Xuecheng Wang


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Nonlinear Landau Damping for the Vlasovā€“Poisson System in $$\mathbb {R}^3$$: The Poisson Equilibrium 2023 Alexandru D. Ionescu
BenoƮt Pausader
Xuecheng Wang
Klaus Widmayer
+ Global Solution of the 3D Relativistic Vlasovā€“Poisson System for a Class of Large Data 2023 Xuecheng Wang
+ PDF Chat On the stability of homogeneous equilibria in the Vlasovā€“Poisson system on R3 2023 Alexandru D. Ionescu
BenoƮt Pausader
Xuecheng Wang
Klaus Widmayer
+ Global solution of 3D anisotropic wave equations with the same speed in one direction 2023 Xuecheng Wang
+ On the stability of homogeneous equilibria in the Vlasov-Poisson system on $\mathbb{R}^3$ 2023 Alexandru D. Ionescu
BenoƮt Pausader
Xuecheng Wang
Klaus Widmayer
+ PDF Chat Remarks on the large data global solutions of $ 3D $ RVP system and $ 3D $ RVM system 2023 Xuecheng Wang
+ PDF Chat Decay estimates for the $ 3D $ relativistic and non-relativistic Vlasov-Poisson systems 2022 Xuecheng Wang
+ PDF Chat Propagation of Regularity and Long Time Behavior of the 3D Massive Relativistic Transport Equation II: Vlasovā€“Maxwell System 2022 Xuecheng Wang
+ Global solution of the 3D Relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell system for large data with cylindrical symmetry 2022 Xuecheng Wang
+ Remarks on the Large data global solutions of $3D$ RVP system and $3D$ RVM system 2022 Xuecheng Wang
+ Nonlinear Landau damping for the Vlasov-Poisson system in $\R^3$: the Poisson equilibrium 2022 Alexandru D. Ionescu
BenoƮt Pausader
Xuecheng Wang
Klaus Widmayer
+ Global stability of the Minkowski spacetime for the Einstein-Vlasov system 2022 Xuecheng Wang
+ PDF Chat On the Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions to the Vlasovā€“Poisson System 2021 Alexandru D. Ionescu
BenoƮt Pausader
Xuecheng Wang
Klaus Widmayer
+ PDF Chat Propagation of Regularity and Long Time Behavior of 3D Massive Relativistic Transport Equation I: Vlasovā€“Nordstrƶm System 2021 Xuecheng Wang
+ On the asymptotic behavior of solutions to the Vlasov-Poisson system 2020 Alexandru D. Ionescu
BenoƮt Pausader
Xuecheng Wang
Klaus Widmayer
+ Global solution of the $3D$ relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell system for the large radial data 2020 Xuecheng Wang
+ Global solution of the 3D relativistic Vlasov-Poisson system for a class of large data 2020 Xuecheng Wang
+ Global regularity for the 3D finite depth capillary water waves 2020 Xuecheng Wang
+ On the asymptotic behavior of solutions to the Vlasov-Poisson system 2020 Alexandru D. Ionescu
BenoƮt Pausader
Xuecheng Wang
Klaus Widmayer
+ Global solution for the 3D gravity water waves system above a flat bottom 2019 Xuecheng Wang
+ Propagation of regularity and long time behavior of $3D$ massive relativistic transport equation I: Vlasov-Nordstrƶm system 2018 Xuecheng Wang
+ Propagation of regularity and long time behavior of the $3D$ massive relativistic transport equation II: Vlasov-Maxwell system 2018 Xuecheng Wang
+ Decay estimates for the $3D$ relativistic and non-relativistic Vlasov-Poisson systems 2018 Xuecheng Wang
+ PDF Chat Global Infinite Energy Solutions for the 2D Gravity Water Waves System 2017 Xuecheng Wang
+ PDF Chat On the 3-dimensional water waves system above a flat bottom 2017 Xuecheng Wang
+ PDF Chat Global solution for the $3D$ quadratic Schrƶdinger equation of $Q(u, \bar{u}$) type 2017 Xuecheng Wang
+ PDF Chat Global Existence for the 2D Incompressible Isotropic Elastodynamics for Small Initial Data 2016 Xuecheng Wang
