfree topology 2010 Bernhard Banaschewski
Mark Sioen
+ Functional analysis on normed spaces: the Banach space comparison. 2007 Mark Sioen
Stijn Verwulgen
+ Asymmetry and bicompletion of approach spaces 2006 G. C. L. Brümmer
Mark Sioen
+ PDF Chat Quantified functional analysis and seminormed spaces: A dual adjunction 2006 Mark Sioen
Stijn Verwulgen
+ Gap functionals, proximities and hyperspace compactification 2005 Giuseppe Di Maio
R. Löwen
S. A. Naimpally
Mark Sioen
+ Quantified functional analysis: recapturing the dual unit ball 2004 Mark Sioen
Stijn Verwulgen
+ PDF Chat On the multitude of monoidal closed structures on UAP 2003 R. Löwen
Mark Sioen
+ PDF Chat Locally convex approach spaces 2003 Mark Sioen
Stijn Verwulgen
+ PDF Chat A note on separation in AP 2003 R. Löwen
Mark Sioen
+ Some Remarks on the tea-zero Problem 2003 Mark Sioen
+ PDF Chat Functorial approach structures 2003 G. C. L. Brümmer
Mark Sioen
+ Completing Quasi-metric Spaces - an alternative Approach 2003 R. Löwen
Mark Sioen
David Vaughan
+ None 2002 Mark Sioen
+ How Many Closed Structures does the Construct PRAP Admit 2001 Mark Sioen
+ Symmetric monoidal closed structures in $\mathit {PRAP}$ 2001 Mark Sioen
+ PDF Chat A Wallman-Shanin-Type Compactification for Approach Spaces 2000 R. Löwen
Mark Sioen
+ Weak representations of quantified hyperspace structures 2000 R. Löwen
Mark Sioen
+ Approximations in Functional Analysis 2000 R. Löwen
Mark Sioen
+ None 2000 R. Löwen
Mark Sioen
+ None 2000 Mark Sioen
+ None 1998 R. Löwen
Mark Sioen
+ The Cech-Stone Compactification for Hausdorff Uniform Spaces is of Wallman-Shanin-Type 1998 Mark Sioen
+ PDF Chat The Wijsman and Attouch-Wets topologies on hyperspaces revisited 1996 R. Löwen
Mark Sioen
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Approach Spaces A Common Supercategory of TOP and MET 1989 R. Löwen
+ Approximations in Functional Analysis 2000 R. Löwen
Mark Sioen
+ Topological quasitopos hulls of categories containing topological and metric objects 1989 E. Lowen
R. Löwen
+ An Alternative Description of Approach Spaces Via Approach Cores 2016 Mark Sioen
Wouter Van Den Haute
+ PDF Chat Categories for the Working Mathematician 1971 Saunders Mac Lane
+ Index Analysis 2015 R. Lowen
+ Quasi-uniform spaces 1982 Fletcher
+ PDF Chat Locally convex approach spaces 2003 Mark Sioen
Stijn Verwulgen
K. Robeys
+ Measures of noncompactness in Banach spaces 1980 Józef Banaś
+ Banach spaces and totally convex spaces I 1984 Dieter Pumplün
Helmut Röhrl
+ PDF Chat The Wijsman and Attouch-Wets topologies on hyperspaces revisited 1996 R. Löwen
Mark Sioen
+ None 1998 R. Löwen
Mark Sioen
+ PDF Chat A note on separation in AP 2003 R. Löwen
Mark Sioen
+ On epireflective subcategories of topological categories 1979 Th. Marny
+ Banach spaces and totally convex spaces II 1985 Dieter Pumplün
Helmut Röhrl
+ Weak representations of quantified hyperspace structures 2000 R. Löwen
Mark Sioen
+ PDF Chat A quasitopos containing CONV and MET as full subcategories 1987 E. Lowen
R. Löwen
+ Approach Vector Spaces 2004 Stijn Verwulgen
R. Löwen
+ None 1998 Paul Brock
D. C. Kent
+ Handbook of algebra 1996 Michiel Hazewinkel
+ PDF Chat On Real-Valued Functions in Topological Spaces 1951 Miroslav Katětov
+ Some characterizations of normal and perfectly normal spaces 1952 Hing Tong
+ Functorial uniformization of topological spaces 1987 G.C.L. Bru ̈mmer
Anthony W. Hager
+ PDF Chat A Wallman-Shanin-Type Compactification for Approach Spaces 2000 R. Löwen
Mark Sioen
+ Frames and Locales: Topology without points 2012 Jorge Picado
Aleš Pultr
+ Complexity Analysis via Approach Spaces 2013 Eva Colebunders
S. De Wachter
Michel Schellekens
+ Categorical aspects of the theory of quasi-uniform spaces 1999 G. C. L. Brümmer
+ PDF Chat A Unif: A common supercategory of pMET and Unif 1997 R. Löwen
Bart Windels
+ Compactifications of products of metric spaces and their relations to Čech-Stone and Smirnov compactifications 1994 R. Löwen
K. Robeys
+ Distances on probability measures and random variables 2010 Ben Berckmoes
R. Löwen
J. van Casteren
+ Topologies on Closed and Closed Convex Sets 1993 Gerald Beer
+ An isometric study of the Lindeberg–Feller central limit theorem via Stein’s method 2013 Ben Berckmoes
R. Löwen
J. van Casteren
+ On the Function Ring Functor in Pointfree Topology 2005 Bernhard Banaschewski
+ PDF Chat Correction to "On real-valued functions in topological spaces" 1953 Miroslav Katětov
+ Topological Vector Spaces. 1967 M. S. Ramanujan
Helmut Schaefer
+ Fixed points of contractive maps on dcpo's 2013 Eva Colebunders
S. De Wachter
R. Löwen
+ Ring ideals and the Stone-Čech compactification in pointfree topology 2010 Bernhard Banaschewski
Mark Sioen
+ PDF Chat Wallman spaces and compactifications 1967 E. F. Steiner
+ Lipschitz-type functions on metric spaces 2007 M. Isabel Garrido
Jesús Á. Jaramillo
+ Some open categorical problems inTop 1993 Horst Herrlich
Miroslav Hušek
+ General construction of monoidal closed structures in topological, uniform and nearness spaces 1982 Georg Greve
+ Compactifications and Semi-Normal Spaces 1964 Orrin Frink
+ PDF Chat Function Spaces and Contractive Extensions in Approach Theory: The Role of Regularity 2013 Eva Colebunders
Frédéric Mynard
William Trott
+ The Katětov construction modified for a <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mi>T</mml:mi><mml:mn>0</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math>-quasi-metric space 2011 Hans-Peter A. Künzi
Manuel Sanchis
+ PDF Chat None 2003 Maria Manuel Clementino
Dirk Hofmann
+ Introduction to Tensor Products of Banach Spaces 2002 Raymond A. Ryan
+ PDF Chat Bicompleteness of the fine quasi-uniformity 1991 Hans-Peter A. Künzi
Nathalie Ferrario
+ Locally Lipschitz functions, cofinal completeness, and UC spaces 2015 Gerald Beer
M. Isabel Garrido
+ PDF Chat A Polish topology for the closed subsets of a Polish space 1991 Gerald Beer