+ Global solution for the $3D$ quadratic Schrƶdinger equation of $Q(u, \bar{u})$ type 2016 Xuecheng Wang
+ Global regularity for the 3D finite depth capillary water waves 2016 Xuecheng Wang
+ Global solution for the 3D gravity water waves system above a flat bottom 2015 Xuecheng Wang
+ On Global Existence of 3D Charge Critical Diracā€“Kleinā€“Gordon System 2015 Xuecheng Wang
+ Global infinite energy solutions for the 2D gravity water waves system 2015 Xuecheng Wang
+ Global existence for the 2D incompressible isotropic elastodynamics for small initial data 2014 Xuecheng Wang
+ On Global Existence of 3D Charge Critical Dirac-Klein-Gordon system: Small Radial data in the Scale invariant Space 2013 Xuecheng Wang
+ Global regularity for the energy-critical NLS on \( S^{3} \) 2013 Xuecheng Wang
Benoit Pausader
Nikolay Tzvetkov
+ On Global Existence of 3D Charge Critical Dirac-Klein-Gordon system 2013 Xuecheng Wang
+ Global regularity for the energy-critical NLS on $\mathbb{S}^3$ 2012 Benoit Pausader
Nikolay Tzvetkov
Xuecheng Wang
+ PDF Chat A Beurlingā€“Hƶrmander theorem associated with the Riemannā€“Liouville operator 2011 Xuecheng Wang
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Propagation of moments and regularity for the 3-dimensional Vlasov-Poisson system 1991 P. L. Lions
BenoıĢ‚t Perthame
+ PDF Chat Small Data Solutions of the Vlasov-Poisson System and the Vector Field Method 2016 Jacques Smulevici
+ Global classical solutions of the Vlasov-Poisson system in three dimensions for general initial data 1992 K. Pfaffelmoser
+ PDF Chat Decay estimates for the $ 3D $ relativistic and non-relativistic Vlasov-Poisson systems 2022 Xuecheng Wang
+ PDF Chat Optimal Gradient Estimates and Asymptotic Behaviour for the Vlasovā€“Poisson System with Small Initial Data 2011 Hyung Ju Hwang
Alan D. Rendall
Juan J. L. VelƔzquez
+ Global existence of smooth solutions to the vlasov poisson system in three dimensions 1991 Jack Schaeffer
+ A new approach to study the Vlasov-Maxwell system 2002 SergiĆ¹ Klainerman
Gigliola Staffilani
+ PDF Chat On the water-wave equations with surface tension 2011 Thomas Alazard
Nicolas Burq
Claude Zuily
+ Well-posedness of the free-surface incompressible Euler equations with or without surface tension 2007 Daniel Coutand
Steve Shkoller
+ PDF Chat Well-posedness in Sobolev spaces of the full water wave problem in 3-D 1999 Sijue Wu
+ PDF Chat Global existence for the Vlasov-Poisson equation in 3 space variables with small initial data 1985 Pierre Degond
Claude Bardos
+ PDF Chat Strichartz Estimates and Moment Bounds for the Relativistic Vlasovā€“Maxwell System 2015 Jonathan Luk
Robert M. Strain
+ PDF Chat The zero surface tension limit twoā€dimensional water waves 2005 David A. Ambrose
Nader Masmoudi
+ PDF Chat Well-posedness in Sobolev spaces of the full water wave problem in 2-D 1997 Sijue Wu
+ Well-posedness of the water-waves equations 2005 David Lannes
+ PDF Chat Well-posedness for the motion of an incompressible liquid with free surface boundary 2005 Hans Lindblad
+ PDF Chat On the motion of the free surface of a liquid 2000 Demetrios Christodoulou
Hans Lindblad
+ PDF Chat On the Finite-Time Splash and Splat Singularities for the 3-D Free-Surface Euler Equations 2013 Daniel Coutand
Steve Shkoller
+ PDF Chat Gravity Waves on the Free Surface of an Incompressible Perfect Fluid of Finite Depth 1982 Hideaki Yosihara
+ PDF Chat Almost global wellposedness of the 2-D full water wave problem 2009 Sijue Wu
+ PDF Chat The Orbital Stability of the Ground States and the Singularity Formation for the Gravitational Vlasov Poisson System 2008 Mohammed Lemou
Florian MĆ©hats
Pierre Raphaƫl
+ PDF Chat Finite time singularities for the free boundary incompressible Euler equations 2013 Ɓngel Castro
Diego CĆ³rdoba
Charles Fefferman
Francisco Gancedo
Javier GĆ³mez-Serrano
+ Decay estimates for a class of wave equations 2008 Zihua Guo
Lizhong Peng
Baoxiang Wang
+ PDF Chat Global solutions for the gravity water waves equation in dimension 3 2012 Pierre Germain
Nader Masmoudi
Jilal Shatah
+ PDF Chat Global solutions of quasilinear systems of Kleinā€“Gordon equations in 3D 2014 Alexandru D. Ionescu
BenoƮt Pausader
+ PDF Chat Global wellposedness of the 3-D full water wave problem 2010 Sijue Wu
+ Uniform decay estimates and the lorentz invariance of the classical wave equation 1985 SergiĆ¹ Klainerman
+ PDF Chat Two Dimensional Water Waves in Holomorphic Coordinates 2016 John K. Hunter
Mihaela Ifrim
Daniel Tataru
+ PDF Chat A New Continuation Criterion for the Relativistic Vlasovā€“Maxwell System 2014 Jonathan Luk
Robert M. Strain
+ Global analysis of a model for capillary water waves in 2D 2014 Alexandru D. Ionescu
Fabio Pusateri
+ PDF Chat A refined existence criterion for the relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell system 2014 Christophe Pallard
+ PDF Chat A vector field method for relativistic transport equations with applications 2017 David Fajman
JƩrƩmie Joudioux
Jacques Smulevici
+ PDF Chat Absence of shocks in an initially dilute collisionless plasma 1987 Robert T. Glassey
Walter A. Strauss
+ PDF Chat Global solutions for the gravity water waves system in 2d 2014 Alexandru D. Ionescu
Fabio Pusateri
+ PDF Chat The Lifespan of Small Data Solutions in Two Dimensional Capillary Water Waves 2017 Mihaela Ifrim
Daniel Tataru
+ On the boundedness of the momentum support of solutions to the relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell system 2005 Christophe Pallard
+ PDF Chat The Eulerā€“Poisson System in 2D: Global Stability of the Constant Equilibrium Solution 2012 Alexandru D. Ionescu
BenoƮt Pausader
+ Yet another criterion for global existence in the 3D relativistic Vlasovā€“Maxwell system 2015 Markus Kunze
+ The "Two and One-Half Dimensional" Relativistic Vlasov Maxwell System 1997 Robert T. Glassey
Jack Schaeffer
+ PDF Chat On the Cauchy problem for gravity water waves 2014 Thomas Alazard
Nicolas Burq
Claude Zuily
+ PDF Chat Landau Damping in Finite Regularity for Unconfined Systems with Screened Interactions 2017 Jacob Bedrossian
Nader Masmoudi
ClƩment Mouhot
+ A small data theorem for collisionless plasma that includes high velocity particles 2004 Jack Schaeffer
+ PDF Chat Global Solutions for 3D Quadratic Schrodinger Equations 2008 Pierre Germain
Nader Masmoudi
Jalal Shatah
+ Remark on the asymptotic behavior of the klein gordon equation in ā„<sup><i>n</i>+1</sup> 1993 SergiĆ¹ Klainerman
+ PDF Chat Global existence for the relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell system with nearly neutral initial data 1988 Robert T. Glassey
Jack Schaeffer
+ PDF Chat Classical solvability of the relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell system with bounded spatial density 2009 Reinel Sospedraā€Alfonso
Reinhard Illner
+ Large velocities in the relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell equations 1989 Robert T. Glassey
Walter A. Strauss
+ Modified scattering for the Vlasovā€“Poisson system 2016 Sun-Ho Choi
Soonsik Kwon
+ Three new results on continuation criteria for the 3D relativistic Vlasovā€“Maxwell system 2017 Neel Patel
+ On the Cauchy problem for a capillary drop. Part I: irrotational motion 1998 Klaus Beyer
Matthias GĆ¼nther